Magic to the Bone (6 page)

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Authors: Annie Bellet

BOOK: Magic to the Bone
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At least they were doing something. Yosemite had argued with Harper that they had to free the unicorn, though the druid had confirmed it wasn’t one of the unicorns in
the Frank’s usual group. Ezee, Levi, and even Harper’s mom thought it was a terrible plan to go back to the farmhouse. Harper could grudgingly admit they had a point. Nothing good had happened to her in that place, and it was crawling with mercenaries they didn’t have the firepower or numbers to fight head-on.

Not to mention that bastard Samir. He alone was enough to make anyone think twice about

“He doesn’t have the dragon blood, right? So the unicorn is captured, but safe,” Ezee had argued.

“We don’t know what he has or doesn’t have. He found another unicorn. What? You scared of a little fight?” Harper wanted to fight something, someone. Do something. Weeks of lurking in the woods, watching and waiting, wasn’t getting her any closer to avenging Max. They were a mere annoyance,
and barely that, in Samir’s side. Not even a thorn. More like a tiny splinter.

“There might be alternate things he could use to raise Balor,” Yosemite had interjected, stepping physically between Ezee and Harper. “I am not good with the language yet, but my book has some passages that might say more.”

“Which we could read if Jade were here,” Levi had said softly.

“Our knight in magic armor
isn’t here, and I don’t see her riding up anytime soon,” Harper shot back. “There’s just us.”

“She is right,” Alek had said, surprising Harper most of all. “We cannot wait while Samir becomes a god. We will watch them more closely, but we have to be more careful. Junebug said they are more active in town, no? So we wait. If Samir leaves, perhaps with cover of darkness we can get the unicorn out.”

There had been more arguing, but it was clear nobody had their heart in refusing. As scared and tired as they all were, Harper realized, they were all feeling the same frustration of inaction. Wylde was under siege in a quiet, deadly way, and nobody was stepping up to save their home. It was up to them.

Engine noise rumbled in the distance. Harper pressed herself as flat as her fox body would
go. One of Samir’s SUVs appeared after an agonizing minute, followed by two more, and both of the trucks with the huge cages in their beds. Harper tried to remember how many vehicles the mercenaries had in total. Five? Six? This was most of his forces moving out. No horse trailer, so it was likely the unicorn was still in the paddock.

She stayed hidden until the vehicles had rounded the bend
and turned onto the road heading into Wylde. Then she counted to one hundred, lifting her nose and tasting the air. No smell of wolf or man, only mud, pine needles, and the lingering traces of exhaust fumes. All was quiet.

“He’s definitely gone,” Junebug said. “He was
in the second vehicle. He’s not hard to pick out; all the others seem to kowtow to him. Even though I can’t see faces from that distance, I can read the body language.”

“See? He’s gone. Only one car remains. Most of them are gone. This is go time.” Harper paced through the snow, kicking up chunks with her boots. By Junebug’s count, there couldn’t be more than a half dozen of the mercenaries left
to guard the unicorn. They’d never have a better chance.

“I don’t like it,” Ezee said.

“Me either,” Levi echoed. “Harper, think about it,” he added as she glared at the twins. “He has his prize, something that you took from him, and he just goes off to do whatever in town, leaving barely anyone there to guard? This has trap written all over it in letters fifty feet high.”

“Perhaps,” Junebug
said. She laid a hand on Levi’s arm. “But he did something first to the paddock with the unicorn. It’s not just fencing now, but a dome. The silver wire almost looks like chain link. Even if we got the halter off, the unicorn wouldn’t be able to jump out.”

“And why make it so much harder and more protected, with magic, no less, if it is a trap?” Harper added. She folded her arms across her chest.
Levi had a point, but some risks had to be taken. Thwarting Samir’s plans was the next best thing to killing his ass. She could do one, even if she lacked the power to do the other. Harper refused to be helpless.

“We do not know how soon they will return,” Ezee said.

“Which is why we go now,” Harper said. “We have to do something. Alek?”

She looked at the big tiger shifter. The former Justice
had his head bowed, his pale blue eyes fixed on some unseen point in the middle distance.

“I will go,” Alek said. “Harper is right. If there is a chance to stop him, we must take it.”

“There’s more trouble with this plan,” Yosemite said. “If you go now, I cannot come with you.”

Harper glared at the druid. “Why?”

“The confluence,” Ezee said, comprehension dawning on his face.

“Oh, shit,” Harper
said. Yosemite had mentioned that he might have a chance of reaching into Faerie and contacting Brie and Ciaran, but he had to wait for a special day and time. Magic was too stupidly complicated. Harper wished spell-caster types could button-mash in real life. It would solve so many problems.

“At dusk. It may be my only chance for a while. If I could let them know what is going on, perhaps they
can come home more quickly.”

“There will be, what, one or two on patrol? Maybe four in the house?” Levi asked. His expression gave Harper hope. He was thinking, planning. He’d come with them.

Of course he would. Alek had spoken. They still followed what he said, even she herself did for the most part. He was the alpha, in the end, Justice or not. Harper figured now would be a poor time to start
resenting that. She was exhausted, that was all. Tired and full of hate for the one man she had zero chance of killing.
Feels bad, man

No time for riding the pity train to Sad Town. Harper gave herself a mental shake as Alek started outlining the plan.

Junebug would watch the road in and be prepared to try to signal if the cars were returning. Harper and Alek would go in from the west, killing
the sentry there and using the fact that there were few windows on the rear of the farmhouse as cover for getting across the open ground. Ezee and Levi would hunt down the sentry on the other side and be prepared to run in as a distraction if Harper and Alek needed it. Rose was going to stay behind with Yosemite in his grove and keep guard. Harper was happy about that last, though she knew her
mother wasn’t.

“This isn’t the time for heroics,” her mom told her, pulling Harper into a hug.

“I have to go. I know how to get that wire off,” Harper said, squeezing her mother back until she felt like her arms would pop.

Not that there was much trick to it. Grab hold, ignore the horrible burn, pull. Harper wasn’t about to share that detail yet. She wanted to be in the thick of things. Alek
was huge and tough and shit, but he couldn’t be allowed to have all the fun. Or take on all the danger. Harper prayed that Samir hadn’t put any serious whammy on the fencing.

Torch that bridge when you are over it
, she told herself.

Harper pulled away from her mom and smiled in what she hoped was a brave way. Then she reached for her fox and shifted, following the giant white tiger into the

Round two, motherfucker
, she thought. She was going to be a damn thorn, not a splinter, if she had any say at all.

The sentry wolf was walking his normal route. It wasn’t Gamer Guy, as Harper had nicknamed her reluctant benefactor. She felt thin relief at that
as she looked at his corpse. This wolf hadn’t stood a chance against Alek, not when Alek was hunting and ready. The tiger had snapped the wolf’s neck to where it hung at a sickening angle even in death. There was barely any blood, just a tinge of its scent on the air. That was good. It wouldn’t give them away.

Harper was used to activity in the clearing around the farmhouse. Dusk was falling,
the tired winter sun sinking behind black spears of pine and fir. Her breath puffed out from her nose as the air chilled to below freezing. The snow had started to form a thin crust, and crunched beneath her paws. The sound was faint, something unlikely to be heard from the house, but it still made Harper jumpy. Nothing moved in the clearing except the dimly seen white form inside the wire dome.

Junebug had reported correctly. What had been a paddock made of silvered barbed wire was now a cage of the stuff, the silver wiring glowing faintly where it curved upward and formed a latticelike dome. There were still gaps in the fencing, especially between the bottom wire and the snow-covered ground. Harper could get in the same way she had before, just going underneath it. Tiger-Alek wouldn’t

To get the halter off, she would have to shift. After that, she had no plan.

Didn’t matter.
No plan survives contact with the enemy
, she told herself. Harper would do what a gamer did best; improvise and try not to die.
Life, on Hardcore mode
, she thought with a twinge of bleak humor. No do-overs. No save files.

Harper hung back at the edge of the woods, waiting with Alek while he took
in the silent scene. Just one SUV left. A few lights in the windows, though the bathroom window she had escaped out of, twice, was dark. She met Alek’s gaze and he gave a soft huffling grunt.

They moved in a line, small red fox and giant white tiger, crossing the open ground between the woods and the house with low, quick strides. Alek held himself back for her, Harper knew, letting her stay
on his tail, using his bulk to clear the snow. They were going to leave a hell of a trail, but it didn’t matter. There was no hiding they had been here now, not with a dead wolf behind them.

She wondered if Ezee and Levi were all right, but immediately pushed that worry from her mind. They had their job to do and they would do it. The brothers would look out for each other, and Levi’s wolverine
was more than a match for a wolf, even a shifter wolf.

Harper reached the edge of the house behind Alek. Still no noise, no movement. She smelled nothing out of the ordinary, but not many ordinary smells either. Snow, mud, Alek’s tiger scent. Fainter smell of wolf and human. And horse. Which was odd, because unicorns didn’t smell like horses exactly. Without waiting for Alek, Harper slid around
the side of the house. No one was on the porch. No sounds of movement from inside.

Alek slunk out into the open ground by the paddock, his huge white form obscenely visible against the muddy, churned-up ground. Harper watched as he circled the house. He seemed like he was just asking to be shot at, but nobody tried.

The house appeared abandoned. Alek snarled, moving back to Harper where she
crouched beside the porch.

, she admitted to herself.
It’s maybe a trap
. But there was still a unicorn. She could see the white body moving inside the paddock. She couldn’t see if it had a horn from here. She had to get closer.

Ignoring Alek’s warning snarl, Harper ran for the paddock. She was almost to the fence, ready to duck beneath it, when she heard a woman yell out, “It’s a trap, stop!”

Harper froze. It was a voice she recognized, a voice that she had started to despair of ever hearing again. Jade had returned.

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