Making the Cut (13 page)

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Authors: Anne Malcom

Tags: #Adult, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Mystery, #Romance, #Romantic, #Suspense

BOOK: Making the Cut
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“Hello.” I greeted nervously, hoping it wasn’t Cade. I hadn’t given him my number or anything, but he was a super badass with super badass powers. Or more likely he got it off his sister.

“Sweetie!!” I heard my mum scream, I relaxed into my chair smiling. It had been awhile since I had heard from either of my parents, I missed them.

“I’ve been thinking about you, things have just been so busy I haven’t had the time to ring! How was the opening? You getting settled in okay? Making any new friends?” My mum shot multiple questions at me at once, I was used to it.

“The opening was great, I’m emailing you pictures of the store now.” I started typing on my laptop, “We are settled in fine, Amy did a freaking great job of the house, but I’m sure you’ve already seen it all.”

“Yes, yes Amy sent me pictures ages ago, I had the final say in most design decisions.” Mum told me matter of factly.

I rolled my eyes. “Of course you did mother! And yes we are making some awesome new friends Amy got us invited to a party the other night. It was heaps of fun, met some lovely people, one of whom I hired to work in the store. Looks like we are going to need her, things are busy already! I think a clothing store was exactly what the female residents of Amber needed.” I glanced up to see Amy leaning against the doorjam munching on a sandwich. ‘MUM’ I mouthed at her.

“HI LACEY!” Amy shouted, mouth full.

“Amy says hi mum.” I said sarcastically.

“I heard her honey, I’m so happy she’s there with you, you have such a great friend in her.” Mum murmured softly.

“I know Mum. How’s Dad?” I asked after my father, because like Ian, he took my attack pretty hard, like he should’ve protected me or something, no matter that he was on the other side of the world and the fact it was my stupid decisions that nearly got me dead, but they were both macho men who blamed themselves.

“He is doing good sweetie.” Mum answered, voice still soft. “He’s off on some fishing trip, down in Stewart Island, thank god, he was driving me insane.”

“Mum! He’s retired, which he deserves, he’s worked very hard through his life.” I snapped.

“I know.” My mum snapped back. “But he doesn’t know how to be retired, he just annoys me, and now he isn’t working, he wants sex.”

“LA LA LA LA!” I shouted, cutting her off. “I do not need to hear about that, ewwwww.”

“You are such a prude Gwen, you’re a grown woman, you should be happy your father and I have a healthy sex life.” My mother chided me.

“Whatever mum. I do not need to know details. Kapesh.”

“All right all right.” My mother conceded, for about a millisecond. “How about you sweetie? Any men in your new town?” She sounded almost hopeful.

“Nope.” I lied. “None at all, this town has no men. Well not under the age of fifty anyway.”

Amy who still leaning at the door, shamelessly listening, narrowed her eyes.

“Don’t listen to her Lacey!” She shouted, trying to wrestle the phone from me.

“What is Amy saying?
are you lying to your mother?” Mum asked sharply.

“No mum sorry really busy got to go. Love you.” I called still trying to fight off Amy.

“Don’t you dare...” I heard my mothers angry but amused tone before I ended the call.

I glared at Amy who was now leaning casually at my desk, taking another bite out of her sandwich, as if nothing happened.

“What the fuck was that Abrams?” I screeched.

“What?” Amy shrugged her shoulders, “You should tell your mother about your two sexy suitors and about your no doubt wild night last night.” She smirked.

“That is the last thing I am going to, my mother does not need to know about my sex life and especially not about Cade. She would die.” I exclaimed dramatically.

“I doubt that.” She exclaimed dryly, then did a wee jump, smile on her face.

“Now tell me all about your wild night of passion between you and sexy Cade.” She looked like an excited child. “I am sooooo glad you finally got laid, was about time. How hot was it? On a scale of one to Channing?” She asked deadpan.

“Hot.” I answered. “Like I lost count of the amount of orgasms I had hot.” I decided to give her a little. I usually told her everything about my sex life, but for some reason I wanted to keep last night to myself. Between Cade and I.

“Holy shit really?? How big was his cock? Is he rough and hard or gentle and slow?” She demanded.

“I am telling you no more.” I decided, and her face fell. “I will say, my favorite La Perla underwear was ripped, ripped off me.”

At this, she fell back on the couch dramatically fanning her face.

“Enough about me anyway,” I continued. “Anything happen between you and Brock?”

Amy sat up abruptly frowning. “No. Why would it? He’s an asshole” She said shortly. I sat back in my chair, not expecting Amy’s defensive reaction.

“Wow.” I held my hands up in mock surrender, “I was just asking, he’s hot and seemed nice, and you were giving him the look.” I teased.

“He is not that hot, nor is he nice nor was I giving him the look.” She snapped.

“Were so.” I shot at her.

“Were not.”

“Whatever! How’s the morning been?” I asked letting her off the hook, but something definitely went on there, something I would find out later.

“Ohmigod its been crazy girl!! Word spread. Like fast. People have been coming in from out of town to shop, we got ourselves some big spenders. Just because people live in a hick town does not mean these woman ain’t got style. ”

“Better get to work then.”

Chapter 6

Amy was right, word spread, like crazy fast. Amy, Rosie and I were run off our feet for the rest of the week with women coming in, some for complete wardrobe overhauls. I was going to have to do a new order soon, a big one. Working out on the floor really helped me figure out what the populace of women wanted so I could get it in, but I had heaps to do so I would need to hire more staff. And luckily by the way things seemed to be going I would more than be able to afford it. I also spent the week trying to evade Rosie’s multiple questions about me and Cade, she seemed itching for us to get together, no matter I hadn’t heard from him since Thursday the morning he left cause he had ‘shit to do.’ It was now Tuesday, the following week. I definitely expected to see him, keen as he seemed. And even though this should have been what I wanted, I found it hard to keep my mind off him. I had been non-stop with the store but Cade was constantly on my mind, and I was kind of hurt, he declared me as ‘his’ one minute then no communication the next.

I did get a distraction with Luke coming in every morning and delivering me a coffee, which had become a bit of a ritual when he discovered I had a substance abuse problem when it came to caffeine. We didn’t talk much, given I was usually always busy, but it was nice, I really liked him, and he was definitely hot, but not like Cade. I told myself I would give him a chance, the next time he asked me for dinner I wouldn’t blow him off saying I was too tired, I would say yes.

I was at the counter, Rosie had gone to get lunch, and I had given Amy the afternoon off, since we were quiet. I was flipping through some look books, circling stuff I thought I might order for the store, when the bell over the door chimed. I looked up, smile on my face ready to greet a customer, and my eyes met Luke’s. As he sauntered up to the counter, I mentally congratulated myself for deciding to go out with him. He looked good. His blonde hair was tousled and swept over his face, and he was clean shaven. He was wearing his uniform and fuck did he wear the shit out of that thing, he pushed his aviators to the top of his head as he approached the counter and rested his hand of his gun belt, out of habit I think. But man did that make him look even hotter.

“Gwen.” He greeted me, his rough voice caressing my name.

“Luke.” I breathed, glad about my outfit choice. I was wearing short white, tailored shorts with a dusty pink silk shirt tucked in. My hair was up in a messy ponytail and I had multiple gold necklaces wrapped around my neck. I had on my third favorite pair of heels, they were pink with a criss cross of straps rounding my ankles. I felt good, I felt confident. His eyes assessed me, a small smile on his lips.

“Thought we could go outside the store and grab some of your drug of choice and perhaps some lunch?” He asked, eyes twinkling.

I started to tell him I couldn’t until Rosie got back when I heard the chime of the bell. Rosie bustled in, hands full, looking down to make sure she wasn’t spilling anything.

“Hey girl, I got us lemon cake as well, because Dylan makes the most kick ass lemon cake. Seriously it’s almost better than sex.” She yelled, making her way towards us. She looked up and froze when she saw Luke, red crept up her cheeks. “Um, hey Luke.” She muttered sounding embarrassed.

Weird, she didn’t usually get embarrassed, about anything.

“Hey Rosie.” Luke gave her a chin lift. “You’re right that cake is the shit, can’t say its better than sex though.” He teased and Rosie’s blush deepened. She scooted past him handing me my coffee, eyes looking anywhere but Luke.

“Thanks babe.” I said.

“No problem!” She replied with false brightness and the gears started to turn in my head. Shit, did she have a crush on Luke? She was never here when he came in the mornings so this was the first time I had seen them together. My spidey senses were picking something up, the way she avoided making direct eye contact with him and was as red as a beetroot. I bet she was struggling with this crush, considering the mutual hatred Luke and Cade had for each other.

“See you’ve got coffee babe.” Luke’s voice interrupted my thought process.

“Um yeah.” I met his eyes deciding there was no way I’d even think about starting something with him, especially if Rosie liked him. And if I was honest with myself I didn’t like him, I would just be using him to try and quell the hurt of Cade using me and then forgetting about me, although that’s exactly what I said I wanted. God I hated being a girl sometimes.

“Babe?” I heard Luke ask. Damn, that’s twice in a row I had retreated into my mental trance while I was supposed to be participating in a conversation.

“Sorry what?” I replied, sipping my coffee trying to sound alert.

Luke chuckled. “I asked if you wanted to go for a walk instead.”

I looked to Rosie, who was sipping her coffee and trying not to frown, whether it was because of Cade or because of what she obviously felt for Luke I wasn’t sure.

“Sure.” I turned to Rosie. “You going to be okay on your own for a while?”

“Yeah fine! Take your time!” She replied with false brightness.

“We won’t be long.” I assured her, grabbing my shades and coffee.

Luke put his hand to the small of my back, opening the door, he kept it there, directing me towards the beach.

“So how’s your day going?” He inquired conversationally.

“Good!” I exclaimed. “Today is the first day since we opened we haven’t been run off our feet.”

Luke looked at me sideways while we keep walking. “That’s good to hear sweetheart.”

“So how’s business with you? Crime running rampant on the streets of our little town?” I joked. My words did not have my intended comedic effect, and Luke’s face turned hard.

“Been quiet since the boys’ been out of town.” He said roughly, still watching me closely.

“The boys?” I parrot, my voice sounding high.

“Yeah, the Sons have been off on some ride, no doubt causing trouble in another county.” His tone was bitter.

Guess that explained why I hadn’t heard the roar of Harley pipes down the mean streets of our town, and why I hadn’t seen Cade.

“Um, so I’m guessing there’s no love lost between you and the club?” I asked softy, trying to tread carefully. Luke gave me a look, then gestured for me to sit on one of the tables outside the deli. We hadn’t really addressed what happened the night of the opening, I was sure Luke didn’t miss what went on with Cade and I.

“That’s a bit of an understatement Gwen.” He replied, voice tight. “They’re a gang. Not a club, whatever the say different is a lie. They are criminals, and they’ve brought trouble and death to this town. I’m doing everything I can to stop that, to put them where they belong, which is behind bars.”

I blinked. Shocked at not only his statement but the raw emotion in his voice.

“Death?” I asked, a sick feeling curled up in the put of my stomach.

“Yep, every now and them one of the Son’s is killed in some shady way or another, or someone connected to them. They never used to hurt women though.” He looked away as if he was remembering someone.

I struggled with nausea. “They hurt women?”

Luke nodded sharply and was silent for a moment.

“Her name was Laurie, sweetest girl you’d ever meet, I grew up with her. She fell for one of the boys and fell hard. Didn’t matter what he was into, what her parents thought, trust me they were not impressed to say the least, but they also loved their daughter, wanted her to be happy.” His gaze was intense and full of anguish. “Guess the boys had something going with a rival gang, drugs, pussy I don’t know what it was about. Anyway the gang decided enough was enough needed to teach the boys a lesson. Grabbed Laurie one day, said they would kill her the boys didn’t back down.”

I gulped, knowing the story didn’t have a happy ending. Luke continued, eyes on mine.

“They didn’t give a shit, even fuckin Bull he was supposed to love that girl, didn’t leave the god damn clubhouse. The next day, Laurie was dropped off in front of the clubhouse. Raped, savagely beaten, stabbed. Her fucking face tattooed. She died in hospital the next day.” His voice was flat, almost devoid of emotion, but his jaw was hard.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “How long ago did this happen?” I asked with a shaky voice.

Luke still had that faraway look in his eyes. “Just under a year ago.”

A year? Tears ran down my face, this story sounded too similar to what happened to me, shit it almost happened at the same time! Was this some kind of sick karmic joke?

Luke seemed to shake himself out of his trance and he saw my tears.  He gently pulled me into his arms. “Fuck Gwen, you okay? I’m sorry didn’t mean to be that harsh.” He sounded truly apologetic.

The words didn’t register and I continued crying, my breath hitching. This was meant to be my quiet little town, I was meant to heal here, not have my wounds ripped open again. How cruel could fate be, to thrust me into a situation, which posed so many similarities to one that almost killed me. How stupid could I be? To jump straight into bed with someone who came from a world that almost killed me. I was so out of it I didn’t hear the approaching bikes, didn’t notice Luke’s hands tightening on my shoulders. I was so angry with myself for breaking down, but I had been holding this all in since I first encountered Cade, this was the last straw.

“What the fuck?” I heard Cades voice from behind.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

I blinked the tears out of my eyes glancing up to see Cade standing in front of us, arms crossed, stance threatening. When he got a good look at my face, his anger turned palpable, he was flanked by Lucky and Bull, both wearing blank expressions under their sunglasses.

“Crawford. Take your hands off my woman, then explain to me why in the fuck she is in that state.” Cade commanded, his voice full of restrained fury.

“Watch your mouth, you forget who you’re talking to Fletcher.” Luke clipped “As far as I know Gwen is not your woman.” Still, he took his hands off me.

“Not forgetting anything Crawford, I know I am currently talking to a prick who not only had his hands on my woman but made her fucking cry. And trust me, she’s fucking mine.” Cade promised, shades on me.

I stood on shaky feet. Cade took a step towards me stopping when I retreated.

“Baby...” His was voice gentle as if it was just the two of us.

“Stay away from me.” I whispered brokenly.

Luke stood in front of me protectively. “You heard her Fletcher, beat it.”

Cade scowled at Luke, then dismissed him, focusing on me. “Whatever he said to you…”

I couldn’t deal with this. Any of it. I turned away and ran, ignoring the male shouts behind me. I ran in the direction of the beach, not knowing where else to go. I reached the sand pausing to take off my shoes. I walked until the water was kissing my ankles. I stood, looking blankly at the horizon, a million thoughts running through my head. I must have been here for a while because me feet and ankles were numb. But at least I could feel, at least I was alive. Unlike Laurie. I didn’t know her, but she could have been me so easily. Still could be if I didn’t sort myself out. I slowly walked out of the water, choosing not to react when I saw Cade leaning against his bike with his arms crossed, watching me.

I turned my back to him, sinking down into the sand, watching the waves, trying to beat away the demons currently knocking at the corner of my mind.

She was beaten, savagely, raped, stabbed. Face fucking tattooed.
” Jumbled words from Luke’s short but heartbreaking story rushed through my mind. Beaten. Stabbed. Raped. Sweet girl. Clueless girl. Like me she just fell in love with the wrong guy. Yeah that guy did not kill her, but she would still be alive if it wasn’t for gangs and their fucking politics. I didn’t react when Cade sat behind me, his powerful thighs coming around either side of mine. Strong arms pulled me to his chest. I sat rigidly, trying to work up the strength to fight him off. Problem was, all my strength was going towards not having a mental fucking breakdown. It was focusing on what an idiot I was for letting another man so much like the one that almost killed me, into my bed, under my skin.

“Babe.” He murmured in my ear, voice soft. I ignored him and continued looking blankly at the sea.

“Crawford had no fucking right to talk to you like that, badmouth the fucking club.” He still sounded soft, he was angry but he was checking that anger for me.

I went as hard as stone. “God forbid he badmouth the fucking precious club.” I hissed. “Never mind the girl that was

At my words, Cade tensed. “You don’t know anything about Laurie, Gwen.” His voice turned hard.

“Yeah, I do. I know she fell in love with a man, a dangerous man, who at the time seemed exciting, made her feel alive. And no matter how dark things got, the love was still there to make it seem light, so she could ignore the signs, the big fucking flashing red signs that should have made her run the other way. But she didn’t and that got her dead. Raped. Beaten. Dead.” My voice cracked at the end.

I felt Cade flinch at my words, his arms tightening around me. Then I’m in the air, turned so I was straddling him, his hands came to my face.

“Need your eyes Gwen.” He muttered, staring at me so hard I felt like he was staring into my soul.

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