Mail Order Bride Leah: A Sweet Western Historical Romance (Montana Mail Order Brides Series Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Mail Order Bride Leah: A Sweet Western Historical Romance (Montana Mail Order Brides Series Book 1)
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As she sewed her thoughts wandered to the lovely family Jane’s sister had brought for a visit, the two little sons and the tiny new daughter. The little baby especially made her feel wistful, her arms longing to cradle a warm sweet infant of her own. She shook her head, reminding herself to be grateful for the work of her hands, the strength of her Lord, the care of her family, and not covet what her neighbors had. Still, when she pushed the needle’s point into the pad of her thumb, she wasn’t sure if the quick tears that came to her eyes weren’t from self-pity more than pain. Tess tried to fight off feelings of being sad and alone as well as envy.



Now available on Amazon:


Mail Order Bride Tess – Mail Order Brides of Montana – Book 2

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