Lucky in Love (26 page)

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Authors: Karina Gioertz

BOOK: Lucky in Love
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I knew I was in for some teasing, but I didn’t mind. That Harmon boy was worth it.

“Yes, I am, and he's not that young.” I finished collecting feed buckets and waited for the next smart remark. It came from Harry.

“You know what, Em? If you want to rob the cradle go right ahead! I was just watching TMX and all the Hollywood ladies are doing it. They're calling themselves Pumas.”

Eli burst into laughter. She was laughing so hard she was curled over and nearly
rollin’ on the ground. I wouldn’t have been surprised one bit if she had actually made herself pee a little. Even I had a smirk on my face, but I was trying my best to hide it from Harry.

“Thanks Harry,” I said with just a hint of a sarcasm.

Eli was still beside herself with sheer delight. “Yeah Em, be a Puma and be proud!”

I chucked one of my buckets at her and yelled, “Shut it.” That got her attention.

“Hey, watch it!” she shouted back. Harry had been able to remain quiet, but I suspected that on the inside he was having a good chuckle on my account. When he finally opened his mouth, it was to turn the tables, and I was grateful.

“What about you, Eli? Going out?”

We both turned to look at Eli.

“Yeah, I'll probably head down to Mike's for a beer and a game of pool. Why? You trying to get rid of us or something?” Eli teased.

The old man didn’t skip a beat.
“Yes, I am. Been tryin’ for damn near fifteen years now. It just ain’t workin’.” For a quiet man, he had a remarkable sense of humor. I loved that about him.

“Real funny, Harry.” Eli poked him in the side. “Who are you kidding, old man. You'd be lost without us and you know it.”

Harry put his arms up in the air, “I know that I'd be retired now and enjoyin’ the view from my condo in Miami if you two weren't hangin’ around here.”

By now, I had finished my nightly rounds and since every animal had been fed, I was most certain it was finally my turn to eat.

“Well, since we are hanging around here, I'm going to go make us some dinner. See you two inside.” I turned and walked out of the barn, leaving Harry and Eli behind. Eli got back up from where she had been sitting. She picked up some loose bailing twine that had fallen on the ground and went to tie it around a lonesome pole on the side of the aisle that we used for just that. Harry stood there watching her, gearing up to say something.

“You know I love having you girls around here...”


Harry shifted his weight from foot to foot. “I don't know. I'm worried about you.
Evey's married and Em has been seeing an awful lot of that boy, what's his name again?”

Eli stood there in the center aisle of the barn, staring off into space wondering where this conversation might be going, and more importantly how she might get out of having it.


Harry began to walk toward her. “Right. So what about you, kid?” 

She had no choice but to make eye contact. “What about me?”

Harry was carefully choosing his words, “Well, you can't just live out here with me forever.”

Eli broke her gaze and pretended to focus on a pair of moths fluttering around the only light in an increasingly dark barn. Eventually she answered,“I wasn't planning on it.”

Harry looked surprised. “Oh?
  Then, what is your plan?”

The moths settled and Eli turned back to Harry. “Well, I'm figuring on you dying at some point, and then I'll have the place all to myself.” 

He grinned. “Aren't you just a sweetheart?”

Harry reached out his arm and put it around Eli pulling her close to his side.

“Aren't I, though?”

Harry just shook his head. “What am I
gonna do with you?”

Their eyes met again. “You could just leave me be...and love me...that would be good, too.” Eli reached for the switch and shut out the light. Together they left the barn and started their walk back up to the main house. Harry squeezed her shoulder and said, “Done.”


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