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Authors: Bonnie Vanak

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A calculating look entered her aunt’s eyes. Lexie squeezed Jackson’s hand, deeply worried. Backing Nikita into a corner would force her alpha into making desperate choices.

“I want the challenge to begin in two weeks,” Nikita said.

Aiden shook his head. “Four weeks. I need Darius back here to run operations while I’m gone. Darius went to Oregon to claim his mate. She’s alive. Knowing him, he’s probably buried balls deep inside her right now.” His gaze glittered. “When you want a female that bad for that long, you can’t wait to consummate the mating bond.”

Nikita scowled. “I won’t go easy, Mitchell.”

His smile held a hint of sex. “I wouldn’t anticipate anything less. It’ll take some time to tame you in bed. I’ve been patient with you long enough, Nikita. I will challenge you for dominance of your pack. The moment I win, you will be under me and submit to my will.” His smile deepened. “In more ways than one.”

Nikita gave him a level look. “Try it and I’ll put more than scratches on your back, you son of a bitch.”

“Looking forward to it, sweetheart.”

A snarl erupted from Nikita’s mouth. Claws emerged from her fingers. But then Aiden did something totally unpredictable. He picked up Nikita’s hand, claws and all, and kissed each trembling digit.

“We’ll make a good team, Niki. Drop your pride and stop this. Join with me, join our people and we’ll have the strongest pack in the west.”

An odd, wounded look entered her gaze. “You can’t come to my ranch,” Nikita whispered. “You just can’t.”

Aiden rubbed her hand against his bearded cheek. “Tell me, Niki. Why do you always insist no males visit you? What’s wrong? I want to help.”

A shadow touched her aunt’s face. Then she yanked her hand away. “Help? You can’t help, Mitchell. And I’ll drop my pride when you drop down to the ground, bloody and wounded, from fighting your competitors.”

Aiden smiled. “Oh, and the third condition? Full physical to prove you’re still a virgin and eligible to become my mate and bear my young, according to pack law.”

Pack law dictated Aiden had to mate with an untouched female to ensure any young were fathered by him, Lexie realized.

“Maybe I’ll find a willing male to remedy my virginity before the challenge.”

Aiden clasped her chin firmly. “Try it and I’ll shred the male with my claws and scatter his body all over your territory as a warning. You don’t want that death on your conscience.”

Nikita fell silent. Aiden slid an arm around her waist. She did not pull away.

Then he bent his head and kissed her. Nikita struggled at first, then relaxed, her arms winding around the alpha’s neck. Aiden gave a soft growl and drew her closer.

The Blakemore alpha rubbed against him as they kept kissing.

“Whoa,” Jackson murmured.

Whoa indeed. She knew her aunt harbored a secret crush on Aiden, but this chemistry....the room temperature must have kicked up several degrees.

When he released her, Aiden’s gaze darkened to onyx. “A small sample, sweetheart, of what you can expect from me.”

Eyes huge, Nikita licked her kiss-swollen mouth. Suddenly her fist shot out and she decked Aiden. Spiraling from the punch, he staggered back against the wide desk.

“A small sample,
, of what you can expect from me.”

A deep, husky laugh rumbled from Aiden as he wiped a small crimson smear off his lip. “We’re even now, Blakemore. Blood from me to match the blood you’ll spill on our mating bed when I claim you.”

As the pretty alpha stormed out the door, Aiden stared after her with a terrible longing that made Lexie’s heart squeeze tight. He caught her studying him.

“I care deeply about her,” he said quietly. “Have for a long time. She’s just too stubborn to realize it.”

“She’ll be okay.” Relief spilled through Lexie. “It’s about time someone took her in hand, because things are so bad at the ranch.”

The big alpha’s shoulders sagged. “Lexie, what is wrong with Nikita’s pack?”

She shook her head. “I don’t know… no one will tell me. I’ve always lived in a cabin far from the lodge so I don’t mix much with the pack, but there are rumors. And the males, not that there were many anyway, but the ones who lived there… over the past year, they’ve all vanished.”

Aiden and Jackson exchanged glances. “Left?” Aiden asked.

“I thought so. Until one night when I saw Nikita and her beta in the pasture. They were both sobbing…and digging a grave.”

Blood drained from Aiden’s face. Jackson softly swore.

Turmoil squeezed her stomach. “Shedoesn’t want you there because she’s too proud, Aiden. I think it’s to protect you.”

He nodded. “Perhaps. But now it’s my turn to protect her.”

This big male, with his sometimes gruff attitude and tender heart, wanted her aunt. And Nikita needed help, fast. Lexie relaxed.

“If anyone can help her out of this, it’s you, Aiden.”

They left the alpha alone in his study, staring thoughtfully out the window.

“Come walk with me,” she told Jackson. “We need to talk.”

Pale moonlight washed over them as they strolled to the nearby paddock. Lexie leaned against the railings. Soon, she’d run with the pack and her new mate.

She bit her lip. “Now that Aiden has stepped forward with Nikita. I’m not riding on the rodeo circuit anymore. I’ll stay with you on the ranch and work in the stables, with the horses.”

The guarded look dropped from Jackson’s gaze.

“I’ve always wanted you, Jackson,” she whispered. “I just wanted the rodeo life as badly. I wish, how I wish, I could have both. The Silver Wizard said I can’t.”

Amusement entered his gaze as he stepped forward and framed her face with his work-roughened hands.

“Darling, I know conditions when I hear them. I’m a gambling man, remember?” He stroked a thumb over her cheek, his touch making her shiver. “Tristan said you couldn’t race in the Bordello rodeo. Never said anything about hanging up your saddle for good.”

Faint hope flared. “But you wanted me settled, here, with you.”

Jackson sighed. “I want you, Lex. Either riding on the circuit or here at home. I’ll take you any damn way I can have you. We’ll work something out with Aiden so I can be with my rodeo queen when she travels. I’ve been practicing my roping. Maybe I’ll even enter a competition.”

“You’re very good with a rope,” she said, her heart beating faster. “But will Aiden agree?”

He kissed her, his mouth warm and firm. “Aiden’ll learn to accept it with conditions. I love you, Lexie. And I’m yours. Where you go, I go.”

She slid her arms about his neck. “No more conditions between us, Jackson. Never again. ‘Cause I love you, Jackson Palmer. Unconditionally.”






Author’s Note


If you enjoyed this book, look for others in my Werewolves of Montana series.


Book 1: The Mating Chase

Book 2: The Mating Hunt

Book 3: The Mating Seduction

Book 4, The Mating Rite, Darius’ story, coming soon.

Book 5: The Mating Challenge, Aiden’s story, coming soon.

Book 6: The Mating Season, Tristan’s story, coming soon.


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