Mafia Boss's Fearless Lover (The Karzhov Crime Family series Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Mafia Boss's Fearless Lover (The Karzhov Crime Family series Book 1)
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Chapter 22


After an enjoyable lunch, Grigori retreated to the guest suite while Nikolai instructed Vanya to procure tickets to the ballet performance that evening.

Pyotr was still following Danil, who had made several phone calls before leaving the casino. It was apparent that his mood had not improved so it was assumed that he was still in a quandary over his next move.

Walking into the bedroom, Nik found Katya pouring over her mother’s journals. “How many times have you read them?”

Shutting the one she was reading, Kat sighed, “Not enough. One too many times. I really don’t know. After everything that’s happened, I’m looking at them with fresh eyes and from everything I’ve learned about my uncle, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried.”

“You have nothing to worry about. You have me now and I will make sure that no harm comes to you.”

“How can you say that with so much assurance? We’ve only just met.”

Sitting down beside her, he took her hands, forcing her to look at him, “Can you deny this attraction between us?”

Shaking her head, “No, but what if that’s all it is? What happens when the newness wears off?”

“Oh, Katya, from the moment you walked out on the stage at Zora’s, I knew that there was something different about you. Did you think that I normally tipped strippers like that? I needed to do something to get your attention.”

“I didn’t know. All I knew was that…”


“That the moment you touched me, the world faded away and there was only you.”

A slow smile spread across his face as he drew her into his arms, “You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that because I feel the same way about you, Katya.”

That evening Grigori, Nikolai, and Katya attended the ballet performance, and after saying goodnight to both Grigori and Vanya, Nikolai led her out onto the terrace as he had the first night.

“Did you not like the ballet?” he asked, having become concerned at how somber she had become as she sat down, staring off toward the skyline.

Katya looked at him in confusion, “What? No! Of course, I loved it! It was amazing. I can’t thank you enough for taking me.”

“Then why does it appear to have made you so sad?” he asked, removing his shoes and then hers.

“I guess it just brought back the dreams I used to have.”

“Tell me them,” Nikolai asked, removing her shirt and then pulling her to a standing position to remove her skirt.

Katya lowered herself into the warm water and leaned her head back to watch Nikolai as he undressed. “I took Russian in high school because I wanted to travel to Russia and dance with the Russian Ballet. It’s every ballerina’s dream. I wanted the experience to be perfect so I learned the language so I could communicate with the other dancers. Breaking my ankle…well, it’s now only a dream.”

Nikolai joined her in the whirlpool, “Your ankle seemed fine when you were on the stage the other night.”

“It’s strong enough for short pieces, but anything too long or that requires lots of toe work is impossible now. It cramps up and then gives completely out. I could never risk the safety of myself or my partner with a long performance. It wouldn’t be fair to anyone.”

Nikolai pulled her in front of him and hugged her close, “Then change the dream to something that is obtainable. What do you like most about dancing?”

“The ability to create and the freedom of expression. The ability dancing gives one to soar away in their mind and become a bird, or a tree, or raindrops.”

“I can hear in your voice how much you love it. Take that joy and turn it into something tangible.”

“Like what?” Katya asked, covering his arms with her own. She thoroughly enjoyed their lovemaking, but she was also coming to enjoy these quiet times when he held her close and they talked. She’d never shared that kind of intimacy with another man before, and it was fast becoming addictive.

“That’s for you to figure out,” Nikolai told her, breaking off as the terrace doors opened and Grigori stuck his head out.

“Sorry to interrupt. Katya, I left that little something we discussed earlier inside.” He winked at her and gave Nikolai what could only be interpreted, as a look of sympathy before stepping back inside.

“What’s he talking about?” Nikolai asked, watching the gleam enter Katya’s eyes as she pulled away from his arms.

“I really like your cousin, Nik.”

“Yes, so do I. Or at least, I did. Am I going to still like him when I find out what he’s talking about?”

Katya smiled at him, biting her lip to keep from laughing aloud at his concerned expression. “Well, that all depends on you.”


“Yes. See, it was brought to my attention that you were very thorough in your discussion with Grigori about how we met, which could have easily been played down.” Katya tried to appear upset, but she couldn’t do it and ended up grinning at him.

Nikolai decided to play along with this new side to her. Whatever Grigori had suggested definitely had her intrigued and in a playful mood. He was willing to play along, up to a certain point. “So, you think I shared a little too much?”

“Most definitely.”

“So what are you planning to do about it?” Nikolai asked, enthralled with the playfulness in her expression.

“Make you beg.” Katya left the whirlpool, grabbing a towel on her way back inside the penthouse. She looked back over her shoulder, “Coming?” then disappeared through the doorway.

Nikolai followed her inside, pleased at her transformation from shy and unsure to playful and naughty, as his body responded to the invitation and promise he’d seen in her eyes. Walking into the bedroom, he paused for only a heartbeat when he saw what she held in her hands.

Grigori had left her a coil of soft, red rope. He could tell by the look in her eyes that she was definitely planning to make him beg before the night was over. Deciding to let her have her turn, he willingly submitted to her every wish. His turn would come later, and then they would see who was better at making the other scream in pleasure.




Danil smashed the glass against the wall in frustration, as the prostitute he had been playing with scuttled backwards on the floor towards the door.

“I told you that I didn’t want to hear from you until the job was done,” he screamed into the phone as he spotted the woman scooting across the floor. Walking towards her, he placed his foot down on her wrist and pressed painfully as she cried out in pain.

“You’re useless. Never mind, I’ll take care of it.” Tossing the phone down on the sofa, he looked down at the woman who had stopped trying to pull her hand away as he pressed down again tilting his head as she cried out in pain. Reaching down, he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her back to the bedroom.

This would all end soon and with everything in play, his niece would soon be dead and he would finally rid himself of Nikolai. He couldn’t wait.

Chapter 23


Nikolai stretched his arms above his head, looking out over the city with a smile of satisfaction. Katya was still sleeping soundly, having made good on her promise of the night before to make him beg.

But then had come his turn. He’d shown her the proper way to use a piece of rope and…

The elevator doors opened and Grigori stepped out, a huge grin on his face when he saw Nikolai, “Have a fun night?”

“Don’t you know it but do me a favor, don’t share anymore of your tricks with her. She’s too quick of a learner with a very big imagination!”

“Not a problem.” Grigori looked around and then asked, “She still sleeping?”

“Yes, I thought I’d let her sleep a while longer. What has you up so early?”

“Early? Nik, have you looked at the time? It’s two o’clock in the afternoon.”

Nikolai looked across the room and chuckled, “So it is. I guess I probably should wake her up.” He moved towards the bedroom only to be stopped when Grigori placed his hand on his shoulder.

“Wait up a sec. I got a call from a friend of mine who has some intel on what happened to her parents.” Grigori paused before adding, “He’ll only give it to me in person.”

Nikolai looked at his cousin and asked, “Do you think it’s a trap?”

“No, I trust this man with my life. Have on many occasions and probably will again before I die. I told him I’d be in Tampa this evening.”

“Tampa? Not St. Petersburg?” Nikolai asked, referring to a known start-up group operating across the bridge.

“Tampa. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I’ll be in contact as soon as I know what’s up. You good here?”

“Sure. Pyotr is watching Danil, and Vanya is going to become Katya’s personal shadow until this thing is either resolved or blows up in our faces.”

“Well, let’s shoot for the first one, and be prepared for the second. You planning on making sure her place among your group is respected?”

“Eventually. The only sure way to do that is to marry her, but it’s too soon to go there yet. She’s had her entire life turned upside down over the last few months. She deserves a small reprieve and a chance to regroup before making any more life-changing decisions.”

Grigori nodded his head in agreement. “Well, keep her safe until then. She’s special. She has a good effect on you.”

“That she is.” Nikolai looked back towards the bedroom, anxious to go wake her up and start the day off right. Turning back to Grigori, he hugged his cousin, “Be safe, and let me know what you need from me on this end.”

“Will do. I’ll call you in a few days after I get settled out there. Hopefully, the information I receive will give us the missing links and seal Danil’s fate.” Grigori headed for the elevator just as Katya came wandering down the hallway, rubbing sleep from her eyes. He didn’t talk to her, but as he stepped into the elevator, he watched Nikolai enfold her in his arms. The serene look on her face said it all, and for the first time in his adult life, he was jealous of the connection between two people.

Maybe someday I’ll find someone I can connect with like that,
he thought as the elevator doors slid shut
. Maybe.



Part II, Mafia Hitman’s Daring Lover, Available Now!

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The Fedosov Family Series

The Russian's Stubborn Lover

The Russian’s Bold American

The Russian’s Secret Child

The Denver Men Series

CEO’s Pregnant Lover

The Marine’s Virgin Lover

FBI Agent’s Reluctant Lover

The Jawhara Sheiks Series

The Sheik’s Pregnant Bride

The Sheik’s Troublesome Bride

The Sheik’s Captive Bride

The Botros Brothers Series

The Sheik’s Accidental Pregnancy

The Sheik’s Defiant Girlfriend

The Sheikh's Demanding Fiancée


Exclusive Introduction From Mafia Hitman’s Daring Lover


He straightened and turned just in time to catch sight of a little spitfire hurtling towards him. “Get away from him!”

“What in the world?” Grigori asked, holding his coffee cup to the side so it wouldn’t spill on either of them.

“What are you doing?” the spitfire asked, edging around him and placing her body between his and the old man. Talking over her shoulder, she asked, “Dennis? Are you okay?”

“Sure enough, Desi. I’m fine. Greg here was just—”

“Greg? How do you know Greg?”

Grigori had had enough, and he turned and narrowed his gaze at the small woman standing in defense of the old man and had to bite the inside of his lip to hold back the chuckle that wanted to erupt.

The woman Dennis had referred to as Desi was over a foot shorter than he was, with brown eyes that were currently shooting daggers at him and short brown hair that framed her heart-shaped face. She had both hands on her hips and was daring him with her stance and her look to make another move towards the old man.

Her hair was askew on one side and her T-shirt was slipping off a very delectable shoulder, and from what he could tell, she wasn’t wearing anything beneath it. He let his eyes travel leisurely down her body, then back up to meet her eyes. She was delightful in her anger, and he found himself stifling another laugh as she squared off against him.

Grigori wasn’t a small man, and even men who matched his height and weight took one look at him and usually turned away.
This little sprite thinks she can take me on. All by herself!

“I think you may have gotten the wrong impression. I was just buying Dennis breakfast. Would you care to join us, miss?”


Grigori inclined his head. “Miss Desi.”

“No, not miss. Just Desi.” She turned away and all at once realized she had made a complete fool of herself. Dennis had a breakfast burrito, cinnamon roll, and coffee cup from Molly’s in his hands, and a smile that never ceased to brighten up her day, no matter how tired she was.

Turning to apologize, she let her eyes travel up the length of the stranger’s body, and up and up.
Gosh, he’s really tall, or I’m really short!
Her eyes took in the black skintight T-shirt he wore, the long sleeves barely concealing the end of the full sleeve tattoos he wore. His deep blue eyes were visible, but only because his aviator glasses had been hung on the neckline of his T-shirt.

His thick black hair was cut short and spiked up at the front. She let her eyes travel back down, pausing at his full lips and fighting down the urge to lick her own as she wondered what it would feel like to be kissed by him.
Where did that come from?

Shaking her head, she held out her hand. “Desi Addams.”

“Greg Walker. I’m sorry if you got the wrong impression. I didn’t mean him any harm.” Grigori took the hand she offered, marveling at how small she was compared to him and how soft her skin was.

“I realize that now. I’m just a little territorial about him, I guess. Usually I buy him breakfast.” Desi made a feeble attempt to withdraw her hand, but the stranger held tight to it.

“You have a caring heart,” Grigori told her with a smile. He let his thumb caress the back of her slender hand, watching as her eyes darkened and her breath hitched.

Desi couldn’t understand what was happening to her. All the man had done was smile at her and she was turned on!
God, has it been that long since I’ve been with a guy that all one has to do is smile at me and I’m ready to fall into his arms? I’m pathetic!
Determined to take back control of the situation, she pulled her hand from his own and then boldly wiped her palm on the front of her jeans.

“You’re new in town?” Desi asked, all of sudden becoming aware of the fact that she had just rushed from her car, where she’d been fast asleep. Her phone alarm had gone off, and as she’d opened her eyes and uncurled from her seat, all she’d seen was a very big, unknown stranger leaning over Dennis. She’d wrongly assumed he’d been trying to hurt him, not feed him breakfast.
So much for being impetuous.
Dad always said it would be my downfall.

She wanted to shake her hand, the tingles from his touch still travelling up her arm and setting off fireworks all along her spine. When she lifted her eyes to meet his, he held her gaze and she found she was unable to pull hers away.  After what felt like minutes, the man lowered her gaze, releasing her from his mesmerizing stare. 

“It is a pleasure to meet you,” Grigori murmured, trying to figure out what it was about this little woman that had his body humming and his brain wondering how long it would take him to talk her back to his hotel room. He’d been without a woman for far too long.

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