Marked for Submission (5 page)

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Authors: Sheri Savill

BOOK: Marked for Submission
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“I think it’s time for a little break again. I’m going to blindfold you.” He reached into a drawer under the table and pulled out a black blindfold and put the elastic snugly around her head. Her world went dark instantly.

The idea of him taking her sight away both frightened and aroused her.
Another contradiction. She was still, waiting in darkness, wondering what his expression was at that very moment. Was he staring at her? Was he leaning in, examining some part of her body? Was he about to bite, to touch, to kiss? She couldn’t know. She strained to hear, to pick up any clues. Nothing. Then, his voice. Near her right ear. Low and velvety.

“I’m going to pierce your clit hood, Janna.
A vertical barbell. You’ll fucking love it, I promise.”

The words sent a shock through her. Instantly her face heated and she felt like she might faint.

“No, Mark! I can’t–” she started to protest. The adrenalin rushed.

Maybe he’s ju
st saying this to freak me out. And it’s totally working.

is not really one of the options here, I’m afraid. You lie
still now while I clean you up and get that wet cunt of yours ready for some new decoration. The metal rubbing against the outside of the hood will keep you excited pretty much all the time. A dripping pussy, twenty-four-seven.”

Janna squirmed and moaned, “Mark. It’ll hurt too much. I

“Nah, it won’t hurt nearly as much as the tattoo gun, I promise. Look, it’s actually very
quick, and practically painless compared to five hours of tattooing. Besides, your pussy is so sopping wet right now I doubt you’ll feel the needle go through at all. Just a little 14-gauge, very simple, not a big deal. I wouldn’t do something I didn’t think you’d be happy with. And trust me, you will be happy with a vertical. Every time you walk, or move in your chair, or cross and uncross your legs, you’ll feel it, you’ll think of me, of this.” His dark gaze was intense and unyielding. He’d already
, and now it was going to happen.

Obviously she really DID want this.
All of this. There was no denying it anymore.


Chapter 7


She heard him rustled around in cabinets and drawers as she lay bound and exposed on his table, waiting, straining to listen, trying not to think about … needles. Sharp, thick, needles. Piercing her … down there.

Oh God, I have to tell him no. I have to tell him I can’t go th
rough with this piercing thing, that he should just finish the tattooing and we’ll call it a day. Idiot. Call it a day? Yeah, right. Your pussy is wet and you want to him to fuck you. You know damned well you aren’t going anywhere, slut.

“Second thoughts?”
She heard movement again, nearby. Suddenly she felt him roughly cinch up one of the straps holding her wrist to the table at her side. “Too loose. Well, sorry, it’s too late for second thoughts, Janna. This is happening. I can gag you, too, if you like. Because what I expect here is for you to be good and lie still, and stay perfectly quiet. It’ll all be over in a second and then I’ll get back to tattooing your arm. Still a lot of ink to do.”

How could
he be so nonchalant about this?

“No, please,” she whispered
. “Don’t gag me. I’ll be quiet. I’ll be good.”

“Good girl.
OK, first I have to clean up that wet pussy.”

He jammed a gloved hand into her crotch and pushed her pussy lips apart roughly with his fingers. The touch sent a new wave of desire through her. She still needed
to come, needed that orgasm so badly. She writhed a little as he swabbed her labia with a sanitizing solution and a soft cloth. The coolness of the damp cloth on her labia felt so soothing. And his hand, finally, in her pussy. The thought made her crazy with lust again.

God I
wish he’d just fuck me already.

She tried not to think about what he was about to do

“This makes a 14-gauge hole, which is a good size for a clit hood hole
. I’m going to use surgical steel jewelry, just a simple straight barbell, but once this heals up you can change the jewelry to gold or whatever else you like. Any questions before I do this?”

“Is it going to bleed? I don’t know if I can do this, Mark. I really don’t. What if I faint or something? How long will this take to heal, anyway?”

His voice was calm, measured, coming from close by. She realized that by only being able to hear him, to sense his nearness, his movements, without being able to see him, aroused her like nothing she’d ever experienced.

Well, these usually heal pretty quickly. As for blood, hmmm, maybe a little, nothing too serious. Trust me. I’ve done a bunch of these, girl. It’s not going to jet up and splat into the ceiling or anything. Not usually, anyway.” He laughed.

“I’m sorry but I don’t find that especially funny!” she snapped. “My arm is killing me, too.
Just … on fire.”

She sensed motion
again, then felt his warm breath on her face. The tiny soft hairs on her cheek felt like they were standing on end, almost electrified at his closeness.

“Stop the whining, Janna, or I
gag you.” The deep tone, so close she could almost feel the vibration in it, was oddly soothing despite the unnerving intent of the words. “You just relax now, girl. I’m gonna to mark the two spots where the needle has to go through your clit hood. Hold real still.”

Try? He’s going to TRY to mark it? Jesus what have I gotten myself into? I’m not feeling
the confidence here. No I’m not.

She felt him push her pussy lips apart again, as slick gloved fingers
worked their way inside. She realized she was wet again. Very wet. Her juices made sloshing sounds as he fingered her, pinching her clit area to hold it steady for the tip of a marking pen of some kind.

“Jesus, Janna, I just wiped this down and you’re wet as hell again?
Already? Someone
the idea of her pussy being pierced, don’t they?”

Mmm, no I – I don’t know–”

know. It’s obvious. Listen to this sloshing.” Mark’s fingers played among her folds; the sounds of wetness, of her intense and building arousal, were unmistakable. Then his hand left her pussy again. She felt him leaning over her, into her, then sensed him right in front of her face. His presence, the very essence of him, so palpable and immediate.

“Open,” came the deep commanding voice.

Heart pounding, she felt his finger tap brusquely at her bottom lip and instantly her lips parted, more in surprise than as the result of his demand.

he felt a gloved finger enter her soft warm mouth. Then another.

“Taste yourself.” Mark shoved fingers – she couldn’t tell how many – into her open mouth, forcing her jaw to widen.
She groaned in protest at the sudden invasion and felt a rush of heat fill her cheeks as the eroticism of what he was doing hit her fully. Again she was annoyed at her own body’s betrayal, at its embarrassing display of need. She felt his fingers wipe across her tongue as he spoke again.

“The funny thing is, with a clit hood piercing there’s a
chance you’ll stay even more wet, and pretty much constantly, too. Kinda the whole point, yes? Anyway, you’ll love it. You’ll feel it all day, when you sit, cross your legs, maybe just while walking.” He was talking as if everything happening was a routine occurrence.

he felt his fingers slip from her mouth and then strong gloved hands moving down her body, stroking lightly as they went, skimming her breasts, over the gentle slope of her belly, then tracing her mound and finally spreading her pussy lips again. There was a light pressure at her clit and she knew he was either marking her with a Sharpie or … just pretending to. Either way, she couldn’t move at all under the tightness of the leather straps, and she certainly didn’t
to move now anyway. The thought of him slipping, inadvertently stabbing her in the wrong place, terrified her.

“Hold still, very still Janna.
OK, deep breath now.”

She started to inhale, but before
she could fully expand her lungs, a sharp searing pain exploded below her center. The needle. Piercing her hood. Time stopped, that moment of intensity so fleeting, when nothing exists but
, now, everywhere.

Her pussy clenched involuntarily.
The pain was intense and she let out a small shriek but before the sound even subsided the pain below was gone! And she breathed again. She felt a slight jerking at her clit, Mark’s thick fingers moving the delicate skin. Her mind raced again, now that the actual pain was gone, filling with all kinds of crazy little thoughts.

My clit and I were always so close. Inseparable, really. We’d bonded. From the start. ‘Hello there’, clit, I remember saying, long ago, and my clit said ‘Hi Janna!’ right back to me. All friendly, just like that. Yes, and we did things together. Fun things. All the time. I’ll miss those times. Oh FUCK, Janna, get a grip. You’re delirious.

, yes,” Mark almost whispered. “Almost done now. The barbell is already in. God, Janna, this is fucking gorgeous. So sexy.”

She felt a snapping sharpness at her clit, a harsh squee
ze that made her insides tense.

trying to screw in the end pieces,” he said. “These tiny balls are really hard to work with … slippery … stay still, breathe.” She forced herself to exhale as he affixed the balls to either end of the barbell.

least the needle part was done. It was over, and not nearly as bad, she thought, as she had imagined it might be, or would have been in the hands of a less capable guy. Mark’s experience, his confidence, turned her on as much as his physical aspects did.

Still, s
he wondered if any of the wetness she felt in and around her pussy was … blood.

ya go. You did great.” She loved his praise.

She felt him at her head as a
strong hand jerked the blindfold off. Her eyes adjusted to the new light, she blinked to see him wiping the black- gloved hands on a towel. No blood, at least, not enough to see. He stood staring at her pussy, looking at it just as an artist would reassess his work in the middle of an artistic frenzy.

Holy fuck, Janna, this looks smokin’ hot on you. Here – take a look.”

He grabbed a small mirror from the counter and held it up near where her crumpled shorts were still bunched around her thighs. She tried to sit up a little but the
tension in the straps kept her from moving much at all. Still, she managed to maneuver just a little so she could focus. He held the mirror in one hand and her pussy lips open for her with the other, waiting for her reaction.

“Like it?” he asked.
“Told you it’d look awesome.” The pride in his voice, and in his expression, made her feel special, treasured as a unique work of art in his hands.

The mirror reflected the bright silver barbell hovering
vertically in the soft pinkness of her clit hood. It almost seemed to float.
Oddly beautiful and so erotic
, she thought. She was aware of the strangeness of seeing metal there for the first time, but she had to admit she, too, was proud – yes, that was it,
– that she’d been able to handle the pain. For herself, and for him.

Jesus, there’s a hunk of metal IN my clit hood. I’ve lost my fucking mind. This guy must be hypnotizing me or something. I don’t do shit like this! I just don’t. Christ.

“Oh my god … it’s really there. I can’t believe it. It’s really there,” she said. She felt her face flush a little at her own inability to express herself more eloquently. “And, whoa, yeah, you’re right, I’m amazed … it really didn’t hurt like I thought it would! Not that bad at all.” Instantly she regretted saying it.

Well that was a dumbass confession, Janna! A man with obvious sadistic tendencies and a serious needle fetish has you strapped to a table and you tell him ‘it wasn’t that bad’?

“How does it feel, Janna?” He was grinning at her, waiting for her answer. “Tell me.”

Well, it feels … sore. Duh. A little sore. And … weird. Weird in a good way, though. I don’t know – is it supposed to feel like this? Tingly and intense.”

Mark laughed. “Get used to it, yep. Some women don’t notice anything much at all different with a VCH piercing, but others say it stimulates their clit pretty much all day and all night, every time they move at all. I bet you’ll be arous
ed all the time. You might be able to come without even touching yourself – who knows.” The self-satisfied grin was back on his face. She blushed a little at his prediction.

“A VCH?”
Janna’s voice croaked. “Great. I’m an acronym now.”

“Vertical clit hood piercing.
Time to get back to the tattooing, Janna.”

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