Masque (8 page)

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Authors: Lexi Post

BOOK: Masque
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He smirked as he dropped his hand. “The rooms change after
midnight much like the Purple one did. The bed in the Blue Room comes up from
beneath the floor. That is by far the simplest room.”

“How do they change? There is no electricity in the Abbey.”

“It’s a complicated series of cogs, wheels and pulleys that
when set in motion, change each room at the same time. Quite ingenious.” From
the look on his face, she’d have thought he’d designed the mechanisms himself.
He must love the Abbey to have so much pride in its inner workings.

She leaned forward and rested her elbows on the desk. “Does
that mean when you said this abbey was built as a Pleasure Palace, it didn’t
have anything to do with the music room, or the billiards room, or the game
room, but rather with the rooms after midnight?”

He nodded once. “Correct. Each room has, let us say, a more
advanced experience.”

They were currently in the Green Room, the library. “What
experience does this room offer after midnight?”

He shook his head and sat in the wingback chair across from
her desk. “I can’t tell you that. Each room must be experienced in order to
appreciate the Masque.”

The sensual look he gave her had her remembering the image
of them both in masks as he lay on top of her. A warm shiver seeped through her
body. “You mean, I would have to participate in each one to discover its

He crossed his ankle onto his knee and watched her keenly.
“Yes. In order.” His gaze held her own and excitement shone in his eyes.

What would it be like to experience that? She studied Synn.
Some of his hair lay upon his left shoulder, but its length only enhanced the
masculinity of his sculpted features. A heady feeling flowed through her veins
as she lost herself in his striking eyes. The man before her had been her
lover, and it appeared he wanted to continue in such a role. Bryce wouldn’t
approve. But Bryce wasn’t part of her life anymore. So screw him.

Synn broke their connection and studied his coat sleeve.
“Then again, it may not be right for you. Not many women are that adventurous.
Back then, there were but a few who participated and even fewer who continued
through to the Black Room.”

If he thought she was some wimpy female, he was dead wrong.
She might not have had a lot of variety in her sexual encounters, but she had
been more than willing. Yeah, and that worked just great. She ended up no
longer engaged.

She slumped back in her chair. It was wrong. Classy women
didn’t have sex in front of… Wait, Eve and Jonathan were upper crust. At least
their clothes appeared that way. They were ghosts, but they had been alive at
some point and participated hadn’t they? “Did you say a prince owned this

Synn’s eyebrows rose in question but he answered. “Yes,
Prince Prospero. He came from Sweden to settle in Nova Scotia. As a third son,
he had little chance of inheriting the throne, but here he had become very
popular and served as a member of the assembly. Why do you ask?”

Rena jumped up. Her blood raced through her veins like a
thoroughbred racing to the finish line. Maybe a part of her wanted to show
Bryce she wasn’t beneath him because she enjoyed sexual variety, but really she
wanted to show herself. Maybe it was time to stop fighting her natural
curiosity and see exactly what her limits were. Could she make it through to
the Black Room where few women ever entered? More importantly, did they leave
satisfied? That’s what she planned to discover. “I’ll do it!”

She stepped closer to Synn. His expression was priceless.
Confusion warred with excitement and caution. She’d have him as a regular
lover, wouldn’t she? She took a step back and found her butt against the desk.
She grasped it to steady her nerves. “Do I do this alone or with you?”

He rose, all six foot four of graceful muscle beneath
impeccably tailored nineteenth-century clothes. He closed in on her and held
her jaw again, his lazy thumb stroking her cheek. “I will be your guide through
every room.” His gaze remained cautious. “Are you sure?”

Her heart pounded as she pushed Bryce’s voice out of her
head. She nodded, too breathless to speak.

He smiled. A real smile that made her heart take notice.
Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to hers in a gentle kiss, pushing her
against the desk. His body told her he wanted her, but his lips said something
else, something sweeter.

Synn lifted his head. “Then we’ll continue tonight.” He
turned to leave, but she grabbed his arm.

“Wait. Aren’t you going to tell me more about the Abbey’s

His smirk returned as he bowed. “Definitely. Tonight.”

She let him go, anticipation already speeding her
metabolism. She had a party to go to tonight with a devastatingly handsome man.
She needed to make herself as sophisticated as she could.

She left the library and entered the Purple Room with its
theater stage. What could be more adventurous than having sex in front of an

Tonight, she’d find out. Excited, she passed into the
entryway and headed up the stairs. Should she wear her short red or black
evening dress?

Oh, damn. She stopped mid-stair and turned around to
descend. They had no hot water unless she boiled it first. Crossing her arms
over her chest, she headed for the kitchen. Damn, the things a woman had to go
through to have a little sex. She grinned. Then again, with a male specimen
like Synn, it was well worth it.

Chapter Seven


Synn found Valerie in the kitchen, overseeing the work of
three men. He found it strange they would listen to her about such critical
building needs. She must be related to someone of importance. He’d tread
carefully with her since she could influence Rena the wrong way.

She spoke to one man as she pointed to a large hole in the
kitchen wall. That must have been the task Matt had told him about, the one he
felt unqualified to perform. When she finished, she headed for the door where
he stood.

“What is it, Synn? I’ve got a lot to do here and if you’re
not going to help, you need to get out of the way.”

As she brushed by him, he smelled lilacs. How strange. He
didn’t see this straightforward woman as one to wear such a flowery scent. He
much preferred Rena’s pomegranate fragrance. Shrugging, he followed her into
the dining room. “Rena told me you had a visitor last night.”

She stopped her movements for a moment before she set down
the pile of papers she’d been rifling through. He couldn’t help but notice one
of her hands shook. Someone truly frightened her.

She looked directly at him. “Yeah, I had a naked ghost
floating around my room picking through my stuff. He dropped something on the
dresser, which woke me up.”

Synn motioned for her to take a seat and she did. “Did he
appear curious or was he looking for something?”

She played with the corner of her notebook. “I’m not sure.
He didn’t just touch each item, he touched every part of it, like a blind
person would, but it was less like he was trying to understand them, and more
like he caressed them.”

A strong chill filled Synn’s soul at her description. “What
did he touch?”

“Everything. My hairbrush, my perfume, my jeans, my
underwear, which I have to tell you, really creeped me out. If he had been
alive, I would have decked him, but what am I supposed to do with a ghost?”

Synn laid a hand on Valerie’s shoulder. “Nothing. You do
nothing. I will take care of this ghost. He will not be in your room tonight.”

She lifted her brow. “How can you be so sure?”

“Because I won’t allow it.” He removed his hand and turned,
but looked back as he strode away. “If you have Matt knock out the hole in the
dining room wall that you want, you will hit water pipes.”

Before she could respond, he strode from the room and
dematerialized to float up the stairs.

He had work to do. First he’d speak to Eric, then he needed
to prepare for the Green Room, the library, where knowledge could be gained on
many subjects and many people, depending on the time of day…or night.

* * * * *

Rena paced the floor of her room, no easy task in four-inch
heels. Tonight was worse than the night she lost her virginity. At least then
she knew what would happen, or thought she knew. The fireworks and excitement
of her big moment had been awkward and uncomfortable at best. Tonight could
very well be the same.

No. She had to believe it would be exciting. Having sex with
Synn was amazing, and participating in these rooms appeared to be how he
enjoyed it. New experiences, no intimacy. What more could she ask while
focusing on proving she had what it takes to be successful? Besides, her
natural sexual curiosity had been piqued. How far would she go?

She sat on the bed, careful not to let the black, skintight sheath
dress ride up her thighs. She wore her hot-pink thong underneath as a surprise.
She could imagine Synn’s smirk when he found the bright color beneath her
sophisticated cocktail dress. How opposite he and Bryce were. Both had class,
but while Bryce had money and the world at his fingertips, Synn was content to
camp in an old abbey and enjoy the company of ghosts.

She checked her watch and started to pace again. Where was
he? It was after midnight. By now, the rooms would have changed.

Reaching the end of her room in her agitation, she turned to
find the man of the hour standing inside her door. How the hell did he do that?
“Sheesh, Synn. You almost scared the life out of me.” She put her hand over her
rapidly beating heart and took a deeper breath.

He stood still, but his eyes devoured her.

Her breathing under control, she approached him warily
because right now he reminded her of a wolf. “Synn?”

His gaze reached her face and his neck muscles constricted
as he swallowed. “You look like a goddess tonight.”

Wow, that had to be the most unique compliment she’d had in
her entire life. Her cheeks warmed. “Thank you. Any one in particular?”


His lack of hesitation combined with the desire in his eyes
had her body responding with liquid warmth. Oh boy, she was in trouble.

He took a step closer, making her tilt her head back to hold
his gaze.

“You are the embodiment of the goddess of love. Every
rounded curve begs a man for attention, from your bountiful breasts to your
enticing hips. I could sink between your thighs for hours.”

“Oh my.” How could he say such dirty things and be so
classy? She must have stepped into heaven, or Olympus, as he would have it.

He handed her a simple black mask, and she tied it behind
her head. When he crooked his arm in invitation, she hesitated. She’d hoped for
at least one private kiss, but he didn’t make any moves, so she linked her arm
in his and let him escort her downstairs.

In the Blue Room, a dark-haired couple were already close to
orgasm on the round bed. As she and Synn strolled through the Purple Room, she
caught every angle of a couple engaged in oral sex, though the audience wasn’t
quite as riveted as the night she was on stage.

Stepping into the library, she stopped. Synn halted with her
as she took in all the changes. There were no bookshelves to be seen on the
main floor. Instead there were a number of beds and what appeared to be workout
benches shaped in strange configurations, so contorted she had no clue how they
could be used. It appeared the only constants in the room from the daytime were
the iron spiral stairs and her three-by-six-foot desk.

She shook her head. “What happens in this room? There’s no
one here yet.”

Without hesitation, he unhooked their arms and pulled her
into an embrace. His lips sought hers as his hand held her head.

She acquiesced readily, anxious to show him her willingness
to experiment. As she melted against him, his other hand pushed her ass into
him and another hand slid up her side to cup her breast.

Wait! Synn didn’t have three hands. She pulled back.

He smirked, a devilish glint in his eye.

She looked around to see where the third hand had come from
and found Matt, in a simple black mask and dashing tux, standing behind her. He

She glanced back at Synn. “What’s going on here?”

“You asked what happens in this room. I just gave you the

“What answer? All I know is …” The picture in the sex
journal flitted through her brain. Two men, one woman, basically heaven. She
studied Matt. He looked a bit sheepish but ridiculously eager. And damn if her
pussy hadn’t already decided for her as it contracted with the knowledge she
would have two men tonight.

Synn used his finger beneath her chin to bring her attention
back to him. “Do you still want to participate in the Masque?”

His eyes had to be the windows to his soul because beyond
desire and honest solicitation, she glimpsed fear and something else.

“Rena? I can escort you back to your room if you wish.”

No way. She could be as adventurous as he was. She shook her
head and gave him her best flirtatious look. “I’m all yours.”

Matt chose that moment to press his overeager body against
her back, his hard-on fitting between her ass cheeks. “And mine.”

She laughed in abandon and threw her arms up. “Yes. I’m both
of yours.”

Synn’s easy smile took her breath away before he lifted her
into his arms and nodded at Matt. He brought her to the wrought iron spiral
stairs and set her down. “Up you go to the third step.”

Curious, she followed his instruction. It brought her
halfway around. “Now what?”

He walked in front of her. “Sit on that step.”

She sat, facing the upper steps, her legs hanging off the
back. Her dress rode up, but as she reached to adjust it, his hands caught hers
and he shook his head. Another stair was a bit above her chest and Synn pulled
her arms over it. “Lean here. You may need the support.”

She smirked. It was like Twister, but much easier and it
gave her the freedom to enjoy.

Matt stood next to Synn. “You look very sexy tonight, Rena.”

“Thank you, Matt. You look quite dashing yourself.”

“Thanks, Synn gave me the—”

“Rena. I want you to hang on to the bars on each side of
that stair.” Synn’s tone brooked no argument and made it clear he was in

She nodded. The anticipation of what would happen next had
her body tense and loose at the same time.

Synn took off his evening jacket and rolled his sleeves,
slowly. She could tell he enjoyed making her wait. She swung her legs like a
little girl, impatient to discover what he would do next, or rather what he and
Matt would do. Matt had already thrown his tux jacket onto one of the strange
curved benches and stood ready. Synn threw a pillow from a bed onto the floor
below her and knelt. Her blood raced from her head to the center of her legs as
if drawn to the level of Synn’s lips. As she leaned forward onto the next
stair, Matt stepped to the side of Synn. Rena licked her lips.

“Spread your legs, Rena.” Synn’s deep voice vibrated so
close to her pussy, her legs opened of their own accord.

He pulled the stretchy material of her dress farther up the
sides of her legs and out from under her ass. The only barrier between her clit
and his lips was a small stretch of hot-pink nylon. Synn blew on it, causing
her clit to pay attention. Matt reached under the stair she leaned on and
pulled her dress down beneath her breasts, effectively pushing them over the
top. Her nipples tightened at their open display.

Matt stared. “Wow. You’ve got big boobs. I love big boobs.”

“Matt.” Synn’s voice held a note of warning.

Was Synn trying to teach Matt how to treat a lady in a
Pleasure Room of all places? She shook her head at the incongruity, but Synn
was a gentleman. Always.

“Right.” Matt closed his mouth, obviously determined not to
say more.

What else he might do was lost as Synn’s voice moved against
her thong once again. “Pink is attractive on you.”

She didn’t reply, her attention elsewhere as Synn’s tongue
stroked over her thong. It was on his tongue’s second stroke that Matt’s mouth
found her left nipple. The dual sensations converged together and her pussy
swelled. Synn’s finger pulled the thong aside and he ran his tongue between her
folds and over her clit while Matt’s mouth encapsulated her nipple and sucked.

Rena moaned with pleasure, unable to focus on anything but
the sensations the two men created. Pure sexual desire unfurled within her
pussy and she moved her hips against Synn’s mouth as he explored every inch of
her swollen folds. Matt, though not as skilled, suckled and teased each breast
equally, much to her pleasure.

She didn’t know if it was planned or simple luck that had
Synn’s mouth on her clit just as Matt scraped his teeth across her nipple, but
her body tensed with heady need and she grasped the railings hard. “Oh.”

Both men reacted to her excitement and repeated their attentions.
Synn swirled her clit with his tongue as Matt played her nipples between his
teeth. The joint sensations bowed her over the steps, spiraled down from her
core and convulsed in her pussy. Her orgasm strung her like a bow and her
juices seeped into Synn’s mouth. Panting with her release, she let go of the
railing and rested her head on the step. Synn stood, and moving Matt aside,
lifted her head and kissed her.

Shocked, she attempted to pull away, but Synn’s hand grasped
the back of her head. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, making her taste
her own tanginess. At his masterful kiss, all resistance to the experience
fled. Forbidden flavor washed over her tongue as Synn’s danced with hers. When
he pulled away, she was breathless.

Synn began to undress, his unhurried movements captivating
her despite Matt’s quick strip nearby. While Matt was energized bulk, Synn had
a sinuous completeness to him, his muscles developed yet melding into each
other, giving the impression of overall power. Matt, though built like a
bodybuilder, appeared stiff though ready, if his thick cock was any indication.

The erotic sight of the two male bodies had her pussy
responding, tightening once again.

Synn lifted her from the stairway and brought her to stand
next to a strange padded bench low to the floor. With his fingers, he pulled
down her thong and threw it on a nearby chair. “You won’t need that.”

From habit, she started to pull her dress down, but Synn’s
hands caught hers. “No.”

Before she could ask why, he picked her up and set her on
his lap as he sat in the chair. He opened his legs to fit the contours, pushing
hers behind his, spreading her farther, leaving her folds wide open. Her dress
was bunched above her hips and below her breasts. The disarray of her clothing
made her feel like a wanton.

Matt threw a cushion to the floor between her legs and

“Sit back against me.” Synn’s breath in her ear sent shivers
racing across her skin down to her toes. As she let him take her full weight,
his hands stroked her belly before moving upward to cup her breasts. Barely
breathing, she watched as his thumbs hovered above her nipples. Anxious to have
them make contact, her hardened nubs strained forward to reach him, but it was
the warm tongue thrusting into her pussy that made her jump.

“Oh yes.” Her voice was barely a whisper, but she didn’t
care as long as the invasion continued.

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