Marked (26 page)

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Authors: Kim Richardson

BOOK: Marked
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Chapter 16. Asmodeus



ara blinked as she stared at the reflections rippling along the water. She wondered if this was her last time staring down at the shinning waters of the pools. Or her last mission jump. The jumps were by far her favorite things now. She would miss the tingling sensation she felt all over her body—right before she’d disappear. It reminded her of the crazy rides at La Ronde—the saucer like ride that spun extremely fast, which pinned your back against the wall so that you were unable to move—and when the machine went into overdrive you felt like your body was coming apart, piece by piece. It was freaking cool.

The salt water smell filled her nostrils. The
from the neighboring pools echoed in her ears. She tried to think positively about her assignment, even though the outcome was ninety-nine point nine percent sure to fail. She wondered what the archangels felt about leaving Horizon in the hands of a rookie guardian angel. She was probably going to die today, which meant she’d be responsible for destroying the entire legion—just a wee bit of tress on her life-quest.

David had taken Kara to train for a few hours before her mission, so she could practice a few moves before taking the big plunge. She wasn’t focused, and she kept falling, missing her strikes and landing with her face three inches deep in the sand. Frustrated, she couldn’t concentrate on anything except David, and how he still didn’t trust her. She just couldn’t get it out of her head.

He put on a brave face for everyone else, but she sensed the suspicion, saw it flash in his eyes and in his body language. He tried to hide it, even now, with the fake training—the fake caring. She felt betrayed—the kiss had meant nothing to him.

It was a strange thing to fall in love in Horizon, without a heart to break—a broken soul felt just as painful as a broken heart to Kara... She noticed that David never made eye contact with her either, and he kept yelling out words to the invisible person above her head. She felt anger—she wanted to hit him hard in the face.

Soon David gave up. He sensed she wasn’t there in spirit. Kara stopped lifting her blade entirely. They walked back in silence to the big white tent. Kara received her new assignment. The oracle told her that the Scouts had only just arrived back. They had given one positive location on the elemental. She had only one hour to find the child this time. Time was of the essence. And she knew her own time was running out.

To make matters worse, the entire legion seemed to have come to operations to see Kara off.
Trying to get a glimpse of the freak traitor before I disappear, eh?
She looked around at the hundreds of gathered guardian angels staring at her. She heard them whispering.

“Look! That’s her, she’s the one—”

“Is she really a

“Tom says he saw the demons mark himself—she must be—”

“Look! I can see the mark on her—”

“Strange how she was still chosen?”

“Yeah, but she’s a rookie, she’ll never make it back.”

Kara stood in silence for a moment, absorbing the stings form the words she had just heard. She wiggled her backpack and tightened the straps. She thought of her mother. If she succeeded, not only would Horizon be safe—but she would have her life back. She would take care of her mother. For now, it was the only glint of hope she had left. Her mortal life would have to do.

“You ready,” called David from below. He gave her half a smile, the one where the corners of the mouth stretch out and snap right back. He was joined by hundreds of onlookers. She felt like a celebrity and hated it.

“As ready as I’ll every be,” Kara answered, keeping her eyes on the shimmering waters.

“If the elemental isn’t there—you come straight back! Don’t wait for things to happen.”

Kara turned her head and met David’s eyes. She wasn’t sure if this was a charade or real concern. How distant they seemed from each other now, not how they had once been—that night at the club when they had kissed. She bit her lip and wiped that thought from her mind.
I might never see him again.
She gazed into his brilliant blue eyes, stepped off the ledge of the pool and plummeted to the bottom of the water.


Kara stood in the shadows of Sources Boulevard. She looked up at the brass letters hanging from a black metal gate door: Birch View Cemetery. She glanced at her watch. It was almost midnight, and the eerie garden of dead bodies glowed in the moonlight. Tall dark shadows edged the length of the rock walls around the cemetery. The front gate was padlocked and topped with barbed wire. Through the spaces between the metal gate, Kara could see hundreds of grey headstones with withered flowers lying at their feet. The night air was cool against Kara’s mortal suit. The place looked sad and creepy.

perfect for demons
, though Kara.

She couldn’t squeeze through the front gate, so she walked around the stone border of the cemetery, until she found a spot where she could climb over. She pressed her hands against the cold rock and pulled herself up. She crawled over the edge and jumped down on the opposite side of the wall. She pushed herself up and dusted off her jeans.

She strained her ears for any sudden sound and watched for movement. The park, it seemed, was holding its breath. She walked in the silent darkness, trying to fit parts of a plan together, like a jigsaw puzzle with a missing piece.

Then she heard muffled voices in the dark.

Kara slide behind a large headstone and dropped her bag. She pulled out her soul blade and threw her bag back onto her shoulders. She followed the voices. Sneaking from headstone, to large bush, to more headstones, Kara edged her way in deep into the cemetery, until the demons came into view. She counted four higher demons, sitting in a circle. The odds weren’t good. She recognized the demon, Urobach—Brooke’s murderer. She felt her body shake with hatred as she remembered how he killed her. Revenge would be bitter sweet.

Kara sighed.
How the Legion believes I alone can do this, is beyond insane.

She scanned the area and saw the small cage with the elemental child inside. The cage rested at one of the higher demon’s feet.
Super—just my luck. I really need a plan,
she said to herself.

“We should be moving soon, Asmodeus—the angel legion will have sent Scouts by now,” said a voice in the dark.

“Let them come—I’m in the mood for a little
,” answered another voice. “Soon, my friends, when the elemental’s power has reached its full potential, we will be invincible! And we will
the legion and take back what is ours!”

Kara heard grunts of agreements.

One of the demons kicked the elemental’s cage. Kara’s soul ached as she heard the little child whimper. She crouched in the dark, thinking.

She needed a diversion.

You want Scouts
demon scum—then let me give them to ya.

She felt the ground and wrapped her hands around a stone the size of a soft ball.

Perfect—don’t let me down, baby.
She kissed the stone.

With the rock in her hand, she crawled out of her hiding place and sneaked behind the demons. With all the strength which her mortal suit could muster, she threw the rock past the demons and into the darkness behind them. The rock landed with a loud crash.

The three higher demons jumped up. “Zanu, stay with the elemental—Urobach take the left side. I’ll take the right.” With their weapons drawn, the demons ran into the darkness.

Kara grabbed another rock and threw it close to the ground near the one they called Zanu. He whirled around and began searching the ground. Kara threw her soul blade. It hit the demon’s chest. The demon cried out in pain, as he fell to the ground convulsing.

She only had seconds to react before the others came back.

Jumping over the body, Kara ran to the cage. The elemental child’s eyes were wide and wet. She wondered how a thing so cute could be so deadly.

“I’m here to help you,” she said, hoping he understood.

There was a lock on the cage’s door. Kara searched the ground and grabbed a large stone. She hit the lock over and over until it broke. She yanked open the cage’s door. The little child trembled uncontrollably. She knew she couldn’t touch him. She dropped her bag and searched inside it for her Sparks. Seconds later, she pulled out the shinning gloves.

“Ahhh!” Kara cried out as something hit her hard in the back.

She fell over the cage and landed on the ground. The gloves flew out of her hands.

Crying out in excruciating pain, she rolled over and pushed herself up on her elbows. The cage was empty.

Something moved in the darkness twenty feet in front of her. The elemental’s bare limbs shone in the moonlight as he ran. He disappeared from sight behind a head stone. He was safe for now.

Kara turned around and faced the demons. They walked casually towards her. Urobach picked up the metal cage as they approached.

“You think you can run away with my
? You
little angel!”

Kara blinked. She could feel the poison of the death blade in her back. The demon leader’s face shone in the moonlight. He looked exactly like an archangel—unbelievably handsome, with short black hair framing a strong jaw. His grey eyes glimmered in the moonlight. He wore a dark tailored suit. He pulled out a long sword from under his black leather trench coat. He then snapped his fingers and glanced at the other higher demon. “Urobach, take care of this monkey!”

Urobach dropped the metal cage. He brought his death sword up to his mouth and licked the blade. Grinning widely, he walked towards Kara, his long leather coat trailing behind him. “I’m glad we meet again, my little angel. You won’t escape me a second time.”

Kara wrenched the death blade out of her back, and sick with the pain, wincing, she threw it ineffectually at Urobach. She scrambled for her backpack digging frantically inside for her soul blade. She pushed herself up and planted her feet. With her body bent, she was ready.

The demon lunged. He stroked downward toward her head, but she wasn’t there. She jumped over him, slashing as she came down. But Urobach was quick. He twisted away from her and blocked her blade with the end of his hilt.

His face twisted into an evil grin. “Not bad, little angel. I’m almost having fun.”

He came at her again, slashing with force—and cut her in the chest. Kara cried out in pain, as she sidestepped, backing away from his killing strikes. She felt her energy drain from her body, as the Death Blade’s poison spread through her core. He slashed again, outmaneuvering her as she desperately concentrated on not getting cut into tiny little pieces—like an angel shish kabob. The poison burned her from the inside, and Kara began to see double. Urobach grinned as he licked his lips as he sensed that Kara’s strength was fading.

You’ve got to put your blade into his head
, said the voices inside her head.
Get in closer and strike.
Do it now, Kara.

Kara felt energy surge inside her body, as the voices spoke to her again. Under normal earthly circumstances, they’d lock her away in a loony bin, but Kara didn’t care. The voices inside her head were like invisible sidekicks—enabling her see opportunities that she might have missed.

Kara backed away from Urobach, trying to find an opening. And then she saw it. Urobach came forward, grinning confidently as he swung his blade up towards her head. Kara sidestepped, whirled around and jammed her soul blade into his chin—pushing it right into his head. Black blood spilled around the hilt and down his throat. The higher demon dropped and lay motionless on the cold ground.

Asmodeus screamed with rage. “YOU’VE KILLED MY LEUTENANT!”

In one rapid movement Asmodeus lifted his arms, and a large jet of black electricity shot out of his fingers. The brute force picked her up and threw her hard against a large headstone.


Kara crashed against the hard rock and slumped to the ground like a rag doll.

Kara winced in pain. She pushed herself up on her elbows in search of the child. She spotted him crouched in a corner, shaking. His big watery eyes glistened in the soft light. Blinking, she felt dizzy, as her vision blurred.
I’m not going to make it,
she thought.

Have faith, Kara
, said the voices inside her.
Take the child into your arms.
Kara turned around. “Those gloves! Where are they?” she breathed.

Asmodeus roared in laughter. “Where’s who? No one is here. Now, little angel—you
going to die. And I’m going to enjoy it immensely. But I think I’ll start with the kid. Why wait? I can feel his power strengthening.” He took a step forward.

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