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Authors: January Rowe

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Allie walked toward him, graceful and lovely. She wore his collar. The blue jewel marked her as his. So did the pink flush on her face and chest. His property was a profoundly sexual creature. He would never again deny or delay.

She wore the Silver costume. Her short blond hair was wet, her skin still glistening from the shower. Strips of shimmering metal lay tight against her curvy body. The costume shreds barely covered her softly bouncing breasts.

She was exquisite. Grant took a deep breath.

Approaching closer on the concrete patio, she was sure-footed, elegant. A silver strip twisted about her waist, her lush thigh. A section of metal hid her sweet, giving center. Ribbons of silver wound about her wrists and ankles.

A soft smile played on her lips. “I dance only for you, Sir.”

She stopped, just out of his reach. Her hips started to sway. He’d never seen a woman more arousing and beautiful. She circled him. Ripe and proud and feminine, she dared him to reach out and grab her.

He was fully prepared to take her, make her vibrate and tremble. His body was alert and ready. But he would wait to subdue her. He enjoyed watching her move.

Fluidly gliding, she walked around him, inviting, writhing and rolling. Her perfect back arched, her generous ass swayed. Her jeweled belly undulated.

She knew her power.

Hips swinging, she drew closer to him, then pulled back. She never took her eyes from him. She circled him like he was a captive planet, her arms held high. Her breasts lifting and falling, she moved nearer. Her body quivered with voluptuous tension.

She was a spectacular woman, his Allie.

He reached out and snagged the metal about her waist.

She gasped with joy.

He drew her close, inhaling her scent of lilacs. He kissed her. Pressing against him, she reached around his neck. He lifted her in his arms and carried her from the patio.

Finally he could accept Silver’s seductive invitation, first offered so long ago.

About the Author

January Rowe lives in Colorado. Happily married, she’s a mother of three. She’s also a Ph.D. scientist. Her friends accuse her of naming her firstborn after a chemical element. January denies it. The author is a gardener, a die-hard Trekkie, and a kickboxer. Her first BDSM novella,
My One
, was published in 2010 by Samhain.

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ISBN: 978-1-4268-9130-4

Copyright © 2011 by Carla J. Casewit

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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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