Malibu Betrayals (27 page)

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Authors: M.K. Meredith

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General, #Entangled;Select;contemporary;select contemporary;contemporary romance;romance;MK Meredith;malibu;malibu betrayals;second chance;hollywood

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A wave of conversation rose from the crowd, and more hands shot up. She remained by Gage’s side as he addressed each question one by one. The topic soon turned to his upcoming projects, and she felt the tension ease from his body beside her.

He answered the last question and thanked the crowd for coming.

Sam smiled at him and then pulled his head down to hers. In front of all of Malibu, she kissed him.

Desperate to flee before the dam broke, and she embarrassed herself even more, Sam tore herself from the kiss and pressed her forehead to his. “I’m so sorry. I love you, more than I thought I had in me.” She released him and skirted the chairs on the stage, down the stairs, and then off to her car, thankful for security holding everyone at bay.


Gage’s call reached her ears, but she didn’t pause.

Approaching her car, she hit her remote which unlocked the car and started the engine.

Martin appeared and opened her door. “Go. I’ll take care of him. I knew you two would work things out.”

She wished she shared his confidence. “I don’t know, Martin.”

He laughed. “Oh, I do. I do.”

After ducking into her car, she backed out of the lot and sped toward Pacific Highway, reporters and cameras filling the space her car had just occupied, Martin waving them all away, his figure receding in her rear-view mirror.

She focused on the road ahead, pulled in a deep breath, and held it. Her lungs burned, but the pain came as a relief. She felt truly alive for the first time, in a long time. Courage was a new piece of her reality. Dreams long held were now within reach. All simply because she took steps in the right direction. No longer would she wait for life to happen in order for her to live, but rather, she’d take each step with purpose and passion.

No one had held her back but herself. A lightness replaced the tightness in her chest. She drove toward the ocean. Whether Gage ever spoke to her again, she couldn’t be certain. But she’d finally taken true steps toward the life she wanted.

Gage couldn’t get out of there fast enough. The atmosphere switched in a blink from lynch mob to well-wishers. Not a soul apologized. Of course not. This
Hollywood, after all. Every single one of them were actors. Switching characters to fit each scene, to most successfully complete each sequence. He shook his head. The tension in his shoulders dissolved, and the pressure in his chest increased with his pulse. At this rate, a heart attack was imminent.

Adam Nicks, his agent, pulled up with Gage’s car. Martin held the reporters at bay while Gage made his escape. Again, appreciation for those close in his life overwhelmed him.

The door slammed closed, and the sudden quiet was utter bliss. Air actually flowed into his lungs instead of choking him. He blew out the breath. Pulling onto the highway, he wracked his brain. Where would she go?

He’d been stunned by her public declaration. Putting their relationship on display opened them up to an immediate barrage of paparazzi intrusions, one of the things she’d always feared. He shook his head. She’d said it in front of the world today, put herself in the spotlight. For him.

He broke into a huge grin that made his face ache, in the very best possible way.

When she’d escaped, he got caught up answering a few questions. His agent kept the time to a minimum, but obligations to the public had to be met. Adam had refused to let him off the hook.

The sun, now high in the sky, beat through his sunroof. A tentative happiness settled in a comfortable position in his chest. He rolled down his window, enjoying the wind whipping through the car.

Shock. That was the sensation that had slapped him as he found Sam in the crowd. His reputation with the public be damned. Sam had chosen him.

Gage followed his gut and turned in the direction of the beach. Sam sought out security and solitude in times of need. This might be one of those times.

Finally, Gage approached the path leading to the ocean side of Sam’s condo. The rhythmic hum of the waves beckoning him.

Sam came into view, lying on her side facing the water. Her hair cascaded in various shades of chocolate and gold over the sand. His fingers itched to dive in.

Heart pounding, Gage slipped off his shoes, then his socks, finally sinking his toes deep in the warm grains. He removed his jacket and dropped it to the ground and then unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt.

She still didn’t budge.

He lowered onto the sand next to her, separated by nothing but pain and confusion—and love.

Her eyes were closed, a tear running down her cheek. His chest squeezed. No more. For either of them.

“I’m hoping those are tears of joy.”

Sam started. She blinked and wiped her face with a small shudder. Turning her head to face him, she smiled—a small, tentative curving of her lips. “What are you doing here?”

“You’re here.”

She studied him. Dark, luminous eyes. Was that even possible? Luminous and dark at the same time? Gage moved to sit closer. He had to touch her, but not yet. Too many questions, too much at stake for a casual caress. He rested his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands between his thighs. “Did you mean what you said?”

“Every word.”

Gage gazed out to the Pacific. The waters calm, smooth. He wished he mirrored the ocean on the inside, but too many emotions left him wired, anxious. “Sam.”

She slid her long legs in front of her to sit up facing him. The hem of her cream linen slacks gathered at her ankles.

Gage reached out and followed the gentle curve of her neck over the smooth cap of her shoulder with his finger. The white silk of her camisole was bright against her tanned skin.

She shivered. “I am so sorry.”

The words meant more knowing she loved him. It remained a mystery, even to him, but the apology washed away years of pain. Memories and yearnings for his mother, visions of Sam’s retreating back, accusing glare—all flowed out to sea with five syllables.

However, relationships took two. “Me, too.”

Her eyes widened. “Why?”

Gage moved directly in front of her and then took one of her hands in his. He looked over her swollen, red rimmed, eyes, and plump lips. They begged to be kissed. So he did. With a gentle touch he kissed one eye, then the other, finally pressing his mouth to hers.

She sighed against him.

“Sam, I’m sorry for measuring you with the same stick I used for my mother. You’re nothing alike. But losing you would hurt even worse, so I pushed you away and condemned you for running.”

She turned his hand over in hers and ran her fingertips over his calluses. “I’m sorry for not trusting you.”

“I’m sorry for not trusting you. It’s something we need to work on.”

Gage pulled her to him. She straddled his lap and wrapped her hands around his neck. He kissed her, a soft caress. “We’re stronger together.”

She smiled and her eyes filled with tears. “Together?”

He kept his mouth against her as he spoke. “Don’t you think?”

Nodding, she placed kisses all over his face. He held on tight. No turning back. If she ever tried to leave, he’d go with her. Wrapping his hands around her rump, he pulled her closer onto his lap. Sam belonged to him now. “You’re mine. Don’t ever walk away from me like you did when we first met, like you did on the red carpet, like you did today. Stay. Fight with me. Challenge me. I promise to do the same.”

Sam laughed, tears streaming now. But full of joy this time. “I promise.”

He’d have to trust her and ask her to do the same. “If we really mean it, then let’s prove it. I know you are what I want. I’ve waited for you, Sam. Dreamed of you. Marry me. Make all the pain worth it.” His heart thundered in his ears. His whole life held in her hands.

In her hands.

“You can trust me to protect you, to take care of you without changing you. Together we will be strong enough to handle anything Hollywood has to throw at us, and then some. We can limit how visible we are, increase security, and I’ll shift from acting to directing.”

She shook her head, eyes wide. He placed a finger over her lips. “It’s what I’ve been wanting to do. I want a family, Sam, and I feel like directing can give me that. Give us that.”

Pulling back, she cupped his cheek. “Are you sure?”

“More than anything in my life.”

She nodded, her eyes bright, a blush rose to her cheeks. “Yes, Gage Cutler. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

His lungs locked down. “You will?”

She threw her arms around his neck, holding on tight.

He prayed she never let go.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

The wedding decorations shone like chocolate diamonds coupled with the most brilliant aquamarine, and the crystal shine of citrine. Silky brown, bright blue, and lush green sheers draped the stucco walls. Cascading ivy and potted palms created intimate bubbles of escape. White orchids bloomed on every surface and called to the luminescent china that graced each round table scattered throughout the backyard paradise.

Sam tempered the giddy burst of affection that threatened to spill out onto each and every guest. She tightened her hold on her husband’s hand.

They’d promised to always walk toward one another, never away. To nurture the strength of individuality and cherish the unbreakable link of their unity. To trust and never condemn.

Gage glanced down into her face with his brilliant blue-green eyes, reminding her of what was coming later that night. She giggled.

“You’re happy,” he whispered next to her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

“Even better, I finally feel alive.”

He pulled her in front of him, her back to his chest, and wrapped his hands around her hips. The heat of his body a silent promise for later. They admired their colorful mosaic of guests, family and friends, dancing, mingling. Enjoying the celebration and each other. Laughter floated above the music, silverware pinged, and corks popped. Sam had never heard a more beautiful melody.

She nudged Gage in the ribs with a giggle. “Oh, he’s in trouble.”

Across the way, her sister, Addi, hands on her hips, shook her head at Martin and Raquel’s nephew, Roque.

She tried to go around the hottie—Sam would have to feel her forehead later. She must be sick to walk away from that—but he stepped in front of her once more, blocking her path. Addi shoved her finger into Roque’s chest, vehemence in her expression, making him back up with each pronounced jab. Before he opened his mouth to respond, she spun on her heel and walked away.

Gage laughed and whispered in Sam’s ear. “He’s a crazy man. I never want to get on Addi’s bad side. She scares me.”

Sam nodded. “Smart man.”

They watched Roque stare at her as she stalked off, a half smirk on his face. His cousin, Liam, elbowed him in the side, and Martin Jr. shook his head with a devilish grin.

They glanced from Roque to Addi, who darted angry glances in his direction from her spot next to Bel.

is interesting,” Sam said, pulling Gage’s arms around her tighter. He kissed the side of her neck.

“We’re not the only ones who saw it.” Gage jerked his chin in the direction of Raquel and Martin. The two stood with their heads close, whispering, and a look of determination playing across Raquel’s beautiful face.

Gage pulled in a breath. “Should I warn Roque?”

Sam shook her head. “Hell, no…no one warned us.”

He laughed. “Thank God.” Turning her toward him, he brushed his lips across hers once, twice, then repeated the action against her forehead. She was loved and the knowledge warmed her.

The event was more than she’d ever dreamed. Their families had connected instantly, to the delight of both Gage and Sam. Bel and Addison conspired in a corner, Luca and Cutler Senior laughed at something Mr. Dekker had said, and Sam’s mother walked arm in arm with Raquel through the crowd.

The two women approached, and Martin stepped up alongside his wife.

Raquel kissed Sam and Gage each on the cheek. “Do you love it?”

They nodded. “This is amazing, thank you.” Gage’s deep voice held a catch, and they all studied his face. He threw his hands up. “What?”

“Leave the sentimentality to the ladies, boy,” Martin said, turning to blow his nose.

They all laughed, and Martin pulled Raquel closer to his side.

Martin nodded at Sam with a smirk. “You had me worried, girl. But Raquel assured me we’d succeed.”

Sam shook her head with a confused chuckle, but deep down she knew, and she was thankful. “What are you talking about?”

“Whatever happened to the bro-code? You should be warning your fellow man, not conspiring against them.” Gage nailed Martin with a look.

Raquel, who seemed deep in conversation with Dee, placed a hand on her husband’s arm and looked at Gage. “Bro-code? Don’t be silly. I’m his wife.” The tone in her voice warned against denying it.

Martin tossed a wary glance her way and then shrugged back at Gage. “What can I say?”

Gage put his hands up as if in surrender and chuckled. “Not a damn thing. Smart man.”

In a flourish, Raquel selected two champagne flutes from a passing waiter and presented one to Sam’s mother as she sipped from the other. “It’s simple, darling.” She spoke with her hands, her dress of layered sheers catching on the slight breeze with a dramatic flair. “I know what’s best for my babies. Or more to the point,
is best for my babies.”

Sam narrowed her eyes, hoping for clarity. “What—”

Raquel slid her free hand back through the crook of Dee’s arm and then repeated the action with the other, careful not to spill her bubbly while ensnaring her husband. “Come, it’s time to cut the cake.” She led her companions to the triple-tiered confection, leaving Sam and Gage in their wake.

Sam looked at Gage, and he raised a brow. Her lips pulled up at the corners. “I have no idea how she thinks she knows.”

Gage returned the grin. “Maybe it’s better that way. Martin and Raquel terrify me sometimes. Somehow I feel like the less we know, the better off we are.”

A rush of emotion threatened to spill over as Sam’s eyes filled. Her chest squeezed with the power of it. “I am better off with you. It’s a wonderful feeling to have someone believe in me, and to have someone to believe in.”

He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I do, and it is.” Pulling her close, he rested his cheek against her temple.

“Thank you for waiting for me, for reaching me.” She wrapped her arms around his waist.

Gage cupped Sam’s face in his hands. He held her gaze with an intensity she’d never witnessed before. “Sam.” He kissed her forehead, then each cheek, finally pressing his lips to hers.

He released her from the kiss but continued to hold her gaze. “I
waited a long time for you.” Brushing his thumb over the curve of her lower lip, he smiled. “And you are worth every second.”

Sam got lost in the intensity of his gaze, feeling at once whole and part of something greater. Not because she found a man, but because she found herself, and she was someone to love. Staring into his eyes with growing excitement, she slipped her fingers through his, delighted in the sensation of his skin and the promise in his eyes.

A promise of a life filled with love and friendship and passion.

Green, his eyes were green.

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