Read Loving a Bad Boy Online

Authors: Erosa Knowles

Tags: #romance, #interracial romance, #african american romance, #l, #romance action adventure, #romance adult erotica contemporary adventure, #mafia romance, #romance adult erotica

Loving a Bad Boy (47 page)

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Watch the hair,” he joked
as she yanked a few strands in her eagerness to disrobe

Sorry.” Her hand landed
on his chest. Standing, he kicked off his shoes, and then his

No drawers?” She teased
just before she wrapped her warm palm around his leaking

Never when I know I’mma
be with you,” he grunted out an answer. Intense pleasure warred
with his need to be immersed inside her warmth. She licked her lips
and moved forward. His cock jumped in anticipation even as he moved

She frowned.

He smiled at her displeased look. She was
adorable. “Not this time, I need to be inside you.”

Her face relaxed. “Next time I taste.”

Yeah.” He breathed the
word as he lay on top of her and re-took her lips. Naked, he
reacquainted himself with her warmth and the smoothness of her
skin. The lilac scent she wore reminded him of the first time he’d
seen her and it drove him crazy. Her taste had been the appetizer
stirring the hunger that now consumed him.

A wild conviction stirred in the pit of his
stomach. No matter what, he’d convince her they belonged together.
Leaning up slightly, he caught her hands together and pulled them
over her head. The need to assert his dominance over her, over
their future, ran rampant through him. He kissed the crests of her
breasts and pressed his face to her cleavage, inhaling deeply to
slow down. “You’re so beautiful.”

She smiled a siren’s smile at him. “So are

Ignoring her comment, he bathed her face
with light kisses and took the plunge by opening his heart. “I need
you, Pam.”


I was scared when I
couldn’t talk with you.”

I’m sorry, Baby,” she
crooned in his ear as she tried to break her hands free.

Promise me, you won’t
ever disappear like that again. I can’t take it.” A part of him
yelled he was being unfair, when he hadn’t come clean yet. But he
couldn’t help it. He’d use everything at his disposal to keep her

I promise. I already told
you I hafta be here with mama, but otherwise…”

He cut her off. All he needed to hear was
her promise and that released the tension that held him captive.
His right hand squeezed each breast and pulled her nipples before
his mouth latched on. His teeth scraped the tips of the taut buds
while his hand traveled south to prepare her for his plunder. His
fingertips slid into her juicy tunnel, enjoying her tight

Is this my pussy?” He
pulled out his fingers and sucked off her juices while she watched.
Frowning, he looked at her while squeezing her arms. “Is

Her pink tongue flew out her mouth and slid
between her lips. “Yes.”

He grabbed her hair and pulled. His brow
rose as he locked eyes with her. “Yes?”

Her eyes fluttered close. “Yes, it’s your
pussy,” she whispered the last word.

Leaning forward, he spoke into her ear.
“It’s the best pussy I’ve ever had. That’s why I’m claiming it and
you as mine. No one else will ever see, taste, or touch you again.”
He rose from her ear and searched her face to make sure she
understood him. She appeared dazed. That’s when he realized his
fingers had returned between her legs and were playing inside her
wet snatch.

Determined to make his point, he pressed on.

She looked at him. “Hmmm?”

Do you understand what
I’m saying? I can’t let you go. You can’t be with anybody else but
me. I…I just can’t do that.”

Her eyes cleared as she stared at him. Dread
filled him the longer she remained silent. He didn’t want to fight
her, but what he said was true. He’d never let her go, regardless
of what anybody said. He hoped her love for him was as real and
deep as his for her, otherwise they’d both be miserable.

You neither.”

What?” He didn’t
understand those two words in context to what he’d said.

I won’t share you either.
No one will ever have you but me. Promise me that or I get up now.”
Her eyes had taken on a hard edge which pleased and surprised him.
At this point he didn’t care what he had to promise as long as they
were together after he told her the truth about his job.

Awww Baby, that’s an easy
promise to make and keep. I been waiting a lifetime for you
already.” Gently, he brushed against her lips.

I love you, Julio. All
that you are, I love you.”

His heart stopped, and then drummed hard
against his chest at her declaration. His forehead dropped to hers
while he closed his eyes in gratitude. No, he didn’t deserve her,
but damn if he’d let her go. Choked, he struggled to get the words
out. “I love you, Pam. Never leave me. I need you.”

I won’t. Now, love me,”
she said in a tone that meant business. Her hips rose beneath him
in invitation. The slickness between her legs teased his dick,
causing him to harden further.

He moaned as she rolled beneath him,
beckoning him to take her. Rearing back, he entered her slowly,
stretching her tightness until he was balls deep inside, home. His
cock twitched, edging him on but he needed to savor the feeling of
being inside her again.

A sense of rightness filled him. The
darkness of the past few years since he'd left Three X Construction
lifted, if only briefly, offering him a respite of normalcy. This
gift of light she gave him could never be measured in words. She’d
become his beacon. The one he’d gravitated to even before making
her acquaintance.

He looked down. Her arms were stretched
above her head, her breasts jutted out, ready for his mouth, and he
was sheathed within her warm, tight walls. Heaven couldn’t have
been better.

Beautiful woman. My
woman,” he whispered as he pulled out and slammed back into

Yesssssss,” she hissed on
a long breath, inciting him to let go and take what was his. The
scent of her arousal made his head spin. His world zeroed in on Pam
and his need to make her his. Each thrust pushed them closer to
reaching their peak. Every moan, every endearment, was a part of
their vows to each other. His thrusts quickened, their thighs
connecting with a snap.

Her hips rose as though greedy for more.
Desperate to fill every inch of her, he lifted her leg around his
waist and slid deeper. “Take my cock,” he grunted as he pounded
into her. “This is all yours, Baby.”

Yes,” she squealed as he
released her arms. Immediately, she wrapped them around him as he
lifted her other leg around his waist. He grabbed her hair, loving
the texture.

She squeaked at the pain before grunting.

He took her hard and deep, his hands now
digging into the side of her hips to give him the leverage to
ravage her body deeply.

The grunts and movement of the bed offered
testimony of the intensity of their lovemaking. Julio’s mind was
lost in a vortex of need and satisfaction. His eyes shut tight as
he continued to stroke her tight pussy. Gritting his teeth, his
rhythm faltered, signaling his end was near.

So good, Pam.”

Her back arched as her pussy walls clamped
down tight around him, which sent him flying over the edge. He
hurtled over the abyss enraptured by the sounds of her release and
waves of mind-numbing pleasure.

Damn, he loved this woman.


Chapter 28


The tap on the door woke Julio. Its
insistence had him sliding Pam off him, and pulling on his pants.
The stickiness had him cringing, but that couldn’t be helped right
now. They’d been making love non-stop for the past four, he looked
at the wall clock, no make that five hours straight. Pam was worn
out. The unmistakable fragrance of sex lingered in the air. It
smelled good.

He slid his pistol into his pocket while
glancing at her sleeping form on the bed. Content that she was
properly covered, he opened the door.

Come.” Burrows turned and
walked off.

In a minute.” Julio
looked over his shoulder at Pam and returned to the bed. Taking a
moment, he searched her bedside table until he found a pen and a
piece of paper. Quickly, he scribbled a note telling her where he
was in case she woke and he hadn’t returned. Propping it against
the base of the lamp, he grabbed his shirt as he left to have, what
he was certain, an interesting conversation with her

The older man had waited for him in the
hall. However, the moment Julio appeared, he pivoted and continued
walking. Hands in pocket, Julio followed, taking in the smell of
fresh cut flowers. The breeze from the opened windows kept the
aromatic fragrances light and tantalizing.

The older man walked into a room and waited
for him to enter before closing it. He waved to a chenille covered
loveseat and Julio sat. Burrows sat in an overstuffed recliner

She ready to

Julio started at the question. It was so far
removed from what he expected the old man to say that it took him a
minute to pull together an answer. “I don’t think… she’s not
leaving her mama,” he corrected.

I knew that before you
got here. You were supposed to convince her to leave with you,”
Burrows snapped.

Julio tensed and then released a breath. Pam
wouldn’t like it if he got in a fight with her old man, especially
over her. He frowned as a thought occurred to him. “Pam said you
didn’t care about her. Said you never came to see her, didn’t want
her to come here. Why do you want her gone so bad?” If her dad
thought he’d do anything to hurt Pam again, Julio planned to
disabuse him of that notion right quick.

No one said anything. The longer the silence
dragged out, the more pissed Julio became. Had Pam been suffering
while staying with her parents? The idea that anyone could hurt his
woman pushed all his buttons. His fingers itched to feel the steel
of his gun to teach this man a lesson. No one would ever hurt his
woman again.

Take your hand off the
gun. She’s my daughter and I never meant to hurt her.”

But you did,” Julio
snapped, still pissed.

At the time, I thought it
for the best. I was wrong. Pam has forgiven me. We talked 'bout it
and made it right.”

Julio roamed through all their
conversations, remembered her hurt when her father didn’t make any
of her school events, or wasn’t interested in her professional
achievements. The neglect spanned over a decade. “Just so you know,
I know what you did, or didn’t do for her. You, her father, hurt
her in ways that no one else could. That shit stops now. No more
lying, no more blowing her off, no more keeping her from her home.
If she wants to come here, she damn well can, and you better not
tell her she can’t come.”

Burrows chuckled. “What do you plan to do if
I don’t? Kill me like you killed Boots?”

Julio frowned. “I didn’t kill Boots.”

Her father laughed. “So it’s true, you are

Julio remained silent waiting for him to
make his point.

I know you didn’t kill
him. I handled it. Just checking to see what kind of man had my
daughter’s heart.”

Julio thought through what happened and
realized they’d been used. “I’m not going to get pissed that you
used us to get rid of your problems. All that matters is Pam’s safe
from that asshole.”

None of your men were
hurt, well. Not badly. I appreciated the cover.” He extended his
hand to Julio. After a moment’s hesitation, Julio accepted

After spending hours in
her bedroom in my home, you do plan to marry my daughter,

This was the question Julio'd expected when
he entered the room.


Does she know you carry a

Yeah.” Julio refused to
fidget under the baleful eye of his future in-law.

The older man’s brow rose high in his
forehead. “Does she know you work for the Cartel?”

She will when she wakes
up. Does she know you operate a syndicate throughout the
Caribbean?” He asked.

What are you talking
about?” He deadpanned.

Ghost. That’s the name
you work under. Am I right?” Julio chuckled while shaking his head.
“Millions of women in the world and I fall in love with one of
yours. What are the odds?”

Burrows leaned back in his chair, his eyes
never leaving Julio.

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