Loving Cara (8 page)

Read Loving Cara Online

Authors: Kristen Proby

Tags: #Western, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #General

BOOK: Loving Cara
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“A tree fell on my house,” she mutters, her voice thin and flat.

“I see, honey.” My calm voice masks the fear coursing through me. Holy fuck, the tree practically sliced her house in two.

I could have lost her, and I just found her.

“It fell on my house,” she repeats, and I look down to find her cheek pressed to my chest and her eyes glued to her house. I turn her away and tilt her head back with my fingers, needing to look her in the eye. Her eyes are wide and glassy with shock.

“You’re fine, baby.” Her eyes fill with tears, but she swallows and blinks them away. “It’s okay. The house can be fixed.”

“Where am I gonna go?”

“You can stay with me, Cara,” Ty begins, but I scowl at him and wrap my arms around her again, pulling her into me. I’ll be damned if I’ll let her out of my sight.

“She’ll stay with me.”

She frowns up at me and I can see the wheels turning in her gorgeous head. “I have a spare bedroom, Cara.”

She looks back at Ty, who just smiles and shrugs, and then she turns those amazing amber eyes back at me. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” I cup her face in my hands and brush the white flecks on her cheeks with my thumbs, feeling tiny pricks on my skin. “In fact, we need to get you out of here and cleaned up. You’re going to get cut up from this insulation.”

She frowns as if she’s just now realizing that she’s covered in it. “It stings.”

I growl and bend her over, shaking it out of her hair the best I can, ignoring the pokes on my own skin. She sways on her feet when she rights herself, and I lift her easily in my arms.

“I’m taking her home.”

Ty nods and waves at my men as they pull up with the equipment. “Thanks for this, Josh.”

“This is what we do. Call if you need anything.” With that, I carry Cara, her head resting on my shoulder, to my truck and set her carefully in the passenger seat. I buckle her in and frown when she doesn’t relax against the seat. She’s begun to shake, her eyes still pinned to her house.

I need to get her the hell out of here.

I wrap my jacket around her, jog around the truck to climb in the driver’s side, and head off toward home.

By the time we reach the ranch Cara is trembling violently, tears streaming unchecked down her cheeks. I need to get her into a hot shower quick. Jesus, I have to do

“Come on, baby.” I smile down at her as I lift her out of the truck, carrying her through the house to the master suite.

“I thought I would have my own room,” she murmurs, her voice thin and trembling.

“You will, but we need to get you cleaned up.”

“You’re not showering with me.” She clenches her eyes closed and shakes her head.

“Hey, Cara, stop this.” I set her carefully on the closed toilet and kneel before her, gripping her shoulders in my hands. “You’re in shock, baby. I can’t let you take a shower by yourself. It’s okay.”

“I’m so embarrassed,” she whispers.

I sigh. “No need. You’re gorgeous, but I’ll be good. Let’s get this fiberglass off you.” I turn and quickly turn the hot water on in the shower, giving it time to heat up. I turn back to her and my heart clenches. She looks so small and defeated. I grip the hem of her tank in my hands and pull it over her head. Her breasts are as beautiful as I knew they would be, but I keep my face calm and focus on the task at hand.

She stands and strips out of her yoga pants, and I gather the ruined clothes and shove them in the garbage.

I’m thankful that when I built this bathroom, I installed a separate walk-in shower and bathtub. The shower is large enough for two. When the bathroom is steamy, I shuck out of my own clothes, leaving my boxers on, and guide her into the shower and under the hot water.

“You have shorts on,” she states matter-of-factly.

“Yep.” I grin down at her.


“To make sure you behave yourself.” I raise an eyebrow as I guide her under the hot water and wince when she flinches.

“Too hot?”

“No, my skin is just really sensitive.” She won’t look me in the eye, and I know she’s embarrassed.

This is not how either of us envisioned seeing each other naked for the first time.

She leans her head back into the stream of hot water, and when I’m satisfied that she’s no longer in danger of being cut, I wash and rinse her hair and soap up a washcloth, running it over her curves and soft skin. Despite the hot water, she’s begun shaking violently again and her skin is covered in goose bumps.

As I wash her hair for the third time, she looks up at me with wide amber eyes and bites her lip, watching my face as I rinse the suds from her thick locks.

God, she’s so fucking beautiful.

“You’re good at this,” she whispers.

I smile down at her gently and cup her cheeks in my hands. “Are you still cold?”

She shakes her head but continues to shiver. Her eyes fill with tears. “Thank you for being so nice to me,” she stutters.

“Come here.” I pull her into my arms and we stand here, under the scalding water, pressed against each other. I’ve never before felt so close to another person, not even when I was making love to one.

Not even when I was

She breaks down into sobs, her forehead against my sternum, and lets go.

“It’s okay, baby, let it out. You’re safe.” I continue crooning to her, gently rubbing her back and her arms, kissing her wet hair, until the shivering slows and she takes a big, deep breath.

“I’m sorry.”

“What do you have to be sorry for?” I tilt her head back to look me in the face, and her eyes fill with fresh tears.

God, she’s killing me.

“For everything. Making you bring me here, falling apart. We’re naked, for God’s sake!”

“You didn’t make me do anything, Cara. I want you here. I’ve wanted you here for a while. You needed to fall apart, and having you naked is a fantasy come true, although I was planning on it being under very different circumstances.” Her shoulders relax and I lean down to plant a chaste kiss on her pouty lips. “Let’s get you dressed.”

I lead her out of the shower and begin drying her with soft towels. “How does your skin feel?”

“A little raw and it’s really itchy.” Her arms, face, and chest are irritated from the insulation, but her face is still far too pale, and I’m suddenly filled with more rage than I’ve felt in months.

She could have been killed.

“I don’t even have any underwear.” A single tear falls down her cheek and she just looks so defeated.

“You can borrow some of my things for the rest of the night, baby.”

I take her hand in mine and lead her to the bed, then step away from her to shuffle through my dresser drawers, pulling out a T-shirt and a pair of boxers and handing them to her.

She quickly pulls my T-shirt over her head and steps into the boxers, all way too big for her.

Even scared and upset she’s fucking adorable.

I lift her in my arms again and climb into my bed with her, pull the covers up over us, and turn her away from me, tucking her against me.

“You don’t need to keep me in your bed,” she whispers, but nuzzles more securely against me.

I’ll be damned if she’ll sleep one night in that damn spare room.

“I don’t want to be alone tonight, Cara.”

She looks over her shoulder at me, surprise written all over her face as she turns fully and wraps her arms around my waist. “Are you okay?”

“Don’t worry—”

“Are you okay?” she demands again, small tremors wracking her body.

“I’m better now that I know you’re safe,” I respond truthfully. “You scared the shit out of me.” I pull her against me and run my hands down her back. She rubs her sweet, small hands up and down my back at the same time, her amber eyes watching me. How she can try to soothe me after all she’s been through in the past hour is beyond me.

“Go to sleep,” I whisper, and kiss her forehead.

“You too,” she murmurs.

I smile against her forehead, suddenly exhausted. It feels amazing to have her here, safe and whole in my bed. “Sleep, sweetheart. We’ll figure everything out tomorrow.”

*  *  *

The ranch is a damn disaster.

After just a couple hours of sleep, wrapped around Cara, I pulled myself out of bed to tend to the ranch. None of the guys got any sleep last night, and we have a hell of a mess on our hands today. I’ve sent half the guys out on ATVs to check the fences, opting to stay close to home, and Cara, today. Seth is gathering scattered branches and other debris and throwing it all in a pile that we’ll roast marshmallows over later.

All of the animals are safe and accounted for, thankfully.

I left Cara sleeping in my bed this morning, and I hope she’s still knocked out. She needs the rest. I scowl at my watch when I discover that I’ve been gone longer than I thought.

When I push inside the house, I see Cara sitting on the couch, still in my T-shirt and shorts, staring wide-eyed at the TV.

Fuck, she’s watching the news.

“. . . can see, the tree fell across the entire left side of the house. The fire chief tells us that if it had fallen just two feet to the left, the homeowner would have been killed.”

“Cara, don’t watch this shit.” I hastily turn off the TV and lift her into my lap, settling back on the couch.

“I’m too heavy,” she whispers, and plays with the buttons on my shirt.

“No, you’re not. How are you this morning?”

She shrugs and sighs. “I need to go into town and look at my house.”

“It’s being taken care of.”

“Josh, it’s my house. I need to go look at it.”

I don’t like it. I want to protect her, and I definitely don’t want her going anywhere near that house.

“It’s not safe.”

“What are you doing here?” Seth asks from the doorway, his face full of surprise.

Cara tries to pull herself out of my lap, and because Seth is here, I let her go.

For now.

“The storm did some damage to Cara’s house last night, so she came here. She’s going to be staying with me for a while.”

Seth’s solemn gaze turns to Cara and he walks over to her, watching her carefully. “Did you get hurt?”

“Just scared more than anything.”

“What happened?” he asks, sounding much older than his twelve years.

“A tree fell on my roof.”

Seth blanches and his face goes pale. He suddenly throws his arms around Cara and hugs her tight.

She blinks back tears as she pushes her fingers through his dark hair soothingly. “I’m okay, sweetie. The house will be fixed.”

“I don’t give a shit about your house! You could have gotten really hurt.”

I love this kid.

Cara gives Seth a quick squeeze and brushes a tear from her cheek. “Can I borrow some sweats, Josh? I need to get some clothes from my place today.”

“You’re not going back there alone,” Seth insists, scowling. “I’ll go with you.”

“You can come,” she agrees, and looks up at me expectantly. “Sweats?”

“Seth, go help Louie for a few minutes. I’ll come get you when we’re ready to go to town.”

Seth nods and runs out to help in the pasture.

“I have sweats you can wear.” I pull her back into my arms, tilt her head back, and gaze into her eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I will be,” she whispers. “You help.”

“Good.” I nod and lead her to the bedroom to find her some sweats.

“Should I move into the spare room?”

“Fuck no. You’re with me, sweetheart.” I stare over at her, daring her to argue, but she smiles slowly and pulls my sweats over her hips, over the shorts. They’re at least five sizes too big, and I want nothing more than to strip her out of them.

“We’d better go.”




The house looks no better in the light of day, but the storm has cleared, leaving warm sunshine and a cool, light breeze.

Aside from the house being crushed by a hundred-year-old maple tree, and debris thrown all over the neighborhood, you’d never know the storm ever happened.

And with the sunshine, and a breath of fresh air, I’ve found my resolve.

“I need to go in and get some clothes.” I look up at Josh, standing next to me, his hands propped on his hips, and he stares down at me as if I’ve lost my mind.

“You’re not going in there.”

“No way,” Seth agrees, his hazel eyes glued to the house.

I’m surrounded by overprotective men.

“Hey, Charlie!” I call out to the tall, handsome member of the crew helping with cleanup, smiling at him as he approaches. “When did the tree come off the house?”

“Early this morning.” He takes off his hat and wipes his sweat-covered brow. “Now we have to clean up.”

“I need to go in and get some clothes and stuff.”

“I said—” Josh begins, but Charlie interrupts.

“Not a chance.” Charlie shakes his head. “It’s not sound in there, Cara. Plus, the insulation is all over your clothes and things.”

“So I’ll wash them.” I shrug.

“They have to be sent out to a special cleaner to make them safe for you. I’m sorry, but I can’t let you in there.”

I just stare at him, processing. “So, I won’t have clean clothes for

“At least we don’t have to throw them out.” Charlie shrugs and walks back to the house. “I’ll call you when I know more.”

“I don’t have a phone!” I call after him in frustration.

Josh is watching me with a half grin on his face, his arms crossed over his chest. Seth giggles.

“What is so damn funny?” I demand.

“You are.” Josh grins and that dimple softens me, just a bit, but I keep the scowl on my face. “I guess we’ll go shopping next.”

“I hate shopping,” I grumble, making Seth laugh even harder.

“Hey, guys!” Ty calls, and jogs across the street to us. He’s in faded blue jeans and a Metallica T-shirt, showing off the tattoo sleeve on his right arm. It’s easy to forget when he’s got on his lawyer suit that he’s very much the bad boy underneath.

“Hey, Ty,” I say.

He wraps his arms around me and squeezes me tight. “How are you, bird?”

“I’m better. What a mess.”

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