Magic Under Stone (31 page)

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Authors: Jaclyn Dolamore

BOOK: Magic Under Stone
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“Ifra, kill Tamin,
!” Belin shouted in his ear.

Yes ... that was the curse. Living at any cost, a life that was not his own. The wish roared through him, drowning his sense, overwhelming right and wrong and everything but a sudden surge of energy that made him spring to his feet and sweep his arm toward Tamin. Another crossbow struck Ifra and he hardly noticed. The Green Hoods pushed through the doors; he saw Keyelle’s familiar
face, but it didn’t matter. Tamin’s body flew into the air, slammed against a tree with force, and Ifra felt the crack of his bones and the crush of organs. He had had to break Erris, and now he had to kill Tamin. There was no choice.

Tamin’s body slumped to the ground. Most lives were so fragile.

Ifra dropped to his knees, buried his face, and wept soundlessly. He’d never killed before. He’d done everything to get to know Belin, talk to him, convince him to choose a noble path. He didn’t like Tamin, of course, but what did that matter? Now he’d never wipe the sight from his eyes, never shake the feeling from his limbs of that power overcoming him. Why did he have so much power, even now, even without three wishes? It wasn’t fair. He didn’t want it.

The commotion in the room died down quickly. With Tamin gone, and the Green Hoods there, Tamin’s men didn’t fight back.

Violet’s hands, small and cool, were touching Ifra’s shoulder, his head, then gently probing wounds he barely felt. “Ifra. Ifra.”

Violet couldn’t console him either.

“Ifra, it had to be done,” Belin said.

Violet sprung to her feet. Ifra slowly stood behind her. “It had to be done?” she cried. “What do you mean, ‘it had to be done’? Then why didn’t you do it? You’re a coward, an awful coward, to ask somebody else to kill your brother!”

“I couldn’t do it like Ifra could.”

But you’re the one who wanted it!
” Violet picked up a fallen branch shed by one of the trees and struck Belin with it. “You should have seen Ifra after what you made him do to Uncle Erris. It made him
. He took care of me and was pretty much the kindest person I’ve ever met, and you wouldn’t even let him
. You made him do an awful thing he’ll have to live with for the rest of his life.”

Belin’s brow was bleeding, his eye rapidly swelling. “I know ... it seems harsh, but Tamin ... just tried to kill Erris. He’s ruthless like Father. If I had put him in jail, I could never have rested. None of you grew up with him, none of you really knew him like I did. But I couldn’t wave a hand and kill him. It was my last wish. Ifra—I’m sorry.”

Ifra would not forgive Belin that. No. He didn’t even let Ifra speak, and now Ifra knew why. Belin couldn’t bear to hear Ifra beg or plead when he made that wish, maybe he didn’t even want to hear Ifra cry afterward. It was easier that way. Easier to pretend Ifra wasn’t mortal.

But Ifra himself had wished, for a moment, that Belin would ask him to kill Tamin. Just as jinns twisted the wishes of their masters, Ifra felt Belin had somehow twisted his own unspoken wish. Was it somehow his fault?

And then: “I wish to set you free now,” Belin said.

Ifra had dreamed of this moment. He would fall to his knees in gratitude. He would cry with joy.

But now, all he could say was, “I’m glad you gave me that.”

Then he took Violet’s hand.

He turned to Erris. “I will serve you, Erris Tanharrow, as a free man.”

Chapter 28

Erris looked so pale and overwhelmed that I feared he might collapse. He probably needed food, for one thing. “Well,” he told Ifra, “why don’t you have a good rest first, before you go pledging yourself anywhere.”

“You’re going to need loyal and powerful men,” Ifra said.

“Yes ...”

“You will have all the Green Hoods,” Keyelle said. “We’ve been waiting for you for a long, long time.”

“I will try to be worthy of it.” Erris glanced, uncomfortably, at the fallen form of Tamin.

“I know you probably don’t care for my support, after all this,” Belin said. “But you have it nevertheless.”

“No, Belin ... you set me free,” Erris said gravely. “I know these weren’t easy decisions. I’ll need your support.”

“I will tell you, tonight I’ve gathered nearly every fairy noble in the land, more of whom would have you as king than me. They’re
waiting for the ball to begin, and if I introduce you, I assure you the palace will erupt with joy. We’ll worry about the dissenters later.”

“Yes,” Erris said. “Dissenters.”

“There will always be dissenters,” Annalie said. “Don’t worry. After all, you know Karstor will be on your side, and that should help a great deal of the tension.”

Erris licked his dry lips. “Would all of you mind ... stepping out for just a moment?”

“Of course, Your Highness,” Keyelle said. She was beaming. In fact, all the Green Hoods were beaming. Tamin’s men gathered his body, and all of them left the room with a respectful silence and speed, already treating Erris like a king, even leaving two torches in holders by the door so we had light.

He turned to me, with countless emotions playing across his face. He held his palms open to me, and I placed my hands in his.

“Look at you,” he said with a slight smile. “Even more rough and tumble than the last time I saw you.”

“Well, I was kidnapped while looking for you, and I had to eat dried mushroom–based cuisine for two days, which was just awful, if I’m being honest.”

“Oh, dear. I’m concerned about you assimilating around here.”

“Does even the queen have to eat dried mushrooms?”

“Well, the king hasn’t eaten in thirty years and is pretty unsympathetic.”

“I bet there is something else the king hasn’t done in thirty years, so he should be indulgent of the queen.”

“Oh?” Erris’s smile looked a tad more genuine.

I gave his lips a peck. “I mean
, you rogue.”

“Of course you did. I knew that. I’m a perfect gentleman, you know.”

Erris pulled my hands against his heart, looking serious again. “Nimira ... I’m scared. All these people have been waiting for me for thirty years, and I really don’t know how to be a king. They may be happy at first, but when the celebrations are over, they’ll realize how hopeless I am.”

“I know it’s scary, but you won’t be alone,” I said. “Belin may be awful when he isn’t rescuing you, but he can also tell you things, and you have Ifra, and the Green Hoods, and Karstor, and ... you have me. I know I’m just a dancing girl, but—”

“No, no,” he said. “You are a sorceress, Nim. But are you sure you really want to step into this mess with me?”

“I’ve got my boots on,” I said, sliding my arms around his neck and pulling his living body a little closer. “Let’s go.”

Also by Jaclyn Dolamore

Magic Under Glass

Between the Sea and Sky

Copyright © 2012 by Jaclyn Dolamore

All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

First published in the United States of America in April 2012 by Bloomsbury Books for Young Readers

Electronic edition published in April 2012

For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to Permissions, Bloomsbury BFYR, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10010

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Dolamore, Jaclyn.

Magic under stone / by Jaclyn Dolamore. — 1st U.S. ed.

p. cm.

Summary: Star-crossed lovers Nimira and Erris seek the sorcerer Ordoria Valdana hoping he will be able to free Erris from his clockwork form, but Valdana has vanished and as Nimira studies his spell books she realizes the terrible danger that could come from returning Erris to real life.

ISBN: 978-1-5999-0822-9 (e-book)

[1. Magic—Fiction. 2. Robots—Fiction. 3. Princes—Fiction. 4. Fairies—Fiction. 5. Genies—Fiction. 6. Wizards—Fiction. 7. Fantasy.] I. Title.

PZ7.D6975Maj 2012         [Fic]—dc23        2011025659

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