Loverly:The Life and Times of My Fair Lady (Broadway Legacies) (52 page)

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Authors: Dominic McHugh

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BOOK: Loverly:The Life and Times of My Fair Lady (Broadway Legacies)
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Lerner and Loewe

abandonment of initial version, 13

casting ideas, 10

discussions with Mary Martin, 9

discussions over title, 44

initial discussions with Pascal, 7

resumption of project, 20–21

royalty discussions, 11, 12, 20

track record of, 7–8

visits to London, 27–30, 41.

See also individual song titles

Lewis, Robert, 10, 19, 28

Levin, Herman

announcement of
musical, 20

approach to Michael Kidd, 24–25

approaches to prospective stars, 21–22

contracts, 39–41

negotiations with Beaumont, 30–33, 36–39

negotiations with Holloway’s agent, 29–31

as producer of
Li’l Abner
, 19

relationship with Cecil Beaton, 28

relationship with Oliver Smith, 25–27

Lieberson, Goddard, 44, 173, 178

Liff, Samuel, 46, 179

“Limehouse,” 58, 63, 69, 97

Loesser, Frank, 7, 8, 196

Loewe, Frederick

collaboration with Harold Rome, 14–16.

See also
Lerner and Loewe;
individual song titles

Lowe, Roy, 40, 41

Mackintosh, Sir Cameron, 187–89

Mark Hellinger Theatre, 39, 178, 183

Martin, Mary, 2, 4, 6

Lerner’s pursuit of, 10, 11–12

reaction to Lerner and Loewe’s work, 8–9

Marshall, Armina, 6, 11

Mason, Jack, 46, 96, 121, 152, 169

Menotti, Gian Carlo, 7

Merman, Ethel, 9, 40

Miller, Freda, 109, 113, 115, 116, 161

Minnelli, Vincente, 118, 181

Mordden, Ethan, 197

Morris, William, 1

The Most Happy Fella
, 7

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 5

Mulhare, Edward, 176, 179

The Music Man
, 201

My Square Laddie
, 176, 180

Nesbitt, Cathleen, 39, 40, 176, 185

New Haven, 39, 44–47, 58, 170

Nixon, Marni, 130, 180, 181, 190

Nunn, Trevor, 57, 170, 188–90, 209

Offenbach, Jacques, 5

O’Hara, Kelli, 186

7, 42, 110, 170, 201

“On the Street Where You Live”

musical sources for, 155–58

operetta, 198, 207

original lyric for, 215

On the Town
, 14, 177

One Touch of Venus
, 1, 6, 9, 206

“Opening,” 69, 122–25

operetta, 130, 167, 179, 196–99

Bennett, Robert Russell; Lang, Philip J.; Mason, Jack;
individual song titles

“Overture,” 69, 122–25

Ovid, 1

Paint Your Wagon
, 7, 12, 95, 191–92, 201

Lerner-Schwartz version of, 16–18

Pascal, Gabriel, 109, 206

as initial producer of musical, 6–11, 14, 19, 20

as producer of
movie, 4, 23, 35, 53, 55

Pascal, Valerie, 55

Philadelphia, 4, 39, 44, 47, 130

Pickering, Colonel Hugh

as Eliza’s protector, 204, 205

observing Eliza at the ball, 164

singing role of, 198

tracking down Eliza, 144

“You Did It,” 166–67

“Please Don’t Marry Me,” 98, 102, 142, 157, 169

Porter, Cole, 7–10, 200, 201

“Processional,” 163

Previn, André, 13, 17, 182

Prince, Harold, 15

Pryce, Jonathan, 188–89

Pygmalion myth, 1, 110


deviations from, 85, 93, 95

film, 4, 57, 64, 72

play, 3, 4–14, 49–58

“The Rain in Spain,” 76, 91, 100, 102, 122

Redgrave, Michael, 11, 12, 22, 26, 176

rehearsals, 19–22, 44–48

Richardson, Ian, 183–84

Riding, Joanna, 189

Rittmann, Trude, 96, 122, 149, 162–64, 169

and “Dress Ballet, 109, 113–17

and Entr’acte, 165

and “Get Me to the Church on Time,” 153–54

and “A Hymn to Him, 144–45

and “I’m an Ordinary Man,” 148–49

and “I’ve Grown Accustomed to Her Face,” 147

and “Just You Wait,” 129, 132

and “On the Street Where You Live,” 132

and Overture, 122–25

and “The Rain in Spain,” 160–63

and “The Servants’ Chorus,” 158–59

and “Show Me,” 133

and “Shy,” 103, 104

and “Why Can’t the English,” 136, 139

Robertson, Liz, 187

Robin, Leo, 14, 15

Rodgers and Hammerstein

, 7

, 3, 7, 144, 201

dominance in secondary literature, 193–94, 199, 200

The King and I
, 9, 11

3, 7, 21, 170

Pipe Dream
, 27

musical, 6, 23–24, 49, 95

South Pacific
, 2, 9, 12

romantic ambiguity

in Higgins–Eliza relationship, 2, 80–84, 86–90

precedent of
The King and I
, 30

“Say a Prayer for Me Tonight,” 119

understudy, 39

Rome, Harold, 14–16, 21

Rose, George, 180, 183–84

Ross, Jerry, 13

Saints and Sinners
, 14–16

Sanders, George, 10

“Say a Prayer for Me Tonight,” 47, 62, 162, 171

musical sources for, 118–21

Schwartz, Arthur, 7, 13, 16, 18, 19

“The Servants’ Chorus,” 91, 117, 121, 128, 158

settings, 88–90

Shaw, George Bernard

attitude toward operettas/musicals based on his works, 4–6, 11

relationship with Gabriel Pascal, 8

socialist outlook of, 49–51.

See also

Shelley, Mary, 1

“Show Me”

musical sources for, 132–33

as part of show’s structure, 78, 83, 90, 91, 93

Shubert Theatre, New Haven, 39, 46, 170

“Shy,” 72, 76, 79, 100, 102–5

Silk Stockings
, 201

Sirmay, Dr. Albert, 40

Smart, Gino, 122, 154

socialism, 49, 137

“The Son of the Wooden Soldier,” 161

Sondheim, Stephen, 187, 201

South Pacific
, 2, 6, 9, 12, 16

Straus, Oscar, 4, 5

Styne, Jule, 10, 15, 21, 26

Swenson, Inga, 180

Sullivan, Sir Arthur, 167, 196–97

Swain, Joseph, 54, 203

The Taming of the Shrew
, 8, 200, 207

, 12

Theatre Guild, 3–10, 13–14, 20–22

“There’s a Thing Called Love,” 100

This Is the Army
, 201

timescale, 92–94

title, 44, 125

“The Undeserving Poor,” 58, 60, 97, 206

Walker, Nancy, 177

Warner Bros., 181

Weaver, Fritz, 180

Weill, Kurt, 1, 4, 6–9, 197

West Side Story
, 132, 181, 196, 201

“What’s to Become of Me,” 97–98

What’s Up?
7, 191

Where’s Charley?

“Why Can’t the English?”

musical gestures in, 197

musical sources for, 134–42

original lyric of, 213

as part of show’s structure, 88, 91

Wilson, John C., 10, 12

Wilson, Lou, 36

Wish You Were Here
, 13, 15

“With a Little Bit of Luck”

musical gestures in, 197

musical sources for, 151–52

“Without You”

genesis of, 72, 79, 86–88, 91

musical sources for, 133–34, 146–47, 149

original lyric of, 211

as part of show’s structure, 90–91

Wonderful Town
, 14

“Wouldn’t It Be Loverly?”

in movie version, 182

musical gestures in, 197, 207

musical sources for, 125–27

as part of show’s structure, 69, 72, 78, 88, 90

“You Did It”

concerted form of, 192, 198

cut passage from, 217

genesis of, 65, 72, 78–79, 90

Michael Kidd’s reaction to, 24

musical sources for, 165–68

“You Haven’t Changed At All,” 192

Ziegfeld Follies
, 176

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