Lynda's Lace (10 page)

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Authors: Lacey Alexander

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Lynda's Lace
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Reaching for Ginger’s shoulders, Lynda drew both lavender bra straps down Ginger’s silky arms just enough to reveal her ample breasts, as sublime as Lynda had suspected. She moaned at the sight and Ginger offered a naughty little grin upon seeing that Lynda was so taken by them. Lynda’s palms closed around the plump mounds of flesh, thrilled to finally have them in her grasp, even though her hands couldn’t begin to contain them.

Ginger’s long nipples blushed a dark, deep mauve, and drew Lynda’s tongue without delay. As she licked the enticingly hard peaks, she instinctively found herself grinding against Ginger’s pelvis, their legs interlocking, and again she thought,
Watch me, Jordan. Watch me lick her breasts. Watch me rub against her.

As Lynda sucked and massaged those voluptuous breasts, Ginger let out low moans that increased Lynda’s pleasure. Her own breath grew
as the tension between them rose, and the only thing missing was Jordan—she found herself wishing he was there with them, watching them even closer, joining in so that she could touch and suck him, too. Still, just knowing his eyes focused on her every move
her passion and she imagined him unzipping his pants, pulling out his big cock and stroking it while he watched.

The two women continued moving together until Lynda finally stopped sucking Ginger’s breasts in lieu of wiggling her way up Ginger’s shapely body a little, just enough to rub their bared chests together. Ah yes, the sweet sensation of hard nipples colliding, teasing one another—the hot and naughty joy of feeling Ginger’s dark pearled tips jutting into her softest flesh. Both women breathed heavily, the rhythmic sounds almost creating a sort of music in the quiet air. Of course, from outside, Lynda could make out the distant echo of a lone saxophone, could hear the occasional sound of a honking horn or laughter on the street, but here in the apartment above her shop, the only sounds that mattered were those of sex.

As Ginger’s hands closed over Lynda’s ass, pressing their pussies closer, Lynda feared she might implode. “God, yes,” she heard herself murmur. Although they might have achieved more direct friction from keeping their legs intertwined, Lynda found herself shifting, wanting to rub her
directly over Ginger’s.

,” Ginger purred at the change in contact. She slid her legs together so that Lynda could straddle her, move on her. “Yes, rub your pussy on mine, baby,” she whispered.

Lynda liked the invitation—it made her
even heavier, and a twinge of pleasure arced through her nipples where they raked over Ginger’s voluptuous mounds. She rubbed her crotch against Ginger harder, harder, wishing again that Jordan were there as she soaked up every nuance of delight, her garters stretching tight across her ass and her stocking-covered legs moving silkily against Ginger’s bare thighs.

* * * * *

Jordan sat in his office, just across the street from Lynda’s place, watching in wonder as she so enthusiastically enjoyed his little surprise for her. Part of him couldn’t believe it—he’d thought, at best, she’d be nervous and tentative, and
, he’d thought she’d be horrified by the suggestion and the blatant way he’d chosen to present it. But she
been horrified—or tentative—and a bigger part of him was simply glued to his computer screen, amazed at her.

In one hand, he held his super-hard erection, pumping lightly. With the other, he worked the mouse, which was hooked up to allow him to zoom in or move the camera around if necessary. Right now, he had the lens honed in tightly on the two girls’ beautiful breasts, sliding back and forth against one another so energetically that he could almost feel the friction from here. The orbs of flesh looked sumptuous and pretty, still surrounded by the lace that had once covered them but now circled beneath like delicate frames.

He pulled back then, wanting to see more of them. Lynda rode Ginger’s pelvis the same as if Ginger had a cock, gyrating atop her
just as she did on his shaft when she was working toward orgasm.

Then she sat up, arching her back as she continued writhing on Ginger, now boldly massaging both of Ginger’s big, lovely breasts in those dainty feminine hands. “Damn, precious,” he heard himself mutter. How could this be Lynda?
Lynda. But at the moment, his shock was overridden by the hottest, dirtiest lust he’d ever experienced, so the whys and the
could come later. The present was all about pleasure. Pleasure he was tired of just witnessing and now wanted to be a part of.

He could have watched the two gorgeous girls go at it all day, but he supposed he’d forgotten to factor in just how strong an effect it would have on him, and he was in need of some stimulation, too. He worked his cock in his hand, of course, but why settle for that when there were two beautiful, tantalizing women just a few doors down. It excited him even further to imagine pleasuring Lynda as she went on pleasuring Ginger. He hadn’t planned that—really hadn’t thought far enough ahead on this at all—but the idea of Lynda being with both of them at once was nearly enough to push him over the edge.

He started to release his cock, save his orgasm—yet then it dawned on him that he’d have another hard-on in a heartbeat just observing these two, so why not let it all go. Watching Lynda continue her passionate kneading of Ginger’s round globes, he pulled on his shaft harder, faster.
Yes, precious, rub your beautiful
against hers.
Ginger’s hands rose to capture Lynda’s breasts, as well, pushing them upward. Both ladies moaned and purred their pleasure and Jordan got lost in the sights and sounds.

“What a
girl,” Ginger said in a deep, naughty tone—and something about the sentiment, simple as it was, sent Jordan toppling headlong into a brutal climax. His come shot violently, but at least this time he had tissues ready—he caught his juices in one hand and continued stroking his cock with the other until the hot, swallowing pulses finally ceased.

And as he came back to earth, he instinctively knew why that one little utterance was enough to make him explode—because the deeper into this he got, the more he realized he
having a bad girl. And he wasn’t going to miss another second of her badness.

Flipping off the camera, he zipped his pants, rushed out the front door of Spy Games—hurriedly locking up behind himself—then sprinted toward his incredibly hot lady.

* * * * *

Ginger took turns suckling Lynda’s needy breasts as Lynda rubbed her pussy in rhythmic circles over Ginger’s. She didn’t think she could come this way—the connection wasn’t quite right, not allowing enough stimulation to her clit—but it still felt good. She let out a groan as Ginger pulled hard on her with lips and tongue, then she arched deeper into the other woman’s mouth.
Oh, Jordan, why don’t you come? I want you here!

As if in answer to her silent plea, the door burst open and she looked up to see her gorgeous, sexy man—his eyes filled with a heat darker than any she’d witnessed there before. Thank God she hadn’t locked the door after Ginger had arrived.

She didn’t mean to abandon Ginger, but the look in his eyes beckoned her, drew her to him. She got to her feet and ran to where he stood, breathing hard. She lifted her hands to his
cheeks as his grip locked on her hips. “You are astounding,” he said.

Odd, the compliment made her feel girlish, almost shy. She peered up at him from beneath lowered lids, utterly pleased at his words, and said, “Am I?”

“Are you ever, baby,” he replied with dark, naughty chuckle. “I had no idea you could be so…”

She smiled when he trailed off. “I had no idea you would
me to be

He leaned his forehead against hers. “You take my breath away.”

“I want you,” she purred up at him. “I want to make you feel things you’ve never felt before.” And with that, she dropped to her knees and began to work at his belt buckle, then the zipper on his khakis, more anxious to get to his cock than she’d ever been. Above her, he hurriedly ripped at the buttons on his shirt, casting it aside just as she yanked his briefs down over his oh-so-majestic shaft. Not quite at its full length just yet, it was well on its way and as arousing as always.

“I just came,” he said, breath still
, “watching you over at the store. But I knew you’d get me hard again on sight.”

Ginger seemed to admire his shaft, too. “God, I forgot how hung you are.” Not that it was hanging.

Then Lynda realized what Ginger had just said and glanced up at her lover. She didn’t mind if they’d had a fling, but she was curious. “One night, a long time ago,” he said, reading her mind and running his hand through her hair as she gently stroked his length.

,” she replied. Was that a sliver of jealousy running through her veins? Not really, she decided. Okay, maybe a pinch, but maybe the fact that the two had been together once upon a time made this easier, too.

Ready to quit thinking and resume acting, Lynda boldly swirled her tongue around the tip of Jordan’s cock as she gazed sensually up at him. She left behind a trail of wetness and felt him growing in her hand to his full length and width. He felt so powerful, so strong, wrapped in her fist. And she wanted him inside her, but first, just as she’d said, she wanted to make him feel good.

So she sank her lips over him, listening to his groan, feeling the gentle massage of his fingers in her hair—and she took him deep, deep, as deep as she could, until well more than half of his long cock was inside, touching her throat. She knew he thought her particularly skilled at this art, and tonight she wanted to perform especially well. After holding him captive for a moment, she released him from the depths of her mouth to slide her lips up and down on him, enjoying the vigorous moves, and changing up the rhythm—fast and furious to slower and more lingering, and then back again.

She loved feeling his hot gaze on her, and Ginger’s as well—and though she mostly watched Jordan’s shaft or his face, she finally glanced to the sofa to find Ginger lying with her legs spread, knees bent, her fingers in her panties, stroking her pussy while she studied Lynda at work.

“Come help me,” Lynda said softly on impulse.

Ginger looked tempted yet hesitant. “Really? Are you sure?” Apparently, Jordan and Ginger hadn’t planned anything beyond him just watching the two women.

Lynda simply nodded. Because she wanted to make him feel as good as humanly possible, and she figured two mouths were better than one. She also assumed Jordan had never been with two women before, and suddenly she had the power to give him that, to give him every man’s fantasy.

As Ginger slowly rose to make her way over, Lynda looked up at Jordan to witness the sheer awe in his eyes. Good, he wasn’t going to decline—he was going to accept her return gift, going to let this liaison go farther, deeper, into the decadent sort of sex Lynda craved.

Ginger knelt next to her on the hardwood floor and their gazes met across Jordan’s magnificent erection. Ginger licked her lips, wetting them, and Lynda’s pussy rippled with fresh desire. Reaching up, Lynda placed her hand behind Ginger’s head and drew her inward, as if for a kiss, but instead both girls’ lips met the cock standing upright between them, passionately kissing it. Jordan moaned and a glance upward revealed his head dropped back, eyes shut.
, yes—she wanted him thoroughly overwhelmed by pleasure.

The two women continued kissing his length, their mouths sometimes meeting each other’s, as well. Lynda cupped Ginger’s nape and Ginger’s hand rose to caress one of Lynda’s breasts. Soon enough Jordan was watching them again, letting his hands stroke through both women’s hair.

“Suck him,” Lynda said, adrift in passion and following her instincts.

Ginger’s eyes lit with fire as she lowered her mouth over the tip of Jordan’s shaft and Lynda’s breasts and pussy both ached hotly at the sight. Reaching beneath, she switched back and forth between caressing his balls and playing with Ginger’s breasts.

When Ginger backed off, Lynda took her place, pulling him in, letting that perfect cock fill her entire mouth as she shut her eyes and lost herself in the hot task. She saw that below her, Ginger was licking and sucking Jordan’s balls, and the combination of pleasures set him to moaning loudly. “God, yeah, oh yeah,” he managed to get out. “I can’t fucking believe…oh yeah…”

She felt his gaze and loved taking him to this new place, and even if there
been some tiny twinge of jealousy, it was well worth it to please her man so deeply. Both girls continued taking turns on him and Lynda discovered she liked watching Ginger run her lips and up and down the slick shaft almost as much as she enjoyed doing it herself.

Finally, Jordan said, “Stop. No more.” His hand curled into Ginger’s dark mane so that she’d free him, and his cock popped from her mouth to stand proudly between the two again.

His pants and underwear had long since dropped to his thighs, so Lynda slid one palm up his groin alongside his erection. “Why, baby?” Her mouth suffered that pleasant, stretched sensation left after sucking cock a long while, but she still hungered for more.

He gave her a look of warning and spoke between heavy breaths. “Can’t take any more. And don’t want to come again yet. And…”

“And what?” She peered expectantly up at him, appreciating the view of his broad chest and muscled stomach.

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