Masters of Death (58 page)

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Authors: Richard Rhodes

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Blobel-Heydrich meeting:
EG Trial Tr., p. 1618.

IMT, NO-3947.
“constructed several experimental”:
Höss affidavit, NA 895, roll 11, NO-4498.
“the aerodynamic arrangement”:
Spector (1990), p. 159.
“At the end of the summer”:
Spector (1990), p. 161.

“refused to carry out”:
EG Trial Tr., pp. 1617–18.
“It was in May”:
EG Trial Tr., p. 1618.
“the ashes should be”:
NA RG 895, roll 11, NO-4498.
“the work itself”:
NA RG 895, roll 11, NO-4498.
“Dr. Thomas in June”:
EG Trial Tr., p. 1619.

“The Higher SS”:
EG Trial Tr., p. 1619.
“We were mobilized”:
Mishell (1988), p. 197.

“According to my orders”:
IMT, NO-3947.

“extraordinarily active”:
Padfield (1990), p. 400.
“You won’t understand”:
Kersten (1956), pp. 132–35.

“Of the Polish population”:
Madajczyk (1962), p. 392.
“resettlement” by 31 December 1942:
Padfield (1990), p. 396.
quoted in Breitman (1991), p. 238.
“without comment”:
Höss (1992), p. 287.

Beating of prostitute:
Höss (1992), p. 289.
“For this occasion”:
Padfield (1990), pp. 416–17.
“For Himmler’s visit”:
Moshe Bahir in Novitch (1980), p. 156.
“that the evacuation”:
quoted in Fleming (1984), pp. 20–21.

“determined Himmler”:
cf Arad (1987), p. 365ff.
“In Russia thousands”:
quoted in Padfield (1990), p. 429.
4 October 1943 Himmler speech:
IMT, PS-1919.

Jeckeln sorting jewelry:
Hilberg (1985), p. 361, n. 75.
“no mention”:
Peter Haidu, “The Dialectics of Unspeakability: Language, Silence, and the Narratives of Desubjectification,” in Saul Friedlander, ed.,
Probing the Limits of Representation
(Harvard University Press, 1992), p. 286.
“I ask of you”:
quoted in Padfield (1990), p. 469.

Sereny story:
Sereny (1995), p. 309ff.

“Himmler said that”:
Kersten (1957), pp. 238–39.
“I want to bury”:
Kersten (1957), p. 286.
“The world in which Himmler”:
Speer (1970), pp. 486–87.

Hitler ordering Himmler’s arrest and expulsion:
Padfield (1990), pp. 597–98.
“I was commanded by”:
quoted in Fest (1970), p. 324, n. 40.

“He behaved perfectly correctly”:
quoted in Breitman (1991), p. 8.
Himmler’s death:
Breitman (1991), p. 7ff; Padfield (1990), p. 608ff.


Ferencz information:
interview with Benjamin B. Ferencz, New Rochelle, New York, 15 September 2000.

275 Four other EG leaders executed: MacLean (1999), p. 142.
More than one hundred EG members:
Arad et al. (1989), p. xvi.; 472 defendants: de Mildt (1996), p. 21.

276 Dirlewanger death: MacLean (1998), p. 226.

“I was Hitler’s man”:
quoted in Bartoszewski (1961), p. 57.
“It consisted of 20,000”:
Reitlinger (1957), p. 199.

“We, on our part”:
quoted in Morse (1968), p. 204.
“As we have”:
quoted in Morse (1968), p. 212.
German newspaper editorial:
quoted in Morse (1968), p. 214.
“The Germans did not know”:
Bauer (2001), pp. 25–27. Hitler in the war: cf. Victor (1998), pp. 55–56.
“In the Nazi case”:
Bauer (2001), p. 28.

“between the mass slaughter”:
Vialles (1994), p. 31.
“We are left”:
Vialles (1994), p. 45.
“so that each person”:
Vialles (1994), p. 46.
“Back in the days”:
Vialles (1994), p. 76.

“It is a thought-provoking”:
Vialles (1994), p. 51.
“The 1835 [English] law”:
quoted in Vialles (1994), p. 122.

“The logic of the industrial”:
Vialles (1994), p. 65.
“Seven weeks have passed”:
Sabrin (1991), p. 121.


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