Read Maid For You - A Cinderella Love Story Online
Authors: Paisley Lang
ncle Jax
, someone’s at the door!”
I’m in the kitchen, getting myself into a total goddamn mess with flour and eggs, when Lila coming running towards me.
“Okay, give me a sec. Lemme just find a towel.” I spin around, unsure where anything has got to this morning, when Lila calmly walks to the table and passes it to me.
“It’s just there, Uncle Jax. Silly bieee.”
I grab the towel and wipe my hands. “Well, thankfully you’re here to help.” I tap her on her nose and she giggles. “Come on, let’s see who’s at the door.” She grabs my hand and as we walk through the house, I cast a glance at Luke, who is spread out on the rug in the living room, engrossed with his Lego model.
When we pull open the door, the last person I expect to see is Ava. I inhale a sharp breath. It’s been a couple of days since I’ve last seen her and I’ve not been able to get her out of my head. I’m about to speak when Lila pushes forward.
“Wow, are you a real princess?”
Ava blinks, and the corners of her lips turn up into a grin. She’s wearing casual shorts and a tank top, but her long hair is down and the way the sun frames her from behind makes her look like an angel.
She bends down and extends her hand. “Hi, I’m Ava. And no, sadly I’m not a princess.”
Lila pouts for a moment but then reconsiders, and her face breaks out into a smile. She puts her tiny hand in Ava’s and they shake. “It’s ‘k, but Uncle Jax is a prince and I’m trying to find him a princess.” She wrinkles her nose in concentration and Ava looks to me, smiling, with a raised eyebrow.
“Hi, this is my niece, Lila.”
“Well, it’s great to meet you, Lila.” She smiles, and Lila pushes between my legs and scoots off.
“Sorry about that. She’s obsessed with the whole princess thing at the moment. Come on in.”
I widen the door and she walks past, clutching a document folder in her hand.
“Sorry to interrupt, but I’ve just come from breakfast with Carter. These arrived for him and he asked me to bring them over. I believe you’re expecting them?”
“Yeah, that’s great. I thought he’d courier them – but the personal touch is a hell of a lot better.” I sweep my eyes over her and she crosses her arms.
“No problem.” She glances around, and suddenly the air seems to thicken between us. She’s so close to me that I could lean in and demand another hit of those luscious lips. She catches me staring and looks away, fiddling with the folder.
Lila makes another appearance, this time pulling Luke behind her.
“See, told you.”
She’s older than Luke by three minutes, but she acts as if it’s three years.
I smile at their joined hands. They both have almost white-blonde hair and huge chocolate brown eyes, which are now fixed on Ava.
“What are you guys talking about?” I lean down to their height.
“Uncle Jax, Lila is being ‘noying. She told me that there’s a princess at the door.” He loosens his grip from her hand and shoots her a dirty look.
Ava and I burst out laughing. The tension between us seems to dissipate.
“Can you play with me? I have lots of dolls and mommy says I have to brush their hair.”
“Oh, I, um…” Ava looks at me and back to Lila. “Maybe another time, Lila. I’m sure you’re busy with your uncle Jax here…” She glances at me.
I look at Ava and shrug. Later, I’ll be buying the kid an entire princess shelf at the toy store for keeping Ava here.
“Oh, okay…I’ll stay for just a few minutes.”
“Yayyy!” Lila throws her arms around Ava’s legs and then runs off in the direction of the spare room.
“I’m sorry about that.” I smile and pretend to be apologetic. “I’m babysitting for the day while Alicia runs some business errands. Come on out to the kitchen. We’re making cakes.”
She raises an eyebrow and her lips tug at the corner. “You? Baking?”
“Listen, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing and Lila is expecting princess cupcakes shortly. I was seriously considering ordering in from the bakery. Help?”
She shakes her head and follows me through the house. On the way, we duck into my study where I tell her to leave the documents. I’d get to that soon.
When we enter the kitchen, I turn to see Ava’s eyes flaring at the scene.
“Oh my God, what did you do, throw a bag of flour all over the surface?”
I furrow my brow. “I didn’t think I’d need the instructions on the box…seemed pretty easy. Just eggs and flour, right?”
“Er, obviously not quite.” She looks around and spies the instruction box by the trash bin. Chewing her lip, she looks like she’s deliberating something. “Come on, Lila’s expecting cupcakes and you can’t disappoint that little angelic face. By the way, they’re adorable.”
I’m so happy I want to punch the sky but instead play it cool. “Thanks, they’re good kids. And are you sure? You don’t mind helping me out?”
“It’s fine. I was just heading to the beach, no big deal. Let me just make a quick call to Lauren.”
She walks out of the kitchen and I exhale a deep breath.
She’s been on my mind for the last forty-eight hours, and it’s driven me crazy that I couldn’t see her. I even stopped by Carter’s office yesterday on the off chance she’d be there.
I want her so fucking badly, but I’ll take anything I can get.
n hour later
, the kitchen has resumed its normal state, it smells like heaven, and there’s perfect batch of cupcakes on the rack.
I throw the dishcloth into the sink and stand back to admire our handiwork. Ava finishes decorating the last one and then places the piping bag on the counter.
“There we go. I think we have enough sparkle and candy on top to keep them on a sugar high for days.”
She turns to me, an adorable smile on her face.
“You’ve got…” I step closer and her eyes widen. “A little bit of frosting on your cheek.” I wipe it off and she colors as I lick my thumb. “Delicious, Ava.” Our eyes lock and I lean in a fraction.
“Uncle Jax, what are you doing?”
Squeezing my eyes shut for a second, I step away and fix a smile on my face. “Hey, buddy. I was just wiping some frosting off Ava’s face. Wanna see the cakes?”
Luke nods and I lift him up to show him. Ava had the good foresight to make a few non-pink frosted ones, so Luke’s suitably impressed. He chows down on one, a look of pure glee on his face.
“Mmmm, ‘licious.” He wipes his mouth and then races to her side. “Wanna see my Lego tower, Ava?”
“Sure, Luke. Lead the way.”
She smiles as he grips her hand and follows him to the living room.
So close. Yet so far.
As always.
e spend
another hour playing Legos with Luke and Lila and then Ava glances at her watch.
“I guess I’d better be going.”
“Nooooo. Uncle Jax, tell her she can’t go...”
If only Lila knows how appropriate her words are.
“Lila, honey, Ava can’t stay with us all day, she has things to do.”
“Like what?”
I glance at Ava and she worries her bottom lip. “Lila, how about you get your pink hairbrush? Maybe I can braid your hair before I go?”
“Like Elsa?”
She grins. “Sure, I’ll try.”
I mouth a thank you to her. Lila’s been on me all morning to do her hair and I’ve no freaking clue what she’s talking about.
he morning turns
into the afternoon as each time Ava tries to leave, the twins come up with yet another request. They already adore her and she seems to have taken to them really well. I sit back and watch them play and for the first time, my chest tightens at the thought of her being a mother.
I want her to be the mother of my kids.
When it’s lunchtime, Ava tells them she has to go. I ask her to stay and eat with us and the kids back me up, but this time I reluctantly accept her decision.
“Will you come back and visit us again?” Luke and Lila are at the door with me.
“Well, I’m going back to New York soon, so I’m not sure when I’ll see you again.”
I suck in a breath. “She’ll see you again guys, maybe in New York.”
They give her a hug and I send them back to their toys.
“Thank you for today. I’d never have coped without you.”
She glances down at her shoe and then back at me. “Of course you would. But you’re welcome…they’re hard to resist.”
She’s standing against the wall and I place my two hands on it, framing her in. “Have dinner with me. The kids are going to my mother’s after lunch.”
She looks out to the drive and digs around her handbag for her sunglasses.
“I can’t, Jax.”
“You can’t or you won’t?”
She ducks under my arm and opens the door. “It’s…complicated.”
I can’t see her eyes anymore as they’re covered with the glasses.
I’m disappointed. “Tomorrow night, then?”
She presses the button on her car fob and the SUV flashes in acknowledgment.
“Ava. Talk to me.”
Inhaling an audible breath, she gives me a small smile. “I’m busy tomorrow, Jax.”
With that she walks away, almost rushing to get to her car.
I call out to her. “I’m not going anywhere. Not this time.”
, so glad you made it.”
I slip off my sunglasses and embrace Gaby. There’s something so comforting about her familiar scent.
“Me too. I’m sorry I’ve not been around, it’s been a hectic few days.” Releasing each other, I follow her into her house, admiring the simplicity and beauty of the place - she and Roberto had made it look really pretty.
“Come, I’ve made fresh lemonade. Roberto is just finishing up pruning at the back - he’ll be joining us shortly for lunch.”
“Sure, no problem.” I duck my head out onto the back porch and shielding my eyes, I see him in the distance. Waving to him, I then step back inside and into the kitchen. The smell of spices hits me and I inhale deeply.
“Smells delicious. What are you cooking?”
“Your favorite - fajitas.”
“I knew it. My mouth’s already watering…jeez, I haven’t had homemade fajitas in forever. Can I help?”
“No, thanks, we’re all set.” She goes to the porch and yells for Roberto to come inside.
A few minutes later, a steaming pan of chicken, vegetables, and wraps are placed on the table.
“Come on, let’s eat…that man and his garden, honestly.” She rolls her eyes but I know she’s only playing.
“So, are you all set for the wedding? Only three weeks to go.”
A smile lights up her face and I’m reminded of my mother. She serves up the food while we chat. “Si, I think so. As I’ve said, we don’t want a fuss, just a small affair.”
Wrapping my tortilla, I lean in over my plate and take a bite. “Oh my God, this is incredible, Gaby.” My eyes close in appreciation, savoring the taste. The chicken is melt-in-your-mouth tender and it complements the crunchy peppers perfectly. I add another helping of salsa and a little more guacamole. “Thank you.”
“Good, I’m glad you like it, mija. You could certainly do with adding a few more pounds to your skinny frame.”
I groan and dismiss her comment. “Anyway, so everyone is coming back here after the ceremony?”
She nods, chewing on her food. I take a sip of water and wait for her to finish. “Yes, just a handful of people, and of course, a few of my close friends from Merry Maidens.”
“I can’t wait. I’m so excited.”
She looks radiant as she speaks about her wedding, filling me in on all the extra details.
A few minutes later, Roberto joins us, embracing me warmly.
“How’s the case coming along, Ava?”
I turn my attention to him and bring him up to speed on everything. “We were hoping for a settlement after the weekend, but apparently, Carlo’s gone AWOL. His lawyer is desperately trying all means to locate him.” I furrow my brow and pick at my salad. “I’ve already been here ten days, so I’m hoping it concludes soon.”
Roberto takes a long sip of his lemonade. “Well, we’re happy to have you close for a change.”
“Thank you. It’s been pretty frantic the past few days. The industry press have been all over Lauren and me since Monday after Carter and I put out the announcement.”
Gaby looks at me and her eyes are shining. “I’m so proud of the two of you. While I don’t know too much about marketing, I do know you and Lauren are a force to be reckoned with. You’re both going to be even more successful together.”
“Thank you, Gaby. I didn’t expect to receive the response we’ve got. It’s been so positive and already, Lauren and I are fielding calls from prospective clients.” I shake my head. “It’s literally gone crazy.”
Roberto finishes up and excuses himself, going promptly back to his gardening.
I help to clear the table and insist on doing the washing up while Gaby hovers in the background.
“So…how’re things with Jax?”
The glass I’m soaping almost slips out of my hand. Clearing my throat, I try to keep my voice even as I continued with the task at hand.
.” I tell her about Lila and Luke, who I met four days ago. “They’re really cute kids.” She doesn’t say anything, yet I can see from the way her eyes light up that she wants to ask so much more.
I sigh and turn off the tap, wiping my hands on the towel. “Just say it, Gaby.” This conversation was a long time coming.
“Well…I was just wondering how
things are?”
“Ava, there isn’t much point putting on such a poker face. I know you both fell in love with each other that summer - maybe now, this time, you can both explore it again?”
She looks so hopeful that I bite my lip, preventing me from saying the sarcastic retort that’s on the tip of my tongue.
“That’ll never happen, Gaby. There’s too much water under the bridge for that.”
“Mija…for six years, I’ve respected your wishes to never mention his name. And I’ve honored that, right?”
I cross my arms and nod. “Yes, and thank you for that.”
“Please, sit down for a minute, will you?” Her pleading voice makes me push off the sink and slip back into the chair.
. I’d indulge her.
“Tell me what’s on your mind then, Gaby.”
She comes and sits opposite me. “Has he told you everything? About his mother?”
I exhale loudly. “Yes, bits and pieces. I got the gist that he was blackmailed.”
She sniffs and tears fill her eyes. My heart softens and I reach across the table to hold her hand.
“You know she threatened me too...I, we – Jax and I were so helpless. We didn’t know what to do…” A few tears fall down her cheeks and she brushes them away.
“I know, Gaby,” I say softly, and I pat her hand. “And you also know that I never held you responsible in any way.”
“I know you don’t, mija. You don’t have a bad bone in your body. But we’ve talked about us before. I want to talk about Jax since you haven’t allowed me to bring it up in six years.”
I hold up my hand. The past is the past and I don’t want to go there again.
“Look, just listen, will you? Please, I can already see your face shutting down.”
I throw my hands up in the air in defeat. “Fine, fine. What do you want to tell me about him?”
She nods, appeased. “Soon after you left, I ended up telling Jax the truth. He suspected anyway, but when he found out how I’d also been threatened, he was livid. You have to believe me when I tell you this, Ava. He was a broken boy for the rest of that summer. He suffered too - a lot.”
I smirk. “I’m sure he had Olivia to comfort him.”
She shakes her head. “That was a set up. He was forced to date her again for the sake of a client deal. However, everything came to a head with his father, and he told him the truth - about how his mother threatened us, the false allegation against you. He told him that he couldn’t pretend with Olivia because in the long run, it would cause more damage.”
I look up sharply. “But I thought…I remember reading about their big buyout…I’d assumed the families came together…” I can’t finish my sentence as a jumble of thoughts run through my head.
“You’re right, the deal did go through. His father respected him for being upfront with him - as did Olivia’s.” She shrugs her shoulders. “Don’t ask me what he said, but whatever it was - it was honorable.”
“And Olivia?”
“Well, of course she went crazy, but he told her it wouldn’t be fair to pretend he had feelings for her.” We both sat quietly, lost in memories of that period six years ago. “Jax grew up that summer.”
I don’t say anything as I try and process everything she’s just revealed. A thought occurs to me.
“Why didn’t he contact me all this time then?”
“Well, when you told me that you had made contact with your father, you begged me not to tell Jax, and I kept my promise. Eventually, he found out that you were at Columbia and I knew he wanted to get in touch, but this time, it was me who stopped him.”
I squeeze my eyes shut. This was all too much.
“You were so happy at last, mija. You deserved it after everything you’d been through. I didn’t want him disrupting your life - you were in New York and he was here - both of you were too young to make it work.”
I nod. It made sense.
Either way though, it was too late now.
“I appreciate you telling me the truth, Gaby.”
“So, will you give him a chance now?”
I laugh and my voice drips with sarcasm. “A
, Gaby? We were just kids back then - he was my first real love, but he broke my heart. Badly. He
me, Gaby. I’ve never let
get close to me since then.”
“But you’re so young, Ava. Why are you so bitter with love?”
“It’s not that. It’s just not for me. I appreciate you trying, but there is too much bad blood between us - I’m not sure I’d ever be able to get past that. Besides, look...” I fish in my purse and pull out my phone. A few taps later and I’m on the Internet, running a quick search on Jax. My heart begins to thump as there’s a recent picture of him leaving a restaurant with a couple of girls. I scan the heading. It was taken last night, and one of the girls is gazing at him with open desire. I feel sick and my heart takes another dip. After everything he’d said to me recently.
No way, no way, no way
I snort. “Does this look like someone who’s into commitment?” I watch her face and slide the phone across to her. “There you go – taken last night.”
She squints at the phone awhile and stands up. “That’s Logan, his best friend. I spoke to Jax two days ago, he mentioned Logan’s cousin and friend were coming into town for a few days.” She slides the phone back to me. “That, I know for sure, is purely innocent.”
I choose not to answer, but my heart stopped pounding so hard. I glance out the screen and into the backyard. Roberto is balancing precariously on a tree branch as he attempts to hang a lantern. She follows my line of vision.
“Jesus, that man. I’ve told him so many times to hire someone else to do that. Hold on a sec.”
She steps outside and shouts a few warning words to him, but he doesn’t answer and simply waves her away.
“Sorry about that. Anyway, enough about Jax. Would you and Lauren like to come dancing tonight?”
Gaby starts to drop some moves around the kitchen and I find myself giggling, the heavy mood lifting between us.
“Dancing? Where?”
“Oh, just a bar downtown. It’s quite upmarket from what I hear - good drinks and good music - or so the girls tell me. Why don’t you see if you can both come with us? We’ll have some fun tonight.”
I find myself agreeing, getting swept up in her enthusiasm.
“Why not? It’s not too often I get to party with my aunt. Let me double check with Lauren, she may be tied up. If not, it’ll just be me.”
ater that evening
, rummaging through my clothes and feeling in the mood to dance and have a good time, I decide to get dressed up tonight. I select a new nude-colored bandage-style dress with my pale gold Louboutin stilettos. My makeup is heavier than normal and I’ve worn my hair in my normal tumbling waves.
“You sure you can’t come?” I turn to Lauren, who has her nose in some media pack.
“I’d love to, but I’m exhausted. Last night went on far too late. Ugh. Who’d have thought Robert Lang would be such a party guy?”
I laugh. “Well, you’ve definitely won him over as a new client. I could see he was practically eating out of your hand by the time I left.”
She smiles. “He’s definitely cute. In a nerdy kind of way.”
I glance at my watch. “I better go, I’m already late.”
I spritz some perfume and give her a hug. “See you in the morning. Enjoy your bath.”
he bar is buzzing
when I enter, and I weave my way through the crowd and locate the private VIP area as instructed by Gaby’s text. I immediately spot her sitting around a small table with four of her friends. Dressed up, she looks like Sophia Lauren – simply stunning.
She glances up and seeing me, shrieks in delight. I throw my head back and laugh – they’d clearly been knocking back the drinks, judging from the empty shot glasses on the table.
“Hey Gaby.” She stands and hovers over the table, gripping my shoulders and kissing me on my cheeks. I turn to her friends who are grinning at me and give them a wave.
“This is my wonderful niece, Ava, who I’ve been telling you all about. I’m so happy she’s here.”
I flush at her enthusiasm and I’m warmly embraced by all of them. Scooting up next to Gaby, I point at the empty glasses.
“So, ladies, what are we drinking?”
“Tequila...” they all shout in unison, and I laugh, pretending to wince and cover my ears. “Well, bring it on. Looks like I have some catching up to do.”
n hour later
, feeling relaxed, I find myself being pulled up out of my seat by a pretty inebriated Gaby. I had decided earlier to stop at one drink and designated myself the unofficial watcher of our group.
ome on
, Ava. Let’s shake our asses.” She raises her glass and wriggles her way onto the middle of the packed dance floor.
Lost in the music, she is packed in by her friends, all having a good time and trying to move to the beat in their drunken states.
Laughing at their off-sync moves, I hang back a little, giving them a little more space. Soon a small crowd gathers around them, cheering on their antics and I spur them on, clapping along with the crowd. Stepping backwards, I bump into someone and I turn around, an apology already forming on my lips. A relatively cute guy winks at me and I smile.
I shout over the music and he leans in closer, a smile playing on his lips. “I’m sorry…I’m trying to give my friends here a little more room.”
“No problem. They look like they’re having fun.”
I nod. “They sure are.”
“Wanna dance?” I see a hopeful glint in his eye and shrug my shoulders. Why not? It was just a little fun.
“Sure.” I smile as I turn back around and his arms lightly encircle my waist, and we dance together to the upbeat music. A song later, I catch Gaby glaring at us, furiously tapping away on her phone, but I merely shake my head, ignoring her obvious disapproval.