Loving Jack (6 page)

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Authors: Cat Miller

Tags: #college, #Romance, #New Adult

BOOK: Loving Jack
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“What do you need, baby?” she slowed even further to wait for his response.

“I need you now, harder, faster, please,” he pleaded earnestly. Grace complied with his request. She hooked her feet around the legs of the chair for leverage and began to ride Jack faster. She remembered the time she and Jessie had gone to a country bar that had a mechanical bull. The bull operator had set it to a nice slow pace at first. She closed her eyes and leaned back a bit throwing back her head. Grace found a steady rolling rhythm that had her ready to come in no time. Every time she took him deep her clit was stimulated by the press of their bodies. Every time she withdrew the head of his impressive cock slid over that perfect spot inside of her. Jack began speaking to her as she moved ever faster over his length. He told her she was beautiful and sexy, she drove him to distraction with the need to be inside her hot little body. He would come soon. Jack said he’d keep her close if she would just give him a chance. He repeated how badly he’d missed and wanted her since they’d parted. His pleading, reverent whisper rang true with sincerity and longing.

Grace wanted to say something in response, but everything that came to mind would have sounded too desperate. She couldn’t tell him she’d thought of nothing but him, or that knowing he was there with someone else was a new kind of pain she’d never known before. She couldn’t tell him he already had her heart. She held him tight in her body and told him those things the only way she could. Grace let go of her control. She gave Jack what he needed. She rode him hard and fast. Jack was thrusting up into her body with her every downward stroke. In perfect harmony they reached for something neither of them had ever found. Grace felt the first ripples of her orgasm and Jack cursed.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Grace, come for me now. I can’t …” Jack was holding her hips still and thrusting wildly into her wet heat. The building climax broke over Grace like a tidal wave. It overtook her all at once and kept rolling over and over as Jack shuddered and came. She watched him lose himself in her body while stared into her eyes. It was more than just a sexual act in that moment. It was Jack and Grace together in a place that was brand new for both of them. It was a connection deeper than just flesh. The intensity of it was overwhelming and frightening.

Jack pulled her to his chest and held her tight, rubbing her back and running soft kisses down her neck and across her shoulder as they caught their breath. For a while the rest of the world had ceased to exist. Now in the aftermath of their loving the thumping sounds of the bar began to penetrate Grace’s consciousness. She sat back and looked down at Jack while she played with one of his diamond earrings. She knew his mind had also come back to the world waiting outside of their hiding place. He cupped her cheek and kissed her sweetly.

“That was incredible, Grace. I didn’t deserve it after the way I spoke to you.” Grace lifted herself from Jack’s lap.

She was at a loss for what to say or do now. She’d wanted this chance to be with him. It was over now and she hadn’t a clue what she’d achieved if anything at all.

“Are you bunking alone?” he asked as he dressed himself and retrieved his wallet from the desk.

Grace watched him move about the dimly lit room. He wouldn’t look at her, so she knew he was still a little suspicious of her relationship with Luke.

“I’m alone. Jessie is staying with Dave.” Did this mean he wanted to return to her room with her? Grace imagined an entire night in bed with Jack, snuggling and making love until morning. Her chest filled with a hopeful light that had to be clear on her face when he came to her with her dress in his hand. He helped her dress and knelt to let her step into her panties.

Jack took Grace’s hand and turned out the light. He opened the door and music poured in as well as light that hadn’t been on when they entered the office. Jack stepped into the hall.

“Why don’t we head back to your room and . . .” Jack was saying when he was cut off.

“There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere,” a man said from down the hall. Jack released her hand and took a step forward, essentially blocking the office door.

“I, ah, got lost looking for the men’s room.” Jack lied. It was obvious he didn’t intend to let whoever this newcomer was see her. She stepped back into the shadows. It stung. He’d just been asking to go back to her room with her. Now she was hiding.

“I’m not feeling up to the party crowd tonight, Victor. I think I’ll go back to the room.” Jack was still speaking when Victor reached him. Grace’s heart lodged itself in her throat. This was Jack’s boyfriend, or one of them.

“Of course, babe, we should have stayed in tonight. I can tell you aren’t feeling like yourself. Let’s go to our room and I’ll help you relax,” Victor said.

Victor was slightly shorter than Jack and built more leanly. His dark hair and tan complexion was a contrast to Jack’s fair good looks, but Victor was equally as attractive in his own way. The difference became even more blatant when Victor wrapped his deeply tanned hand around Jack’s neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Jack stiffened but didn’t fight the embrace.

Grace was frozen to the ground watching in horror as the lips that had just made love to her and spoken so sweetly were being devoured by someone else. Victor pushed Jack back into the door jam and moved in for deeper contact. They were just feet away from Grace and she was struggling not to release the sob building in her chest. The melding of the couple’s lips and Victor's passionate caress filled her vision. Victor was toying with Jack’s earring while he sucked on Jack’s lower lip just as she had done only moments ago in the chair. Victor ran his hands down Jack’s chest to his crotch and groped him. Jack finally found his voice and pushed Victor back.

“I just told you I’m not feeling up to this shit,” Jack barked at Victor, who stepped back looking wounded.

“You really are feeling bad, aren’t you?” Victor asked. He looked down at Jack’s crotch in disappointment before taking Jack’s hand. Jack looked into the darkness of the room to find Grace before he was tugged down the hall.

Grace really hoped he couldn’t see her standing there alone in the shadows. As soon as Victor touched Jack the tears had begun to flow. She couldn’t do this. She just couldn’t compete with every other woman and the men in Jack’s life. She should have listened when he told her he wasn’t ready to be monogamous. But when he’d approached her with jealousy and need burning in his touch, Grace had foolishly hoped Jack had changed his mind. He hadn’t.

Shame washed over Grace like acid. Victor said ‘our room’. They were staying together. She’d just put all of herself into making love to Jack. And he would be sharing a bed with Victor tonight. She just couldn’t do this to herself. It was over, here and now. Grace was going home for the rest of her winter break. She’d find a way to pay her parents back for this wasted trip. She would also need to find a way to forget about Jack.

A noise in the hall drew her attention away from her embarrassment. Grace stilled and tried not to breathe too loudly. She didn’t want to be discovered hiding in the office. A dark head poked around the door and searched the darkness. He found her huddled there and seemed to take in the situation instantly. He knew she’d made a mistake.

“There you are.” Luke’s soothing voice reached her through the shadows. “I’ve been waiting for you. Let’s get you back to your room. Things will look better in the morning.”

With an arm wrapped tightly around her shoulder, Luke got her back to her room. She produced a key card from her purse but couldn’t get the damn door open. Luke took the key and had the door open and Grace inside in a flash. She kicked off her shoes and just stood there. She was glad Luke was with her but she didn’t really want to talk. She just wanted to sleep. He took over, pulling her dress over her head and directing her to the bed. He tucked her in like a child and stepped into the bathroom. He brought a glass of water back and set it on the nightstand. Then he leaned over the bed and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“Things will look brighter in the morning,” he told her before switching out the light and exiting the room.

Grace really hoped Luke was right about that. She rolled to her side and did her best not to think about ever-changing eyes and diamond earrings.


Grace was getting back into the swing of things at school after winter break. It was time to buckle down and prepare for the end of her college career. She was so close to earning her MBA she could almost taste it. After her visit home Grace felt like she was grounded once again and back to feeling more like herself. Her newfound friendship with Luke was also blossoming. Luke was also a business major and it was nice to have a study partner who could keep up with her.

She still thought of Jack constantly, but every time his captivating, ever-changing blue-green eyes crept into her mind Grace remembered seeing him being kissed by Victor. After Jack let Victor pull him down the hall that night Grace had collapsed to the office floor. The combination of shame for allowing him to have her again, mortification because she’d used the L word, and the heart wrenching knowledge that she would never be with Jack like that again had taken Grace’s legs right out from under her. If it hadn’t been for Luke she never would have made it back to her room.

Grace also thought of how crushed she’d felt when she saw Jack with his blond bestie. Sickening jealousy and a sense of inferiority were the two overwhelming emotions that’d ruled her when Jack had the dazzling woman in his arms on the dance floor. She now stood in front of the long mirror mounted on her closet door. She was attractive but not a bombshell like the blond. Jessie didn’t agree, but Grace knew the truth. She just couldn’t compete with all that Jack already had in his life.

Jack was a stunning man who needed more than she would provide. It was a fact that she was learning to accept, especially after their bout of sex at the mountain top bar. He’d left her standing alone in the dark after a mind blowing experience that still haunted her. Protecting his boyfriend’s feelings took precedence over exploring their budding relationship. Grace supposed that was only right. Victor seemed to be accepting of Jack and his non-monogamous needs. Grace wanted to change Jack. He couldn’t have made his feelings any more clear when he walked away that night if he’d screamed them at her. Grace could take a hint. She wouldn’t go down that road again.

“Are you brooding again?” Jessie asked from her bed. “You’ve been staring at yourself for ten minutes. If I didn’t know better I’d think you were vain,” she teased.

Grace took a deep breath and tried again to push thoughts of Jack from her mind. “I guess I was brooding.” She shrugged.

There was no sense in lying to herself or Jessie. They both settled in to study for the night. Grace had a paper due the next day and she needed to go over it again and tighten it up a bit. Music played quietly from Jessie’s phone while they engrossed themselves in their work. Grace was so absorbed that she was startled when someone knocked on their door.

“I’ll get it,” she told Jessie, who was buried under a pile of books and papers.

Grace opened the door and her lungs froze. She wasn’t sure what was more surprising, Jack being at her door, or the fact that he was crying. He looked down at her through ocean colored eyes and wet lashes. Tears stained his cheeks and his breath was ragged, as if he were attempting to hold back a sob.

She had no idea what was causing Jack so much pain but Grace could not stand seeing him so distraught. She grabbed the hand he had fisted at his side and pulled him into the room. Jack noticed Jessie and put some effort into drying his face with the sleeve of his coat. Grace stepped into his space and wrapped her arms around his waist.

She feared one of Jack’s lovers had left him and he was mourning the loss. It would also cause her pain to hear him talk of his hurt over another person, but the sheer agony in his eyes was enough to stiffen her spine. She could do this for him. She could be a friend in his time of need. She might need therapy later but for now she would focus on Jack.

Jack wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her shoulder. The sob he’d been holding at bay broke loose. Jack shook with the force of his sorrow and clutched her to his chest. She held him tight and rubbed her hands up and down his back in a soothing gesture. From behind her Grace heard the door quietly open and close. Jessie had packed up her books and crept out of the room to give them some privacy. Grace just held onto Jack until his crying slowed and he took a deep lungful of air to settle himself. He didn’t lift his head from her shoulder when he finally spoke.

“It’s my dad,” he sniffled. “My dad is gone. He had a heart attack yesterday.” He was quiet then and Grace led him to her bed for a seat.

His words sank in slowly. This was not what she’d expected. No, this was far, far worse. He wasn’t heartbroken over a lost love. Jack was grieving the loss of his father. Grace briefly imagined her life without her gruff but loving father. The thought was too painful to do more than just give as a passing examination. Tears filled her eyes and escaped her lashes.

Grace enclosed Jack in her arms again and just held on tight while he crumbled. There was nothing she could say that would soothe his pain. No platitudes of regret would even be remembered. So she did the only thing she knew how to do. Grace loved him through it. She tugged him down and they lay there in a mournful embrace. She stroked his back and kissed his forehead.

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