Marked in Mexico (2 page)

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Authors: Kim McMahill

BOOK: Marked in Mexico
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“Now, that’s my girl. I’m sure your father will be pleased you’re being such a team player. He wouldn’t be where he is today without Mr. Morgan’s financial backing and support, nor would my dad. I’ll pick you up at seven. Be ready, we don’t want to keep the Senators waiting. They’ll want to hear all about our next move.”

Jessica had forgotten all about the fundraiser she’d promised her father she’d attend. She had been so involved with the case, the function had slipped her mind and now she was in no mood to go out.

“I can’t face them tonight. I lost. Remember?”

“No one could have won this round, not even you, Tiger. The prosecution has too much evidence and the girl’s melodrama is fresh in the media and in the minds of any juror who owns a television or reads a newspaper. But we’ll win eventually. They’re not going to lock up Morgan’s son, I can guarantee it. Not only is he rich, powerful and well-liked, he’s a widower, a highly decorated veteran and he contributes to every bleeding-heart cause thrown at him. We’ll make sure our publicists keep pounding that message until the next court date and that’ll buy his son a lot of forgiveness.”

Jessica hated the fact that Phillip was probably right about Cooper—and she despised being called Tiger about as much as Princess—but all she could think about at the moment was going home and packing for the trip she was leaving on the next morning with Amber. The case had really taken its toll on her and she needed to get away. It was only a week in Mexico, but she knew those few days with Amber would save her sanity and help her put her priorities back into perspective.

“Please, Phillip. Make an excuse for me. I’ve had a rough week, I’m exhausted, I haven’t even begun packing yet and this Tiger would like nothing more at the moment than to scratch your eyes out.”

Phillip flinched at her words, but she could tell he was just mocking her. She was tired and angry and in no mood to be grilled by her own father, the all-powerful Senator Hughes, or to have to explain herself to Senator Harmon or Mr. Morgan. And more than anything else, she did not want to spend an evening with Phillip. Dodging his persistent advances had become so tiresome, she didn’t think she had enough energy left tonight to deal with him.

“I still can’t believe you’re going to Mexico. Amber and Randy are getting married in a couple of months, so I know what will be going on there. Amber will be trying to get everything out of her system before she gets tied down to her Wall Street bore, not that I blame her. Randy makes me snooze just to be in the same room with him and he has to be a real let down after her fling with Coop. But what grates me the most is that she’ll be dragging you around with her. It just makes me sick to think of you two out partying and cozying up with a bunch of drunken men in some cheesy cantina.”

Jessica fought the urge to slap him. Phillip wasn’t as bad as Cooper, but where she used to be in awe of his ambition and Alpha confidence, now she just thought he was a dog most of the time. She knew she had to find a way to quit seeing him. It wouldn’t be easy since they worked together and their fathers served in the Senate together. Her father seemed to think a great deal of Phillip, which she couldn’t understand. He was usually a good judge of character.

She had tried to be a model daughter and do whatever her father wanted of her, but ever since her mother had died of cancer her father had become overly protective and too controlling of her life. Jessica wanted to please him, but when it came to Phillip, she didn’t know how much longer she could go on pretending. She would’ve already left the firm and moved away, but it would devastate her father and Jessica wasn’t sure where she would go anyway. The family ranch in Texas was the only home she had ever known, but she hadn’t visited there in a long time and the place held painful memories of her mother’s long illness.

Phillip stood up and began to walk around the corner of her desk, bringing her back to the conversation at hand. His sandy-blonde hair was perfect as usual and his quick smile and attentive gaze were aimed directly at her. She knew most women would feel lucky to spend time with him, but it had been a long time since she’d enjoyed being in his company. With Phillip, it was always a show and he loved to play the game for the media and for his friends. They did look good together in the photos, which often showed up in the local papers, and she knew he loved the gossip about them being the next generation political power couple.

“Maybe that’s what men would do before getting married, but for your information, women are a little more civilized as a whole. Amber wouldn’t do anything to hurt Randy. She loves him and he treats her like a queen, unlike your dear friend. She’s fried from all of the wedding plans and I’ve had it with this case. We both just need a little R & R and want to spend some time together while we still can. Now go. Can you handle my father or do I have to call him?”

Phillip could tell there was no point in arguing with her and besides, he’d seen a hot little red-head at the last couple of fundraisers who he wouldn’t mind getting to know a little better. No matter how perfect Jessica was for his career, he knew deep down that one woman would never be enough for him.

“Have it your way. I can handle Senator Hughes. After all, he thinks of me as a son,” he said with a confident smirk. “But at least let me take you to the airport in the morning.”

“It’s not necessary. Randy is driving Amber to the airport and picking me up along the way.”

Phillip shrugged his shoulders and reached for her. Jessica was debating whether or not to just let him kiss her goodbye so he would go away or if she dared to refuse and risk a fight. Before she was forced to decide, she was saved by the ringing of her phone. Jessica snatched the handset out of the cradle and was relieved to hear Amber’s voice.

Jessica placed one hand over the receiver, “I’ve got to take this call, it’s urgent,” she whispered as she turned her head and let him kiss her cheek, then waved him out of her office.

“I can always count on you to save me from the beast. I hope you’re not calling to back out, because I really need this trip.”

“Not on your life. I was just calling to make sure Phillip hadn’t tied you up and stuffed you in a closet to keep you from going.”

Jessica giggled. Amber was the only one who knew her true feelings of late for Phillip, so they could always share a good laugh at his expense. He had been furious when he found out about the trip and tried to forbid her from going, which had only made Jessica even more determined to get out of town.

“He may be six-foot-two and one-hundred-ninety pounds of hunk, but it would take a lot more than that to keep me from Mexico. He is so on my list right now that I’m seriously thinking about moving to Texas when we get back. I need to get away from Phillip and this awful case that’s been making me sick to my stomach every day.”

“I heard things didn’t go well in court. I know you hadn’t expected much, so try to blow it off and get into vacation mode. I’ll miss Randy, but we are going to have so much fun, just us girls.”

Listening to Amber’s enthusiastic play-by-play of how the next seven days would unfold softened her mood. Amber always knew the right things to say to lift her spirits and Jessica felt she could tell her friend anything. She knew Amber confided just as much in Randy, which made her a bit envious. He was conservative and serious, but he brought balance and contentment to Amber’s life, so it infuriated Jessica when Phillip poked fun at him.

Jessica agreed with the plan, confirmed the pick-up time in the morning, hung up the phone and gathered up her nylons and shoes. It wasn’t very sanitary, and definitely not professional, but she walked out of the office in her bare feet and headed for the elevator.

“Rough week?” her assistant asked.

“I’ll recover. In fact, I’m already strolling down a sandy beach in Mexico, sipping a margarita as the sun sets over the Caribbean, so don’t even try to find me.” Jessica smiled at her faithful assistant, held up her shoes in salute, and left the building.

Chapter Two

As the sun warmed Jessica’s bare skin, she felt more relaxed than she had in years. She pushed herself up on her elbows and glanced over at Amber on the towel next to hers and could see that her friend was enjoying the quiet time just as much.

She had confided in Amber about Phillip and everything she legally could about the case on the plane ride to Cancún. When Jessica could think of nothing else to divulge that bothered her about the two, she felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. By the time they had gotten off the plane, Phillip and Cooper had been pushed to the furthest recesses of her mind and she was in total vacation mode.

Jessica rolled over and sat up. She adjusted her bikini to make sure it was still covering everything it was supposed to, brushed the sand off of her body, and slathered sun block over her shoulders and arms to protect her fair skin. As Jessica held the bottle, debating about whether she needed any on her legs, she was hit square in the chest with a volleyball so forcefully it momentarily took her breath away.

“Sorry about that!”

The deep cocky voice made her drop the bottle. She glanced up and saw a man looking down at her with a crooked smile on his lips. He was much shorter than Phillip, probably only five-foot-eight or so, but looked just as fit. Jessica couldn’t help but notice his broad shoulders, well-defined muscles, and golden skin, glistening with sweat. His black hair was wet and unruly, and framed his narrow face, which was sculpted with high, sharp cheekbones. A dark-stubble covering his chin made him look as if he hadn’t shaved for days, but the look was good on him, though it made him appear a bit dangerous. She couldn’t see his eyes behind the dark glasses, but could feel them moving from her toes up the length of her body.

“Watch what you’re doing!” Jessica snapped.

Just as the man was beginning to feel guilty about ogling her shapely curves, barely concealed by her midnight-blue string bikini, and the careless hit which had left a red welt between her full breasts, the ball slammed into his gut, doubling him over.

Jessica enjoyed a bit of satisfaction as he winced and placed a hand to his flat well-toned abs. She hadn’t meant to sound so rude or to throw the ball quite so hard, but he had caught her off guard. She had come to Mexico to relax and was in no mood to deal with childish men, having had her fill of those back home. Hoping for backup since the man didn’t appear to be in any hurry to leave, she glanced over at Amber and was relieved to see her sitting up and paying attention.

Jessica opened her mouth to urge him to go away when two more men ran up behind the first.

“Is this creep giving you ladies any trouble?” asked the tallest man of the group.

Jessica eyed the man speaking. He was at least six-foot tall, muscular, and his head was shaved to a short stubble. Something about his smile put her at ease.

“No. He was just leaving,” Jessica replied.

“Well, he must be losing his touch then,” added the third. All three men began laughing and punching each other like junior high boys.

“I take it you’re all together, which is good. That way I can ask you to please all move along at once.”

“No need to be so antisocial. We’re just playing a little volleyball and trying to get enough people together to make it worth renting a boat to go sailing the day after tomorrow. We thought you ladies might like to join us. We really are quite harmless, cross my heart,” said the tallest man. “Just three friendly mountain climbing guides from Colorado trying to warm our aching muscles and have a little fun in the process, preferably with beautiful women like you two.”

Jessica rolled her eyes, though the three attentive men couldn’t see her reaction behind her dark glasses. No doubt Amber would be eating up the attention and she feared that if Amber involved herself in the conversation it would only make it more difficult to convince the men to move on and leave them alone.

“I’m sorry. My friend’s been working on a tough case and is still a little edgy and I’m fried from planning my wedding,” Amber cut in, as Jessica figured she would. “We’ve already made arrangements to go to Chichén Itza tomorrow, so I doubt we’ll feel like doing anything on Monday, Mr.…?”

“Zach Taylor at your service. This is my buddy Dave and the socially-challenged one who disturbed your sun bathing is Jackson, but you can call him Jack.”

The three men stepped closer, making Jessica feel small and vulnerable. She watched as Amber introduced herself and shook each man’s hand. Though she didn’t feel like being friendly, Jessica pasted a smile on her face and introduced herself, accepting each outstretched hand as well.

“We’ll let you lovely ladies return to what you were doing. If you change your mind about sailing, let us know. I’m sure we’ll be running into each other. We may even take a tour of those Mayan Ruins ourselves.” Zach winked before turning and jogging toward the volleyball game that was being held-up due to the errant ball.

Jessica watched the three men run down the beach, feeling a little bad about being so cold to them.
Not every man is like Cooper or Phillip. I really need to loosen up

“Climbers. That would explain the bods those boys have,” Amber interrupted her thoughts.

“Amber! You’re almost a married woman.”

“I can still look, just not touch. But, I don’t know what your problem is. If I wanted to get Phillip off my mind, there’s three perfect distractions. Now, which one would I choose?” Amber lay back down on her towel, rubbing her chin.

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