MadMoon (12 page)

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Authors: Regina Carlysle

BOOK: MadMoon
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“I’m trying to protect you and be considerate. Do you think
for one single second that I don’t want to fuck you until you come for me? Can
you imagine how it felt to come so close to losing you? Damn it, woman.”

Lana blew out a frustrated breath. “I’ve told you a million
times that I’m okay.”

“Fuck!” Mad sat up and when he flicked on the bedside lamp,
Lana blinked against the glare. “Sit up.”

Doing as he instructed, she let him pull the tee shirt from
her body. Wearing only her panties now, she lay back in the bed and looked at
him. His face grim, he gently turned her onto her side again until her back was
exposed. She heard a low curse and closed her eyes. Since the night Anton had
beaten her, she had refused to look at herself but it must be awful.

“It can’t be that bad anymore. Is it?”

Mad lay beside her and tenderly traced his finger over the
lines where she’d been struck. There was no pain but he was so intent at his
task, she knew there must still be visible marks. “I can’t believe he marred
your beautiful skin.”

“Shh. It doesn’t hurt.”


“I swear. The only thing that hurts is that you won’t touch
me,” she whispered. Mad groaned and continued to stroke her but when he
replaced his finger with his lips, she sighed, her eyes tearing helplessly. He
was tender, gentle. She’d never known such a thing in her life. “Keep touching
me. Don’t stop.”

He didn’t.

Sliding closer, he pressed open-mouthed kisses to her back
and between her shoulder blades, sliding his hand restlessly over her side. He
drew his touch over her belly then dipped his fingers into the front of her
panties. His thumb brushed over her clit, which was already swollen, aching,
then inched lower until he stroked her needy flesh. “You’re wet for me,

“Yes. I lie here every night waiting for you but you won’t
touch me. Don’t do it anymore. Okay?”

“Damn but you’re stubborn.” He continued to drag his fingers
over the seam of her pussy, parting the labia and plying her sensitive flesh
until all thoughts of arguing scampered from her brain. Restlessly she moved
against his touch, her breath quickening until it soughed from her lips in
quick little bursts.


Mad made a sound of frustration and hunger, snagging the
edge of her panties with his thumb and dragging them past her hips until she
could kick them to the foot of the bed. Naked now, open to anything,
everything, Lana waited to see what he would do next. He gripped her thigh and
pushed her knee toward her belly, further opening her body to his explorations.

Easy access. Yesss.

Mad inserted one finger then two, pushing them high into her
pussy, fucking her slowly, manipulating her until she frantically bucked
against his hand, searching for a closer touch. She turned her face hard into
her pillow as his mouth settled in the sensitive notch between her neck and shoulder.
His tongue traced the spot then nipped as he teased with his teeth. “You’re
creaming for me, darlin’.”

“Then fuck me. Do it. I’m ready.”

“All right then. Come up here. Tonight you’re gonna ride.”

Mad’s hands moved to her waist and with his help, she
straddled his torso. It was hard to believe this man belonged to her. She’d
dreamed of falling in love, of finding her mate, but she’d never imagined a man
like him. Leaning forward a little, sending her fingers on an exploration of
his belly, she started to lower her hips but his hands stopped her. “Stay on
your knees.”

They’d had lots of sex in many positions so she wondered
what was up but then he slid down, down, down, until his mouth was mere inches
from her pussy. “Let me taste you, baby.” He filled his hands with her ass and
lifted his head. His hot breath bathed her skin, his tongue tracing the seam of
her pussy, parting her, licking.

Ohhh yess.

Lana moved against his mouth and the hot lash of his tongue,
loving the way he circled her clit then sucked it gently. His fingers found her
opening and traced it before sliding deep. Again and again she rolled her body
against his mouth, restlessly moving her torso. Her hands found her hair and
held on before sliding lower to brush her thumbs over her own nipples, finding
them swollen and tight. Quick bursts of shattering pleasure wound through her
core, tighter and tighter, the sense of urgency building until she trembled
from the force. Mad’s fingers pumped harder as he sucked her clit once more and
she cried out from the power of her orgasm.

He brought her down gently with a slow, steady brush of his
tongue, then she moved down his body until her pussy hovered over his thick
cock. The heavy head rubbed and pressed against her drenched flesh, even more
intoxicating when Mad gripped the base and drew his erection repeatedly against
her. It pressed her still-pulsing clit and deep inside her body, the walls of
her vagina clenched.

“Ride me. Now.” Mad’s roughly spoken words propelled her
into action as she slid slowly down his cock. Finally seated to the hilt, she
paused to absorb the sensational feel of his possession, the way his cock
filled every bit of her in spectacular fashion. Holding still for long wasn’t
an option though, as the urge to move over him swept her. Slowly, slowly she
moved up before sliding down, gripping his heavy length with slick inner
muscles. Beneath her, Mad pushed up high and hard, his face a mask of tortured
pleasure as he fucked her, meeting each downward drive toward completion.

His hands palmed her ass, fingers flexing there, but then he
moved one hand to her clit. Fingers stroked and pressed as she moved faster and
faster. Her thighs trembled until she couldn’t hold herself up anymore. Lycan
strength didn’t matter in that moment. Nearly spent, she dropped over him,
meeting his lips with a kiss that she hoped relayed the love in her heart.
Writhing sinuously against him, inflamed by lust and need and the complex
pleasure of fucking him, loving him, she absorbed each shocking thrust with a
whimper. Desire streaked heavily through her veins and her mind emptied of all
thought but him and this moment after the ordeal they’d faced together.

Pleasure whipped hard once more, shattering her composure
into a million fragments as orgasm hit her. Lana opened her mouth over his
chest and cried out against his skin. When he blasted into her one final time,
shaking with his own climax, they held each other, quivering, and she was so
very thankful they were here, in this place. Together.

Chapter Twelve


Ynez knocked softly on the bedroom door before poking her
head inside. “
Moon, I have set the table, lit candles and put the
big, green bottle into the ice bucket for you.”

“Thanks.” Moon reached into a top dresser drawer, plucked
out a fat black box and turned to her. “Come in for a minute, will you?”

Ynez eyed the box then gave him a wide-eyed look. Her
fingers went up over her mouth in an attempt to hide her grin. The woman had
served his family for years and had been especially close to his mom. “Is this
what I think?”

” He flipped the lid on the box, held it out to
Ynez, and tears filled the housekeeper’s eyes the second she saw it.

“I know this diamond,” she breathed. “It’s the big one

He pulled the ring from its velvet nest. “Yeah, Mom’s
diamond. It’s the one Dad gave her when they got married at the Methodist
Church in front of the humans, right before they consummated in the ways of our
people. I’m going to give it to Lana tonight. I took it into Park Jewelry about
a week ago and asked Henry to update the ring some. It was kind of dated but
the center stone is the same. Do you think Mom would have liked the changes I
made to it?”

Moon had asked the jeweler to set baguette stones around the
big square diamond and put it in a diamond-covered double-banded platinum ring.
He’d also bought a matching wedding band that would nestle perfectly into place
against it. Never considering himself a particularly sentimental man, he was
kind of surprised to realize that Ynez’s opinion really mattered. She had known
his mother better than almost anyone.

“Oh yes, she would approve. She wanted only your happiness,
and to find a natural mate is wonderful, a good omen for your lives together.”
Her big brown eyes glistened with tears but she continued to smile. Ynez placed
her hand on his arm. “I am happy for you. Your mama would be so proud. Your
father too.”

He knew they would be. Lana was a wonderful woman and the
mate of his heart. Who could want more for their son or daughter than that? Smiling
at Ynez, he started to tuck the box into the front pocket of his jeans but damn
it, there was an obvious bump. Ynez laughed and held out her hand. “You give it
to me and I will hide it beneath the napkin beside your plate at the table.”

Ynez usually had an answer for everything. He handed the box
over knowing she would tuck it away nice and tight. “Okay. Thanks. I can’t
believe I’m so nervous.”

She laughed. “Ah, this is nothing compared to how you will
feel on your consummation night. Miss Lana will fall into your arms tonight and
say yes, yes, yes to anything you ask.”

Moon grinned. “You think so, do you?”

“I know so. She is over the moon for you.”

“Are you making a little play on my name?”

Ynez nodded and practically skipped from the room. “I will hide
the ring and leave you to enjoy your evening.”


She turned. “

“Thank you.”

Figuring it was time to see what Ynez had fixed for dinner,
he went downstairs and stepped into the dining room. He seldom used the room,
especially since he’d lived alone here for some time, but he’d always imagined
that one day he and his mate, whomever she might be, would have a few kids and
would celebrate special occasions here.

Tonight was certainly that.

Ynez had really outdone herself. Fresh flowers served as a
centerpiece and his mom’s favorite silver had been placed at the two place
settings. Moon peeked under the napkin that sat on his plate. The housekeeper
had folded it really fancy and it kind of bumped up at the top, giving her a
perfect place to stuff the ring box inside. Champagne iced in a silver bucket.

He’d just flipped a switch on the wall allowing soft music
to flow into the room when he heard Lana’s car pull up in the garage. This
afternoon she’d gone into town to visit Savannah, who was working in her shop
again, and her absence had worked in his favor, giving him and Ynez plenty of
time to set this whole shindig up.

Lana swept into the kitchen, looking sexy as hell in a new
pair of jeans and a summery printed top in various shades of blue. Smiling when
she saw him, she raced toward him, looped her arms around his neck and, going
on tiptoes, kissed him cheerfully. “Mm. Something smells awfully good,” she
said, grinning. “It’s either you or the food.”


“I think I can agree with that. I take it Ynez cooked
something yummy for us? I’m starved.”

Moon laughed. For such a small woman, she had an enormous
appetite, but he stopped her before she could look in the oven. “Unh uh. Hold
your horses, beautiful. As much as I want to feed you before you start chewing
the walls, you’re going to have to wait. I’m serving

“Oh ho. You are, huh? Now that’s what I like to hear.
Prowess in the bedroom, major badass fighting skills, and he serves up dinner
too. I sure now how to pick ’em.”

“That you do. Now come with me.”

He led her into the dining room and watched her eyes go big.
Once he’d pulled out a chair for her, he leaned over and pressed a kiss to her
lips. “Don’t move a muscle. I’ll be right back.”

His biggest fear at this point was that she’d get nosy and
find the ring box so he hurried back to the kitchen and pulled out the two
plates that warmed in the oven. It took him several trips but before long, Moon
sat watching her dive into her meal of steak and grilled fish. Bowls of some
kind of fancy rice and several types of steamed veggies were arranged on the
tablecloth. A fat slice of triple-layer chocolate cake sat on the sideboard

Lana looked around, apparently speechless, but that didn’t
last long. “Wow, you went to a lot of trouble.”

“Ynez did.”

“You need to give the woman a raise but I know you went to
some effort too. After all, this was your idea, wasn’t it?” She propped her
elbows on the table and tapped her fingers together as she studied him, a
naughty little smile playing around her lips. “And what do

“I’ll let you know.” Moon grinned, sawed off a bite of
steak, and popped it in his mouth.

“I’m sure you will.”

“So tell me about your visit in town today.”

Conversation proceeded at a leisurely pace and Moon wondered
if things would always be like this, free and easy and fun. Despite her lack of
higher education, she was well-read and could converse on any topic. Hell, she
was a lot smarter than him on most topics. Bottom line was that he was proud of
her and what she’d achieved, despite tremendous odds. He couldn’t imagine
finding a more worthy mate. The gods had designed her just for him but he suspected
that even without the mystical connection, he would want her forever.

Candlelight danced over her pretty face and her blue eyes
shone softly. By the end of the meal, just a china plate sat between them. Lana
picked up a chocolate crumb with the tip of her finger, stuck it in her mouth
and sighed. “Gods! Feed me stuff like this every day and see what happens. I
feel the size of my butt expanding as we speak.”

“And such a nice butt it is too.”

She laughed as he knew she would.

When he’d taken his seat earlier, he’d managed to sneak the
napkin-covered box to the side of his plate and now he uncovered it and watched
her eyes go wide as he held the box in the palm of his hand. Moon stood,
enjoying this moment of stunned silence and, walking around the table, reached
for her hand. Once she stood in front of him, he opened the box.

Lana gasped, her gaze moving from the ring to him then back
again. “Mad!”

“Do you like it?”

“How could I not? It’s stunning. I’ve never seen anything
more beautiful.”

Mad removed the ring from the box and looked at her. “I
You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.” Her eyes
filled instantly and when he slipped the ring into place, her fingers trembled.
“This is a very human tradition. I know it’s not something you’re used to
coming from a pack that lives only among other wolves but it’s pretty important
to blend in here in Sweetridge, so I’m asking you to marry me. This diamond was
taken from Mom’s engagement ring. She married Dad at a church here and I’m
hoping you’ll agree to follow in that tradition.”

“And they were happy, weren’t they?”

“Yeah. Very happy.”

She smiled at him and he swore she looked like a blast of
sunshine. “It’s a good omen for us, I think. Yes, Madden. I’ll marry you in the
human way, but what about—?”

“Our consummation?”

“Yes.” Color rose high on her cheekbones.

“Believe me, I haven’t forgotten.” He set the box on the
table and pulled her against him. “We needed to give pack members time to
grieve for those who were lost. It wasn’t appropriate to discuss a celebration
so soon but I believe we can move forward with our consummation plans now. Gods
know, we need a reason to celebrate after all this death. How does next week
sound? Then we’ll work on putting on a proper human wedding for the entire town
to see. What do you say, darlin’?”

She gazed at him for a span of seconds, her eyes shining
with emotion. “I say yes, Mad, yes to everything.” Lana leaned against him. Her
breath moved over him, penetrating the cotton of his shirt. He tightened his
hold and rested his chin against the top of her head. “I wish—”

“What, sweetheart?”

“I just wish my mom was here.”

“I’m in the same boat. I thought about my mom today when I
picked up the ring at the jewelers. She would have loved you. Now that we’ve
made this decision, I’d better give my sisters a call. They’d be pissed as hell
if I left them out.”

Lana leaned back. “Can I talk to you about something that
has been on my mind for a few days?”

“Sure. Come on.” He led her into the living room and pulled
her down beside him on the sofa. “What has you worried?”

“My pack.” Confused, he frowned and shook his head but she
lifted a hand. “My pack in Colorado. There aren’t many of them left and they’ve
spent their lives living under my father’s thumb. He was not a patient and fair
Alpha. The strongest wolves of the pack are gone now, leaving the rest of them
with nothing really. I’m the last of the ruling line, Madden.”

“What are you suggesting?”

“I want to go back, just for a little while.” She shrugged.
“I left with nothing. I have no pictures or other keepsakes that belonged to
Mom. Now the house is just empty and I’ve worried too, about what remains of
the Snow Wolf pack. I don’t know if they’re even aware of what has happened to
my father, Anton and the others. I doubt they’d spare an ounce of pity but they
have to be told and I feel it’s up to me to do it. Do you understand, Mad?”

He understood a lot about the weight of responsibility and
was proud the woman who would be his lupa wanted to do the right thing
regarding others. Mad tucked her against him, his decision made. “How long will
it take you to pack?”

* * * * *

It felt strange walking into the mountain home she’d once
shared with her mother and father. The rugged, beautiful Rockies had been a
part of her life for so long that it was odd to feel such a stranger to this
land. Life was constantly changing and now she felt alien in the spaces she’d
once known like the back of her hand. Early this morning, she and Madden had
boarded a plane bound for Denver then, after renting a vehicle, had driven to
the mountain home of the Snow Wolf pack.

The rough mountain cabin was really so much more that what
the term would suggest. The structure was comprised of over nine thousand
square feet of massive logs and glass—a melding of rustic and contemporary
architecture. From all outward appearances she’d been raised as a princess yet
the sad fact remained, Lana had always felt like a prisoner here. Little love
had been present in this stunning house. Maybe someday this place could be a
real home for someone. She hoped so.

Walking into the massive great room with its Native American
and Western artwork and expensive furnishings, she wished things had been
different. Behind her, Madden let out a low whistle. “This is a hell of a
place,” he said. He walked past her to run a hand over the rough-edged granite
mantle that dominated the huge fireplace. “It’s perfect in every way. The
workmanship here is amazing.”

While he walked around admiring the house where she’d grown
to womanhood, Lana headed toward a long wall of glass that overlooked the
pristine beauty of the mountains beyond, then finally opened a door to the
redwood deck and stepped onto it. A blast of fresh air greeted her. Sending her
gaze around the area where she’d run and hunted after her first shift, she
caught a flash of red and heard the steady
of wood
being chopped. An elderly man rose to his full height and went still when he
saw her. His hand went up as he waved. She would know Sheldon White anywhere.

Lifting her arm, so happy to see a familiar face, she
returned his wave. Cupping her hands over her mouth she yelled out, “Sheldon!
I’m home!”

Sheldon and his mate May had been caretakers for Tomin
Vronski from the time Lana been a baby. Emotion shook her. They’d no doubt
worried about her when she had taken off in the middle of the night and had
probably fretted over what would happen when her dad found her too. Vronski’s
harshness was not foreign to the Snow Wolves. After propping his axe against a
tree stump, Sheldon ate up the distance getting to her and finally climbed the
wide steps leading from the ground to the deck.

“Miss Lana! I’m so glad you’re safe!” His big, burly arms
went around her to hug her tight. He pulled back, his hands on her arms. “Let
me look at you. When your father left to hunt for you, May and I were really

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