Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas) (36 page)

BOOK: Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas)
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“Wait! Why are they going into labor? I’m due first!” Alex yelled out.

Taylor and I looked at each other and laughed.

Leaning her body against me, Taylor giggled, “We’re totally going to have the best wedding story out of everyone.”

We stood there as everyone began scattering around. Jeff and Ari were helping Noah get Grace while Ellie, Gunner, Scott, and Jessie were all surrounding Lauren.

Alex huffed, going on and on about how unfair it was and for Will to get her something spicy.

Taylor spun around and flashed me the biggest most beautiful smile I’d ever seen.

“Best day ever! We’re married and babies are coming!” she exclaimed.

“I have a feeling this is just the start of even more best days.”

Her eyes turned dark as she lifted her brows. “And more babies.”

The happiness inside of me, I swear, was about to burst as I looked into the eyes of the woman I had loved for so long.

Pulling her to me, I slipped my hand behind her neck and brought her lips up to mine. “Lots of babies if I can help it.”


The End.


One Year Later

Jase walked up next to me and handed me iced tea. Bella was sound asleep at my feet, trying her best to ignore Annie playing in the front yard.

“Oh gosh, thank you. It’s so hot out here and our little girl does not want to come in.”

Jase grinned that crooked smile as he gazed out into the front yard.

“She’s stubborn. Like her mother.”

Rolling my eyes, I replied, “Hardly. She’s exactly like you. Look at her. She’s so excited she can’t sit still.”

With a chuckle, Jase stepped off the porch and reached down for our four-month old german shorthair pointer. “Don’t listen to her, Annie. You can sit still, can’t you, girl?”

Annie licked Jase’s face while he laughed. “She’s gonna make the best bird dog ever. Isn’t she? Yes, she is.”

I tried like hell to keep from laughing, but failed.

“What? She is! Once she is trained.”

“Where are you going to find time to train her? You’re so busy now.”

My heart rate had increased to a rapid pulse. I prayed Jase wouldn’t notice my breathing had picked up. He was so in tune with my body, it was unreal.

“Nah, I’m never too busy for time with my three favorite girls.”

I stood and placed my hands on my hips. “Did you really just put me in the same category as the dogs?”

With a smile that instantly had my panties wet, he walked up the steps and kissed me softly on the lips. “Hell no. You’ll always be my number one girl.”

Lifting a brow, I asked, “Promise?”

“Don’t you know by now, sweetness, loving you is my favorite thing in the world.”

Jase headed into the house and put one very worn out Annie into her crate as Bella observed. He walked into the kitchen and glanced down at the envelope on the kitchen island.
“What’s that?”

My eyes quickly landed on the envelope. Heat radiated through my chest

Lord, please let him be excited about this. Please.

“Results from a test.”

Jase glanced over his shoulder and furrowed his brows. “A test? Did you take an online test I didn’t know about?”

My head felt like it was spinning. When I missed my period last month I kept it to myself. I had just stopped taking my birth control pills the month before. Jase and I talked about starting a family after the wedding, but decided we wanted to wait and spend more time together and wait a bit more. When I told Meagan I thought I might already be pregnant so soon after stopping the pill, she laughed and mumbled, “Damn Mason water.”

Smiling, I placed my hand over my stomach. I was beyond the moon knowing I was carrying our child.

“Taylor? Baby is everything okay? You look . . . flush.”

I pulled my lip in and bit down while I let my eyes drift back down to the envelope.

My eyes lifted to his. I could see them sparkle as he watched me carefully. He pushed off the counter, never once taking his eyes from mine. I swore the blue was changing colors. They seemed to get . . . brighter.

I swallowed hard while I watched him open the envelope.

This moment was going to be etched into my mind forever, so I carefully watched his face.

Pulling the piece of paper out, his eyes widened in shock.

“This is . . . oh my God.”

My lips pressed together in an attempt not to start crying. My stomach fluttered when I saw the smile spread over his face.

“A baby.”

I wanted to make him smile like that for the rest of our lives every chance I got.

He dropped his hands to his sides. “Taylor. You’re pregnant!”

Nodding my head quickly, he rushed over to me and picked me up while I wrapped my arms around his neck. He spun me around and yelled out in excitement as Bella started barking.

When he finally put me down, his eyes searched my face before he pressed his lips to mine. His kisses still pulled out so much emotion from me. He would almost render me helpless after each one.

Slowly pulling back to look at me, he grinned so big I couldn’t help but smile. “I think we should celebrate.”

My stomach clenched. “I like the sound of that.”

“A picnic!”

My smile faltered for one second, before I flashed it again. “A picnic?”

“Yep. Tonight under the stars.”

My heart jumped to my throat. Jase was such a romantic. “I love that idea!”

Lifting his hand he pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. “Do you remember our first date in the back of my truck?”


He closed his eyes and smiled. His face was beautiful and for a moment, it felt like the ground moved. When he opened them again, my heart dropped at the site of the tears pooling in those beautiful baby blues.

“I held you in my arms right here in this spot as I looked up at a falling star.”

I became aware of every single sound. My breaths . . . Jase’s . . . the sound of the wind blowing the wind chimes outside, and even the woodpecker searching for his lunch.

My hands rested on his broad chest as I found the words to speak. “What did you wish for?”

I’ll never forget the look in his eyes as he slowly shook his head and gazed down at me with so much love I could feel it in the room.

“For a little girl.” He dropped his hand and slid it behind my back, pulling me in closer to him. “But don’t worry sweetness, you’ll always be my number one girl.”

Laughing, I reached up on my toes and kissed the man I loved.

“I love you, Jase Morris.”

He wiggled his eyebrows. “And I love you, Taylor Morris. Now come on.”

Reaching for my hand, he laced his fingers in mine and pulled me to our bedroom. “I’m making love to you until the sun goes down and the stars come out.”

I reached up and pinched myself.

Nope. Not dreaming.


Six Years Later

Whitley sat in my lap as we watched the kids playing in the pool. I couldn’t help but think what a lucky man I was to have the woman I loved in my arms and my family surrounding me.

Liza splashed around in the pool with her daughter, Corinne.

“I’d give anything to have an ounce of that energy,” Courtney said with a chuckle.

Agreeing with her, Reed wrapped his arms around Courtney while we all gazed out over the beautiful site in front of us. Nothing made me happier than all of us being together like this.

“I cannot believe how fast they are growing up,” Whitley said with a sigh.

My stomach felt like a rock. I’d give anything to freeze time.

“Dad!” Nickolas yelled. “Can I teach Lacy how to cannonball?”

Walker stood at the edge of the pool. “You mean like this?” He jumped and tucked his legs in and hit the water hard. Splashing everyone around the pool.

“Walker Moore! You got my Kindle wet!” Ava yelled out.

Courtney and Reed were so happy to have Ava and Ryder in town. They had been here almost two weeks and would be leaving tomorrow to head back up to Montana, and I knew it was killing both of them to have them so far away. I couldn’t imagine having Liza and Jase in another state.

Walker laughed his ass off as he climbed out of the pool and shook his hair, wetting Ava again. She tried to get up but had a harder time than normal. I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Damn, that girl is so much like you, Court, it’s unreal,” I said.

“You have no idea,” Reed injected while Courtney shot him a dirty look.

Walker walked up to Ryder and lightly slapped him on the shoulder. “I hope you’re ready for baby number two.”

Beaming with pride, Ryder replied, “You better believe I am.”

Looking between Ava and Ryder, he poked more fun. “I would bet the ranch it’s a girl.”

Ryder’s smile dropped as he looked down at his daughter sleeping. When it was naptime, little Kate would drop wherever she was and sleep. Today it was on the lounge chair next to her daddy.

Reed had taken her for a horseback ride this morning. She had been beyond the moon happy she was having a date with her granddaddy.

Reed laughed. “Leave him alone, Walker.”

Holding his hands up, Walker shrugged. “I’m just saying, I think with three girls in the house, Ryder might feel outnumbered.”

Ava set her Kindle down and stared at Ryder. “Is that true? Do you wish it wasn’t a girl?”

Ryder went to answer, but quickly closed his mouth. “Wait. What do you mean do I wish it wasn’t a girl?”

Whitley quickly stood up and took Courtney’s hand in hers. “Don’t freak out yet, Court. Stay calm.”

“I’m trying. I will . . . stay calm. How could she keep that kind of a secret from me?”

Ava smiled and waved her hand like she was trying to brush off what she just said. “I mean . . . um . . . well, I um . . .”

She looked at her father who said, “Don’t look at me, princess. I can’t pull the foot from your mouth.”

Ryder skillfully maneuvered around Kate so he didn’t wake her. “Ava, how do you know?”

Ava’s eyes quickly began looking around at everyone. Liza and Corinne had moved over to the other side of the pool closest to Ava and were now waiting anxiously for her to spill the beans.

My chest felt as if it would burst. I loved having my family together and for knowing Ava’s slip up was going to make Courtney beyond the moon happy. I hoped it eased the pain of them leaving tomorrow.

Chewing on her thumb, Ryder reached his hands down for hers and pulled her up. He placed his hand on her round seven-month belly. “You little sneak. You got the doctor to tell you, didn’t you? And worse yet, you’ve been hiding it!”

Squeezing her eyes shut, she nodded her head.

“I’m so sorry, but when I went in the other day the doctor asked again if we wanted to know. I said no, we had agreed to be surprised, but then I asked him to write it down and seal it in an envelope and the moment I got in the car I tore it open! I don’t know what came over me!”

Ryder laughed and pressed his lips to Ava’s. Courtney instantly started crying as she turned and jumped into Reed’s arms. “Another girl!”

Liza started clapping in the pool along with Corinne. “Aunt Ava is having a baby!” Corinne yelled out as everyone laughed.

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