Marrying Kate (27 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Rae Jordan

BOOK: Marrying Kate
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Tears once again swamped Kate but instead of holding back, she let it out. Gradually, the storm of emotions began to fade. The sobs gentled and the tears ceased. Kate became aware of Jared’s strong embrace, his softly spoken words of comfort, and the gently soothing stroke of his hand on her back. Instead of feeling embarrassed over her breakdown, Kate felt nothing. Inside she felt as if every emotion had been wrung out of her. Like a sponge, her heart had been squeezed empty and now it sat there waiting for something to fill it up, but there was nothing.

Frantic at the feeling of deadness and cold inside her, Kate lifted her head and without thinking, drew Jared’s down to her so their lips almost touched.

"Kiss me," Kate pleaded, hoarsely, desperate for some kind of emotion to fill her again.

Jared didn’t hesitate to close the tiny distance between them so their lips would touch. It was a soft kiss, almost like the brush of butterfly wings. He kissed her gently again on the lips and then kissed her eyes, her cheeks. Every kiss was like a touch from the sun leaving behind warmth.

Slowly the coldness thawed and by the time Jared’s lips returned to hers, Kate knew she had not been dead inside but numb. And now that numbness faded and the first emotion that flooded her was love for the man that held her.

Jared ended the kiss but didn’t pull away. Instead his lips trailed over her cheek to her ear. "I love you, Katie."

Kate knew it was just a dream. It had to be. And because she was sure it was a dream, Kate answered with her heart, but the words wouldn’t be contained and they slipped past her lips. "I love you too, Jared."

Jared jerked back and stared down at her. Moonlight bathed them now, creating shadows on Jared’s features. Kate realized that her response spoken aloud to the words she’d imagined he’d said had shocked him.

Kate had always been afraid to tell him but at that moment, she felt only relief. Now he knew. The secret she’d kept locked up for so long was finally out and it felt like a burden had been lifted from her shoulders.

"Do you really love me, Katie?" Jared asked. "Or did I just imagine that?"

Kate lifted her hand and let her fingers lightly trace the contours of his face. "No."

"No what?" Jared asked, more urgently this time. "No, I didn’t imagine it or no, you don’t love me?"

"No, you didn’t imagine it." Kate gazed at the face of the man she loved, wishing she could see his eyes. They would tell her so much more than his words. "I love you, Jared. Always have. Almost from the moment we first met."

There was silence for what seemed an eternity before Jared responded. "For that long? I never knew."

"I didn’t want you to." Kate’s hand dropped into her lap and her head lowered. "I didn’t...I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I know that you don’t love me and maybe never will, but I’m glad you finally know."

A hand slipped under her chin, gently forcing her head up again. "I’m glad I finally know too
. But what do you mean I don’t love you? I just told you I did."

Kate felt shock, then joy explode inside of her. "I thought that was just my imagination. I’ve wanted to hear those words from you for so long that I thought my mind was playing tricks on me."

"I love you, Katie." Jared leaned down close and Kate knew this time it was not her imagination.

"I love you, Jared." Kate kissed him and then snuggled close. "I’ve missed being close to you."

"I’ve missed it too, but I wanted to court you, woo you."

"Woo me?" Kate asked.

"Yes. I wanted to give you the courtship you never had before we married. I had everything all planned out. I was going to take you out for dinner, just the two of us, of course. Buy you lots of flowers and candy. And then propose to you. I’ve already talked to the minister and he agreed to marry us again. I had even planned to get several wedding dresses for you to choose from so you could have a real wedding this time."

"I don’t need that, Jared. I’m just content to know that you love me. That’s all that matters."

"I know, but I want us to get married again. When we married the first time we left something very important out of our vows because it didn’t apply at the time. Or at least I thought it didn’t."

Kate knew what he was talking about. "The vow to love one another."

Jared nodded. "I want to pledge my vow of love to you, Katie, before man and God. I want the world to know that I love you." Jared lifted her off his lap and back onto the seat beside him. Then he dropped to one knee before her and took her hand. "Kate, will you do me the incredible honor of becoming my wife? I believe God brought us together because He knew how much we needed each other and how right we are for one another. I can’t imagine ever being married to anyone but you. Katie, you are my dream come true. I love you with all my heart."

Whatever their first proposal had lacked, this one made up for and more. There, with moonlight surrounding them and tears in her eyes, Kate accepted Jared’s proposal.

"You are my dream come true, too. I know now that God didn’t say no to my prayers all those years ago. He just said to wait. And I’m so glad I did. To have your love is all I’ll ever need, but I will gladly stand before the minister and pledge my love to you. It’s what I’ve always wanted."


Three weeks later, the wedding finally took place. They had wanted to wait until Kate was sufficiently healed so that she could enjoy her wedding day with as little pain as possible.

Because they’d already been married once in the church, Kate asked Jared if he’d mind a wedding in their backyard surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation. The sun shone brightly the day of the wedding and warmth enveloped the guests they’d invited to share their special day.

Bry once again walked Kate to where Jared stood and then, surrounded by the children, Jared and Kate pledged vows of love to one another. Then together they prayed, thanking God for the gift of love and for bringing them together.

It was a wedding ceremony like no other and there was not a dry eye among the guests there. Even the minister had to clear his throat a few times after their prayer.

Standing there bathed in the warmth and light of the sun, Kate looked up at her husband and saw a twinkle in his eye. And love. There was no doubt about the love that radiated from his beautiful blue eyes. It was there, and it was for her.

Later, after the guests had departed, full from the wonderful buffet Darlene had prepared, and the kids were all settled for the night, Kate and Jared stood alone together in their room.

They had slept apart the past few weeks even though it had been difficult. Together they had decided to wait to consummate their marriage of love until the night of their second wedding. It had seemed very important to Jared that they wait and Kate had agreed. He had done his best to court her and woo her like he’d wanted. Kate had insisted he didn’t need to do it but enjoyed all of it just the same. It had been tortuous at times to have him so close and yet know that close intimacy she longed for would have to wait.

But finally the waiting was over.

"I am so overwhelmed with the blessings from the Lord. He has granted me the desires of my heart in giving me your love," Kate said, looking up at her husband. "And the children. I had thought maybe two, if I was lucky but now I have four."

Jared grinned at her and lowered his head. "And maybe five," he murmured.

Kate smiled and prayed silently for one more blessing. "And maybe five," she agreed as she closed the last few inches between her and her husband.



Kate tried to contain the pain that swept through her body. Focus. Focus. As the pain subsided she finally blurted out the words that had been repeating through her head, "I want the epidural!"

Gentle fingers brushed aside the damp tendrils of hair that clung to her forehead. Jared leaned down, his blue eyes full of love and tenderness. "I’m sorry, sweetheart, the doctor said you’re too far now to have an epidural."

With a groan, Kate dropped her head back against the pillows. It felt like she’d been in labor for days...weeks...months...

Her abdomen tightened, heralding the arrival of yet another contraction. Mentally Kate gathered her thoughts and tried to focus.

Many contractions later, Kate finally heard the words she’d been waiting a whole lifetime to hear. "You have a son!"

"A son!" Jared leaned down and pressed his cheek to hers. Her perspiration and tears mingled with his. "Thank you, Katie." He kissed her gently, his eyes brimming with emotion. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Jared. More than you’ll ever know." Kate lifted a weary hand and laid it on his cheek. He was her dream come true. Just like the children and now this baby. Her son.

"Here you go." The doctor laid the baby on her stomach and covered him with a blanket. "Healthy and all his parts are there."

Kate and Jared didn’t take the doctor’s word for it. Together they explored the little baby who was a physical manifestation of their love for one another. Counted fingers and toes. Touched the tiny nose and lips. Marveled at the blue of his eyes and his long dark lashes.

The baby began to wail, startling them. They looked in alarm at the doctor.

"Why don’t you try nursing him," he suggested.

With the baby settled contentedly at her breast, Kate looked at Jared, tears blurring her vision. "Thank you, Jared. For giving me my dreams. For your love and this precious baby."

Jared kissed her again, his hand cupping the head of his son. "So what are we going to name him? We never really decided."

"How about Steven Jared?" Kate suggested.

"You want to name him after Steve and
me?" Jared’s voice was choked with emotion. "Are you sure?"

"Very sure."

They spent the next hour together, cocooned in their own little world. Little Stevie fell asleep in his father’s arms, but still Jared didn’t put him down.

"Did you phone Darlene?" Kate asked, her heart filled to near bursting with love for her husband and new baby son.

Jared shook his head. "I suppose I’d better do that. The kids will be anxious to see you and the baby. Will you be up for a visit this evening?"

Kate nodded. "I just need a few hours sleep."

Jared settled the baby next to Kate, then made the call from his cell phone. Kate listened with a smile as Jared answer what was surely a barrage of questions from the other end of the line.

When he finally hung up the phone he was laughing. "Boy, every single one of them wanted to hear the news from me. I thought I could just tell Darlene and she’d pass it on
, but no way, they all had to hear it."

Kate tried to laugh but was suddenly too weary for more than just a smile. Jared must have seen her exhaustion because he moved to take the baby.

"Why don’t you go to sleep," he suggested. "I’ll stay right here with the baby and when it’s feeding time I’ll wake you up."

Eyes sliding shut, Kate didn’t even try to argue. The high she’d been on had suddenly plunged her into deep exhaustion
, and her body called out for sleep.


Jared watched as Kate slipped into sleep, her breathing deepened and her features relaxed. He was so proud of her. She’d handled the delivery far better than he would have had he been in her place. Guess that’s why women had the babies and not men.

"Oh my precious son." Jared turned his gaze to the child resting in his arms. Like Kate, Stevie was asleep, clearly exhausted from his laborious journey into the world.

Even Jared was feeling the tugs of exhaustion, but he didn’t give into them. While his body might crave sleep, his mind was whirling. Sometimes he was afraid he’d wake up and discover that it had all been a dream. He was happier than he’d ever been in his life. Even the feelings that came from the success of a difficult mission paled in comparison to the joy and elation he’d felt as he had watched his son arrive into the world.

Five kids and a wife. Who could have imagined? Certainly not him. Oh sure, he’d imagined having a family someday but not five kids and Kate hadn’t been the wife he’d planned on
, but God had known better. He’d known that Katie would be the woman who would touch his heart and love him like no other woman could.

"Thank you, God, for blessing me beyond my wildest dreams. I’m still not sure I deserve it
, but I humbly accept what You’ve given me and will do my best to not let You down." The dampness in his eyes didn't surprise Jared. Emotions had been so near the surface the past few hours.

Everything had taken on a new, deeper meaning when he and Katie had shared their love with each other. Jared hadn’t realized how shallow, how surface, their marriage had been up to
that point. While they had shared a bed and a life and even some personal thoughts, they had come to know each other on a whole other level, a new deeper level.

He and Kate had cried together the day the kids had come and told them they were ready for adoption. With the adoption final now, they were a true family. And the kids had a grandmother, too. Darlene had moved into his old place, delighted to finally have people who needed her again.

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