Making Mina 2: Strings Attached (7 page)

BOOK: Making Mina 2: Strings Attached
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Mina’s senses were in overdrive.  She was aware of the warmth of Marco’s skin, the taut muscles of the arms holding her so easily, and the intoxicating scent of his cologne and that subtle spice that was just 
. She was weak now—tired of standing alone—and she leaned on him, just as he wanted her to.  His grip relaxed and he shifted her slightly, allowing her weight to drag her down across the hard planes of his body.  His heart beat heavily beneath her cheek, his breath rasped in her ear, and she shivered in anticipation as she felt his arousal pressed tightly against her.

She rolled her head to one side, rubbing her cheek against his shoulder.  She was touching him, but she felt like she was so alone, so far from him, that she needed to wrap herself in him, or die trying.  Marco groaned in the darkness and she smiled, a terrible, feminine smile of satisfaction, before she slid her hands up, higher and higher, cupping his chin between trembling fingers so she could draw his face down to her.

Hot lips touched and clung, and Mina stood there, amazed by the intensity of something as simple as a kiss.  Marco didn’t plunge and plunder, instead his quicksilver tongue danced along, licking at her, nibbling, and finally tugging her plump lower lip until she opened herself completely to him.   

His breathing was heavy, his mouth searing her where it touched, leaving her moaning as it trailed along the sensitive skin of her neck until he latched on to the place where her fluttering pulse was visible.  Mina could feel his teeth as they dragged against her, knowing he was leaving his mark on her for everyone to see.

A whispered groan escaped her as he released her and she thought she heard a low laugh in the darkness. Their faces were barely visible in the dim bedroom, the streetlights too far below the windows that marched along the length of the room to cast more than incidental light, but she didn’t need the light.  She knew his face like she knew her own, and she knew the desire stamped on it mirrored hers.

“Marco,” she whispered against his neck, teasing the corded muscles there with her lips, nipping in an echo of his earlier possession, “I need you.  Please.  Make love to me.”

His body stiffened under her hands and she couldn’t stop a panicked thought—what if this had actually been an elaborate trick and he was going to pull away and laugh in her face.  Throw her out in the street with nothing, not even her pride, to keep her warm.    The agony lasted a split second and an eternity, and she was almost afraid to breathe, knowing that would mean the Rubicon would be passed.

She needn’t have worried.  Marco had no intention of letting her go back.

“Finally you come to your senses and admit it,” he said, satisfaction thick in his voice. “I was about to give up hope and take matters into my own hands.”

Mina couldn’t help herself.  “And just what would you have done if I hadn’t ‘come to my senses’?”

Black eyes glittered down at her in the low light. “I’d have tied you down to my bed and made you realize your mistake.” 

Her mouth was suddenly as dry as other parts of her body were wet.  “You wouldn’t,” she started, but Marco pulled her even tighter into his arms, his hands tight around her. “I will do whatever it takes.  Do not forget that.” There was no question in his voice, no hesitance in his words.  He would let nothing stand in the way of his getting what he wanted, and he wanted—for whatever reason—her.  The power in him attracted her like iron filings to a magnet.  She was drawn, sometimes against her will, into him and she was never going to be able to deny it.

He felt her shudder in his arms.  “You like that idea, though, don’t you Mina 
?” He asked.  “You like the idea of being tied down, helpless, my hands on your body, my lips on every inch of your skin.”

Terrible visions raced through her head—her stretched taut beneath him, his lips on her nipples, on her clit—and the idea of being completely at his mercy excited her more than she ever thought possible.  A mewling noise escaped her lips and she could feel a liquid longing pool low in her belly.

“Don’t tease,” she said, surprised at how rough and needy her voice sounded in the empty room.  It wasn’t right—he shouldn’t affect her so deeply, make her so wet and needy—but no one ever told Marco Genovese what he could or couldn’t do.

“Tease?” He asked.  “You think this is teasing?”  His fingers traced paths of fire along her arms and then stroked firmly down her sides, cupping her bottom when he reached it, only to release her so he could start all over again.

Mina pressed herself against him, desperate for contact.  “Ye-e-esss…” she hissed as he dragged the tips of his fingers across her rigid nipples. “ I need more.  Ple-ease.”  Her voice cracked as his hands lifted the hem of her skirt and exposed the tender flesh of her thighs. 

Marco stepped forward forcing Mina to step back towards the bed or lose her balance.  Another step and the hands had crept higher, each step accompanied by Marco’s uncovering of a new inch of territory, territory that he immediately claimed and conquered. 

The quiet whisper of a zipper was magnified a thousand times in the darkness and Mina felt her dress gape and slither off her shoulders, the material parting  to expose her overheated skin to the cool room. Insistent fingers crept inside the lacy edge of her bra and she shifted intentionally, sending the fabric floating to the floor.

“So beautiful.”  Marco lowered his head, peppering her bosom with kisses. His fingers worked her flesh, plucking and rolling her nipples between them until she couldn’t hold back the sounds of her pleasure.

“That’s it,” he murmured, his hand cupping a breast and squeezing it gently, “Your breasts are perfect.  Full and luscious,” he gave a low growl and dropped his mouth to her skin.  “They’re so sweet. I just have to taste them.”

Marco flicked his tongue against her nipple, catching it just hard enough to cause a gasp of surprise. He wrapped his lips around it, the heat of his mouth sending shockwaves through her as she shivered in his arms.  She could feel her heart pound, beating faster and faster, as he laved and suckled at her.  She couldn’t think, couldn’t speak, she could only focus on the incredible feelings Marco was unleashing.

She watched him, her eyes tiny slits, as he lavished her breasts with attention.  He caught her watching and smiled dangerously, taking a pebbled peak between his teeth and biting down.  Mina let out a little shriek, half of surprise and half pleasure, and Marco smiled again as he lightly kissed the tormented bud, soothing the sting and triggering another cascade of shivers that raced across her skin.

“You respond so perfectly to me.”  Marco’s words sent a warm feeling of pride to spread through her. “I can’t wait to see you spread out under me.”  The banked heat flared and Mina trembled under the onslaught.

“My legs are shaking,” she said with an embarrassed little laugh. She leaned into the strong column of Marco’s neck and buried her face against his skin, breathing in deeply, the scent of him both arousing and comforting.

“That’s good,” he whispered, holding her tightly, letting her lean on him for strength. “But I warn you—I don’t intend to let it stop there. My intention is to have your whole body shaking.”  Mina’s eyes flew to his face and he dropped a kiss on her surprised lips. Almost as if he’d put her under a spell, her entire body began to quiver, and when her legs threatened to buckle he guided her to the edge of the bed, dropping her softly across the cool coverlet before lowering himself to join her.

It was so different from the last time they’d been in this position.  Still fueled by passion, it was grounded in knowledge rather than mystery.  Desire burned between them, but it was tempered by experience. Mina wasn’t hungry for knowledge, she was hungry for 
,—the whole of him—and she reveled in having him and being had by him.

Marco shifted down the bed, the hands that she’d been fascinated by from the beginning caressing her languidly, drifting across her skin, setting off tremors in her abdominal muscles and waves of goose bumps. She shifted towards him trying to get closer to his heat, but just as she’d feel the rough hair on his arm, or the calloused ridges on his fingertips they’d ghost away leaving her aching for me.

“Touch me,” she said.  She raised her arms to wrap around him, but Marco pushed them back down, trailing along lightly in a silent apology as he murmured, “Patience.  We have all the time in the world.”

Time dilated and Marco’s every movement took forever.  He touched and kissed her, a single possessive swipe of his tongue over a nipple, or into her navel… they added up to a tsunami of sensation, flooding her, making her feel like there was nothing to her but nerves.  Nerves that were on fire for him.

Mina moaned, a low vibration in her throat, and Marco moved lower.  Her pretty under things were nothing but a memory, stripped away and thrown across the room so he had better access to her, and she gasped as he stroked her slick folds.

“So wet,” he said, his fingers sliding easily over her, “I love that you get this way for me.  So excited, so hungry.” His finger dipped deeper, wrenching a cry from her, and she lifted her hips off the bed in a desperate attempt to get more contact.

Marco pulled his fingers away and Mina cried out again, this time in protest, only to have the sound stop dead in her throat when he replaced his fingers with his lips.  It wasn’t the first time she’d felt a man’s mouth on her—he’d made sure of that when they were together before—but without the buzz of alcohol buffering her nerves she felt as if he’d placed a live wire against her clit. 

“Too much,” she whimpered under him, “I can’t… oh God,
.” She was barely coherent, the intensity of the sensations driving her to the brink of sanity.  Marco lifted his head, his dark eyes intent on her, his hands gripping the tops of her thighs.  His fingers splayed across her hips, and his thumbs pulled her swollen folds apart, exposing her glistening depths to his gaze. Her nerves were stretched almost to the breaking point: his breath was hot, his lips soft, but his tongue was almost cruel as it lashed her tender skin, sliding over her, tracing the length of her slit, and then flicking insistently across her clit.  Mina watched him breathlessly, mesmerized by his single-minded seduction. She couldn’t pull her gaze from the dark head between her legs, as he advanced and retreated, again and again, until she thought she’d go crazy from the assault.

“Marco,” she moaned. She dragged her fingers through his hair, and she heard an answering growl from the man in question.  Rather than easing up, though, his ministrations intensified as he refused to allow her to come away from the ragged edge, never relenting in his pursuit of her pleasure.  She twisted futilely, trying to ease the pressure building under her skin, as he slipped one finger and then two into her heated depths.  He blew softly over her heated flesh and she felt him smile as the electric sensation jolted through her causing her to whimper and shiver. Finally, Mina’s hoarse pleas were silenced as Marco sucked the entirely of her clit into his mouth, stroking the hard hooded nub until her climax shattered around her.  He stayed with her, sucking and licking lightly until she unwrapped herself from around him, falling back on the coverlet in an exhausted heap.  He could feel her muscles trembling with aftershocks, and he stared up at her in the half-light, his eyes hot and possessive as they trailed over her.

“Oh Mina,” he murmured against her wet skin. “You are so beautiful.  You cannot know how I love seeing you like this.”

Mina watched in breathless silence as he raised up, looming over her.  Slowly he unbuttoned his shirt, shrugging out of it, his tanned skin almost disappearing in the gloom as the white material pooled silently around her. A glint and a metallic clink let her know he was unbuckling his belt, the whisper of fabric as his trousers slid to the floor her only warning before he moved back up her body, the naked heat of him a shocking contrast to the cool of the air-conditioned room. 

His erection pressed against her, hot and heavy, and she felt an answering heat curling low in her belly.  Her earlier orgasm seemed forever ago, and desire swept greedily through her.  Mina’s hands itched to touch him—to feel the soft furring of hair on his chest, to twist the little copper circles of his nipples—and she reached out blindly to find him in the darkness. Her fingers clutched at broad shoulders and she pulled him down to her.

“I want to touch you,” she whispered, hands exploring the muscular planes of his back.  “You feel so good. No one’s ever felt so good.”

Marco nuzzled the crook of her neck, placing little nipping kisses along her collarbone, and she felt him nudge her legs apart before settling his length against her.  His cock was pinned between them, pressed against her mound so she could feel the heavy throb of his heartbeat in its length.

 “No one?” His voice was deceptively mild, but Mina could hear his underlying challenge.  She shifted her hips, her pussy lips spreading just enough that he was pressed against her clit, and met his gaze.  Marco stared down at her and she licked her lips slowly as she rocked suggestively against him.  “No one.”

Mina felt the aching need pooling—she felt empty.  She needed him.  She felt like she’d crawl out of her skin if he didn’t do 
, but he didn’t move.  She shifted again, rubbing her wetness against him in a silent invitation, but he held himself still, his hips just far enough from her that all she managed to do was tease herself.

The frustration was building and she groaned and moved under him, trying to find some way to increase the contact, to get him to 
, but he refused to cooperate.

“Marco,” she was begging, twisting her hips in a desperate bid for attention, “please.  I need more.  

Finally he shifted, the broad blunt tip of his cock lodging between her aching pussy lips.  She waited, breath held, but he simply rocked shallowly, stretching her and then withdrawing, a heavenly inch or two, and then… nothing. 

“Do you want this,” he asked, and she almost screamed in frustration.  Of course she wanted this.  “Yes!  Yes, I want this.  Please, don’t make me wait anymore.”

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