Mary Wine (6 page)

Read Mary Wine Online

Authors: Dream Specter

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Adult, #Fiction, #Dreams, #Love Stories

BOOK: Mary Wine
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Roshelle never knew that thirst could hurt. The tissues that lined her mouth were screaming in agony as every bit of moisture evaporated.

Her hands were bound behind her. Numbness had long ago robbed her of feeling in her arms. Roshelle rubbed the rope along the rock she sat next to, hoping to wear away the binding. She didn’t want to think about just what the continued motion was doing to the flesh of her wrists. The damage wouldn’t matter if she were dead.

Christina had been in the company of these animals far longer. Roshelle could just imagine how much more uncomfortable her friend was by now. Her friend sat besides her, using her body to shield Roshelle’s attempts at freedom from their captor’s eyes.

It took a full minute for Roshelle to notice that she had worn through the last layer of her bindings. Her hands pulled away from each other as pain announced the return of blood circulation. Her eyes rose to meet the hopeful ones of her companion.

Not sure just what success they could have against the armed men that held them, Roshelle still set herself to relieving Christina of her bonds. However unlikely their chances, they still had a better one with the use of their hands.

Darkness still covered them giving them a slight advantage. The men sat clustered about a campfire, while the women were left in the dark.

Searching her immediate surroundings, Roshelle noted that they were placed with the rest of the baggage. Tightly lashed backpacks made from green and brown camouflage fabric were lying on the ground next to her. The canteen strapped to the closest one caught her eye. Roshelle forced herself to ignore it. She couldn’t waste her one opportunity on comfort.

Everything was tightly secured to the packs. Something caught her eye on the top of the nearest pack. Small and round it was set carefully in one of the straps that ran across the top of the pack. In the darkness, Roshelle couldn’t quite make out what it was. But she could reach it.

Watching her captors, she timed her move with care. Her hands closed over the item, bringing it between her body and Christina. A small ring sat atop it, one just about half an inch in diameter.

It was a grenade. At least she thought it might be.

Their captors were sprawled along a ten-foot area. Even if it was an explosive, she doubted she could disable them all with the single charge. Her eyes moved over their surroundings, seeking any means of utilizing the weapon.

Her eyes landed on the two trucks they’d parked just downhill from her.

Hefting the explosive in her palm, she moved her eyes between the gravel that separated her from the machine. If it exploded under that truck, they just might be able to escape into the night while their captors were busy trying to decide if they were under attack.

“Do it.”

Barely audible, Christina’s words echoed her own desperation. She had no idea how long a fuse on a grenade was. But life was worth the risk of finding out.

Her fingers firmly pulled the ring from the top of the ball. Leaning forward, Roshelle sent it rolling down the hillside.

Their ignorance ended seconds later. The force of the explosion ripped into the metal body of the truck. Orange flames shot out in every direction as the ruptured fuel tank yielded its flammable load to the display.

Her eyes were frozen on the scene of destruction. Heat washed over them in a thick wave.

“Come on, Shell!”

Christina pulled her to her feet and both women clumsily forced their bodies to perform after hours of cramped inactivity. With no idea where they were, they darted among the trees with nothing but the fire behind them showing the direction to flee from.

Gunfire erupted in the night causing them to double their pace. Another explosion reached her ears but Roshelle didn’t have enough rational thought to question it.

She had to escape. She could feel
on her heels. Panic rose inside her mind securing her in its hold. Nothing mattered; she pushed her body further, demanding more speed. Her lungs burned as they tried to supply enough oxygen to her demands.

was closer.

Her terror erupted in a scream as she was caught by her nightmare. Her frantic run was abruptly halted as she was pulled from her feet. A solid wall of flesh connected with her back as she was pulled into his confining embrace. A brutal hand slapped across her face to seal any sound from escaping into the night.

Recognition was instant. Roshelle struggled against the hold of her nightmare, as it became terrifyingly real. Her dream specter held her in a steel grip that increased his domination over her will.


The single word was echoed about on the tones of deep voices. Nothing else reached her ears as she struggled against her mind’s terror. Her body was held to the solid incarnation of that fear.

was his. Pure pleasure snaked through his body. Jared moved his hand down the column of her throat securing his grip on that sensitive area driving her capture home.

He could taste her fear—it flowed between their bodies at every point of contact. The remains of the encampment caught his attention as he ran a sharp eye over it. His face twisted into rage as he noted the evidence of impending attack.

The heavy vehicles coupled with the best weapons. All staffed with the sort of men that would know how to deploy such equipment.

The bodies of her conspirators lay where they fell. His men were quickly collecting any equipment that was present. Those explosions would bring curious eyes far too soon. Shane would make certain there was nothing for them to find.

As for the little doctor, Jared would extract the details of her plans. Before he was finished with her, he would know exactly who posed the threat to his family.

Her scent drifted up causing Jared’s anger to increase. She was good. Very good.

The perfect bait and he’d bitten into it. It was like poison, sweeping into his blood. The evidence of her treason didn’t seem to be working as an antidote. Instead his lungs pulled in a deep breath to capture her spicy scent.

His fingers were slowly contracting around her throat. The five digits decreased her ability to draw breath even as she felt the rage burning brighter inside him.

Abruptly he released her throat allowing her to suck in the oxygen her lungs craved. Her relief was short-lived as that hand clawed into the strands of her hair gaining a brutal hold. Pain flooded her, as she was pushed forward by that hold.

Her wrists were next. The torn flesh registered his grip with amazing ferocity. Roshelle was unable to contain the cry that escaped her lips. Her parched vocal cords responding with little more than a croak.

It might have been the strained sound that she issued, but coupled as it was with the uneven feeling of her wrists, Jared found himself hesitating. He felt the slickness of her flesh but attributed it to perspiration.

“Light.” His command met with instant compliance. Instead of the beaded sweat, her wrists were bathed in her blood. The soft flesh was abraded and torn in multiple spots.

Blessed relief flooded her brain. Just what had caught his attention, she wasn’t sure of. The hold he retained on her body was bearable, that was all that mattered. Bending slightly forward she let her captor pulled her arms in back of her. Her eyes moved over her surroundings as she attempted to make sense of the night’s events.

It was frustrating to discover she was back in the clearing. The only satisfaction she found was to notice the smoldering remains of the truck. Smoke rose from several spots in long thin tapers that dissipated into the night. The twisted metal that remained resembled nothing more than a heap.

It was rather disturbing to think that she had been the cause of so much destruction. The sickening twist of her stomach seemed to indicate that she had escaped one group of predators only to encounter an animal that was further up on the food chain.

Just what kind of animal he was, Roshelle didn’t know. But she knew exactly who held her. The joining of their flesh brought her memory into sharp focus, delivering up the images that she had searched for.

was far worse than any nightmare. Terror was rapidly attempting to renew its grasp on her mind.

Roshelle desperately fought against it. This man would be capable of destroying more than just her flesh. He could take that destruction to the very bottom of her soul.

An emotion was pushing its way through Jared’s anger. He found it an annoying interruption but it persisted in its fight for his attention. Securing her arms with their current amount of damage was going to be very painful. Finding a reluctance to inflict that pain on his prisoner caused him to snort with frustration.

He didn’t have time for this!

But the nagging need to ease her pain hooked into his brain, refusing to be disregarded. Jared ripped his hood from his head. The soft black fabric would have to do. Wrapping it over her wrists he knotted the rope on top to secure her hands behind her.

A sharp whistle hit the night and Jared frowned. He didn’t need the reminder from Shane. He knew the need for a speedy departure and he wanted to get her back onto his land before any chance of escape came her way.

A smile spread across his face as he contemplated securing his captive behind the borders of his home. There would be no escape.

His family would remain safe!

Roshelle felt her body leave the ground in a fluid motion. His strength was amazing. The motor was engaged almost in the same moment that her body settled onto the unyielding surface of a truck bed. With no road, the tires struggled among the stones and ruts. Without the use of her hands to stop her, she began to pitch and roll.

Bruised flesh screamed in response to the treatment. A solid foot ended the suffering. One large booted foot propped itself against her rib cage, pressing her body into the opposite wall of the bed. Despite its crudeness, the action was still effective.

Despite her need for relief, Roshelle found herself despising the blunt reminder of her position with this man. Finding herself literally held “under his boot heel” demanded a response that her pride was willing to give. Unfortunately, her body was completely helpless. His boot released her the second the motor once again went silent.

Jumping down from his seat, Jared covered the distance separating him from Shane. Back on familiar ground, he felt his mind shifting into tight control. There was only one unknown factor present and Jared would deal with her directly.


“You might as well save the act, Shane Jacobs! I’m not impressed!”

“Just keep your paws off my person! I learned how to walk quite well when I was two!”

As the angry retort reached his ears, Jared stopped. Shane was currently leading the blonde-haired woman into the house and she was making it a chore. The outcome of their struggle was never in question, but the man seemed to be loathe to hurt his charge.

Shane let out a frustrated growl before extending an arm towards his front door. The blonde tossed her head before she moved forward on unhurried steps.

The woman’s knowledge of even one of their names posed more problems. There was no way they would see the end of this tonight. Fatigue was wrapped around his body forcing Jared to consider just how to secure their “problems” ‘til tomorrow.

The mountain was equipped with a wide range of buildings; unfortunately, a cell wasn’t one of them. There had never been a prisoner held here. The function of his unit was protection and deployment.

Well, they had two prisoners now.

Shane had his hands full with the blonde and that suited Jared just fine. He wasn’t in the mood to share his problem.
had started this and he intended to see it finished.

Her bonds came loose with far less effort this time. Whatever was wrapped over her wrists allowed Roshelle to slide the entire bundle down and off her hands. Moving her arms in front of her she simply took a moment to rub the ache from them. Too many hours of cramped positions made her grateful for the reprieve. It was just too bad that she didn’t have any faith in it lasting very long.

Pushing herself up she forced her eyes to investigate her newest surroundings. Lying in this truck bed while she nursed her injuries wasn’t going to accomplish very much, except to ensure that she was still there when her captors got around to looking for her again.

They had taken her up into the forest. Benton County was comprised of almost all forest, but there were distinct elevation clues that would tell you if you had made it to the true mountains. Even through the darkness she noticed the upturned needles of the trees in front of her. Instead of pine, they were fir trees.

No one seemed to be in sight. Roshelle moved closer to the edge of the tailgate as she searched the area. Three other trucks were parked just thirty feet from the one she sat in. They were lined up with precise care, with exactly three feet between them.

The house behind the vehicles seemed to hold the men that had disembarked from them. Light spilled from its windows as bits of conversation drifted on the night breeze. Christina’s voice reached her ears even if the exact words were muffled.

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