Man Swappers (51 page)

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Authors: Cairo

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #African American, #Contemporary Women

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ears roll unchecked down my cheeks. I’m bloated and miserable. This whole pregnancy thing is a lot more excruciating than I expected. Everything about Desmond makes me sick right now. The way he looks, the way he smells. I want to slap him. I’m already a week past my due date and I’ve only dilated three centimeters. I want this stubborn baby out of me, now. All it does is kick and squirm and make my life a living hell.

I’m so glad to be back here in my own bed. Living with my parents was…different, to say the least. But, here is where my heart is—for now at least. Persia and I are still on shaky ground, but we’re talking and we’re working things through. And she finally admitted to being jealous of me. Why I have no idea, but she said she’s always envied me. One day when I feel like hearing it, I’ll ask her to clarify. Right now, it’s not that important to me. That’s her issue, not mine. She realized I don’t trust her as far as I can toss her, but she’s still my sister.

Desmond just left here. I had to put him out. He was getting on my nerves, for no reason. I have to say, having him and Persia in the same room the first few times was definitely an uncomfortable feeling for all three of us. But we got through it. Persia apologized for her scandalous behavior. Surprisingly, Desmond accepted her apology. But, for some strange reason, there was
something in his eyes that gave me the feeling that he’s thought about her sexually. That he’s fantasized about whatever little nasty deeds she used to perform on him. There’s no telling with Persia. To this day, I don’t know exactly what they did in bed, and I don’t care to know. Even though I trust him when he says he loves me. Something deep in my gut tells me, if I offer him the opportunity to fuck the both of us, he would. Crazy thing is I’ve thought about it, watching the two of them together. I’ve masturbated to the notion of catching the two of them in the act.

There’s a part of me that misses fucking men with my sisters. If I’m really honest with myself, there have been times when I’ve lain in bed with Desmond, fantasizing about Persia and Porsha and Emerson—all five of us in one bed, fucking the night away.

The three of us would have Emerson’s and Desmond’s hands and feet tied to the bedposts, taking turns riding down on their cocks, smothering their faces with our sweet, wet pussies while alternately sucking their dicks.

The baby kicks again, jolting me from my lascivious thoughts. “Ugh!”

“Here, sweetie,” Porsha says, propping two pillows in back of me. “Let’s see if this helps.”

Persia is at the foot of my bed, rubbing my feet. Porsha takes a cold rag and places it up against my forehead. They’ve been tending to my every need for the last two weeks since my doctor placed me on bedrest. If I don’t have this baby by the end of the week, the doctor says they’re going to induce my labor. And that’s fine by me. Daddy and Desmond know to be close by. They’re the only ones I want in the delivery room with me. Mother wanted to be in there, but I told her absolutely not. I wanted the two special men in my life there. Surprisingly, she didn’t make a big deal about it. She acted like she understood. And that’s
all I care about. I want this shit over with. I feel like a fat cow.

I steady my breathing. The baby kicks. And I groan. “Do the two of you…” Oh, God, this child is pressing down on my fucking bladder. I take short quick breaths, blowing in and out, rubbing my lower part of my stomach.“…have any regrets doing what we’ve done with men?”

Persia and Porsha look at each other, then me. “No,” they say in unison.

“We’ve had some good times man-swapping,” Persia states, smiling. She quivers. “Whew, we’ve fucked the shit out of some fine-ass men.”

“Yes, we have,” I agree.

“Shit, I still think about it sometimes,” Porsha admits. “Every now and then Emerson asks if I miss it.”

“What do you tell him?” Persia asks.

“Shit, I tell him the truth. There are no secrets between us. But he also knows as long as I’m with him, I’m not sleeping with another man.”

“If somewhere down the road he wants a threesome, would you allow another woman into your bed?”

“If that were the case, fortunately, I don’t think it will be. But, if that’s what he wanted, the only women I’d ever let him sleep with would be one of you. And I told him that.” Persia wants to know what he said when she told him that. “He laughed, then told me that three of us together were too much for him; that I’m more than enough woman for him.”

“Good answer,” I say, shifting my body so I can lie on my side.

“Have you told Desmond?” Porsha wants to know.

It feels like this baby is kicking and punching me. “Aaah. Nooo…” Inhale. Exhale. I pat my stomach. Try to soothe this baby in any way possible. “I didn’t have to.” They both give me surprised
looks. “Girl, you know after that whole fiasco at the reception, Jasper couldn’t wait to get him alone and tell him all about the three of us.”

They gasp. “Shut. Your. Mouth. What did he say to you?”

I groan again. “He asked me if it was true. And I told him yes.”

“Then what?” Porsha inquires.

“Then he wanted to know how long we’d been sharing men, and how many. And of course he wanted to know if I used condoms. I told him always. That most times I only got my pussy eaten or laidback and masturbated while they watched me watch them fuck one of y’all.”

“Ohhh, I bet you he thinks we’re some nasty freaks.”

I hold back a laugh, clutching my stomach. “Oh, it hurts when I laugh. But, yeah, he knows we’re some real freaks. Hell, he walked in on me fucking myself in the back office one day when I thought I had the door locked. And, then, I fucked him. So yeah, he knows.”

My cell rings. I have it lying beside me. I pick it up. “Speaking of him, now. Hey!”

“You still beefin’ wit’ me?”

“Nope. I just want this baby out of me.”

“You and me both. My lil man has turned you into an evil woman. I miss the old you.”

I suck my teeth, playfully. “Whatever. How you know it’s going to be a boy, anyway?”

“Trust me. I know.” I smile remembering, what Daddy said about knowing I was carrying his first grandson. As much as he loves my sisters and me, deep down he wishes he had at least one son. I remember the look in his eyes whenever Garrett spent the weekends at our house. The two of them would go out fishing or down to the courts to shoot hoops. I even see it now when he
talks to Desmond. Daddy likes Desmond. And, Mother…well, she’s still trying to get over the fact that I’m pregnant, and that Persia fucked him.

I groan. “Uhh. Remind me to never have sex with you again without using a condom.”

He laughs. “Too late for all that. As soon as we’re married, I’m pumpin’ you up with two more.”

“Yeah right, I don’t think so. You better be the one carrying them.”

He keeps laughing. “Yeah, aiight. We’ll see.” I groan. “Damn, I wish there was something I could do for you.”

“There is.”

“What’s that?”

“Come lick my pussy. That seems to make it feel better.”

He laughs. “Yo, you just threw me up outta there.”

“Yeah, I know. But now I want my pussy eaten. I read somewhere that eating a woman’s pussy while she’s pregnant helps with the dilation process.”

Porsha and Persia both fall out laughing at how ridiculous that sounded. Even I have to laugh. But he tells me he’ll be back in an hour. We disconnect.

Persia stops rubbing my feet when she receives a text. She texts whoever it is back, then tosses her phone on the bed. “Royce wants to spend the night.”

“I can’t believe you’re still messing with him,” I say, shaking my head.

“Me either. I hate to admit it, but I kind of like him.”

“Wow, isn’t that something,” Porsha says, laughing. “And I bet you have a big ole wide pussy now to show it.”

She laughs with her. “Oh, fuck you. Let’s simply say, he’s stretched it to accommodate every inch of him.”

I groan again, laughing. “So, in other words, you have a big pussy.”

Porsha joins in my laughter.

“Whew, that boy has one huge-ass dick. Better you than me.”

Persia fans herself. “Yes, indeed he does. My boy toy is a whole lot of man in between them sheets.”

It’s kind of crazy and sick that the three of us can sit here laughing about our sexapades while swapping sex notes on the men in our lives. The three of us have fucked Royce and Emerson. Persia’s fucked Desmond, although that knowledge is still a sore spot for me. Still, we’ve passed men around and sampled the goods, like so many other women out there. Like my sisters, I have no regrets.

“So, what does that mean for you and the cute little waiter?” Porsha asks, eyeing her.

Persia shrugs. “Who knows? Only time will tell. For now, I’m having fun with him. Do you know I only recently found out that he graduated in May from Seton Hall with a degree in Business Management? And his father owns several businesses in Trinidad, and two Caribbean restaurants in Brooklyn. His father paid his tuition, but made him work for everything else he needed; hence, why he waited tables. But come January he’s going to take over his father’s two restaurants.”

“That’s great. Could you ever see yourself with him?” I ask, grimacing in pain.

She smiles. “Yeah, I think I could. He has a high sex drive, and is very open-minded sexually. But, more than that, he’s intelligent and very caring. And he’s exceptionally mature for his age. He’s invited me to go to Trinidad with him in the spring”

I smile. “You should go.”

“Oh, no, girl,” she says, shaking her head. “I’m not ready for all that.”

“Do you ever think you’ll be satisfied with one man?” Porsha asks her.

She gives it some thought, then smiles. “Yeah, I definitely think I could. As much as I enjoy sharing men with the two of you, there’s something nice about having a man you can call your very own.”

A sharp contraction shoots through me, causing me to scream. Five minutes later, another one comes, sharper than the first. It feels like something is stabbing me. I clutch the sheets. “Ohmygod, I think it’s time. Call Daddy and tell him to meet us at the hospital. Ahhh!” I yell in between contractions. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. This shit is excruciating. “This baby is ready to come.”

“You want me to call Desmond for—” Persia stops in midsentence as I shoot her a look. “I know, I know. Hell no. I’ll call Daddy.”

“I’ll call him for you,” Porsha says, reaching for my cell. She locates his number, then dials it; tells him to meet us at the hospital. Persia tells Daddy the same thing. Then they both help me out of the bed and walk me down the stairs. Persia helps me into my coat. I scream as the contractions come quicker and last longer. “Ahhhhh!” I scream again when another contraction shoots through me. Persia helps get me into the backseat of the car while Porsha races over to the driver’s side and gets in. She shuts my door, then hops into the front seat as Porsha speeds around our circular driveway.

My cell rings. It’s Desmond. “Whaaaat?” I scream into the phone, panting.

“I’m a nervous wreck, baby. Where are you?”

“Ahhhh!” I yell into the phone. “On our way to the hospital.”

“Baby, you remember how they told you to breath in that Lamaze class, right?”

I scream again. “Fuck Lamaze. You were supposed to come lick my pussy,” I say in between contractions.

He laughs. “I know, baby. I’m gonna make it up to you.” I yell again. “Yo, you my heart. I’ll lick your pussy, suck them titties. Do whatever you want me to do to help you get through this, yo. You heard me, baby?”

I scream again, grabbing my stomach. “Bitch, press on that pedal and hurry up and get me to the hospital before I have this baby in the backseat of this car.”

“Hold on,” Persia says while on the phone with Mother, giving her minute-by-minute updates as to how far we are and what my condition is. “We’re almost there.”

I would smile if I wasn’t in so much damn pain, happy to see them talking. It’s the first time in months. Maybe there’s hope for the two of them after all. I concentrate on my breathing. Close my eyes, try to block out the pain. Try to block out Desmond’s voice as he tries to coach and calm me. It’s not working. I scream.

I’m not sure what will happen once this baby comes into this world. And I’m not sure what the future really holds for Desmond and me. He loves me. And I love him. But I’m not
in love
with him. Yet, I want to be with him. He’s a good man. And, if I marry him, it won’t be for this baby’s sake. It’ll be because he’s who I want to spend my life with. Still, there’s a fleeting thought lingering around in my head that one day my sisters and I will sneak off to some sexy Caribbean island—before Porsha or I get married—and give one more man a weekend of sexual bliss, pleasuring him in ways he’s never imagined, as Passion, Pain, and Pleasure—three sisters, three sets of hands, three pair of soft lips, wet tongues, and hot steamy pussies working together to drive him beyond the limits of ecstasy. Oh, yes…what a sweet, delicious thought it is. One I can’t get lost in, not now. I let out another scream.
My baby’s coming!


Cairo is the author of
The Kat Trap, The Man Handler, Daddy Long Stroke, Deep Throat Diva
Kitty-Kitty, Bang-Bang.
He currently divides his time between northern New Jersey and California where he is working on his next literary masterpiece. His travels to Egypt are what inspired his pen name. If you’d like to know more about the man behind the pen, you can visit him at
., or on his website at



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