Loving Charley (12 page)

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Authors: Casey Peeler

Tags: #romance, #dating, #college life, #new adult, #southern literatrure, #mature young adult, #teen and young adult, #pretty little liars, #teen romantic fiction, #teen 16 plus

BOOK: Loving Charley
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Once our freak-out moment
is over, I look toward the stands to see my entire support system
on their feet celebrating. Then, I look to the
crowd, and they have
their sign hidden and are no longer saying a word. All I can think
to myself is mission accomplished as we make our way back to the

My fan club stays where
they are this time, even though I know it is about to kill them.
They realize if they move, then their fabulous seats will be taken
since the meet isn’t over, and there are still events to win. We
can celebrate later.

Grabbing a towel, I turn to
sit down and take my phone from my bag. Of course, there is a text
from Cash.

Cash: You were
unbelievable! Those ppl shut up quick after turn one! Love

Me: :) Love u 2! I’m glad
they shut up, & I’m going 2 give them more reason 2 be quiet

We spend the remainder of
our time cheering on our teammates and preparing for the relay. We
are seated beside Davidson again, and we all look at each other.
Nothing like a repeat of last night.

When the individual medley
relay is called, we all take our places and blow them out of the
water again. This time it is almost too easy. As we glance up to
see the clock, I hear that bitch from the locker room making a
smart-ass comment. We all turn to look at her.

“Are you still talkin’?”
Tori asks firmly.

“I don’t know what you’re
talking about,” she says with an eye roll.

That’s when Tori looks at
me and has that
I’ll whoop her ass

“Exactly, you don’t know
what you’re talking about. You know nothing about the situation.
Dylan is a piece of work, and if you think your comments bother me,
they don’t. In fact, I feel sorry for you, because not only are you
insecure, you can’t put your mouth where the pool is.” I walk past
her to the stands with my head held high. I take my bag, shower,
change, and watch the rest of the meet.

Southern College places
first overall in girls. Coach is ecstatic and wants to celebrate,
but all I want to do is get back to Southern so I can celebrate
with the Kluft girls and Cash Money! Before we leave, I tell my
parents bye, and inform Tessa, Dustin, and Cash that I have to ride
back with the team.

“Char, I think we’re just
going to go back to Grassy Pond. Piper can drive your car,” Tessa

“Why would y’all wanna do
that?” I question.

“Probably ‘cause I can’t
get in to Hank’s, and even if y’all can sneak me in, there’s no way
they’re going to let Dustin in.”

I’m surprised that I hadn’t
even thought about that. I don’t want her to leave, but I have no
choice really. “Well, that sucks!”

“Charley!” Mom says. “What am I gonna
do with you two?!”

Tessa and I just look at each other
and shrug our shoulders.

“I don’t want y’all to go,
but that does make sense. Piper, will you take the


I give Tessa and Dustin a
hug before they leave with my parents.

Cash, Piper, and Joe stop
to eat on the way back, and it’s going to be a fun night at Hank’s
Tavern tonight.

We stop to eat on our way
back to Southern, and we are able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the
time as a team. Coach is the finest lady I know besides my mama.
She is classy at all the right times and a little redneck when
needed. She knows each of us, and regardless of our pasts, she
loves us all. I guess she’s like our mama away from home. She is a
little cooler than my mama, if I do have to say. ‘Cause there’s no
way my mama wouldn’t give me crap if she knew I partied and was
hung over. Not to say, she wouldn’t fix a killer breakfast to get
me over it, but I’d pay one way or the other.

Once we finish eating,
Southern picks up the tab, and it’s time to get back. I can’t wait
to be back in Cash Money’s arms, let alone spend the night dancing
in them. I must be staring out the window when Georgia breaks my

“Char, whatcha

“Just that I can’t wait to go to
Hank’s tonight.”

“Yeah, I bet not!” Tori pipes

“Y’all, hush! I mean, I
know y’all are jealous of my Cash Money, but he’s mine.”

After a handful of eye
rolls, Georgia asks the question they all wanna know the answer,
“So…um…are Piper and Joe an item?” Not really sure how to answer
this, I take a second, but that’s a second too long because Tori
puts in her two cents.

“Oh, they’re an item all
right! I don’t know how exclusive, but they are for sure

“Y’all, I don’t know the
official answer, but I do know they have it bad!” I say.

“Well, let’s just see if she does a
walk of shame in the morning.”

We all chuckle because we know beyond
a doubt that is going to happen.

Before we know it, we are
pulling into Southern. Coach parks at the gym, and we pile out. She
informs us that she will see us for a team meeting next week to
discuss off-season workouts and plans for next year, and then she
tells us to enjoy the night and to call her if we need a

I text Cash as we make our
way back to the dorm. He informs me that they are in Joe’s room,
and he will come that way. Walking to the dorm, we can hear the
party has already begun on campus. Music is being played from dorm
to dorm, we can hear people talking, and the stoop is packed with
people sitting there with cold ones in their hands already. As we
walk up the steps, we are all greeted with congrats, hoots, and
hollers. I get the most attention from everyone. We stop and talk
for a minute before making our way to Kluft.

Once we are upstairs, we
notice Caroline and Hayden waiting on us with Caroline’s famous PJ
in hand and empty cups. Knowing we can’t disappoint them, we each
fill a Solo cup and chill for a minute before we head to our rooms
and get ready to continue our pre-game before Hank’s.

Tossing my bag and coat
onto the ground, I honestly want another shower because the smell
of chlorine is still very evident on my skin, but I don’t know if I
have time. Taking a sip of PJ, I toss the thought aside. I begin to
look through the closet when there is a light knock on my door.
“Come in!” I holler.

Cash, Piper, and Joe enter.
They each have a drink, and I know this is going to be an epic
night. The question is, who is going to be the DD? Cash typically
doesn’t drink when I do, but for some reason tonight, we are both
letting loose. I can only hope that this is in more ways than

“Celebratin,’ are we?” I

“Well, I figured I could
have a couple before we leave then I can drive back,” Cash

“I have a better idea. Why
don’t we let Sarah drive the Love Machine, and we all let

I can see the struggle in
Cash’s eyes. We both need to let go, but there is the underlying
factor that this isn’t over with Dylan yet. Piper and Joe look at
each other and take a step in the hallway and excuse themselves to
Caroline’s room.

I set my cup on the dresser
and move closer to Cash. Placing my hands on his chest, I look into
those eyes that tell me what he’s thinking in his soul.

“Cash, one night. We have everyone we
need by our sides. He can’t touch us tonight. Please, let’s forget
about everything and live in the moment.”

“Char-coal, this is
something I promised myself that I’d always do for you. I’ll never
let anyone hurt you again.
,” he says as he brushes his
hand in my hair.

Looking into his eyes, I
beg him, “Please, Cash Money. Just tonight. Let’s forget everything
and focus on us because we don’t know what’s going to happen in the

what’s going to happen in the
future, and I’m staring into her eyes right now. I have no doubts
about court, our future, or us. You are it. End of

I bat my eyelashes and
smile a little more seductively, while Cash shakes his head before
giving into me, because he knows as well as I do a Southern
her way. Then, he seals his statement with a kiss. Taking me by the
hand, we go to see what everyone is doing in Caroline’s

As we enter, all eyes turn
to us. “What?” I question.

Hayden proceeds to say what
everyone else is thinking. “So, are y’all finally gonna live a
little? Seriously, this mushy lovey-dovey mess is getting old. I
mean, it’s time to, ya know,” she says as she stands and starts to
move her hips in a way I never want to see again, but can’t help
but crack a smile. The entire room erupts in laughter, and I go to
fill my cup again. It doesn’t take long for the effects of the
alcohol to fill my veins. I decide to stop after this cup. I want
to have fun, but I still need a little control.

Once we finish our cups, we
all excuse ourselves to get ready for Hank’s. Cash goes with Joe to
his room while Piper and I get ready. This way I can finally talk
to her about what is going on. We tell the guys not to be gone
long, and as soon as the door is shut, I’m on Piper like white on

“Start talkin’,” I say as
she begins to grab her clothes from her bag.

“What ever are you talkin’
about?” she asks with just a hint of sarcasm.

“You know damn well what
I’m talkin’ ‘bout. Now, spill it.”

She plops onto my bed.
“Ohmygosh! Char. It. Was. Ah-mah-zing!”

“Uh hum… so, are y’all

“I sure hope so! But
anyways, Char, never in my life have I met a guy who can make me
feel that way. I mean, I know this is kinda fast, but I totally get
what you mean about just knowing when you’ve found the

“It’s hard to believe that
Little Miss Pull ‘Em on a String has found her match!”

“Charley! I can’t believe
you just called me that, but I guess it’s true. I just don’t want
to leave and go back to school.”

“Girl, we’re in the same
boat except mine is leaving me. It’s gonna be fine; at least you
have me here. Joe and I might help keep each other sane. I think we
need to make this a night to remember, whatcha think?”

“I couldn’t agree more,”
she says as she pulls out a way too short skirt and

“You do know it’s winter,

“Yup, but I have my man and alcohol to
keep me warm.” She winks and then begins to get dressed.

I, on the other hand, have
to search my closet.
What to wear? What to
As I peruse the closet, nothing
catches my eye. Then, I think maybe I should be a little more like
Piper. I know it’s Hank’s, but I’m also with Cash, and I want to
make a lasting impression since he’s leaving tomorrow.

As I glance over the skirts
and tops in my closet, my eyes land on my denim skirt, and I pair
it with my camo racer back that I wore my first day on campus. I
add my boots to complete the wardrobe. Cash isn’t going to know
what to do with me.

When I take the outfit from
the closet and toss it onto the bed, Piper reads my mind. “I know
what you’re tryin’ to do, but do you think it’s gonna

“Hell no, but I have a feeling I might
get a tiny piece of action.”

“Somethin’s better than
nothin’,” she says.


We turn up the iPod and
sing a little Pistol Annies when Hayden bursts through the door.
“What the hell is this shit?”

“Pistol Annies, ya know
Miranda Lambert!” Piper says.

“Um no, but I swear I
teleported to like fifty years ago.”

“Hayden, you don’t know
what you’re missin’! The Pistol Annies kick ass and take names,” I

We proceed to sing “Hell on
Heels.” Hayden just stands there speechless. When the song ends, I
wasn’t prepared for her revelation.

“Now that’s some serious
shit! You mean, that’s how y’all country girls
roll?” she asks in her
attempt at a Southern accent.

“Yup, that’s how we roll,”
we say together.

Once we finish getting
ready, I send Cash a text, and he informs me that they are on the
third floor of Irvin, and it’s getting pretty wild around
Wild? We might need to check that
I tell him we will just come over
there. Piper and I gather everyone from Caroline’s room and decide
one more glass of PJ will set the night off. With the Kluft girls
in tow, we make our way to Irvin, and sure enough, when we hit the
third floor, wild is an understatement.

Music is blaring through
the hall, and the bass is vibrating the windows and echoing down
the stairwell. The lights are out, but there are lamps from the
dorm rooms to help guide us down the hall. People are everywhere,
but as soon as we make our way down the hall, all eyes focus on
Piper and me. We all look fabulous for a night at Hank’s, but I
will admit that Piper and I are a little over the top. That’s when
I see him. Cash is standing there with a PBR in hand wearing a
fitted T-shirt and jeans with his boots and the cutest damn
baseball cap ever. Every muscle in his arms is bulging from the
shirt, and honestly, I want to bypass Hank’s and have an exclusive
show in my room.
Wishful thinking… I

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