Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas) (19 page)

BOOK: Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas)
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“What are you smiling about over there?” Jase asked as we walked up to his parents.

“Nothing, I’m just happy.”

He stopped walking and cupped my face in his hands. “And you have no idea how happy that makes me hearing you say that.”

Kissing me lightly on the lips, he took my hand again. Stopping in front of Whitley and Layton, I smiled at them as Jase told them our plans.

“I’m gonna show Taylor the ranch before the sun goes down. We probably won’t be stopping back by before we leave. We’ve got a date under the stars tonight.”

Courtney sighed as Whitley beamed. “How romantic.” Turning to look at me, she asked, “Taylor sweetheart, did you bring a jacket?”

“Yes ma’am, I did.”

Turning to Courtney and Reed, I smiled brightly. “It was such a pleasure meeting you both.”

They both stood and hugged me. “I’m so sorry Ava dropped her bomb on us at dinner,” Courtney said in a frustrated voice.

“It’s really okay. She kind of gave me a heads up. For what it’s worth, she really seems to be happy.”

Tears built in Courtney’s eyes as she looked at Reed who barely smiled. “That’s what scares me,” he barely said.

Jase clapped his hands together and said, “Okay, let’s go. The sun is dipping further down and we need time to get to my spot I have picked out.”

Whitley kissed Jase and then me. “Have fun and be careful, Jase,” Layton said as he kissed me on the cheek. “We’ll see you soon, Taylor.”

“Thank you again for dinner.”

“Any time, sweetheart. You’re always welcome here,” Whitley said as her voice cracked.

Jase took my hand and pulled gently. “That’s our cue to leave before she gets all emotional.”

Laughing, I waved goodbye to everyone. I was on a high the whole way to Jase’s truck. There was a feeling in my bones telling me tonight was going to be a night I would never forget.

Jase drove through pasture after pasture and through a couple gates. We had passed the cattle a few miles back not to mention the endless amount of deer that were out.

“So, is this really your spot?” I asked watching the beautiful countryside pass by in the window.

“Yep. I come here a lot when I need to think.”

Peeking over to him, I asked, “So, you’re sharing your thinking place with me?”

With a chuckle he nodded. “I am. After that dinner we needed a place where the only thing we hear is the crickets singing.”

Staring at him, I couldn’t believe how he made me feel. The things he said to me made me feel like I was on a constant thrill ride with as much as my stomach dropped with not only his touch, but his words as well.

“The suns starting to set. It’s perfect timing.”

My attention was drawn to the view in front of me. The sun was sinking lower on the horizon and the colors were breathtaking. “Wow,” I quietly said.

Jase turned the truck around so the bed was facing the west. “Wait. This is nothing.”

Excitement built up as Jase parked and jumped out of the truck.

When he opened my door, he held his hand in to help me down. He made me feel like a princess with everything he did.

“What do you think about my spot?”

Turning in a circle, I took it all in. We were up on a hill and the view to the west was stunning. “It’s beautiful. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a view this beautiful and I’ve seen some beautiful views.”

I let my eyes scan the horizon as Jase got a bag out of the backseat. Placing my hands over my stomach, I let my imagination run wild. Closing my eyes, I pictured Jase running after a little girl with brown curls bouncing while she ran. As much as I wanted to have a baby with Jase it was too soon. We needed to get to know each other. Be a couple before we took any other steps. But I didn’t see the harm in dreaming.

“All ready.”

Getting my senses about myself, I spun around and gasped. “Jase!”

The back of his truck had a blanket laid out with a picnic basket sitting in the middle. A few pillows were piled up making it look inviting enough to sleep.

My hands covered my mouth as I giggled and made my way over to the bed of the truck. Jase stood behind me and moved my hair, exposing my neck to his soft lips. “I want to learn every curve of your body. Every touch that makes you tremble. Words that make your pulse beat harder. Ways to make love to you that have you whispering for more. Tonight is all about you, Tay. Lead me where you want me to go.”

Each breath was heavy as my body was covered in goose bumps. Moving to face him, I searched his face. With trembling hands, I placed them on his chest. I’d never felt so moved by words in my entire life. It felt as if we were one. “I come alive when I’m with you, Jase. It feels like our hearts beat in a syncopated harmony.”

His hand came up and traced his finger along my jawline. “I never want to take what we have for granted. We’ve been given another shot at this and I swear to you I’m going to do everything in my power to show you every single chance I get how much I love you.”

“I’d say you’re off to a great start. This spot of yours is pretty incredible.”

His eyes searched my face as he wet his lips. My lack of concentration was evident while I focused on his beautiful baby blues. The feeling of love was almost overwhelming.

“It’s our spot now, Taylor. Our future.”

My stomach fluttered. “Our future?”

Lifting my hands to his lips, he nodded. “Yes. This is the spot where I’d like to build a house. Where someday I’d love to sit and watch a couple kids running around playing while we sit on the back porch and watch the sun go down.” Jase looked away toward the sun that was now touching the ground. “The last few months I’d come here and would sit for hours. I’d wonder if this would be the type of life you would want. Then I’d verbally beat myself up for letting you go and hurting you.”

I shook my head. “None of that matters anymore.” His eyes came back to mine. “All that matters now is that we have each other and I want all of this. I just need to know if you do as well.”

His eyes grew wide and glowed with happiness.

“I want all of this with you, Jase. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”

Cupping my face with his hands, he tried to speak but his voice cracked, causing tears to build in my eyes.

“I . . . I love you so much, Taylor.” His thumb gently wiped my tears away.

My heart felt as if it would burst I was so happy. The sounds of crickets filled the air as they played what I would now always think of as our song. Jase reached down, picked me up, and placed me into the bed of the truck.

When he crawled up into the truck bed, I moved back against the pillows while he made his way over to me. My heart was pounding so loudly I was sure Jase could hear it.

“My heart’s pounding,” he whispered.

I giggled and asked, “Why does it feel like our first time again?”

My smile faded as we got lost in one another’s eyes. The breeze lightly blew giving just the right amount of chill to the air. When I finally found my voice again, I breathed out, “Please make love to me.”

“I thought you’d never ask.”


Christmas Day

The moment I walked out onto the back porch of Gunner and Ellie’s house I was attacked by the mob.

Meagan, Grace, Lauren, Libby, and Alex were all in front of me, eyeing me up and down. Meagan’s hands went to her hips as she shook her head and made a tsking sound. “I think we’ve waited long enough. It’s time to spill the beans, little sister.”

My face instantly heated as I peeked over to where my parents were standing. “There isn’t anything to tell really.”

“Bullshit,” Grace said as she held Hope in her arms. “Let me find Noah so he can take Hope. Since everyone else is free of their kids, we can talk!”

Rolling my eyes, I let out a groan.

Lauren wrapped her arm with mine as we headed down to the barn with each of our best friends following behind us.

“Have you told anyone else?” I asked in a hushed voice.

Lauren beamed with happiness. “Not yet. I think we’ll wait a bit longer. Maybe make the announcement at Gram’s birthday party.”

I was so happy for Lauren. She looked happier than I had ever seen her. “I’m so happy for you and Colt.”

Resting her head on my shoulder, she sighed. “I’m happy too. If only the morning sickness would go away.”

We both giggled as Libby came up next to us. “What are you two going on about?”

“How happy we both are,” I said with a huge smile.

“It’s about time we’re all happy and there is no damn drama!” Grace called out.

Walking into the garage, I glanced up and laughed. “Libby, do you remember when you caused Luke to fall back in the chair when he saw you standing there after he talked a bunch of crap?”

She chuckled and nodded her head. “I do remember that. He was talking shit indeed. Oh! Then Alex and Will snuck off.”

Alex grinned as she shook her head. “It seems like yesterday, but at the same time it feels like forever ago.”

Grace sat on a hay bale and pulled her knees up to her chest. “Can you imagine all the memories this barn as seen? The secrets it must hold.”

Lauren sat next to Grace. “I remember playing hide and seek in here so many times.”

Meagan laughed and said, “What about the football games we used to play? Luke and Will would get so mad when the girls played better than them.”

We all laughed as the memories came flooding back.

Leaning against a stall, I looked at each of my best friends. They were more than friends; they were my sisters. “Now look at us. Grown women managing kids, jobs, and owning businesses. Who would have thought?” Alex said with a huge smile.

“Do you know what makes me so happy?” Grace said as we all focused on her.

“What?” Alex asked sitting down on the other side of Grace.

Her eyes filled with tears as she attempted not to cry. “That we’re all together. When Meagan and Noah moved to Texas I couldn’t believe how happy I was. Now, Tay is back and it seems like everything is how it’s supposed to be. Our kids will now all grow up together and I pray like hell they are as close to each other as we all are.”

“They will be,” Libby said coming and sitting on the floor in front of Grace. “Look at them all now. They love each other so much. They’re going to have beautiful memories here just like we do.”

Alex chuckled and looked around in amazement. “Do y’all realize our kids are the fifth generation to grow up here? How crazy is that?”

The idea that so many of us walked and ran around these pastures made my heart feel light. “What about Grams and Gramps? I can only dream of living a long happy life like they have. And when Gramps put’s on that song and dances with Grams.”

Libby sighed. “It’s Nate King Cole’s ‘Send for Me’.”

“Yes!” we all said with a laugh.

Meagan pointed to me and wiggled her eyebrows. “Speaking of . . . spill it. I want to know everything.”

My face instantly warmed. I placed my hands over my cheeks to hide my blush.

“Are you blushing?” Libby asked with a snicker.

“Holy shit, Tay. Look at you turning red. I take it the sex is good then,” Grace said as she turned to Meagan and winked.

Wrapping my arms around my waist, I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I had been bursting to talk to them. “Oh my gosh. The sex is amazing!”

They all laughed except for Meagan who pretended to gag. “Stop it, Meg! You have to be happy for Taylor,” Lauren said.

My sister turned to me and gave me the sweetest smile. “I truly am. I’m glad it all worked out. I know how much you love him.”

Alex walked up and grabbed my hands, pulling me over to the other girls. We were soon all gathered around talking and giggling. I told them almost everything. I left out a few times when Jase and I got a little into things.

“He made love to you in the back of his truck?” Libby gushed.

I nodded. “It was so wonderful. He’s so romantic and treats me like a princess.”

“Good. The last time we talked about him he was making you cry more than making you smile.”

Looking at Meagan, I nodded. “I know. Sometimes though . . . I worry.”

Alex took my hand in hers. “Worry about what?”

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