Marshal Law (13 page)

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Authors: Kris Norris

Tags: #Paranormal, Multiple Partner, Historical

BOOK: Marshal Law
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“Yes. God, again.”

She arched into his hard caress, every thought focused on the scrape of his mouth across her skin, the firm touch mimicking the thrust of his shaft. She reached for Jude, hissing out her next breath when his fingers encased hers, a light squeeze anchoring the three of them together. She surrendered to the rush of pleasure shooting out from her core, holding her breath as she wavered on the edge of release.

“Now, McKenna. Fuck, I can’t…”

Ethan slammed into her, the deep penetration sending her over. She shouted his name, stiffening when he latched onto her flesh, his teeth puncturing the surface. She raised her head, somehow finding the spot she needed with her eyes clamped shut. Again she copied his bite, another taste of blood filling her senses.

“Damn, sweetheart. So good.”

His hand speared through her hair, holding her against his skin until her strength waned and she released him, her head lolling sideways. She felt the brush of the sheet against her cheek as he held himself over her, his lips finally coming to rest on her neck. She smiled as her body settled, the odd sensations fading away.

Another set of lips caressed her forehead, a content hum sounding next to her. “God, you’re beautiful. Are you okay?”

She sighed her reply, already drifting off when Jude chuckled, tsking her.

“Darlin’, open your eyes. We need to know that you’re okay.”

She managed to pry one eyelid open. “Fine. Tired.”

His smile dropped her stomach.
“Just let us clean you up and you can rest.”

An irritated huff rumbled through her chest. “Later.”

Understanding flashed in his eyes. “Wench. You sleep. We’ll take care of you.”

She grabbed his arm as he went to shuffle off the bed. “Stay. Please, Jude—”

He silenced her with a finger across her mouth. “We’re not going anywhere. Promise. I’ll only be a moment. Cuddle with Ethan. I’ll be back in a second and then we’ll spend as long as you need with you wrapped in our arms.”

“Only a second.”


She nodded, unsure why the thought of him leaving unnerved her, when Ethan eased free, rolling onto his side before pulling her against his chest. His heartbeat strummed against her ear, the steady sound calming her.

He dropped a few kisses across her forehead then smiled against her skin. “Stop tryin’ to figure it out. We’ll talk after you’ve had a chance to rest. Just trust me that everything’s going to be okay.”

Thunder clapped in the distance, the sound of rain on the windows lulling her to sleep. She burrowed closer, feeling safe for the first time since the Wilson brothers had taken her family. Her life. A growl resonated inside her head, an echoing voice reminding her she had even more to lose now.


She wouldn’t fail them, no matter the cost. And if it meant she’d taste Bret and Frank’s blood on her tongue, so be it.


Chapter Eight




Ethan felt McKenna give herself over to sleep, her body finally relaxing against his. He brushed her hair back from her face, admiring the fine line of her jaw. God, she was beautiful and not just on the outside. The way she’d accepted both of them without prejudice… His chest constricted until simply breathing became difficult. Hell, they’d shown up to arrest her, and she’d saved their lives—and not just physically. Now here she was, wedged between them, her body curled against his.

Ethan forced himself to swallow around the huge ball of emotion stuck in his throat. After all she’d been through—what those bastard Wilson brothers had done to her—she could have shoved them aside. Refused to acknowledge the bond between them. Instead, she’d embraced it. Given them so much more than just her love.

Jude nudged his arm. “She’s safe. And we’ll keep her that way. So you can stop growlin’ and let the girl sleep.”

He frowned. “I wasn’t growlin’. I was thinking.”

“Don’t care what you thought you were doin’, partner. You growled. Several times.”

“She didn’t have to come to us. Even after mating with her…she could have denied the connection. Wouldn’t have blamed her if she had.”

“Trust me. I know how damn lucky we are. And we’ll spend the next eighty years showing her how much we love her. That is after we help her figure out that she’s a shifter.”

Ethan tensed, dropping his gaze to McKenna before glancing at Jude. “We don’t know that for sure.”

“I know you saw her eyes flash red—the way her skin undulated. And those growls…” He chuckled. “Damn near came again when she said ‘mine’.”

“That can all be explained by her being some kind of hybrid. We have no idea how much of her animal form can manifest.”

Jude’s expression sobered. “Her skin rippled! I saw a lingering image of fur. Not to mention we’re both sporting matching bite marks.”

“Humans can bite, too.”

“Two perfect puncture wounds? Sorry, buddy, but there’s far more to our girl than just increased reflexes and some advanced healing abilities. Though it’s obvious she has no idea what’s hiding inside her. Must be why we couldn’t sense it. The animal obviously hasn’t manifested physically until now.”

Ethan sighed. It wasn’t the prospect that McKenna might be a full-fledged shifter that bothered him. It was knowing how hard those first few shifts were…the mental battle of becoming one with the animal. And after all she’s suffered…

Jude slapped his shoulder. “She has us. We’ll help her along. She’s going to be fine.”

He sighed. Apparently the bond they shared with McKenna had transferred over to each other, and Jude wasn’t wasting any time interpreting his emotions—not that the man hadn’t seemingly read them before. “This is only going to make her more stubborn, you know that. She was willin’ to sacrifice her life to save us before. Not sure I want to see how determined her wolf will be now that we’re mates.”

“She’s free to take that up with our other halves. Pretty damn sure we can be just as hardheaded.”

Ethan trailed his fingers along her arm, marveling at how soft her skin was. “It was white.”

“What was white?”

“Her fur. Perfectly white.” He stroked down her side to her hip. “I can only imagine how soft it’ll be. How thick.”

“Bastard. I knew you’d noticed it.” His hand joined Ethan’s. “She’s going to fight us. Deny it.”

“She has good reason. Her animal should have made itself known years ago—the other night at the very least. It was going to let her die.” He shook his head. “Maybe the trauma she suffered trapped it.”

“Or maybe she just needed her mates to coax it out. She did say only her great-grandmother was a shifter. That it hadn’t appeared in her family since.”

“Whatever the reason, we’ll have to ease her into it. Keep her wolf calm while McKenna figures out how to let it take control without giving it up fully. Not sure what the creature might do if it realizes Bret and Frank aren’t that far away.”

“The animal seemed to settle when we satisfied its more primal needs.”

“She’s not the only one with those. First time since the saloon my damn wolf hasn’t been hammering at me to break loose.”

“You and me both.” Jude smiled at McKenna. “If making love to her is the key to helping her maintain control…”

Ethan laughed. “Thought you might volunteer for the job.” He released a weary breath. “We should get some sleep. I have a feelin’ our little wolf is going to keep us very busy.”

“God I hope so.” Jude eased back on the pillow, staring at the ceiling. “I know I said the man in me wants to bring those boys to justice, but…”

“My wolf wants vengeance, too. Might be best if we stick to our plan. Head to Ralston, get that warrant on McKenna cleared up. There’re other marshals that can go after Bret and his brother. Ones who won’t rip their throats out on sight. And quite frankly, I’d rather we invest our energy in getting our girl settled. Making a home for the three of us.” He glanced at his friend. “But should they ever come lookin’ for her…”

“That would be their last mistake.”

“Damn straight.”

McKenna groaned, drawing his attention as she twitched in her sleep, her mouth pursing into a slight grimace. Ethan gave her a squeeze as Jude clasped one of her hands in his, pressing his chest into her back. A visible shiver worked through her body before she relaxed, a contented sigh filling the room. Ethan smiled. At least their presence seemed to bring her some semblance of peace.

Jude whispered his love before dropping a kiss on her hair, the man’s eyes drifting shut. Ethan watched the couple sleep, McKenna’s head still resting on his chest. He focused on her silhouette, picturing her small body covered in fur, her form altered into that of a wolf. The image spiked his heart rate, the thought of her facing the world with only her instincts as protection making his inner wolf howl. There were a thousand ways men like Bret could capitalize on her inexperience, and knowing her body would shift back into human form if she ever got injured as a wolf only increased his fear.

Unsettling images flickered through his head and he found himself staring at the ceiling, fighting the urge to wake her up and love her again. Satisfy the animal side of him. Instead, he focused on the steady rise and fall of her chest against his. The soft whisper of air across his skin. Jude was right. She was safe, and they’d go to hell and back to keep her that way.

He closed his eyes, fading in and out of sleep as the storm raged outside, the wind rattling the glass in the windows. A hint of gray peeked through the windows when McKenna stirred, the flutter of her eyelashes across his flesh making his muscles contract. He chuckled, staring down at her as she blinked herself awake, those brilliant blue eyes gazing up at him.

A warm smile spread across her face as she stared at him, her brow furrowing slightly. “You okay?”

“I’ve got you in my arms, Jude curled up behind you. I’m damn fine.”

“You look tired. Did you get any rest?”

“I had a few things on my mind.”

She smiled and his cock hardened against his stomach. Her words from earlier played in his head, and he couldn’t stop from picturing those pretty lips wrapped around his shaft as Jude claimed her from behind. McKenna’s face scrunched up and he knew she’d sensed his thoughts without fully understanding why.

She shook her head, pouting as she raised a brow. “Not sure that speaks much about my prowess as a lover if our lovemaking doesn’t afford you some sleep.”

A low growl rumbled through his chest. “Trust me, sweetheart. All my thoughts are of you. And knowin’ there’s still a warrant out for your arrest, not to mention the fact Bret and Frank will most likely be huntin’ you down is what’s keepin’ me awake. We’ll take of the first issue once we’re sure you’re well enough to make it Ralston. As for those Wilson boys—”

“I can handle those boys…and anyone else who happens along. Mate or not, I’m every inch the gunslinger I was when you two found me.”

“And we’ve already acknowledged the toll that’s taking on you.” He silenced her with a gentle finger across her lips. “I’m not going to argue this with you. You’re not alone anymore. Jude and I are directly invested in your wellbeing. And that means any two-bit outlaw who comes gunnin’ for you is going to have to go through us. Period. So you can either sit there, pouting about it, or have this conversation with our wolves. And I’m pretty damn sure they aren’t nearly as reasonable.”

She stared at him in utter silence for what felt like forever before chuckling. “Looks like I’m going to have to tie you boys to the bed after all.”

His wolf howled at the thought as a slow smile spread across his face. “You can sure as hell try.”

She levered up, sitting back, seemingly oblivious to the fact she was naked, her luscious body making his mouth water as pure, carnal need shot through his veins.

She scratched one finger across his abdomen, drawing patterns along his skin. “I’m fairly certain I could get you boys to hold still for me with the right motivation.”


“You denying it?”

“Sweetheart, I have no doubt you could talk us into
sittin’ there naked like that. God, you’re beautiful.”

Her smile was genuine. “Anything?”

Ethan glanced at Jude as the man stirred behind her, his obvious arousal written across his face. “I’m thinkin’ you’ve got something specific in mind…” He held up one hand, stopping her from leaning forward. “But before we indulge in your physical needs, we need to discuss what’s going on inside that pretty head of yours.”

“Not sure I understand what you’re hinting at. Nothing’s going on inside my head, other than me expectin’ you boys to hold true to your promise and allow me to touch and taste you to my heart’s content.”

Jude grunted, the muscle in his jaw flexing. “Damn, darlin’. You’re killing us here. And there’s nothing we’d like more than to have you wrap your lips around us, but Ethan’s right. We need to talk, first.”

“About what? I’m fine.”

Jude glanced at him, silently asking how much Ethan wanted him to say. Ethan sighed, nodding. McKenna needed to come to terms with her other half before it seized control and put the woman in jeopardy.

Jude sat up, scooting back until he was resting against the headboard beside Ethan. He reached for McKenna’s hand, cupping it in his. “We noticed a few things last night while we were making love. And I think you have a fairly good idea what those are.”

A hint of fear clouded her eyes as she shifted her focus between the two men. “I’m pretty sure any reaction I had was because you two were loving me.” She waved between them. “This whole mate thing.”

“So you didn’t feel as if your skin was too tight? Have an incessant scratching inside your head?”

Ethan reached for her other hand, holding it tight. “What about your teeth? Did they ache?” He brushed his other hand along the small scars she’d left after marking him. “Aren’t you the least bit curious how you were able to bite us but only leave two small puncture wounds?”

The color drained from her face as her gaze landed on the twin wounds. “Bite marks? That was real? I thought…”

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