Read Loving a Bad Boy Online

Authors: Erosa Knowles

Tags: #romance, #interracial romance, #african american romance, #l, #romance action adventure, #romance adult erotica contemporary adventure, #mafia romance, #romance adult erotica

Loving a Bad Boy (18 page)

BOOK: Loving a Bad Boy
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Hey,” he said watching

Hey.” She placed the cuff
on Tex to check his blood pressure while avoiding his

The old lady, she

She tensed. “No. She has pneumonia.” So it
wasn’t full blown but Mrs. O was a sick older lady. Tex’s blood
pressure held steady. She pulled out her stethoscope from her

Sorry to hear that. She’s

She nodded, glad he hadn’t referred to her
friend in the past tense.

So…how’s he doing?” He
asked after she removed the stethoscope from Tex’s

His pressure is good and
his heartbeat’s strong. Time and rest is what the doctor ordered.”
She replaced the cuff in the drawer and stuck the stethoscope in
her pocket. “It’s been a long night, I’m going to get some rest.”
Heart pounding, she walked out the room.


She stopped in the hall just outside the
door and closed her eyes.



Releasing a pent-up breath, she nodded.

I meant it, if you need
anything, let me know.”

Okay,” she said moving
the few feet to her bedroom door. Once inside she closed and leaned
against it. Julio Cardenas was one potent man. He had no idea how
sexy he looked sitting in that chair with his hair smashed down on
one side.

After one last shaky breath, in which she
released her horny cells, she pushed away from the door and
stripped down to her panties. Knowing Julio was a few feet away
emboldened her as she slipped into bed. Her nipples pebbled as they
brushed against the cool sheets. Each thought of him brought a
flush of warmth that ended between her legs.

After ten minutes, she realized she’d been
expecting him to come to her room uninvited. That pissed her off.
She punched her pillow and turned sideways determined to get some
sleep. Twenty minutes later, she was angry that she’d wanted him,
that she’d actually mentally prepared herself to accept him if he
came to her bed. He hadn’t and that made her angrier. She jumped
out of bed, searched her drawer and put on an old tee shirt before
climbing back to bed. It wasn’t long before she drifted off to

An hour after they said goodnight Julio
couldn’t wait any longer. He decided to check to see if she needed
a glass of water or something. It was weak, he knew that, but he
wanted to see her again. He tapped lightly and opened her bedroom

For a minute, he simply stared at how sexy
she looked laying there. The look she’d given him in the room told
him she was interested. But she never said anything and he’d given
her lots of openings. What if he’d read her wrong and was making a
big mistake?

Her eyes opened. They stared at each other.
She didn’t scream. He didn’t ask any questions. Quietly, he toed
off his shoes and pulled his shirt over his head. After unsnapping
his jeans, he pulled them off and placed them on top of the rest of
his clothes.

Her eyes widened, but she remained silent as
his hand rested on his boxers. He looked at the other side of the
large bed. That might be pushing things he decided and left them
on. Crossing the floor, he placed his holster on the dresser, slid
beneath the covers, and waited for any objections. When there were
none, he allowed himself to sink into the mattress and fall


A wave of pleasure rolled through Pam.
Delicious tremors ran the length of her frame. Her womb clenched as
a moan escaped unbidden from between her lips. Not fully awake, but
more turned on than she could ever remember, she opened her legs
wider. Tingles shot from her breast to her woman’s core as the good
kinda-pain from her nipples registered.

Ummm…” she murmured,
peeking through lowered lids. She blinked, unsure she was seeing
correctly. Julio Cardenas leaned above her. His fingers tweaked her
breast beneath her raised tee-shirt.

The wolfish grin on his face sent a shot of
heat spiraling through her. She swallowed hard. Incomprehensible
pleasure crashed over her as his hands slid over the hills and
valleys of her body. If she were thinking clearly, without all the
tingly, needy feelings that is, she would have asked him what he
was doing in her bed. She glanced around to be sure. Yep, this was
her bedroom. He was lying next to her, touching places she wanted
touched, but hadn’t given him permission to do so. Lord knows she’d
kill him if he stopped.

It had been too long since
a man’s hand had played with her body. Right now it didn’t matter
that she was at odds with the rude man. Or that he made her so
angry at times she could cuss him out
shoot him
. His fingers played a delightful
melody in the wetness between her legs and it felt…so


Despite the deep cadence of his voice
warming her skin, and all the nasty thoughts that accompanied that
one word evoked, she wanted to yell at him not to speak. Not to
break this glorious spell where everything was possible. She did
not want to think about what was happening. For once, she simply
wanted to go with the flow. “Hmmmm….” she said instead of

He bent forward.

Her heart raced as she waited for him to
kiss her. She ran a quick swipe across her teeth to make sure she
was ready. She frowned as he continued lower. The absence of his
finger between her legs was noticed immediately. The loud sucking
noise arrested her attention. Head lifted, she watched as he sucked
his finger much longer than necessary, at least in her opinion.

Their eyes met. She wiggled her hips at his
naughty grin and lust-filled stare. He pushed her legs further
apart; the tips of his fingers ran the length of her seam.
Goose-bumps exploded on her skin as he blew across her hungry
flesh. Gasping, she shut her eyes the moment his tongue touched
her. Currents of delectable energy careened through her. It had
been so long, she sighed as she slid into a happier mindset.

Sweet,” he said in a
voice so guttural, her eyes popped open and she looked down. All
she saw was the top of his head moving in a slow circle. The
pressure of his lips on her nether lips sent her spiraling. Sharp
teeth grazed her clit. Her head fell back onto the bed, her body on
fire for him. The moisture between her legs should have been all
the proof he needed to continue. Internally she screamed for more,
there had to be more. She wiggled her ass again to get him

He chuckled. At least he wasn’t talking as
he eased one finger inside her. Her entire body went taut at his
entry, hungry for more. God, it had been so long.

Shit, you’re

No talking, no
she yelled silently. Widening her
legs, he got her message, hooked his finger upward and pulled it
out real slow. By the time he finished, her legs shook. The next
entry he inserted more fingers, scissored her for a minute, and
then exited just as slow as before. Her walls flexed against his

Oh my God,” she moaned as
he continued the sweet torment.

No, I am Julio. Remember
that,” he whispered before his mouth clamped onto her clit. He
sucked hard on the tiny bundle of nerves. Her hips shot up from the
bed and then fell back, shaking under the onslaught. Writhing
mindlessly, she humped his face, desperate for

He grabbed her ass, lifted and pulled her
closer to his mouth. Liquid fire raced through her from all the
sensations cramming her mind. Taut, her body bowed as he plundered
her with his fingers, and licked and suckled her with his mouth.
Her entire world zeroed to her orgasmic explosion. Legs shaking,
fingers twitching, and head rolling, she tried to touch his head,
but couldn’t focus. Her breath caught. Her limbs stiffened as wave
after wave of orgasmic bliss crashed over her. Her whole body
shuddered. Air rushed back into her lungs, causing her to gasp.

Even in her euphoric state, she knew what
just happened was unusual. Nothing remotely close to this had ever
happened to her before. And it scared the crap out of her. As her
heartbeat slowed, she closed her eyes tight, realizing what she had
done. She’d had sex with a half-way stranger. Okay, so he was sexy
as hell, with a lethal tongue, but still – she didn’t know him well
enough to grind her woman’s parts on his face. Her face heated in
memory of her wantonness.

The bed dipped as he moved, his hand never
left her thigh. The smell of sex filled the air and she wondered
about that, but didn’t ask. There was still a sense of
fulfilling-a-fantasy in the air that she desperately needed to hang

You okay?” If he had
sounded smug, she would’ve dismissed his question. But he hadn’t.
He sounded genuinely concerned.

She cleared her throat, wanting to sound
like she had it together, although she didn’t. And that this wasn’t
a big deal, although it was. “Yeah, I’m good.” Better than good
actually, but she kept that to herself. Julio Cardenas knew women
and she had no desire to puff up his ego. It was a healthy size

The bed moved again. His hand left her
thigh. She missed the warmth and peeked beneath lowered lids to
watch him stand. Her gaze ran the length of his long torso enjoying
the hard planes of his chest and tight waist. The journey stopped
at the proof of his arousal which stood long and proud in his
boxers. Her womb clenched in recognition. He shifted, cutting off
her visual. She rolled over, closing her thighs to ease the
throbbing ache. It had been two years since she had been with a
man. Two years her body had been in stasis. Now, with a few kisses,
strokes and thrusts, the need to be taken hard roared to life. Her
body shuddered as ghosts of the orgasm re-played in her mind.

The door to the bathroom closed, snatching
her back into present time. Conflicted, she stared at the door. The
continuing education class started in a few days, but Mrs. O would
be out of the hospital and she might need to stay with her. Who
knew when she’d get this opportunity again? Biting her lower lip,
she sat up and noticed his clothes on the floor. Thinking of the
log in his boxers, she realized he had taken care of her, but
hadn’t waited for her to return the favor.

Should she? Could she be
so bold? It was her bathroom. She
go in if she wanted to. But
going in that door meant she wanted to take it further. Did she?
Her womb clenched in memory of her orgasm at his hands. Yeah, she
wanted more.

She threw her legs over the bed and stood
gingerly. Julio’s fingers hadn’t been all that gentle, but she
liked her sex a little rough. Once she made her decision, she
pulled off her night shirt, and walked naked into the bathroom.

To his credit, he didn’t look angry or
surprised. She wished she could say he looked pleased. But there
was no emotion on his face. Taking a page from his playbook, she
walked past him without speaking, and turned on the shower. The
heat in his eyes followed her every move. A shiver of anticipation
ran through her as she tested the water temperature.

She took a step backward and bumped into the
hard wall of his chest. He shifted and she felt the pulse of his
dick against her back. Naked, he was long and thick. She remained
still while the meaning of that simple gesture registered. He was
giving her a chance to leave.

She stepped into the shower, leaving room
for him.

He followed and pulled her close. Wet
fingertips lifted her chin. Her eyes fell into his intense dark
brown ones. Did she need to wave the white flag of surrender?

No. He knew.

His mouth swooped down on hers. Demanding
lips slanted over hers while his tongue sought access inside her
mouth, boldly stabbing the seams of her lips.

She gave way. Heat flared between them.
Their tongues dueled a few moments before she melted against him,
granting him victory.

So sweet,” he said in
that same guttural voice. This time she understood. He was as
turned on as she was. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling
him closer. “You taste so damn good,” he said when they broke apart
gasping for air.

You too,” she whispered,
not knowing what else to say. It was an interesting experience
tasting her essence on his tongue. She would process what it meant
later; right now she wanted more knowledge of his body.

Cheek to cheek, she felt his grin and opened
her eyes. They stared at each other without shame, connected by the
warm stream of water flowing over both their bodies. His smile
widened and she was reminded how handsome he was. Cautiously, she
returned his smile, wanting to appear just as sophisticated. His
eyes roamed over her face, breasts, and returned to her face.

Brow raised, she returned the perusal.
“Nice,” she said with a straight face. His bark of laughter
surprised her, but not as much as when he pulled her close and
overwhelmed her with a kiss so consuming, it stole her breath.

The ache inside her grew. Frantic for more,
she bumped against him with her hips. The sting of his palm on her
ass was her answer.

She laughed. It was a sultry, throaty, that
surprised her.

Are you always so
impatient?” His voice had deepened to the point she looked up at
him to make sure everything was cool. His eyes had darkened, and
his face looked strained.

Pleased that she wasn’t the only one
extremely affected, she spoke without thinking. “No, this doesn’t
happen often.” It wasn’t until his face changed into his smug look,
that she realized what she had admitted. Face hot, she pushed back,
but his arms tightened like steel manacles.

BOOK: Loving a Bad Boy
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