Lyon's Angel (The Lyon) (6 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Lyon's Angel (The Lyon)
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I liked sitting across from her tonight looking all demure knowing
that underneath I had dressed her in the smuttiest undergarments money could
buy, not to mention her piercings and tats.

dick got hard just thinking about it, that's why I was about to nail her
halfway between the restaurant and home; out in an open field on the back of my
ride cars rushing by not thirty feet away, all that kept us hidden was a line
of trees and some overgrown grass.

~ ~She dropped the mini
dress she was wearing followed by the scrap of nothing panties; she wasn’t
wearing a bra because I liked the way her nipples looked under the material of
the dress.

"Hop up."

I helped her recline on the seat of the bike, placed her legs on
my shoulders and bent to her already juicing pussy.

I licked her clit ring then bit down on it making her scream and
grab my head.

I released my cock because there was no way my jeans were gonna be
able to hold my monster for much longer.

"Tell me what you want angel."I played with her as she
writhed in heat.

"Lick me.....please....."

"Lick what angel, tell me."

"My pussy, please sir, please lick my pussy."

I was only too happy to accommodate her; I licked and sucked her
sweet pussy until the corners of my mouth started to hurt. I'd been steadily
stroking my cock as I tongue fucked her so he was rock hard and ready for
action. Pulling her ass to the very edge of the seat I lined up and went in
with one powerful thrust.

"Fuck babe, your pussy's grabbing the fuck outta my
shit." This new position added a new element, her already tight pussy felt
almost virgin again. She couldn't move very much but that was okay, with her
hips held tightly in my hands I stroked her deep. I hope the sounds of the
wheels on the roadway was loud enough to blank out her screams otherwise we
might be in trouble.

"Mouth." She struggled to meet my mouth and I sucked
hard on her tongue as I spewed my seed inside her.

not done, not even close that was just an appetizer. Let’s go home I feel like
fucking the shit outta you babe." She contracted around me which was all
the consent I needed.

I got us home in record time and was undressing us both as we made our way up
the stairs. How we managed to kiss and undress as we climbed without breaking
our damn necks is a mystery but we made it to the bed in one piece.

"Sit on my face babe I feel like dessert."

She climbed on the bed still wearing those fuck me heels. Taking
her hips in my hands I brought her pussy down to my watering mouth.

Her pussy was crying out for my attention again.

"Ooh, your tongue feels so good."

I teased her with my stiff tongue, squeezing her ass cheeks
together as our eyes held over my head.

I flicked my eyes down once and she understood, good girl; we’ve
been practicing that shit.

Reaching behind her, she stroked my cock to fullness.

"Fuck me." I growled at her.

She scooted down my body and sat on my cock, her face scrunched up
in concentration as she struggled to fit all of me inside her.

"Give me one of your legs."

She stretched one leg up to me so I could play with her ankle in
those fucking heels. What was it about her in high heels that made me like a
raging bull?

She was sitting on my cock in a gymnast’s split, one knee bent at
our sides, the other leg stretched up to my head.

"Put your hands on my chest and take what's yours."

My cock bent almost in half when she started her ride until she
got the hang of it but when she did she owned my shit.

"Fuck babe, I want to take you from behind."

I pulled out and helped her to her knees still in those fuck me heels,
there was something so fucking hot about that, her ass was in the air, her
pussy peeping through the opening of her thighs, I couldn't help stealing
another suck and lick of her sweet flesh.

"Please Colt, hurry."

Oh yeah, my baby was gone her voice was strained and there was a
slight tremble in her body.

I rubbed my cock ring teasingly against her pussy opening before
driving home. I loved that little jerking motion she did when I hit bottom
before she clamped down on my cock. The sight of my name on her flesh made me
fucking crazed and I pounded into her furiously.

"Mine mine mine." I dug in as my mind and body was
consumed with her, by her.

She arched her back and came with a loud cry.




Needless to say we missed the movie but all in all I think she was
happy with the way the night ended. Things fell back into a routine; mom still
called every day asking if I’d popped the question yet and Tuesday nights at
the Lyon's house is a hodgepodge of crazy. Cyrus my man is now a fixture who
had been embraced by the whole family like a long-lost uncle; Stacy and Emory
were trying to talk him into getting more paint to add to the one he'd got
during his stint in the army. Turns out Cy was special forces, surprisingly mom
and Angel have come to some sort of understanding where Cyrus is concerned but
there had been some tense moments there in the beginning. I'd started to
intervene when it had looked like they were going to start a tug-of-war
literally but Cy had pulled me aside with a stern warning. 'Son don't ever get
between two women and something they want you'll never win let them hash it out
and we'll just go along with whatever they decide." Best advice I've ever
received if you ask me. In the end they worked that shit out between them
satisfactorily and peace reigned once more.  

Drake Sloane was also a new
addition to the Tuesday night dinners because that's mom's way. It was the one
day a week Kat was guaranteed to see her dad since both their schedules kept
them from much else though I know they spoke often. Tina was Tina, some days
she was cool and others she'd get a bee in her bonnet about something and I'd
have to put her in her place until she calmed the fuck down again. My girl
still calls me sir when she wanted me to fuck and we were getting more and more
into her secret likes; my baby did like her kink.

still had yet to pierce her belly button which I planned on dong this weekend
right after I had my name tattooed right across the top of her pubis. Stacy
thought I was sick for wanting to do that but when I mentioned it to my baby
she'd gotten so hot it had taken two rounds of hard pounding to satisfy her
needy pussy.

   I've still been
keeping up with what was going on with the situation in Arizona and Taylor's
still listed as a missing person. There's nothing new there and the cops have
no leads. Of course his parents are all over the news now lying about their
saintly son meanwhile more and more women were coming out of the woodwork with
allegations of rape and other terrorizing ordeals at the hands of that sadistic
prick; made it easier to live with the guilt of ending him.


Chapter ix



Nutty Jenny


I can't believe how the Lyons have embraced that thing into their circle; the
latest word is that Elena Lyon one of our society's leading women have been
touting the girl. Somehow they'd got the video removed when I couldn't; of
course, couldn't have their precious son’s little floozy seen in a bad light. I
wish I'd broken her fucking face when I had the chance.

"I thought you said you were going to take care of her James
what happened?"

"Some chick came up to us and spirited her away what did you
want me to do wrestle her to the floor in the middle of a busy

"Why do I have to do everything myself?" He's such an idiot
ever since mama and daddy cut the apron strings he's been a fucking burden;
you'd think he was the younger of the two of us instead of the other way

"If I remember correctly you're the one that got her ass
kicked all over the Internet I don't see you doing anything to fix the
situation; in fact if you hadn't fucked up with Colton in the first place none
of this would be happening. We were supposed to have been in there by now but
you couldn't even keep his interest long enough to get him to the altar now
look; you've been replaced by your worst nightmare a younger prettier model. Ha
ha ha; ouch you bitch." He rubbed his head where my shoe had connected.

 "How dare you she's not nearly as pretty as I am; my
pedigree is way above hers I mean who is she anyway other than some little
victimized bitch. I bet that's how she got her hooks into him with her stupid
sob story; I hate that stupid bitch I wish there was a way to kill her and get
rid of her once and for all."

"Okay sis let's not get carried away here; this isn't like
the pets you used to torture when we were kids this is serious business; the
kind of serious that could get us sent away for a very long time."

"Not if we do it right." Why hadn't I thought of that
before; instead of trying to scare her off I could just get rid of the little
slut once and for all then Colton would be free again and I could work on him.
Last time I didn't have enough time, something had tipped him off to my true
intentions and he ran but if I played my cards right I could still maybe get
back in his good graces. Though everything I've tried since have failed to
work; never mind that though; I know she's the only thing standing in the way
of us getting back together; with her gone the way would be clear. His family would
learn to love and accept me once more; of course I'll have to make them pay for
this past year of indifference it was only right after all. I am the descendent
of a long line of highly esteemed Rossettis, my family's name was known far and
wide while this girl couldn't even get her name on a bag of puppy chow.




Little Miss. Kat




happy and in love and I have a job I love because he's here; people say it'll
get stale after a while spending all our time together at work and then at home
but they have no idea what they're talking about. When he stands in the doorway
between his office and mine with that special look on his face I get all tingly
like it's the first time. I love knowing that he's only a moment away if I
should need him for anything. I love our little afternoon trysts when he bends
me over his desk or mine with my pants around my ankles and do me nice and hard
because we don't have much time and someone might come looking for either of
us. I was getting used to his over protectiveness the way he watches over me
like a mom with a toddler though he was getting a little better about letting
me do things on my own with the girls. I still didn't stay home alone for any
length of time but that was okay i understood. Dad was being very supportive of
our relationship which was a big shock to me, I would've expected him to play
the heavy with Colton but Colton had his own way of dealing with him. My mom
still had her moments where she questioned the solidity of our relationship, if
she only knew where and what Colton plans on having my next tattoo she'd
probably be scandalized. Since the whole incident at the restaurant Colton and
I have been cruising along, things couldn't be better and I hope it stays that


The Lyon


   That fuck Rossetti's been hiding for a while; I guess
he thinks after enough time has passed I'll forget his ass, good luck with
that; first chance I get I'm breaking my foot off in his ass. Today Kat gets
her tattoo and her piercings, I already got my loving last night and this
morning because I know she's going to be sore for a few days after that's taken
care of and out of the way. My seal of ownership will be almost complete after
this now I find myself in unfamiliar territory; I'm thinking of surprising my girl
with a ring; she has a birthday coming up so I'm thinking that would be
perfect. The only problem is I'm not sure if to go traditional; Tiffany's,
Cartier, Harry Winston or if I should have my guy Simon make something. The
only thing I know is that it has to be a fucking rock; the women in my family
are seriously into that shit and the sisters rocked some serious carats as well
so as the leader of the crew I have to do my shit up right can't have my woman
coming up short. Plus as much shit as these women talk when they get together
and with her being the youngest of the bunch; sheeeeiiit, not only that, my
boys would probably be fucking worst, they'd never stop riding my ass if I
fucked up so yeah; gotta do this shit first class all the way.

   "You ready
to go meet Stacy babe?"

"Ready as I'll ever be; it's not going to hurt as much as the
back right?"

"Naw babe the spine is the hardest because it's on the bone,
this is all flesh should be done in one shot, healed in a few days so I don't have
to be away from my favorite snack for more than a day or two."

"My kitty is not a snack she's a full course meal."

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