Malibu Betrayals (6 page)

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Authors: M.K. Meredith

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General, #Entangled;Select;contemporary;select contemporary;contemporary romance;romance;MK Meredith;malibu;malibu betrayals;second chance;hollywood

BOOK: Malibu Betrayals
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Chapter Six

Blue, his eyes were blue.

Gage leaned over Sam, smoothing hair from her damp forehead. “You’re beautiful.”

Muscles, liquid from too much heat, refused to cooperate, and she lay paralyzed. She stared into his eyes, always drawn toward them. His words were sweet, but she wanted to giggle, because she was so not beautiful. Very few were truly beautiful if they lived in a fifty-mile radius of L.A.

Besides, beauty had been Ethan’s business, and he’d explained why she’d never make the cut. Her features weren’t quite symmetrical, the tip of her nose too perky—a bit too cute. Brown eyes would never be as desirable as blue or green, and looking into Gage’s, she might just have to agree. He was delicious.

“That is just post-coital blindness.” She smiled and lifted her head to press her lips against his. Her belly tightened. How was it possible to want him again so soon, so badly? A rush of giddy energy washed over her.

“Light and easy” was back as her book of life.

Gage rolled onto his back and took her with him until she lay on top of his chest. “I just gave you a compliment. It’s mine to give. Just say thank you.”

“Thank you.”

“Wow, that was convincing.” He pushed her brown waves back over her shoulder and ran his fingertips along the top of her shoulder and down her arm.

She studied him, his thick brows over serious eyes, rugged features, a wide—and might she say, talented—mouth. Men had an easier time of it. Rough, imperfect features lent a certain amount of danger, all alpha male, outdoorsy, and capable; that worked for her as “pretty” men never could. Looking at him threatened to become a favorite pasttime. She’d never get any work done with him around.

His warmth penetrated deep, and she snuggled into him, a definite perk to sex. Resting her chin on her hands, she looked down at him. “I want to do that again.”

His grin stretched ear to ear, and he cupped her ass in his large hands. “That is the second best thing I’ve ever heard.”

She raised her brows and, trying not to get distracted by the length of him growing against her stomach, asked, “What’s the first?”

“Hearing my name on your lips when you come.”

Her cheeks burned at his words. In one swift move, he had her underneath him once again, and she laughed. He nuzzled the side of her neck and then took her earlobe between his teeth. Goose bumps ran the length of that arm, making her shiver. “So you liked it?”

He yanked his head up and looked at her, incredulous. “Liked it?” Supporting his weight on one arm, he cupped her face with his other hand. “
Liked it
hardly expresses what just happened.”

The heat of his breath caressed her lips before his mouth did, and she greedily took as much of him as she could. She slid her tongue along the slick heat of his, stirring all the nerves along her skin once again.

He broke from the kiss, tracing an invisible line from her lips, over her jaw, down her neck, and across her collarbone as he explained, “I like a good massage. I like a great cup of coffee.
was—well, that was something I’ve never experienced before.”

Any doubt left over from Ethan’s verbal slaps slipped away with each word Gage uttered. He continued trailing his finger over the swell of her breast and around her nipple until he reached the hard-nubbed center. She arched and sucked in a breath.

One time wasn’t going to be enough. She’d hoped a great bout of sex would get him out of her system, but she’d been very, very wrong. Her body continued to play back every caress, every tug, and wanted it all again and more. A casual fling would be perfect. It was all either of them had time for, and since she’d never get serious again with a celebrity, there’d be no confusion.

Light, easy, and the hottest sex she’d ever known.

She licked her lips. “Me neither.” Running her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck, she gave a gentle pull and then scraped her nails carefully up and over the crown of his head, eliciting a small shiver. “It’s never been that way for me. I haven’t been with anyone in a long time.”

He brushed the palm of his hand back and forth over her nipple and then palmed her breast with a soft flex of his fingers. “Well, you were fantastic. I can only imagine what you could do with a little practice.”

Her jaw dropped open, and she tugged his hair, none too gently this time.

He laughed but pinned her with a direct look. “So what are you saying, Sam?” He adjusted his position and lodged himself firmly between her thighs, bracing his weight on his arms.

Struggling to keep her brain on task, she pulled in short rapid breaths. “I’m saying I want to do this again sometime. You know. Have fun, nothing serious.”

He dropped his chin to his chest, but she could see the pull of his lips into a grin. She pinched him on the arm and tugged him back to her so she could kiss him. “Don’t laugh at me.”

Kissing the end of her nose, his eyes bright, he said, “I am so not laughing at you.”

“I could use a little fun. Writing and working on the movie during the day, and then you and I could blow off a little steam during down time.”

He stared at her a moment, holding her gaze in that way he did where she couldn’t look away. She bit her lower lip. Had she said something wrong? It had been a long time since she’d done anything like this.

“You’re writing? I mean, besides script work.”

It took her a second to catch up, but relief and his question warmed her, and she smiled. “Yes. I took some time off after, well, you know. And there was so much press and drama, no one wanted to be bothered with me on set. No one but Martin. Anyway, I’ve been wanting to sharpen my skills. If I’m back in Hollywood, I want to be the best, not just take advantage of an opportunity. I want to take back what was mine.” She heard the wavering in her voice end on a smile.

Pressing one more kiss to her mouth, he pushed up from the bed. “Then that is exactly what you’ll do.” He swung his legs over the side. “Come on, as much as I want to do all of that all over again, we have an early morning.”

A contented sigh escaped her while she watched him dress. She could watch that rerun all day long. He had such strength, not just in the way he moved, or the bulk of his body, but in his very being. Surviving in Hollywood demanded it, no doubt, and he was a survivor where sometimes she worried she was only trying to be.

She narrowed her eyes and pushed up from the pillows. That might have been her yesterday, but today she was moving forward.

Gage leaned back in his chair and sipped his espresso as he and his sister waited for their dad. He gave his practiced façade of calm and detached, but in reality he was giving himself a high five and a Buddy Christ wink. He’d known he and Sam would be amazing together, but the reality of it was something else altogether. It left him feeling like he could go bench press with Schwarzenegger or keep pace with Olympian gold medalist, Bolt. He’d gotten her to open up for now, and he wanted to celebrate, but the work was just beginning.

Staring off over the sea of unfamiliar faces, he watched his dad, otherwise known as DC or Dean Cutler on Pepperdine Campus, make his way to the table. Heads were on a swivel along the way, and Gage only hoped to have that much charisma in twenty years. He leaned back with a self-satisfied grin, lacing his fingers on top of his stomach. To Sam, apparently he did.

The tight squeeze in his gut brought back memories of sinking into her body and the addicting flavor of her lips. He hoped she felt something for him, too, something strong, because now that he’d had a taste of her there was no going back. Having her open up to him only strengthened his desire. And he was a man used to fighting for what he wanted—and getting it.

Cutler Senior took his seat and a sip of his mimosa, turning to Gage. “So, what’s been going on?”

The owner of the place had played football with his dad back in the day. He always saved a back corner table partially shielded with a half wall and hanging ferns, giving the family regular solitude in a world that thrived on intruding.

A sense of well-being filled him as it always did when he was with these two. They’d been a tight-knit trio ever since Cecilia Lombardi decided Hollywood was more important than her two children and devoted husband.

He’d been eight years old and his sister younger still. Gage never could get the idea out of his head that they’d just not been good enough, and his mother’s continued denial on the red carpet of any familial relation to him drove the notion home.

“I’ve been thinking long and hard about this, and spending time with Martin, studying.”

His dad nodded. “And.”

“I want to take a dive into directing.”

Bel laughed. “Well, it isn’t like you to tip-toe.”

He grinned.

“This is huge. What about acting?” his dad asked.

Gage pulled in a breath. “I love acting. It saved me, and now I want more. I want the creativity, the chance to turn my vision into reality. I’ll still act, but I see myself slowly exchanging one for the other.”

“You’ve always been so creative. I think this is the perfect way to dig deeper, to really see one of your visions through to fruition. You know how I feel about dipping your fingers into more than one pot. Your sister and I are behind you one hundred percent. Just tell us what you need, and keep us posted.”

“I will. I’m really excited about this. More than I have been in a long time. It is a change I need, and it’s a chance for me to really show what I’m made of.”

Bel shook her head. “What are you talking about? You’re one of the hottest actors in Hollywood.”

Gage flattened his hands on the table, focusing on spreading his fingers as wide as he could while he talked. “For right now, but that won’t last forever, and it doesn’t mean anything. Not really. I can be in a movie that’s total crap and it still sells. That doesn’t say anything about my talent or worth, only the current trends and celebrity crushes. Right now I’m it, but when I’m not, what do I have left?” Flexing his fingers, he dropped his hands to his thighs. “I want respect for my talent and vision, not just fame because I’ve got a certain look.”

“Then if it’s what you want, it’s what you’ll do. I get it,” she said.

“There’s more. I got offered a chance to co-direct and star in a new project. It has amazing potential.”

“That sounds like good news. Why the serious face?” Bel raised her brows.

He sighed. “Cecilia is part of the cast.”

Both his dad and sister leaned back in their chairs. His dad was the first to speak. “Does she have a major role?”

“No, a small one. But you know how she is.” Gage darted his gaze to his dad’s. “Sorry.”

Bel reached her hand out and touched the top of Gage’s hand. “Does Sam factor into this?”

DC raised a hand. “Who’s Sam?”

“One of his friends,” she said, making air quotes around the word “friends.”

Gage sighed. “She doesn’t actually, not this specifically, but since you brought her up, loud mouth, things on set are fine. She’s a talented writer.”

His sister’s eyes narrowed in that analytical way of hers, and a huge smile lit her eyes. “I’m glad it’s all working out. You know we’re excited about
plans you make.”

Remembering last night, he shifted in his seat. He wasn’t saying another word, besides they wouldn’t want to know what was on his mind right then. And as far as Cecilia was concerned, he wanted to keep her as far away from Sam as possible. There wasn’t anything to discuss, and the little there was he needed to keep a big fucking secret.

Gage covered the bill and a few minutes later herded them out under the back covered patio and into the bright California sun where they said their goodbyes. He and Bel stood a moment just in the shadows of the awning, chatting. “Hey, there’s a young woman over there trying not to be noticed by you. A fan?”

He glanced over and saw Dani, Martin’s assistant, turn three shades of red at being caught. He invited her over with a wave.

“Hey, Mr. Cutler.”

“Gage, and this is my sister, Belina.”

Dani shook Bel’s extended hand and ducked her head. Her mass of hair, tucked up under a messenger hat, escaped in wispy tendrils, and her fitted top matched her dark-washed skinny jeans. She had a rockin’ figure, which for some would be even more enticing due to her shy demeanor, but she seemed very young. On set, she was efficient, always on hand to help out, worked hard, and never seemed to tire.

“Are you headed to the set?” he asked.

Dani nodded. “Yeah, but my car decided to go on strike. Could you tell Mr. Gallagher I’ll be there soon? I called him, but hearing from you will confirm my story.”

“No problem. But why don’t I take you, and we’ll figure out your car situation later?”

“Really? No, I couldn’t. Are you sure? That isn’t necessary. I don’t want to bother you.”

Bel laughed. “Are you kidding? Driving a pretty woman around is never a bother to Gage Cutler. One of the reasons people find him so charming.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Nice.” He turned toward Dani. “Never mind her, she’s a brat. Come on, let’s get to work.”

Before he could step away, Bel leaned up and kissed his cheek, her blond hair fluttering in the breeze. “Look, I know you don’t want to talk about it right now, but do me a favor and be careful with Sam, with your expectations. Protect your heart, okay? Love ya, big brother.”

Gage smiled in return. His sister worried, and he got that. But he wasn’t worried. There were certain things he wanted in his life, new directions he wanted to take, and Sam was one of them.

He hadn’t gotten where he was by taking “no” for an answer.

Sam tried to focus on her work, but her eyes kept drifting to Gage. It had been a couple days since they’d been together, but the sight of him still turned her inside out. They’d planned on meeting for coffee out at his place, but plans had to be cancelled. Gage’s work was demanding, and he was often given very short notice, whether for last-minute meetings or interviews.

She enjoyed watching him. Every move he made, his expressions and gestures, seemed different now. Stronger and sexier. Like she knew something no one else did, a special heated secret. Giving in, she pushed away from her desk and stepped closer, watching from around the corner of a shelf full of equipment. Ever since they’d talked about the dialogue earlier on, he’d nailed his character. With every “Action!” she’d found her mind drifting away from the screenplay in front of her and getting lost in the drama on the set—and memories of his performance between the sheets.

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