Make Me: An Erotic BDSM Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Make Me: An Erotic BDSM Romance
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Her moan makes she think she’d let me, too. Fuck professional. Fuck principles. But not this time. She’s gotta be totally fucking on board, before I let myself lose it. Right now, she’ll agree to anything, and I want something real, something I can trust. Doesn’t mean I can’t get her off, though.

I spank her again, hard. Faster, slower, one cheek, both cheeks, on her thighs. Her reddened skin burns under my hands but I refuse to let up until she’s fucking crying or gives the safeword. I wasn’t kidding about being disappointed about the lying, and we’re going to sort that right fucking now. Then she’ll get her reward.

She screams, moans, groans gutturally deep in her throat. A thrashing animal in my hands, trying to get away. My palms burn in agony as I lay into her, one hard impact after another, jiggling her flesh.

She sobs. She’s mumbling something, but I can’t quite make it out.

“What’s that?” I pause the spanks until she replies.

“You...” She draws a breath. “You hit like a... little girl.” Her jaw sets in determination and she pinches her eyes shut, knowing what’s coming.

I laugh. “You brought it on yourself, babe.” The shocks travel up my arm with every strike. In addition to her ass and thighs, I begin to place swats right in between her legs, smacking right onto her pussy. My fingers come back wet. She’s loving it.

Then she breaks. She doesn’t say anything, but breaks into tears, crying openly. Her body shakes with her sobs. Hanging from the cuffs, not resisting, not mouthing off. As far as I’m concerned, she’s taken her punishment.

Now for her reward.

Chapter 8

uck, it hurts. My boobs are sore, but my ass and thighs are on fucking fire. No one’s spanked me like that before. I’m done, finished, worn out, but he understands. He stops. He holds me, his arms solid around me.

I didn’t think I was gonna make it, but he seems to know exactly where my limits go. No wonder he’s pro. I’d fall but he holds me up. Him and the cuffs.

His hand goes exploring, his fingers slipping lower, past my ass until they slide easily between my wet folds. His touch is slow and gentle, sweet feelings of pleasure spreading from my pussy, mingling with the ache of the punishment.

Oh, that’s nice.

“You’re a dirty, dirty little girl.” A husky whisper in my ear, a sound that makes me melt inside. “Feel how wet you are. And here I thought I was punishing you.”

He pushes his two middle fingers deep, in and out. I push my ass out at him, urging him on, wanting his touch in me. Thick and long. I want more of him, all of him. The fingers are good, but I know what I really need.

“Please.” God, I’m begging. “Please, fuck me.”

His laugh is as gentle as his touch, his breath rushing over my ear. “Not this time, Pet. But I’ll see you get your reward.” His fingers stab me harder.


As he fingers me, his palm bumps against my ass with each stroke, firing off the abused nerve endings, tingles of pleasure mingling with bursts of pain from my bruised skin. He grasps my breast with his other hand, squeezing it, tugging on the nipple. Sparks arc across my sweat-slick skin like runaway electricity.

Faster. Harder. He bangs my pussy with his thick digits, making me shake under his touch. Every single nerve is super-sensitive, and they react to everything he does. It flares across my body like wildfire.

Letting my nipple go, he traces my skin downwards until his hand joins the other one between my legs, this time from the front. His clever fingers find my clit, and then he’s rubbing me and finger fucking me at once.

I’m putty in his hands. Jesus H. Fucking Christ. That’s amazing. The tingles turn into something better, stronger, a surge starting in my pussy and radiating out through the rest of my body. He’s gonna make me come.

The cuffs frustrate me as I try to move. I’m so sensitive, I can’t decide whether to push against him or pull away. It’s getting hard to breathe, and my heart’s thundering, pulsing in my ears. What’s that keening noise? Oh Jesus, it’s me. So fucking close.

It’s just a whisper. “Come for me, Pet. Come now.”

Oh God! My muscles seize, arching my back. The chains holding the cuffs rattle as I tremble, I shake, I totally fucking lose it on his hands. Someone’s screaming; I think it’s me. I don’t care. Fuck, I’ve never come so hard, and through it all, he drives me on, his fingers working overtime, thrusting, rubbing, making me feel incredible.

Everything goes black.

Strong arms envelop me, the hair on them tickling my skin. A click above me, and suddenly my arm drops, released. The other follows and I collapse, only supported by his arms. I’m mush, my legs are jelly. Everything’s still dark but his tight grip holds me close.

Warm skin against my back, my side, as I’m turned until I sit sideways in his lap. His heartbeat is in my ear, strong and steady as I rest my head on his chest. He slides an arm under my knees while the other is around my back.

“Wrap your arms around my neck, baby. I’ve gotcha.” Gabriel’s voice is low and soothing.

He stands, lifting me easily. I cling to him, but just to be close. I’ve never felt so safe. I nuzzle against him, his chest hair tickling my nose. “Mmmm... That was a nice reward.”

I reopen my eyes as he moves. He carries me like I’m a little kid, his strong arms barely registering my weight. There are some advantages to being short. The crowd still surrounds us, but it’s clearing, buzzing with voices.

“They’re talking about you, you know? You sure know how to take a spanking.”

“You sure know how to give them. Fucking A.”

“My hand burns like a motherfucker, just so you know.”

“Good. You deserve it, you brute.” I only murmur, not having the energy for full on brattiness.

“I regret nothing.” His voice sounds so self-righteous that I can’t help laughing.

He finds a couch and sits, keeping me in his lap. He strokes me along the arms and through my hair. It’s so nice to come down like that, to feel safe and cozy in his arms.

I’m dozing when something occurs to me. “Gabriel?”


“I don’t have any clothes.”

“Oh right. Sorry about that. I couldn’t help myself.”

“I really liked that dress.”

“Me too. You looked fantastic in it. I’ll get you three more.”

“That’s nice, but what about now? I can’t really go home like this. Heck, even here I feel a bit weird now that we’re not scening.”

“I’ll find you something, but I wanna hold you a little longer first.”

Good enough for me. I snuggle closer, leeching his warmth.


awn?” Someone’s calling my name, but I’m so comfortable here. “Dawn?”

My eyes pop open, and I remember where I am. God, I’m exhausted. I stir, but I don’t want him to let go.

“You’re awake.” His smile makes my stomach drop. It should be registered as a lethal weapon, or something. “Listen, why don’t you just take it easy on the couch here, okay? I’m gonna go see about something for you to wear.”

“Okay.” I don’t really want him to go, but I can be practical, I guess. If I have to.

“Alright. I’ll be right back.” He lifts me and puts me down on the couch, the smooth black leather cool against my ass. It’s still aching, so that’s not so bad, actually, but I still scramble to the warm spot he leaves behind when he gets up.

“Don’t be long, okay?”

“I won’t, babe.”

I watch him disappear around the corner, leaving me alone. I curl up, feeling exposed. God, where are we going with this? He’s been talking about business and being professional, but there’s one hell of a connection between us. And the way he talked during the scene, I’m surprised he didn’t tear his pants off and fuck me right there.

What’s holding him back? I asked him to. Hell, begged him to. We need to talk, I guess. Figure out where we stand. If he wants to make the leap, I’m totally there. People are so difficult.

“Hey.” My head snaps to the voice, recognizing it as Vivian’s immediately. She’s dressed to kill, her bright red hair and lipstick standing out against her corseted black leather minidress and black patent stilettos.

Great. Just what I need. A visit from the bdsm goddess herself. I sigh. “Hi.”

“I guess Gabriel didn’t get the message this morning?” She asks, but obviously she knows.

“Guess I forgot.”

“It’s okay, I got him on the phone later. I saw your session. Pretty hot. He was always good with the bratty girls.”

Totally not what I want to discuss right now, at least not with her. I mumble a reply. “Yeah, sure.”

“Listen, I just wanted give you a little warning, from someone who knows him a lot better than you do.”

That gets my hackles up. What business is that of hers? “Yeah? And what might that be?”

“Whoa, easy, easy. I’m just the messenger here. He’s agreed to get back together with me. So while I won’t stop you guys playing if he wants to, I wouldn’t count on it. He tends to stick to one girl at a time.”

What a bitch. “So why did he just play with me then? You guys didn’t agree on this just now, did you?”

“Oh, no, no, it was earlier. But you know, he’d promised. He’s a pretty straight up guy, and he didn’t wanna let you down. You know how he is, right?”

“He didn’t say anything about it.”

“He feels bad. Doesn’t wanna break your heart, you know. He thinks you’re really sweet.”

Sweet. Not hot, not sexy, not gorgeous. Sweet. How could I have been so stupid. Of course he didn’t want to fuck me. He’s got Miss Drop Dead Fucking Sexy Redhead Bondage Queen right here for that. I knew I couldn’t compete. I sigh. Dammit.

Fuck, I don’t want to cry. Not here, right in front of her. Especially not in front of her. My face tingles while I try to hold back the tears. “And not saying anything makes it fucking better?”

“Right? That’s what I thought too. Oh God, I’m so sorry, honey. I wish I could tell you differently, but if you were me, would you pass it up? I feel terrible.”

Sure she does. Fuck, I gotta get out of here. Go home and cry it out. I close my eyes and breathe. Where is he with my fucking clothes?

As if summoned, Caleb rounds the corner with a bundle in his hands. “Hey Dawn. Gabriel told me to tell you sorry, but he got an important call. He’ll be here in a few, but figured you’d want the clothes ASAP.” He winks. “But don’t feel you have to get dressed on our account.”

I roll my eyes, struggling not to lash out. Caleb seems like a straight up guy, and it’s not his fault. Of course Gabriel got held up. I thought we had something, and here he turns out to be a fucking wimp.

I tear the bundle from Caleb’s hands. It’s obvious he understands something’s up, and his eyes flick between me and Vivian.

“Thanks, Caleb.”

He hears the icy dismissal in my voice and backs off. I feel bad, but I can’t find it in myself to care just now.

The bundle’s a formless dress and an overcoat that looks way too big for me. Not awesome, but it’ll do. I’m going to fucking bill him for my dress. I throw the clothes on and stomp towards the exit, leaving Vivian in my wake. She’s not quite smirking, but it’s in her stance. She can go fuck herself too.

I walk faster, the tears welling up. I don’t see Gabriel on the way out, and it’s just as well. What would I say? By the time I’m out on the street, I’m sobbing and rushing away from the club. I thought my night was going so well too. Fuck! Fuckity fuck fuck!

It’s late, but I get lucky with a cab. Guess that’s something. My ass stings when I drop into the back seat, a reminder of our session. The cabby eyes me funny, but despite everything, I manage to keep my composure on the way home, more or less. As soon as the cab pulls away, though, I fall apart again.

The main door to my apartment building’s had its lock replaced. I have to buzz the office to be let in. Even get my new keys. My door hasn’t been fixed yet, of course. The locksmith couldn’t come until tomorrow. Whatever. What are the odds of two burglars in a row? I push the door shut and pull my couch over to block it.

Standing here and sobbing, I feel stupid. We’ve only known each other a couple of days. So what if he saved my life? Who cares if he turns me on like no one else ever has? I can get my own damn car out if I need to. Fuck him. Fuck him and his redheaded bitch girlfriend.

I tear my... his clothes off and throw myself on the bed. Despite my brave words, I know it’ll be a rough night. Crawling in under the covers, I curl up and bawl until dreamless sleep takes me.

Chapter 9

uck, that phone call ended up being way longer than I expected. Glad I sent Caleb off with the clothes. Poor Dawn. I’ll have to make it up to her.

Where is she? Not at the couch. Bathroom maybe? I sit to wait.

Viv comes around the corner. Didn’t even know she was here tonight.

“Hey Viv. Sorry I missed you this morning. Seen Dawn?”

“Dawn? Your little pet?”

Great, she’s in one of those moods. “Yeah, sure. Have you seen her?”

“Nope. Not since your scene earlier. You still got it.” She smirks in a way I don’t like. We were together way too long and I can read her pretty well. I have no idea what she’s up to, just that it’s no good. It’s part of why we didn’t work out.

“Alright, I’ll go look then. Thanks.”

“Gabriel. Wait.” She grabs my arm, holding me back.

I don’t have time for this. “What?”

“We need to talk. I guess you didn’t get my message?”

“What message?”

“I’m back. I mean, really back. For you. We were pretty good together, right? I’ve learned since then.” She turns those bright green eyes on me. They’re contacts, but she always loved them, to go with the red hair.

I sigh. “Viv. I’m sorry. It’s not how this works. We’re done. I won’t pussyfoot around this anymore. Sometimes it’s better to just tear off the bandaid. I’m sorry.”

“I’ll do better. I can be the girl you want now.” She looks surprised, though I can’t imagine how. Does she really think this will work?

“But you’re not. I’m sorry, Viv. Now I have to go find Dawn.”

Her face falls, and for a second she looks like she’s going to cry. Goddammit. I can’t do anything right. Then her eyes narrow and she throws up the ice front.

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