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Authors: Lexi Post

Masque (18 page)

BOOK: Masque
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“About time. Your bouncer here wouldn’t let me in until you
arrived. I’ve been waiting ten minutes already. As if it isn’t bad enough I had
to get up in the middle of the night to attend this party. I also had to wear
this costume.” Bryce wore a tan version of Synn’s outfit minus the top hat. It
fit him well and complemented his fairness, which paled considerably next to

Synn gave his condescending nod. “We are very glad you could
join us. I apologize for your wait, but there are a few rules to the Masque you
need to be aware of.”

Rena grimaced at how polite Synn was when Bryce acted like a
spoiled brat. Had she really been engaged to this man?

“Rules? For a party? You mean like leave your keys at the
door so no one drives home drunk?”

Synn looked at her in question.

She shrugged. She’d never been to that kind of party with

Synn wrapped his arm about her waist. “Our rules are, first,
anyone with a mask on is entitled to keep their identity a secret. However, if
they take their mask off or are not wearing one, you can ask their name. They
will not ask yours as long as you have your mask on. Do you have your mask?”

Bryce held up a simple tan mask that matched his pantaloons.
“Anything else?”

“Yes. No one has to do anything they do not want to do. This
is strictly enforced.”

Bryce pulled his mask into place. “Good, I’ve never been
into those childish drinking games.”

Rena coughed to hide her laughter, catching his full

He looked down his nose. “Don’t you think the neckline on
that dress is a bit low?”

She shook her head, truly seeing what an ass he was. “Not
for tonight. It is, after all, a Victorian Masque.”

“I suppose. Now can we go in?”

Synn pulled Rena to the side and opened his arm. “After

They entered the Voyeur Room while a man undressed his
fair-haired companion. As Bryce walked by, staring, the woman blew him a kiss.
He pulled back as if slapped and sped into the Exhibition Room.

Rena glanced at Synn to catch him smirking and suddenly it
all made sense. Synn had designed a plan. Every room they entered was carefully
orchestrated. As Bryce stopped, she glanced at the stage. No one was there yet
and Eve and Jonathan approached once again.

Synn turned to Bryce. “Here are two friends of ours. If you
would like to watch the show, they have reserved you a seat.”

Bryce puffed, gathering his pride like a shield. “Yes, I
wouldn’t mind some entertainment.”

Knowing what he was about to witness, she almost felt bad
for him. Almost.

Eve hooked her arm with Bryce and gestured elegantly. “This
way. We have a front-row seat for you.”

Rena stood on tiptoe to whisper in Synn’s ear. “Aren’t we
going to sit too?”

He responded in kind. “No. We need to be here to go with him
to the next room if he decides to continue.”

As soon as Bryce was seated, a lovely blonde-haired woman
she hadn’t seen before stepped onto the stage in a robe. She resembled a painting
Rena had seen of Lady Godiva. However, this lady made no pretense at shyness or
teasing. She untied the belt and let the robe slither to the floor. Her huge
breasts were high and her hips wide. Her hair fell to her waist in waves and
her legs were long. Rena watched Bryce. His whole body was stiff as a corpse as
he stared.

The woman sauntered to the bed, sat in the middle and began
to play with her own nipples. She twirled and pulled them, kneading her whole
breast and taking one nipple into her mouth.

Rena glanced at her own breasts. Could she do that? It had
never occurred to her.

She returned her gaze to the audience to check Bryce. Was he
leaning forward? Yes. He couldn’t take his eyes off the exhibitionist, the

The beautiful blonde now lay on her back. She spread her
legs wide and stroked her clit. The mirrors surrounding the bed gave every
angle of her performance.

Then she pushed her fingers into her pussy and Rena’s
clenched. A vibration deep inside her caused her to gasp. She didn’t look at
Synn because she didn’t want to see his smirk. How could he walk with the cock
ring buzzing him all night and act so calm? All he had to do was hit that pulse
button on her vibrator and her knees went weak.

The woman moaned. One hand pulled at her nipple while
another rubbed at her clit, the pace much faster now. Rena’s pussy buzzed again
and didn’t stop. With her eyes on the performer’s fingers, her own insides
clenched, the pleasure of the vibration in her pussy causing wetness to seep
down her thighs. Her nails bit into Synn’s arm, but she didn’t care. She would
not make a noise with Bryce practically drooling at the stage.

As the woman came with moans of pleasure, Rena’s vibrations
stopped and she breathed heavily to try to slow her racing heart.

Bryce rose suddenly and stalked from his seat, the woman’s
heavy breathing the only sound in the room.

As he approached, his face flushed with color. “I need a

Synn gestured toward the archway of the next room. “Of
course, right this way. I believe Rena could use something as well.”

She pasted on a smile. Synn would be so sorry he teased her
like this. “I am a bit parched.”

He once again had Bryce precede them, but not before she
caught sight of Synn’s distinct hard-on inside the tight-fitting pants. Pure
satisfaction that he was as excited as she had her grinning like a shopaholic
at Macy’s.

They entered the Threesome Room and found two dark-haired
ladies sitting on one of the large beds. Both were dressed like she was, but
neither wore a mask. They were what she would picture a girl next door to look
like in the late 1800s. Both ladies stood as they approached.

Synn made the introductions. “My friends, this is Beth and

Mary, who had a mole on her left cheek and the reddest lips
Rena had ever seen, stepped close to Bryce and held out her hand. “It is a
pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

He nodded and took her fingers in his in a slight squeeze,
his appreciation evident as his gaze swept to Mary’s ample bosom before his
attention was caught by Beth laying a hand on his arm.

She had ringlets of brown hair framing her face and
beautiful pale-blue eyes. She took his arm. “You are flushed, dear. Would you
like a seat?”

“Thank you, I would.”

The two ladies brought him to the bed to sit.

Synn disengaged his arm from hers. “I will ask Gwen for

With Synn gone, Rena found herself the object of Bryce’s

“What are you running here? A whorehouse?”

Her ire rose along with the heat in her cheeks. “Of course
not. This is a Victorian Masque. People do what they want to do. Thanks to you,
I thought such activities were only for the lowly, but as I have witnessed,
fine ladies like Beth and Mary here can still have healthy sexual appetites.”

Bryce pursed his lips, but Mary stroked his hair, causing him
to relax a little.

Beth crooned, “Oh, you are very hot and stiff. Would you
like to divest yourself of your coat?”

Bryce gazed into her fascinating eyes and nodded.

Rena shook her head. Synn would teach Bryce a very valuable
lesson. Synn’s cleverness melted her heart. She had so much respect for him.
How could she stop from caring for him?

A buzz in her pussy caught her unawares. “Oh.”

“What?” Bryce glared at her.

What did she ever see in this man? “Oh, nothing, I just
remembered I needed to tell Synn about tomorrow night.”

Bryce’s lips turned into a sneer. “Will you be hosting
another Masque?”

She opened her mouth to answer, but Synn entered.

“I brought you a cognac, from France, but if you prefer, I
have single malt scotch as well.”

Bryce shook his head. “The cognac is fine. Thanks.”

Synn handed him the drink before giving her a glass of red
wine. Taking a sip, she let the warmth of the alcohol spread through her,
helping her relax. Synn’s hand came around her waist, moving her dress, which
tugged at her right nipple, sending tingles racing to her already wet pussy.
Glancing at his face, it was clear he knew what he had done, the devil.

Beth smoothed the material on Bryce’s thigh. “These are fine
pantaloons. So soft.”

Mary bent across Bryce, examining his package, exposing her
large breasts to him. His Adam’s apple moved up and down hard. When Mary
brushed his hair from his face, at the same time Beth’s hand touched his cock,
he snapped. Pulling Mary’s mouth to his, his hand grabbed at her breast and she
moaned with pleasure. The movement must have been all Beth needed. She started
to unbutton his pants.

Chapter Fifteen


The bastard! If only she could have filmed him, but even she
wasn’t that adventurous.

Synn’s smile, however, could not have been wider as he
pulled her tight against him and walked her from the room. In the Orgy Room,
Chantal and her friends were in various states of undress, but they simply

Synn stopped and addressed them. “We will let our guest
enjoy himself in the library. He has Beth and Mary to keep him entertained, and
if I’m not mistaken, Annette will be providing him with a show upstairs.

Chantal’s partner nodded, but she pouted. “I guess it be for
de best. We will have to play without him. So,
mon frere
, are we free to
continue the Masque as usual?”

He looked at her as he answered, “Yes, as usual. We will be
making use of the Toy Room.”

Chantal winked. “Enjoy,

Rena blushed and murmured a quick “thank you” before Synn
guided her toward the archway. Every step she took pulling on one nipple then
the other.

Passing through the Delicious Sex Room, Synn only had to nod
before all activity commenced. Women and men climbed onto tables while others
gathered food from the bar and prepared to decorate their favorite person.

When they arrived in the Violet Room, Synn buzzed her pussy
again. They were alone, and she pulled away from him, stumbling as she grabbed
a chair for support. “You have a knack for doing that at the most inopportune

He raised a brow. “Maybe, or maybe they are the perfect
times. Are you wet for me?”

The blunt question caught her off guard and refocused her
attention to the area he referred to. She could be blunt too. “Yes. I’m so wet
it is dripping down my thighs and has been for a while now.”

Synn’s nostrils flared and his eyes shifted. Oh Lord, he was
sexy. His gaze turned predatory and a thrill raced up her back. If he had
planned this much of the evening, what else did he have in store?

“Come here, Rena.”

She hesitated. Maybe she should make him come for her, but a
sudden buzz deep inside had her catching her breath and taking the few steps to
reach him. “Okay, I’m here.” She’d meant her words to sound flippant, but
instead they came out as a husky invitation.

Synn held her face in his hands and kissed her. It began
gentle, loving, but grew passionate as his tongue pushed into her mouth,
conquering her with his demand to taste. As he released her face, his hands
traveled down and pushed her neckline beneath her breasts, a place it had
gravitated to all evening. Carefully, he pulled the chain of the nipple clamps
from her dress and held it in his hand.

She sucked in a breath. She wanted him to tug, but he simply
held it as her pussy clenched with need and her nipples became painfully hard.

Finally, he pulled the chain toward him, stretching her
nipples as he started the buzz deep inside her canal. Any pretense of control
left her. She grabbed his arm to steady herself as he relaxed his hold on the
chain, but left the vibrator humming through her core.

“Synn, please.”

“But we have only begun to play.” His deep voice hit an
octave lower than she’d ever heard before, and a shiver raced across her skin.

She looked into his eyes and found a desire so raw, she
caught her breath, her juices flowing harder. He wanted her, her body, her
pussy. The knowledge was an aphrodisiac. “Then you better turn that damn thing
off or I’m going to come right now.”

He laughed a deep, low rumble, but stopped the vibrating

She stared at his crotch. “How can you stand to have that
cock ring vibrating around you all night?”

He shrugged. “It stopped vibrating before Bryce arrived.”

She stared at him. He hadn’t been tortured and kept in a
constant state of readiness like she had been? Not fair! Her sexual
frustrations were too much. “Urgh.” She slapped his arm hard.

His face turned serious and doubt slid up her spine. That
couldn’t have hurt him. His biceps was as hard as the stone walls that
surrounded them. She caught his gaze and found not anger, but desire and
dominance. The blue of his eyes intensified, and his mouth opened as he
expelled a deep breath.

He grabbed her upper arms, but he didn’t hurt her. The
controlled strength of his hold and the pure power radiating from him made it
clear she was his and he would do as he pleased. Her pussy ached even as her
nipples strained toward him.

His mouth came down upon hers and his tongue swept inside,
branding her. When she was out of breath and only standing upright because of
his hold, he turned her around and bent her over one of the cushioned
barstools. The position moved the vibrator inside her to touch a different
place, causing a whole new set of tingles to race through her arms and legs.
She grasped the barstool to keep herself vertical.

When Synn lifted her skirts, she looked over her shoulder to
see him methodically rolling up the yards of material like a window shade. The
cool air hitting the wet drizzle on her thigh caused her to shiver. He untied
the hoop and pulled it down, and she reveled in his touch against her bare skin.
She caught a glimpse of a long ribbon, and her pussy clenched with
anticipation, but he didn’t use it to bind her. Instead he tied her skirts in
place. Who thought of such a thing? Synn.

He leaned over her, his hard cock through his soft
pantaloons touching her ass as he brought his lips to her ear. “Now, Rena.” His
voice was but a low whisper and yet its command was clear. “I’m going to play
with your body. I’m going to explore your arousal points and give you orgasms
in multiple ways, but I need to know if you trust me. Will you allow me to do
anything I want?”

Her body tightened with need at his words. He was a master
at sexual play. Her only concern was if she would faint. With her breasts
hanging over the edge of the stool, nipple chain swinging and her entire ass
bared, she was at his mercy. A shiver deep within her caused her to clench the
toy inside. Did she trust him? Would she let him do whatever he wanted? “Yes.”

Synn exhaled as he stood and stepped away from her. The
separation sent cool air washing over her exposed parts and she almost
whimpered, but she wouldn’t do that. That would be too pathetic. At least the
air would dry the telltale signs of how aroused she already was.

Synn’s hands grasped her ankles, sending all practical
thoughts from her mind. The manacled feeling turned her muscles to mush and her
pussy to aching, but after a moment, his hands released and smoothed their way
up the inside of her legs until his fingers reached her labia. Her heart sped
as he touched between her folds, around her clit, and at the very opening where
the buzzing inside her started again. She couldn’t help the memories of him
licking the honey from that area or his tongue exploring her while she sat on
the spiral staircase.

He spoke to her ass, his breath arousing. “Do you like that?
Do you like to feel my fingers touching you?”


One finger found her clit and made lazy circles over it. She
closed her eyes, fighting the building tension.

Synn pressed open her folds. “Would you like this finger to
find that which pulses inside?”

Oh God. “Yes.”

She waited, her whole body tense. Waited for the finger at
her opening to push inside. Instead, the other one continued its circles on her
hardened nub until she clenched her pussy so tightly, she doubted he’d be able
to open her. The need to whimper, to beg, was strong. He stood, his pantaloons
touching the backs of her calves, his hardened cock brushing her back as he
bent over her, but he remained separate and in control.

He whispered in her ear, “Now?”

She nodded, not sure her body could tighten any more.

His finger pushed fully inside her.

She exploded. Moans tore from her throat as her hips pushed
back against his hands, which rubbed her clit as she rocked his finger and
vibrator, the swinging chain of the nipple clamps sending spirals of pleasure
to meet others deep inside her. The orgasm expended itself like a firework, one
intense burst leaving tingles all over her body that slowly faded. As she
relaxed, he removed his magical hands. She swallowed. With weak arms, she tried
to push herself up, but his hand on her back had her giving up such a fruitless

Synn’s breathing was heavy. “Bloody hell, you were made for
me.” She heard him tear open his pants, buttons flying to the floor. A sexual
power filled her, causing her to grin until his cock pushed at her entrance.

“Synn.” She glanced back at him, but his hand on her back
and her weak muscles kept her from seeing him. “Synn, the vibrator.”

His roughened voice was strained. “I know.”

Oh God. He would enter her with the toy inside. Fear and
excitement filled her. He asked her if she trusted him. She hoped she was
right. He was very excited, to have ripped open his pants. Could even a master
like himself control his own need? The question strung her body taut with the
anticipation of finding out.

Synn’s cock inched into her tight canal and refocused her
attention to the feel of him pushing into her. His width, so much larger than
his finger, spread her, delved into her. As his tip contacted the vibrating
bullet, they both shuddered. He gently pushed it and it moved deeper inside her
until it touched her core. He paused, then pushed a little more.

“Oh, Synn.” Her muscles weakened as erotic pressure and
pleasure swept through her.

He pulled back a little and nudged the bullet again.

She couldn’t help herself. She pressed back into him,
causing the pressure at her core to intensify. Synn remained still. She could
feel the pulses from the bullet running along his cock and vibrating her clit
where he stretched her wide. His hand on her back remained, keeping her in
place, but his other hand reached around her and pulled the chain of her nipple
clamps up and rested on the stool next to hers. The pull on her breasts shot
straight to her core where his lack of movement focused her body on the

He remained still, but used his hand to tweak her chain. She
tightened around his cock and ground her hips in frustration.

“Come for me, Rena.”

She whined in frustration. “Then move.”

“No. I cannot control this. You must.”

Understanding dawned, and tenderness swamped her as she
understood he didn’t want to hurt her. With muscles she thought useless, she
inched her pussy forward and back onto him. The movement wasn’t even an inch,
but it was enough. As she pulled herself forward, the pressure on her core and
her nipples loosened. As she moved back against him, everything tightened to
the verge of hurting, but in an exciting way. Free to enjoy the cock, vibration
and nipple stimulation at her own pace, she pushed her muscles into submission
and rocked faster.

The orgasm took her hard as it hit, throwing her back into
Synn, his cock pushing the bullet into her and her pleasure spiraling out of
control. Desperately, she tried to breathe, but instead found herself
hiccupping as her body released its hold and relaxed.

Synn pulled out quickly, dropping the chain and turning off
the vibration. He lifted her to standing and pulled her onto his lap as he sat
on the stool behind her. His exposed cock was rock hard and settled between the
crack of her ass, a strange sensation, but she was too busy trying to control
her hiccups to study it. He held her by the waist with one arm and offered her
water with the other. Did the man think of everything?

He chuckled behind her. “I’ve never made a woman hiccup on
me before.”

She swallowed and concentrated on her breathing. “I’ve never
hiccupped after,
, sex before. But then again, I’ve,
never done most of the things before that I’ve…
, done with you.”

Synn’s voice was filled with amusement. “Take another
mouthful, bend over and swallow.”

She looked back at him, one eyebrow raised. “Really?

“Don’t you trust me?” His deep voice, when he teased, seeped
into her body from every pore, reverberating in her heart and soul.

“Okay.” She took water in her mouth and leaned forward while
Synn held her at the waist. She swallowed the water as the urge to hiccup came
again. She kept her head down, waiting for more hiccups, but the blood rushed
to her head and she sat up with Synn’s help.


She waited and breathed a sigh of relief. “Yes, thank you.”

He shrugged and his cock pressed into her crease harder.
“You’re welcome. How do you like the feel of my cock against your ass?”

She wiggled her butt a little and felt his thighs tense
beneath her. “It feels strange, but not unpleasant.”

Synn wrapped both arms around her waist and rested his chin
on her shoulder. “Good, because I want to slide my cock into you there.”

She stiffened. “Is that safe?” Her two porn movies hadn’t
shown that.

He squeezed her waist. “Of course it’s safe.”

“But how do you know? I mean, maybe years later they
discovered it wasn’t good for women.”

He nibbled on her ear. “I thought you trusted me.” The
shivers racing along her neck wanted her to give in.

“But I—”

“You told me I could do whatever I wanted with your body.
Remember?” His nibble had reached her neck and between the tiny sensations
spreading over her skin and his reminder she had allowed him anything, her body
filled with surrender.

She angled her head away from his mouth to give him better
access to her shoulder. “I’ve never done that before. Didn’t know it could be
done or be…”

Synn spoke against her collarbone. “Stimulating?

She swallowed. “Yes.”

He lifted his head. “I think it’s time you had a new experience.”

BOOK: Masque
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