Loving Angel (A Divisa Novel Book 4) (22 page)

BOOK: Loving Angel (A Divisa Novel Book 4)
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Chapter 28


Angel clutched the iridescent, glowing bars. A whitish material made to hold a demon, keeping them from returning to the underworld. The bars shimmered in the black, dingy room. Dark blue eyes, rimmed in red were burning with deep, scornful hate. Never did I think I would have to make such a gut-wrenching decision, but those eyes…they no longer belonged to Angel.

Her eyes were like sparkling sapphires—mesmerizing. I’d never forget the first time I encountered them. The Spring Valley sun had glinted off her inquisitive irises as she waited for Lexi. And I would never forget the way she made me feel as her eyes roamed over me. Not an ounce of fear, but intrigue and a flash of heat I didn’t want. There had been a surge of protectiveness that came out of nowhere. Even then, I was pulled to her, which had royally pissed me off. Me? Fascinated with a human girl? The idea appalled me and, if I had been totally honest with myself, excited me at the same time. She was a puzzle I wanted to piece together.

Look where that had gotten me—gotten us both.

In an underground lair used by hunters to perform twisted experiments, and I was forced to lock my possessed girlfriend in a demon-proof cage.

Can’t get much more rockstar than this.

A low hum of anger thrummed through my veins. Angel was throwing off buckets of it. This was a different Angel entirely. She had on her bitch-face. Once in awhile, I would catch a glimpse of the girl I fell in love with, but before I had the chance to be sure it was really Angel, she was gone again.

All it took was a blink.

“If you don’t let me out of here, I’m going to pull Lexi’s lungs out through her mouth.”

I showed no emotion, because that was exactly what she wanted—to hurt me. Perhaps over the last few days, I’d grown used to her intimidation tactics. Threatening my family had become Angel’s favorite pastime. I was counting on her growing bored of it soon enough, but for now…

“Let me out of here,” she demanded, and then came the taunts. “Or I will make you watch as I slaughter your family. Your nightmare will be a reality.”

There were no lengths I wouldn’t go to for her. Even locking her behind bars to keep her from becoming a danger to herself. “We’ve been over this. I can’t. Not until I figure out how to fix this.”
Fix you
, I silently added.

She exhaled gradually. “Okay. You’ve made your point. I screwed up. I swear I’m better. Just give me a chance and you’ll see.”

“That’s what they all say,” I mumbled, straddling a wooden chair. It was the only piece of furniture in the room.

And then the crazy came back. “I damn your soul,” she hissed, rattling the cage.

Oh goody
. “If I had a soul, Angel, I would sell it just to see your eyes again.”

Her hands tightened on the bars, turning her knuckles white, but it was useless. Each bar had been sheathed in halite, commonly known as rock salt and burned like a bitch if you were a demon. I could see the searing pain reflecting in her eyes, but she held on, tipping her chin in defiance. The mineral also stripped them of their powers. She could no longer command, summon, or compel, which burned her ass like there was no tomorrow.

Hunters had more tricks up their sleeves than any of us had ever imagined. And it was the first time in my life that I was glad the hunters existed, because without Emma, I wouldn’t have known how to stop Angel—how to have contained her.

Not that I liked it.

Not in the least, but I was desperate and had to be able to keep her from doing more harm until I figured out how to redeem her. If it took my last dying breath to save her, so be it. I owed it to her. She had saved me from a bitter life of loneness and anger. She’d given me peace with the one thing I struggled with constantly—my demon. She loved me. All of me. Although right now you wouldn’t know it.

“If you don’t let me out of here, Chase, so help me God, I will never forgive you.”

At least she hadn’t forgotten my name. My brow rose. “I’m not asking for your forgiveness, Angel Eyes.”

“Don’t you dare call me that. I am going to make you pay. Do you hear me? And I will start with Lexi,” she taunted.

I showed no emotion. Rage, I could deal with. “I’d like to see you try from inside there.”

She let out a long growl/scream of frustration that no one would hear.

My cell phone dinged. “Hold that thought.” I pulled out my phone, and Travis’s name popped across the screen. It was a text.

How’s she doing?

Angel blabbered another threat that involved my heart and a fork.

I texted back:
She wants to eat my heart for dinner.

The phone lit up.
So you’re making progress.

Humor tugged at my lips. It was then I noticed how silent the room had gotten. No cussing. No shaking of the cage. My heart stuttered in my chest, and my head snapped up.

Pools of tears welled in her eyes, her bottom lip trembling. “
, Chase. You’ve got to let me out of here.”

Her mood swings were the absolute worst. I closed my eyes, clenching them, trying to shut out the sound of her quivering voice. My jaw twitched. This was when things got damn near impossible, when I got glimpses of the
Angel, but the thing was, I never knew if it was

Tears I couldn’t handle, and she knew it. A dirty trick to play, but I had expected nothing less. She would do anything, say anything to get free. The demon inside her demanded it. It was all she could think about. Every muscle, every bone, every fiber of my body went rigid. “You know I can’t do that,” I said between clamped teeth.

“Why are you doing this to me? Why are you hurting me?” she pleaded, tears soaking her cheeks.

My eyes flew open. Hurting her? Did she have any idea what this was doing to me?
might not feel our bond, but
did, and it shattered me. Now with her unable to block those connections, I was overwhelmed by our link.

I could physically feel her pain, her anger, her manipulation, her desire to be free above all else. A cluster of shit was going on inside both of us, and it was beginning to mess with my head.
was messing with my head.

“If you were really Angel, you would know I could never hurt you,” I said weakly, growing tired of the emotional strain.

“You’re supposed to love me, not hurt me. I thought you loved me.” Her voice trailed off, getting quieter.

I shot forward, and her eyes got wide. My hands went through the bars, clasping her face. “How dare you question the depth of my love for you? It is because I love you that I can’t let you go.” Desperation and anger laced my words. Just in case telling her wasn’t clear enough, I was kissing her senseless. My lips moved over hers in frustration and hope.

If there was the slightest chance I would be able to reach her, if I could pull her out from underneath the demon’s hold, this was it.

At first she didn’t react, and I thought for sure she might try to draw blood. Good Angel or bad Angel, it didn’t matter which; they both knew how to fight. But I sighed in sweet relief when I felt her lips move over mine.

The kiss was fast and branding.

I pressed my head against the bars, trying to calm the storm going off inside me, using the pain from the halite to center myself. The message was crystal clear—I wasn’t giving up on us, and neither should she. I didn’t know any other way to prove it to her. She was going to have to take my word on it.

Her fingers weaved into my hair, keeping me close. “Release me,” she pleaded, breathily.

Damn her.

Keeping her here against her will was the hardest thing I’d ever had to do. I’d fought hellhounds, demons, and hunters, just about anything you could think of, but still, seeing Angel behind bars broke something inside me. “I can’t.”

“Yes, you can.”

I shook my head.

“You can’t keep me here forever.”

A muscle spasm rolled along my jaw. “I can damn well try.”

“You will pay for this.”
Her look promised a vengeful death.
“I am going to rip your ribs from your chest.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

She tried to jerk out of my grasp, eyes blazing. “You’re demented. Rot in Hell, Chase Winters.” Her tone evolved into a rasp.

I stepped back.

Good God. The switch in emotions caused my head to throb. I pinched my brows together. “I guess we’ll see each other there.” Where she went, I went, and vice versa. As long as our connections were solidified, we were tied heart, soul, and body.

There are those who would threaten us, threaten what we had. I saw that now. It might always be that way, but I would risk the exposure of my kind, I would start World War III, and I would level an entire country to keep her from stepping foot in the gates of Hell.

Our love was a fortifying power that I was counting on to save her. Save us both. You couldn’t separate us with a crowbar. We were Chase and Angel. We had an epic love story. An extraordinary bond. Nothing could come between us, certainly not this. I wouldn’t allow it.

If Hell wanted a quick and easy passage to Earth, they would have to pass through Angel.

And I’d be damned if I let that happen.

Turning my back to her, I began to strut from the room.

“Chase!” she screamed. “Don’t you leave me here alone. Don’t you dare.”

My steps faltered. I closed my eyes and muttered a curse.

“Chase,” she whined.

Then with a promise of redemption, I walked from the room, the sounds of her screams echoing in my head. I kept walking. Regardless that each step I took was like a knife plunging into my heart. Inside, I was filled with red-hot anger. It boiled my blood, and I let the demon in me thrive on that rage.

I slammed the iron door shut, drowning out her cries, and turned the lock.


Chase and Angel’s conclusion…


Coming in 2015



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– Angel’s POV


Holy goat balls!

What have I done?

There was blood on my hands. Blood! It literally dripped down my arms, and…a blade in my grasp? But…I had no clue how it had gotten there, or the blood. Everything before this moment was like a black void—empty and vast.

Frantically, I searched the room, trying to jog a single memory. Even the room itself I didn’t recognize, but there was one thing in this strange place that even through all the panic tumbling inside me, I would always be familiar.


His eyes, more gold than silver eyes, alerted that there had been trouble. The distressed expression on his angular face had my heart in my throat. It was obvious by the destruction surrounding me, shit had hit the fan, and the fact that I stood in the center of it all, covered in blood, was not an optimistic sign. Through good and bad, Chase was always there to catch me.

That undying devotion never failed to make my chest aflutter. His love was like a warm, fuzzy blanket, wrapping me in its safeness and security. No matter what horrible thing I got myself into, Chase would fix it, and from the coconut-sized pit in my stomach, I had definitely done something.

A movement at my feet caught my eye, yet I was reluctant to break eye contact with Chase, because the moment I did, I would have to face the reality of what I
done. My eyes flickered downward.

The air stalled in my lungs, and I fell to my knees.

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