Love Under Three Titans (16 page)

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Authors: Cara Covington

BOOK: Love Under Three Titans
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Chapter 14

Rick held Maggie close and relished the reality of her head nestled on his shoulder. He stroked her arm, shoulder to hand, and crooned to her, sounds with no real meaning. Trey snuggled up to her back and did the same. His brother also put his hand on her, a slow and steady stroking down her side to her hip that Richard could tell helped to relax her even more. Their woman was incredibly tactile. She’d responded to the touch of them from that very first moment.

Gradually, Maggie’s shaking eased and she sighed heavily and snuggled deeper into his embrace.

He heard Kevin moving around in the bathroom, turning on the jets of the hot tub and probably ensuring that the water was heated to the maximum. Rick knew as well, because he and his brothers were on the same page, that Kev likely stashed some supplies for them to use in the shower and beside the spa.

They weren’t anywhere near done giving Maggie the satisfaction she’d been denied most of her adult life. She’d been frantic for them tonight, and they intended to see she had all of them she needed and wanted. But first they would pamper her with heat and tenderness and caring. Maggie shivered, he believed, from a combination of nerves strung tight and the bone-deep cold of emotional exhaustion.

He closed his eyes as he rested his chin on top of her head. Breathing deeply, he inhaled the fragrance of her, of
, and knew he held in his arms the woman who would one day be their wife and the mother of their children. All they had to do was win her heart and mind and soul. He believed they already had her body.

We have to win her. No other outcome is acceptable.

Yes, they had to win her, and the desperation filling him to do so
was something he’d never felt before. Going slowly, taking things one day at a time, had to be the hardest thing he would ever do in his life.

Rick didn’t have to ask to know that both his brothers felt the same way.

“That was…I don’t have words to describe what that was. I never knew anything could feel like that.”

Maggie sounded sated. Her words puffed against his chest and put a smile on his face. He wouldn’t be surprised if that smile looked smug as hell, because that’s how it felt.

“So it was good, then, sweetheart?” Trey kissed her shoulder then flicked a quick glance at Rick.

“Oh, yes.

“We can make it better.” Rick kissed the top of her head. When he felt her begin to move, he eased his hold of her. She pulled back just enough, then looked up and met his gaze.

“If it gets any better, it might kill me.”

Rick grinned at her. “No, Maggie. Our loving you will never harm you. Swear to God.”
. He’d definitely slipped up there, using the dreaded—
for her
—L word. To cover his mistake, he swooped down and kissed her.

The taste of her went straight to his cock, filling him with both a sense of contentment and an excitement he’d never known. His tongue drank her, a slow, graceful lapping of her essence that felt sexy as hell. When her tongue danced with his, it sent a shiver through him.

She tasted so good he wanted to gulp her down. Rick figured he’d never get enough of her.

Maggie’s arms came around him, and she moved subtly, rubbing her breasts against his chest. He turned into her, and his cock, hardening in response to her nearness, seemed to nestle itself right up against the lips of her pussy. He felt her labia become hotter, and damned if they didn’t begin to part for him. The moist heat of her pussy beckoned to him, a nearly impossible temptation to resist.

He wanted her more than he wanted his next breath—but not more than he wanted, needed, to take care of her. Rick slowly tapered their kiss and eased his cock away from her, before his best intentions were sabotaged by his greedy inner beast. Although he’d not had an orgasm yet, satisfaction still hummed through him. He’d helped to give her more pleasure than she’d ever known before. Nothing had ever made him feel manlier. With her soft, feminine body in his arms and her taste on his tongue, Rick knew he could do anything, be anything.

This sense of self-confidence was as exhilarating as it was foreign to him.

He caught sight of Kevin at the bathroom doorway. Rick placed another kiss on Maggie’s head and then eased himself back from her just enough so that he could meet her gaze. “Let’s get you all the way warmed up, love. The spa’s ready.”

“That’s a wonderful idea.”

It took only a moment for him to get off the bed. He reached out and quickly scooped her into his arms. He chuckled when she squeaked as he settled her in close.

“How can you three always
that so easily? I’m not exactly a featherweight, you know.”

“You really don’t weigh much, Maggie.” Rick said. He watched her as he carried her, liking the way she blinked nearly owlishly as they entered the brightly lit bathroom.

Trey caught her reaction to the lights, too, and detoured to the switches, diming them to about half.

“Mm, what’s that scent?” Maggie lifted her head from Rick’s shoulder to look around as she inhaled deeply.

“It’s a jasmine-vanilla blend,” Kevin said from inside the tub. “The saleslady at the body-and-bath shop in the Galleria said it was a relaxing and enticing combination. I guess we’ll see if she was right.”

“I like it. It smells very feminine. If you all get into that tub with me, you’re going to smell very pretty for Texan men.”

Rick laughed, delighted with her humor. “No, Maggie. We’re going to smell like
. And that suits us just fine.”

He set her gently into the bubbling water, and her heartfelt sigh as she leaned back against the edge of the tub and closed her eyes made him smile. He got into the spa himself and moved next to her on her right. Trey slid over to sit on her other side, and Kevin, bless his voyeuristic heart, ranged himself directly across from them.

Rick eased her right leg onto his lap and began a gentle massage, working his way from just above her ankle up to her thigh, stopping short of her slit. Since Trey did the same with her left leg, he guessed Kevin was enjoying quite the prettiest sight in the room at the moment.

“That feels

“The massage or the water, love?”

“Both.” Eyes still closed, she smiled. “And that extra little zing of excitement inside me because I know Kevin is watching us and getting an eyeful of my pussy right now.”

“Turns you on to have me watch you, does it, Maggie?” Kevin grinned as he sat back with his arms spread out onto the edge of the tub, the epitome of a man completely at ease with himself and his surroundings.

“It does, and that’s a surprise to me. I had no idea I had an exhibitionist side.”

“Remind us to show you the little video I shot the other day, baby.” Kevin said. “I bet it could get you hot and horny in no time flat.”

Maggie opened her eyes then. She gave Kevin a half smile, her right eyebrow rising slightly. “I’ve been hot and horny almost constantly since meeting the three of you.”

“Us, too, since meeting you.”

Rick chuckled because both of his brothers had said that at the same time he did. He couldn’t resist the temptation to reach down and run his fingers up and down over Maggie’s pussy. His cock had gotten harder, and he felt as if he’d burst if he couldn’t fuck her, and soon.

“Are you warm enough yet, love?”

“Mm.” She closed her eyes and tilted her hips toward his touch. Her breathing hitched and her nipples contracted, forming two perfect peachy points. “I’m warm, all right, and getting warmer.” Then she opened her eyes and turned her head and locked her gaze on his. “And I find I really want to feel your cock deep inside my pussy, Richard.”

“What a coincidence. I want to feel that, too.” Rick leaned over and kissed her, the taste of her feeding his passion and making his cock twitch. “Do you know what I’d like you to do? I’d very much like you to turn around, get on your knees, and lean over the edge of the tub. Once you’re in position, I want to put a butt plug in you, and then, love, I want to fuck your cunt from behind.”


* * * *



Maggie didn’t say anything, but then she guessed she didn’t have to. Richard surely must have felt her reaction to his suggestion. His fingers were still toying with her pussy. Her shiver, and the way her nipples beaded even tighter as she’d almost instinctively tightened her pelvic floor muscles, flexing her labia, was her body’s way of shouting a great big

She didn’t say anything, she just smiled and got herself into the position Richard asked of her. She heard the sounds behind her and could only guess at what he was doing.


He’d said that before. Then his fingers were there, and she gasped. Her ass had gotten nicely heated in the water, so the lube really was cold this time. Cold gave way to a delicious shiver of arousal as he worked his fingers back and forth over her anus.

They left her, those clever fingers, and then returned with even more of the gel. Maggie moaned and pushed her ass toward him.

“Feels good, does it?” he asked.

“Mmm.” Maggie didn’t want to waste energy on words when sensation called to her, begging to be indulged.

“Her nipples peaked a bit more, and look at the way her flesh has pebbled,” Kevin said.

“Let me know if it hurts, love. You can tell me to stop.”

He set a finger against her rosette and pushed. It hadn’t really hurt when he’d done that earlier, and she really didn’t expect much discomfort now. So the burning surprised her, and she caught her breath.


“No!” Maggie felt the burn, the increasing pressure, but liked the way that burn seemed to radiate through her entire body. She wasn’t nearly as horny as she had been when he’d done this earlier. Likely, that was the difference. She pushed against him, letting him know how much she wanted what he was doing to her.

“Your sweet little anus is so tight, love.”

“Mmm.” The sound of the water bubbling seemed huge in the room as Maggie focused on the sensation of Richard fucking his finger in and out of her ass. The burn eased, arousal grew, and she moaned again.

“I’m going to give you another one now.”

Another one? She felt him ease out, only to feel him there again seconds later. Then she understood what he’d meant, because he pressed against her, and she understood he now used two fingers. She felt her anus opening again, and this time the burn was a little larger and lasted a little longer.

“Oh my God!”


“No, no, please it’s…” Words failed her. The burn had edged to pain, and she thought it was like the sharp slap Trevor had given her that first time in the shower. The pain reached out with tiny filaments, teasing her clit and some other spot deep inside that she’d never known was there.

“I think you’re ready. Kevin?”

She heard movement and felt the water swirl. Then Kevin was sitting beside her, so she was once more in the middle of them.

Richard eased his fingers out of her, and she whimpered.

“Shh. Nearly there, love.” His words were accompanied by the return of his fingers, giving her just a bit more lube.

And then she felt something a little larger, not hard exactly, but firm, pressing against her opening.

Richard pressed forward, and Maggie inhaled deeply as the butt plug slid into place.

“Here.” Trevor handed a washcloth to Richard, who used it to clean his hands, and then tossed it out of the tub.

“How does that feel, love?”

“Strange… Not bad, just…strange.” She didn’t know if she should use her muscles to clutch it, even as she recognized the almost primal urge to do the exact opposite.

“It’s tapered. It should stay in place.” Richard sounded so clinical, but he’d moved his hand and was stroking her slit.

Maggie shivered as her arousal swirled inside her, as it grew and reached and sought more stimulation.


“Please what, love?”

“Richard, please fuck me.”

“Of course. Just as soon as I protect you.”

Maggie heard the sound of foil tearing and the latex being rolled. And then, thank God, his hot, condom-covered cock nestled between the lips of her pussy and drove deep inside her.

.” The rabid hunger of earlier seemed to have abated, replaced now by a gentler appetite, one content to sip at the cup of Eros rather than gorge upon it.

She felt feline and sleek and so incredibly full as she stretched her muscles, dipping her back and arching her ass toward her lover, offering him everything and taking all he had to give.

“How does it feel, baby?” Kevin’s gaze on her made her shiver.

She couldn’t string a complete sentence together. “So full…so

Richard placed his hands on her bottom, his grip firm and sure while his strokes remained slow and steady and deep. Each time he surged into her, the plug in her ass seemed to move, just a bit. It felt as if she was being fucked in both places at once, as if Richard’s cock was hitting deep toward her womb at the front and the back. The sensation shot her arousal higher and made her hunger to feel a real cock in her ass.

I want them all three in me at the same time.

Maggie moaned and panted and gave Richard as much of her ass as she could.

“Damn, that is so fucking
. You’ve got me hard, Maggie.” Kevin’s voice in her left ear made Maggie want to preen. Then she felt a caress on her head and turned to her right to give Trevor her mouth.

Just before his lips took hers, she sent a glimpse downward. Trevor’s cock looked as straight and as stiff as she’d ever seen it.

I’ve got all three of these virile men hot and horny. Me, Margaret Mary Morrison. Imagine that!

If there could never be more than this night, she would count this experience as the greatest gift her feminine confidence could ever have received. Never again would she doubt her ability to entice and arouse, to give and receive orgasmic bliss.

She was woman, by damn, and she

Trevor’s tongue sliding along hers short-circuited her brain as surely as Richard’s cock, fucking her in that very controlled rhythm, robbed her of any remaining vestige of civilization.

The wondrous, swirling eddy of sensations inside her reminded her of the waves in the ocean, the way they moved and melded and swelled, building, building toward that crest. Higher and stronger her arousal grew, and she wondered if it didn’t somehow have a will of its own. Shivering and needy, this craving defied control as it reached and stretched and clawed its way toward the prize. So Maggie forgot about control and instead celebrated the elemental woman within as she devoted herself to this, to the intrinsically raw and physical and supremely satisfying act of fucking.

Steam from churning water mingled with the steam from their churning bodies. The sounds of the bubbles, the rasp of breathing, the hisses and tiny moans and groans of pleasure combined into a symphony both beautiful and poignant. The aroma of the perfumed air twined around the musky scent of sex. In this moment, in this place, with these men, Maggie understood the draw of hedonism, could feel the conscience-altering, life-enriching flavor of it, and knew she never, ever wanted to go back to her solitary and pedestrian life.

This was the ultimate human experience. This was the heart and soul of songs and poems and novels. This was the nectar of the gods that women and men had hungered for and longed for down through the ages and which many never, ever found.

Ending her kiss with Trevor, she turned her head toward Kevin.

She didn’t have to say a word, for his mouth was there, and she drank him in as surely as she would drink a fine wine. His flavor became a part of her arousal, a part of her, and she relished it and cherished him.

He broke their kiss and grinned at her, his gaze roaming her body. Then he licked his lips. She glanced at his cock, at the way it reached above the water, and she hungered.

Richard increased his rhythm, changing his angle slightly, and Maggie closed her eyes as sexual stimulation threatened to flame hot and high. She clung to the side of the tub and focused all she was on pushing back against Richard’s cock, on rocking against that steady, deep thrusting as he continued to fuck her. She focused her will and clenched her inner muscles, caressing the plug in her ass and his cock in her cunt, caressing him in the most intimate way possible. She felt the way his hands gripped her, his arms trembling with effort, and knew he used all of his strength to keep this pace, to hold off orgasm for them both.

“Oh, God.
Oh, please
…” A part of her wanted to rush headlong into completion. The other part, the newly awakened voluptuary, wondered how long she could hang here, on the very edge of the most magnificent of free falls.

Richard bent over her, tenting her, and his heat seared her as his lips skimmed her shoulder. “Come for us, love. I want to feel your sweet tunnel clamp down and milk my cock as you come on me.”

Maggie cried out in frustration because completion danced just out of her reach, teasing her unmercifully.

Trevor reached over and played his fingers against her breasts, lightly caressing the underside of them and then moving over to tweak her right nipple and tug on it lightly.

Kevin’s hand set to work on her left breast, and Maggie’s arousal continued to soar, but her climax just laughed at her, refusing to answer her summons.

Richard’s hand smoothed down her stomach, one long sexy stroke. His fingers brushed over her pussy to where they were joined. They stayed there for a moment, and she felt the triple connection, the movement of his cock in and out, in and out, the subtle shift of the plug, and his fingers spread to touch himself and her simultaneously.

Moving his hand slightly, he teased her clit, his fingers clever in their seduction. Then he grasped the tiny button of flesh and pinched it between his thumb and finger.

Maggie screamed as she came, the eruption of pleasure strong and pure and unbelievably hot. The fiery climax consumed her, and in one whimsical, rapturous moment, she imagined the fierce flames burned away all of the long, lonely shadows of the past.

Richard thrust into her and held himself deep inside her. She could actually feel his cock pulse, could feel the increase in heat as his seed filled the condom. She shivered, because those added stimuli gave a boost to her orgasm just when she’d been certain she couldn’t come any more.

He kissed her shoulder again, then wrapped his arms around her and eased her from the side of the tub. Trevor picked her up and cuddled her on his lap. With her head on his shoulder, she nestled into him, very aware of the hard cock pressing against her hip and the plug still deep in her ass. She looked over at Kevin, returning his smile.

Maggie girl, did you ever once in your life imagine a situation like this one?

The answer, of course, was no. Which made her reality just that much more of a remarkable surprise.

She couldn’t wait to find out what happened next.

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