Made To Love You (25 page)

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Authors: Megan Smith

Tags: #The Love Series, #Book Five

BOOK: Made To Love You
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“You about ready?” Mason steps into my view.

I nod. “Yeah, everything ready to go out there?”

“Yup and everyone is starting to arrive.”

I straighten out my tie one last time. “Let’s do this.”

Mason and I walk out of my parents’ bedroom and onto the deck. It’s hot as hell out today even with the sun almost setting but having the wedding here was the easiest way for all of us. Mom and dad’s shore house is big enough to fit everyone, Sadie will be more comfortable and relaxed here and if Jaylinn isn’t feeling well in this heat she can take a minute to rest in our room.

MacKenzie and Hailey took care of making sure everything was set up and decorated. They rented chairs, an archway, bought flowers, you name it, and they made it happen. Mom and dad took over taking care of the caterer. It was their way of helping and saving my bank account. Hunter gathered up the guest list: Bentley, Zeke, Logan, Nikki, Eli, Fallon, Mrs. Del Luca, and even Cole who found a break in his busy ass schedule are here for us. Everyone that is important to us is here and that’s all that matters.

Everything starts to hit me when I see things all set up. All the white chairs with the coral bows on the back are set up in rows. The archway is enclosed with coral and white tulle, secured with huge seashells and flowers on each side.

Mason and I join Hunter and Jackson who are standing down by the archway. We’re all dressed in khaki pants, white button down shirts and coral ties. If I look off to the side I can see the sky ride from here. I smile remembering where I first kissed Jaylinn.

The processional music starts and I see the top of Chloe’s head coming past the sand dunes. All our family and friends turn in their seats and watch her pass. It didn’t slip past me that Chloe didn’t even glance over at her husband. MacKenzie comes next. As she passes me she places her hand on my chest. “You look handsome, big brother.”

“Thanks,” I wink and she takes her place next to Chloe.

Hailey follows next and gives me the biggest shit eating grin. The girls are dressed all in coral colors matching our ties. The music changes to the
Wedding March
and everyone is up on his or her feet anxiously waiting Jay’s arrival.

My hands start to sweat so I wipe them on my pants. Mason nudges me and my head pops up. I suck in a sharp breath. She’s breathtakingly beautiful. Her brown hair is swept off to the side and pinned with a white rose. Her dress is simple yet elegant and fits perfectly with her growing belly. I feel the burn in my eyes the closer she gets. Wow, I can’t believe this is really about to happen.

When they reach the first row of chairs Sadie sways and almost falls. Everyone gasps and I take a step forward to go help but Hunter steps in front of me. “I got it.”

Jaylinn glances up at me and she attempts to smile and hold back the tears. Hunter reaches them and he holds a hand out for his mom but she shakes her head. Hunter looks up to the sky getting annoyed with Sadie for not taking the help she needs. Jaylinn and her mom start walking again with Hunter trailing behind in case she does need help.

Jaylinn and Sadie stop just before me, she places a kiss on both of her cheeks and she places one on her mom’s. Sadie turns to me and says, “Be her rock.”

“Always,” I hold out my hand to Jaylinn, she looks back at her mom one last time before letting go of her hand and taking mine. An overwhelming feeling of relaxation comes over me now that she has been handed over to me.

Jaylinn turns and hands her flowers over to Hailey. When she turns back I entwine our fingers together. I look up at her, she mouths the words, ‘I love you’ to me. I mouth them back and squeeze her hand.

The wedding officiant starts off as I take a minute to get lost in Jaylinn’s beaming eyes.

My anxiety kicks up a notch. Jaylinn and I decided to write our own wedding vows but promised to keep it short and sweet. Neither of us needs to feel the extra pressure by outdoing the other. It’s not who we are. My heart is pounding so loud I swear Jaylinn can hear it. Dylan goes on for a few more minutes, talking about our wedding vows.

“Jaylinn and Cooper have decided to write their own wedding vows,” the officiant informs everyone. He looks at Jaylinn and gives her the nod to begin.

She lets one of my hands go and puts it on her stomach. “Since I first moved into town all those years ago I had the biggest crush on you. I hid it pretty well, huh?” She tilts her head to the side so she can glance at her brother. He never had a clue. “Every day that we’ve been together you make me feel complete, more alive and have shown me what true happiness is over and over again. I’m a better person with you by my side. I take you to be my teammate, loving what I know about you and what our future holds. I promise to laugh with you when times are great and endure,” a single tear slips from her eye. “with you when they are bad. I can’t wait to grow old together and fall in love a little more every day that passes.” I squeeze her hand. “Today, I give you my hand, my heart, my love without conditions. Completely and forever.”

I’m not sure who is shaking more right now, her or me. I clear my throat and repeat the words that I have memorized. “Sometimes life throws you a curveball. Sometimes they’re pitched perfectly and sometimes they aren’t. You have to hold and throw the ball just right in order to get the rotation and velocity needed,” Mason chuckles behind me. Jaylinn beams understanding my need to reference baseball lingo instead of the sappy words I’m not really good at. “It took me a long time but I finally figured it out.” My smile grows as I stare into Jaylinn’s watery eyes. “Hitting that curveball isn’t something that’s easy either. After trying too many times to get it just right I finally nailed that perfect ball right out of the park. I promise to always practice, promise to always have patience and be the man you need me to be. I love you more than I could ever show you or tell you but I will spend the rest of my life trying.”

The rings are called for which Ryder and Alex both provide for us. The rings are blessed and I’m about to yell hurry up but Jaylinn winks and shakes her head. She read my mind.

“Jaylinn and Cooper, you have committed yourselves to each other in marriage. Having pledged your faith and love to one another in the presence of God and these witnesses, by the exchange of your wedding vows and the giving and receiving of the rings. It is with great joy and happiness, and by the power vested in me, that I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.”

I pull Jaylinn into my arms. She slips her hands up my chest and places both her tiny hands on either side of my cheeks. I say, “I love you so much.”

I place a soft, gentle kiss on her lips at first and then think the hell with it and deepen the kiss. We get lost in the moment, committing this day to memory.

I offer my arm to my other half. She grabs it and we make our way down the aisle stopping at Sadie who I offer my other arm to and then continue down the aisle while our friends and family cheer and congratulate us.

My life is finally complete and I feel like I’ve just won the World Series.



Our reception is more like a barbecue and that is perfectly fine with me. The guys have lost their ties after all the pictures were taken and the girls have lost their shoes. We pushed the tables aside and the deck was converted into a dance floor.

Mason and Hailey are having a dance off and it’s quite comical because my brother is getting schooled on his moves even with his wife holding their son.

Jaylinn just took her mom to bed. Sadie patted me on the cheek and said, “You did well today. Let’s see if you can carry that onto the field in a few days, huh?”

I start cracking up and Jaylinn just shook her head at her mom. My last game was a little rough, had too much going on.

My dad takes a seat next to me and cracks his beer open. “All my kids are married.”

I tip my chin. “And all have kids or at least about to anyway.”

He sighs and stretches his hand over the back of my chair. “When the hell did you all grow up?”

“It’s alright, old man. I think you still got it.”

He chuckles. “And when did you all learn to be smartasses?”

I nod in Jaylinn’s direction. She grabs a bottle of water and is whisked away to dance with Zeke. “It’s her fault.”

“Ahh, son, I think you got that wrong. We’re always to blame. You need to remember that if you plan on surviving your first fight.”

Jaylinn crocks her finger to me. “Thanks for the pep talk, Dad.”

“Always, kid.”

Jaylinn wraps her arms around my neck and we sway to the beat of the song which happens to be
You & I
by John Legend.

She sighs. “I love this song but a Sam Hunt song would be so much better.”

Cole, who is dancing with Hailey, says, “You know I’m going on tour with him, right?”


He laughs. “Yeah, this spring.”

Hailey stops in her tracks. “The Sam Hunt?”


“Can you get us tickets?”

“Please say yes,” Jaylinn begs.

“Sure, backstage pass work okay, too?”

“Yes!” Hailey screams and places a kiss on Cole’s cheek. “It pays to know the right people.”

“You better have money to bail my ass out of jail if I see your lips on another man again.” Ah, my overprotective brother.

“Oh, stop it, you get the goods.”

“On that note,” Coles backs away and lets Mason take over the dance.

Jaylinn rests her head on my shoulder. “How do you think we did today?”

“Ah, it could be better.”

I stop dancing and she lifts her head. “Could be better?”

A smile breaks across her face. “It would be perfect if you could take me to bed.”

I entwine our fingers and start pulling her behind me. If she doesn’t hurry up I’ll carry her.

“Where you going?” Hunter steps in our way.

“To make our wedding day better,” I try stepping around him but he takes a step too.

Jaylinn throws her head back cracking up. “I’m tired, pregnant, and my feet hurt. I’m going to sleep because the time for cock blocking Cooper should have happened seven months ago.” I wink at him and blow him a kiss.

I take another step around Hunter and this time he lets me pass. “Nice save.”

She winks at me. “I’ve learned from the best.”




A few days after the wedding mom had another setback. She was hospitalized again. She’s in full blown kidney failure now. Dr. Carter gave us word to start preparing, there is nothing else that we can do for mom but make her comfortable.

Hunter has power of attorney. He’s got mom’s living will situated along with the financial and legal stuff, and the last thing he dealt with was the one thing I wanted no part of, the Do-Not-Resuscitate order. If mom’s heart stops or she stops breathing she doesn’t want to be kept alive. Elle and Andrew took over handling the funeral arrangements after they found Hunter crying in his truck one night outside of mom’s house.

I’m mentally and physically drained. Sometimes I don’t remember to eat unless someone reminds me. I missed a doctor’s appointment last week and didn’t remember until they called to reschedule.

Mom and I talked when we first brought her home from the hospital. We both cried and laughed together. She told me it was okay for me to be sad and cry. Told me that it would get easier over time, I don’t believe that for a second. She told me that I was going to be a great mom to my son or daughter and I thanked her for showing me the way and I’d try not to disappoint her. Two people now know the sex of our baby, Elle and my mom. I wanted her to know before she passed away and mom wasn’t strong enough to make it to the doctors with me to find out for herself.

I think I’m mentally prepared for my mom to leave us. I thought I’d be a crying, inconsolable mess but I’m not. Having that talk really helped me, I think. Don’t get me wrong, I’m crying and sad but I’m handling it well.

I’ve been sitting with mom in her bedroom, same as the last few days. A fresh delivery of daisies sits on her end table compliments of Cooper. The hospice nurse, Kelly, said that she’ll sleep a lot today. She’s getting tired more and more with each day that passes. Kelly told us that she would prepare us for when the time comes.
How do you really prepare someone to say their final goodbye?

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