Love To Luv (10 page)

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Authors: AnDerecco

BOOK: Love To Luv
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, well I will see you tonight. I am spending the night.




Jeremy spent many nights at Ian’s house. Lately, Jeremy was trying to stay away from home as much as possible. He could not take his mother asking him questions about the military. It was a decision that he had made for himself. Jeremy knew deep down that she was not happy about it. 



It had been three days since I had seen Monique since we had that fight. I called her cell phone to ask if she would like to meet me at Stamps for lunch. She told me that she would. I was happy that she agreed. I could not take not talking to her. I spoke with Dennis and Aunt Aretha about the situation. They both told me that I need to sit down with her and talk it out.

I was sitting at a table by the window when I noticed both Monique and Teddy walk in. My emotions were mixed about Teddy right now. I was not sure if I wanted to talk to him. Sooner or later I was going to have to.

I motioned for them to come to the table. I stood up and gave her a strong, tight hug when she reached me. I did not want to let her go. That night of the fight replayed in my mind. I never thought that I could be that upset with my only child.

I released her and gave Teddy a firm handshake. I told them to have a seat.



First things first, I want to apologize for the other night. I should have never put my hands on you. For that I am sorry.


Pop I want to apologize also. I didn’t mean to curse at you. I am sorry for bringing that up about Dad. I was out of line.


So Teddy how


I am good sir, and you?


I am better. Especially since my little girl is talking to me again. So let’s talk about this baby.

TEDDY (shocked)

What baby?

JACOB (looking at Monique)



I was going to tell him today. We were sitting in the car talking when you called.

TEDDY (turning to Monique)

Are you pregnant?

MONIQUE (putting her hand on his leg)



Oh shit. Excuse me Mr. Gibson. How many months are you?


I just found out a few days ago.


That is why you had that fight with your dad. Oh my stomach hurts.


Why does your stomach hurt?


My dad is going to kill me.


You both knew what you were doing. Now is the time to start planning.
Money, school, work, money, college, baby-sitters, money.
I need to know your plans.


Pop, well we are going to need help.


I need to call my dad.




I need him here. You have just dropped this on me. I am lost right now. I am about to become a father at nineteen.


Yes you are.

Teddy pulled out his phone to call his father. He did not give him any specifics, just that he needed to get off work and come to Stamps, ASAP.

While waiting on Teddy’s dad we ordered hamburgers, fries, and sodas. About the time that the waitress brought our food, Teddy’s dad walked in the door.

He was an attractive older man. He stood about 5’11” with a narrow face. His salt and pepper hair made him more distinguished. Teddy beckoned for him to come to the table where we sat. We exchanged handshakes as Teddy did the introductions.


MARCUS (Teddy’s father)

So what was the emergency for me to come so quickly?


Teddy and Monique looked at each other. I took another bite of my
jalapeno double meat cheeseburger. Monique looked at me as if she wanted me to tell him.


TEDDY (nervously)

Well dad, you know that I love you. I would never do anything to hurt you. I have always
everything that you have asked of me…


When is the baby due?




Do you think that I am that naive? Your girlfriend has been sleeping in our guest bedroom for the last few nights, she won’t talk about why she and her dad got into a fight, and she would not answer her phone. Son I was waiting on you both to tell me.


I will admit that I was hurt when she first told me. She is my only child. You feel me? But it’s conceived now. So like I was just asking them, what is their plan?


I am with you there.


Dad, I don’t know what to do.


Well you knew how to make it and prevent from making it.


I am going to finish high school. I still want to go to college and major in journalism. I will just have to change my plans about where I am going to college.


True. What about while you are in going to college?
Babysitters, tuition, gas money, baby food, diapers, and all of that stuff.


Pop you talk like you are not going to help me.


I will be there for my grandbaby.


Same here.
Teddy what are your plans – what is going on in your thick head?


I don’t know. I am going to finish school. I was thinking about a career in the military. Now since Osama Bin Laden is dead maybe there can be a little peace in the Middle East.


You still got

TEDDY (turning to Monique)

Let’s get married!


Oh hell no. What will that solve?


Pop, why not?


You know what, I am out of it. Y’all want to play house, go for it. I have a friend that is judge. You can be married by the end of the week.

MARCUS (staring Jacob down)

Are you serious?


Yes. They can go get the blood test, apply for the license, and be married by the end of the week.


Where will we stay?


With your dad or mine.


I could not help but laugh. Marcus gazed at me if I had lost my mind.



You can’t get married.


Why not?


We won’t be here long. I was thinking about moving back to Colorado.


Are you making this decision now because of the baby, because they are talking about getting married? You can’t run away from this.


No, that is not it. I will support whatever decision my son wants to make.


Well they want to get married.


If they decide to stay with me then she would be moving to Colorado.


That won’t be happening.


By this time I was beginning to get a little perturbed. There was no way that I was going to let Monique move to Colorado with someone that I don’t know.

Monique expressed that she was serious about the proposal. I was not going let her make any decision this serious without really thinking about it. This was a lifelong decision that they are talking about. Bringing a new life into the equation did not simplify anything.

I told them that we need to weigh the pros and cons of this matter. There is no reason to make a hasty decision. I wanted the best for my daughter. There is nothing in this world that I would not do for her. She knew this.

The waitress bought over the check. I gave her my credit card to pay for everything. I suggested to everyone that we go to my house to really talk things out.


I was at my office late Wednesday evening getting ready for a presentation on tomorrow. I told my assistant, Sonya, that she could leave early. I was in crunch time mode.

Sonya took some pictures of a skyline that I wanted to use as a backdrop for this particular workshop. I could not find those pictures in the office. I searched the computer for file, I checked my email. I just could not find those pictures. I was getting tense. I could not take it anymore. I finally just took some papers off of my desk and threw them in the air.

Sitting back in my chair pondering where those pictures might be when my office phone rang. To my surprise it was Joe Williams. Joe was one of my prison pen-pal.

I had not talked to him in over two years. He told me that he still had number from when he was in prison.

My mind forgot about the pictures that I was looking for. Joe told me that he was out on parole and had moved back to Mississippi. He was in the process of looking for employment.

We talked for almost two hours. I told him that I had to get off of the phone to finish my project for tomorrow. He was very understanding. I asked if he would give me a call on tomorrow evening.

As I placed the phone on the base I was smiling like a chest-cat. I never expected to hear from him once he got out of prison.

I decided to straighten the papers on my desk and call it a night. I picked up the papers from the floor that I had thrown in the air. In doing so I saw something shining from under my printer. I picked up the printer…PICTURES!!! I started to laugh. Should I stay and finish my presentation or go home? I decided to go home. I would come in early in the morning.

I thought about the letters that I had received from Joe while he was in prison. Once I got home I was going to take my shower, fix me a little something to eat and crawl in the bed to reread those letters.



How are you doing? I know you probably wondering who I am. Well, my name is Joe. I am 26 years old about to turn 27 on 9-7. The reason for me writing you is because you say you are from Mississippi. Well that is where I was born and reared until I was 21 when I moved to Lexington, Kentucky. I lived in Yazoo City, Mississippi. Do you know where that is?

But as you know I’m locked up right now for 21 more months. I will have served eight years when I am released. I am just looking for someone I can hold a good conversation with and who knows maybe build a nice friendship.

I am a black male, 5’11”, 175 pounds, nicely built, love to workout, brown eyes, and black hair. I have one son that I love to death. I am bi-sexual but whether I’m with a man or woman, I am with that one person. I am basically saying if we build a friendship, I would love to kick it with you when I am free.

So I’m sending you this picture of me and the girl I have my son by just to show you what I look like. The only reason I am sending this picture is because this is the only one I have of me. If I don’t fit up to your standards could you please send my picture back to
If we start to write each other I will take another picture and send to you. My dude Dalton gave me your address because he said that he was already in a relationship. He doesn’t want to get into a relationship with no one else. I can say this; you are very sexy on your picture. So I thought that I would at least take a chance by writing you.


Your friend



What’s up with you? For me, trying to maintain and stay focus. So you are in your second year of grad school. That is real good shit. I know you are going to make a good principal when your chance comes. I must admit that I was
fuck up when I received your letter yesterday. I thought you had forgotten about me or I didn’t fit you standard. But I guess I was wrong about you.

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