Marianne's Abduction (4 page)

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Authors: Ravenna Tate

BOOK: Marianne's Abduction
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afraid they are,” said River. “And now we have to keep them from finding out you’re
here, while at the same time we find your aunt and uncle.”

gazed at each of them in turn. “Thank you. I don’t know what to say. It sounds
like you saved my life. But tell me how you came to be associated with my aunt
and uncle. Did you work with them?”

shook his head. “No. They helped us escape from prison. We both started a
company that wrote software, and sold it and hardware to businesses on all
three planets. When a few of our Regum clients demanded we stop doing business
with Tyranns, we refused. We didn’t yet know what was going on with the women
from your planet.”

smiled. “We work in similar fields. I have a Master’s degree in marketing, and
I worked as an IT consultant, advising businesses on what software and hardware
they needed. Or at least, I did before the invasions began.”

wish we could change what happened.”

of us can. So what happened when you refused the Regum’s demands?”

trumped up charges against us. Jakara intervened and got your aunt and uncle
involved. That’s what they did before they were taken by the Tyranns. They
weren’t working on contract negotiations for long. Not once they realized what
the Tyranns were doing to their own people. They left the Ministry on Sera and started
working for the Addonians.”

swelled within Marianne. That sounded exactly like something they would do.
They had to be all right. These men would find them. They had to.

tricked the Tyranns into believing the Regum had dropped the charges in
exchange for handing us both over for sentencing in the Zoo.”

the Tyranns are using prisoners to have sex with women in this Zoo. And it’s
for show? The
get paid for this?”

said Vaughn. “Quite a lot, from what we hear. The women are housed in lavish
quarters with two or more men, and they’re forced to have rough sex with her
several evenings a week while people watch. It’s a one-way screen, but they
know they’re being watched and listened to.”


agree. And for the male prisoners sent there, it’s considered the worst kind of
sentence imaginable. They’re encouraged to use their female Earth captives to
take out their frustrations on. The Tyranns want the men angry so they force
the females into acts of depravity as their customers demand it more and more.”

won’t the Regum help them?”


that part of what you’re hoping to do? Get that place shut down?”

It has a few weak spots, but ever since the escape several months ago, they’ve
tightened security on the entire planet.”


political prisoners named Cord and Arlo, along with Fallon, the Earth girl that
was sent to live with them. They’re on Sera, working in the Ministry. Cord has
a cousin who is a
of the Second Order, and he
was able to get guards to help them escape. But it would be difficult for
something like that to occur now.”

let out a loud exhale. Things here were far worse than any of the rumors that
had circulated. But she was safe for now. She felt that down to her bones. And
these two would help get her aunt and uncle back from Voyeur Moon. It would all
be okay. It
to be.




Marianne woke, at first she had no clue where she was. Panic set in as she
glanced around the unfamiliar room, so stark and plain. She smelled coffee and
food, and then she heard a rich, sexy voice and it all came back to her.

spacecraft near the lake, the quick, sharp pain in her arm, and then landing
here, on another planet. And then she’d listened to Vaughn and River
their world, its history, its convoluted politics,
and the fact that her aunt and uncle were now prisoners of a ruthless group who
called themselves Tyranns.


was still in her clothes, which she supposed was a good thing. Although along
with the memories of last night came the recollection of those men with the
deep voices and dark hair that she wanted to run her fingers through.
And their muscles and tats…

remembered the conversation at the bar before being whisked here, and realized
maybe Bonnie, Kathie, Jennifer, Sasha, and Pam were right? She was just as
desperate to get laid as any of them. She had to be if she was imagining Vaughn
and River naked at a time like this.

climbed out of bed and glanced around, noticing the clothes laid out on a
chair, and a note on top of them. She picked it up and read.

We guessed your size on the
clothes. Hope they fit. And we procured personal items for you. They’re in the
bathroom. Take your time getting ready and then join us for breakfast.
River and Vaughn.

shook her head. Didn’t they need to sleep? What time was it? The only clock in
the room was a tiny digital one that read 9:02. If that meant the same thing
here as it did on Earth, it was morning. And she also realized she no longer
felt sick to her stomach, and she did not have a headache. Whatever Vaughn had
put in that water really helped, but she still wasn’t going near alcohol again
for the rest of her life.

went into the bathroom and inspected the tiny ceramic and glass bottles and
pots. They might not have brand name labels on them, but she had everything
here she needed. She took a quick shower and then fished in her bag, which they
had left on the dresser, for her makeup. She didn’t have much in there, and
decided the hell with it. They’d seen her at her worst last night and hadn’t
run away in fear, so this morning she’d have breakfast with them bare-faced.

she brushed out her hair and realized she’d have to let it air dry, she put on
the clothes. The bra was actually a camisole, but at least there were panties.
She hoped they were new. It felt weird to put on underwear when she had no idea
if it had been worn by someone else before. The tunic and pants were soft,
almost like silk, and draped her body in a comfortable way. They’d also left
her a pair of ornate slip-on shoes that reminded her of ballet slippers, so she
put those on, too.

wondered what else was in the room, so opened the dresser drawers to find more
underwear. Then she opened the closet door and found an entire row of tunics
and pants, plus dresses. Where had they come from, and how deeply had she slept
that she hadn’t heard them in here or in the bathroom?

last thing she did was debate whether to wear her engagement ring on the chain,
or hide it somewhere. It wasn’t that she was embarrassed to wear it, but she
wasn’t sure she wanted to explain Jacob to Vaughn and River. Then again, what
harm could that do? Maybe they’d even be able to help her find out what had
happened to him? She put the chain around her neck and tucked the ring under
her tunic. If they asked about it, she’d tell them.

she surveyed the look in a full length mirror, she smiled. Not too shabby, and
she actually looked more rested than she had in a long time. She followed the
smell of food, taking in the stark decorating in the quarters that she’d
overlooked last night. Of course, she didn’t expect it to be furnished like a
palace, but a few pictures on the walls or something would add some warmth to
the place.

Why are you worried about the
damn decorating? This isn’t your home.

shook away the doubt and fear beginning to creep in. No, it wasn’t her home,
but right now she was stuck here, so she might as well make the best of it. She
no longer had to stock groceries and
having sex with a teenager simply because he was cute. No more fighting off
gangs of roving people trying to take over the building she lived in, and she
would never again have to worry whether there might not be water or electricity
that day.

planet was dying, and the Tyranns had killed it. They had her aunt and uncle.
If she could help the Addonians find and rescue them, she was going to do that.
Because what was her alternative?

she could do worse than Vaughn and River for companions.


let out a sound halfway between a groan and a sigh when Marianne walked into
the kitchen. “Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes. Did you sleep well?” She
looked rested.
fucking beautiful.
clothes fell against her lush body in soft folds, but clung to her just enough
that he could see the outline of her curves. His dick was rock hard within

did. Thank you.”

face was free of paint, which he loved, and her hair was still damp. He
squirmed slightly in his seat as images of her in the shower filled his mind.
“Come and sit down. Have some food. Do you drink coffee?”

I do. It smells great. Thank you.” She took a seat at the table. “Don’t you two
need to sleep?”

as much as you do,” said River.

sipped her coffee. “This is delicious. Where did you get all the clothes and
personal items?”

have our sources,” said Vaughn.

grinned, and he had trouble staying in his chair. “That sounds very

it is. We go to the commissary on the other side of this base and choose

laughed, and the sound was like manna to his ears. “Well now I feel guilty. You
paid for all this and I have no money to repay you.”

Oh holy fuck
. He glanced toward River, who
looked equally ready to come in his pants. “Well, I’m sure we’ll think of some
way for you to repay us.” And then he held his breath as he waited for her

lowered her gaze and stuffed food into her mouth, but he didn’t miss the slight
coloring of her cheeks. “This is good.
Very good.”

food here is fresher than what you’re used to.”

nodded and kept eating, and sipping coffee, but didn’t glance at either of them
for several minutes. When she finally did, the pain on her face was palpable.
“Look, I have to get this out or I won’t say it at all. Last night was a lot to
take in, but I’m glad it’s all out in the open now. I have no idea how I can
help, but I want to. I have no life back on Earth, and my only real family is
on Voyeur Moon. I want to help you set them free.”

and River exchanged a smile. “We’ll put you to good use,” said River. “You have
computer skills, and those are just as valuable here as they were on your

smile was full of both relief and joy. “Thank you. So … one more question.” He
saw her swallow, and she colored again. “When you two told me about the women
on your planet, all I kept wondering was whether you’ve ever enjoyed sex at
all. I can’t imagine what that would be like. I mean having partners who hate

all we know,” said Vaughn.

put down her fork and gave him a direct stare. “Is that why I’m here? I mean in
addition to keeping me safe? Have you two claimed me like Jakara claimed

was tempting to say “yes”, but that would have been shitty of him. “No. That
wasn’t our intention. But as long as we’re all being honest and open, I’d be
lying through my teeth if I told you that we’re not both attracted to you.
attracted to you.
You’re beautiful and alluring.”

looked embarrassed, but not angry. “And you’re both quite gorgeous yourselves.
Thank you. So, how will this work? Am I staying here with you two?”

would be safest for you if you did,” said River. “This planet is controlled by
the Addonians now, and it’s heavily guarded. Six months ago, ships came and went
on all three planets pretty much at will, although once they landed on Sera
there were security checks. But all that has changed now. A ship can’t simply
land here either from Sera or Voyeur Moon. The air space is patrolled. You’re
as safe here as anywhere now.”

gave him a worried look.
“Unless of course you’re
uncomfortable here, with us in the same quarters.
I mean, if you think
anything will happen that you don’t want to. We could house you in other
quarters, but you’d be alone, and we’d rather be able to keep an eye on you all
the time. The Tyranns can’t get to you if we’re here with you.”

fingered the chain around her neck again, and Vaughn could see the struggle on
her face, but wasn’t sure if it came from what River had just said, or whatever
that chain meant to her. “What is that chain?” he asked.

sighed heavily and then pulled it out of her tunic, revealing a diamond ring on
the end of it. “His name is Jacob Mariner, and I want to college with him. We
were engaged before the first invasion, and then he went backpacking in Europe
with several male friends. I haven’t heard from him since. There’s no way to
get in touch with him since any communication across the oceans are now gone on
Earth. I don’t even know if he’s still alive.”

rose and walked into his bedroom, retrieved his laptop, and then came back into
the kitchen. He logged onto a database that he had no business being in, but
that he and River had hacked into months ago. They were still in there
undetected because they had several user names, and were able to mask their IP
address most days. “Give me his full name again, and any other identifying
information, like his birth-date.”

gave him the information he’d asked for. “I also know his last address, but
it’s old now. I have no clue where in Europe he was when the invasions

all right. Just give me what you have.” She did, and then he searched while she
watched and River ate. Finally, his name came up. Vaughn read the drone reports
and then shook his head. As if this poor girl hadn’t had enough of a shock

is it? Please tell me.
Whatever it is.
At least I’ll

voice shook and he hated that. “He was picked up in a raid in Germany eighteen
months ago, and brought to Voyeur Moon. A great many of the able-bodied men who
were in their twenties, thirties, or forties were sent to the mines to work,
here on Addo.
back-breaking work, and the men are
treated like slaves. Most of them don’t last a year.”

here?” Her voice came out in a whisper.

shook his head. “Not anymore. He died six months ago. I’m so sorry, Marianne.”


brushed a hand along her arm and was alarmed to find her skin so cool. “Is
there anything we can do?”

shook her head, and then let go of the chain. “I had a feeling, deep in my gut,
that he was dead. But I always wished I could at least find out what had
happened to him. Now I know.”

voice was too flat and dull. River glanced toward his brother, a question on
his face, but Vaughn merely shrugged.

all right,” she said. “Like I said, I think I already knew.”

loved him,” said River.

Yes, I did. We hadn’t seen each other in what … two years I guess.”

a long time,” said Vaughn.

it is.”

don’t you finish breakfast?” said River. “You should eat more.
To keep up your strength.”
It was a stupid thing to say, but
he didn’t know what to do right now.

nodded. “Yes. You’re right.”

felt so fucking helpless, and he hated that. She finally began to eat again,
and then she asked them whether they’d ever been married or engaged.

said River. “Not us. We’ve been too dedicated to our business and now to this

sad. I mean, what
do you
do for … you know.
Female companionship?”

snorted. “Not much. Oh, don’t get me wrong. We’re not virgins, but sex is a
rare treat.”

looked surprised. “That’s horrible.” And then she rolled her eyes. “I should
talk. It’s been two years for me.” Her face colored, and she put a hand over
her mouth. “I’m sorry. This is a really personal conversation.”

all right,” he said, quietly. “You can tell us anything.”

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