Love Thief (7 page)

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Authors: Teona Bell

BOOK: Love Thief
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Two years later…


Charmaine heard laughter. She heard it a lot these days, and it always made her pause and consider. Today was no different. As she rolled over in the queen size bed, she took in the surroundings of her bedroom. No longer the exposed brick walls of the redesigned warehouse—although she missed those walls—this was the house she shared with her husband and her daughter.

Rubbing her swollen belly, Charmaine got to her feet and walked over to the door. Before she reached it, Elliot darted in and locked it behind him. She stopped and stared at him. “What are you doing?”

Elliot made a beeline to her belly like he always did, hands out. She smacked his hands, but he thrust hers right back and drew her to him as he held onto her sides. He moaned and rested his cheek alongside hers. “A moment alone with my wife.”

“Don’t you mean a moment alone with the twins?”

“The rest of my family,” he corrected. “How’s that?”

“Where’s Amaya?”

“She’s gone with her brother. We’re alone.” He wiggled his eyebrows and swooped her off her feet to carry her to the bed.

“Stop, Elliot. You know I’m big as a house. Put me down.”

“You’re beautiful, baby.” He climbed into the bed and hovered above her. Despite the hour and her complaints, Charmaine’s core clenched with attraction to her husband.

“I’m an elephant.”

He flicked a nipple through her nightgown. “You’re making me hard.”

She tried rolling away but recalled how difficult it was in her condition. Elliot swatted her ass, and she glared at him. “No one but you would get me pregnant with twins, Elliot. For my longsuffering, I think I shouldn’t be accosted early in the morning.”

longsuffering,” he countered and kissed her belly then moved too darn close to her snatch, “I think I should get to lick something.”

“W-what?” She shivered.

“Then after, I should get to have someone ride something else.”

She curled her lips. “Okay, let’s let go of the “something.’”

“Yes, let’s.”

He was still pushy, after two years of being with him. She had ended up letting the man get her pregnant soon after they tied the knot, despite her fears. Elliot pursued what he wanted and didn’t take no for an answer.

“Not my panties, Elliot!”

He held them up to his nose and breathed deep.

“You’re a raunchy man, and you didn’t tell me your grandmother’s a twin!”

“By the way, my grandmother’s a twin.”


“I love you, baby, so much, and you’re making me the happiest man on earth right now.”

Tears spilled down her cheeks. Hormones kicked her butt, and Elliot loved every minute of her pregnancy, even when she was grumpy.

Why was she fighting him? Charmaine laid back on the bed and spread her legs. Her big belly obscured her vision, but she saw the delight in Elliot’s eyes. He kissed his way down her knee, teasing the sensitive areas inside her thighs. When he reached her core, she gasped. His tongue delved into her wetness and set her body on fire. She squirmed, but Elliot stroked her leg in a gentle caress.

“Hold still, Charmaine. I want to take love your body right. I can’t get enough.”

“Even the way I am?” She knew what he would say. Elliot reinforced his love for her on a daily basis, even when she didn’t ask.

“Especially now.” His lust filled gaze disappeared for a moment, and she felt his tongue gaze her slit. She squirmed at the first stirrings of a climax and groaned. Elliot tortured her further by stopping once again. “What do you say we keep you pregnant from now on?”

“What do you say I leave you?”

“Don’t talk like that.” He whipped from between her legs and lay down beside her. Elliot captured her chin and made her look at him. “Never again, Charmaine. No joking like that. I mean it.”

She swallowed, surprised at his spark of anger. “I was kidding, Elliot. You don’t have to take it seriously.”

“Never. We—our family—is not a joke Got it?”

She agreed, but he pushed for her to say it.

“I’m sorry, Elliot. I won’t leave you. We’re great.”

He kissed her lips. When his mouth moved down to her, she arched her neck so he could nibble all he wanted. Elliot’s hot breath warmed her skin, and he skimmed a hand over her midsection and around to her hip.

“Turn on your side, baby. Let me help you.”

She did, and Charmaine heard him removing his pants. Her heart pounded in anticipation. He rose to toss his clothes away, but the bed sank under his weight soon after. Elliot raised one of her legs and pushed forward from behind. She cried out his name as his shaft sank into her heat. Elliot let her leg down slowly, but they were connected at their core. Charmaine arched, and Elliot withdrew just a little and then plunged into her wetness again.

“Damn, you feel so good, Charmaine. I wanted to eat you up, but this was calling my name. I needed to get in you.”

She moaned and pushed against his erection. The feel of him sliding in and out of her was unbelievable. She couldn’t get enough either, and some days it was as if nothing came together unless Elliot got his hands on her body. Loving him was like opening herself up to a level of vulnerability she never imagined, but every second was worth it.

“All the way, Elliot,” she begged, grabbing his wrist. “I want all of it.”

His mouth touched the spot behind her ear. “You have all of me, baby, everyday, forever.”


She came hard and loud. Elliot pumped into her while he reached around her hip and fingered her bud. She was so sensitive one minute and then came a second time. He knew her body and kept her whimpering until she was exhausted and satisfied. After he had reached his release, he pulled away. Charmaine made a small sound of alarm.

He stood at the edge of the bed and grinned. “I’m not going anywhere. Well, just to the kitchen. You like peanut butter, jelly, and potato chips sandwiches after making love.”

Her mouth fell open. “How did you know that?”

“Because I’m the man making love to you, Charmaine. You wait until I doze off after I come, and then you sneak to get it.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t like when you tease me about cravings. This one seems over the top.”

“All right, I won’t tease anymore. So, PBJC?”

“Maybe I don’t want it this time.” Damn, she hated when he was right.

“Okay.” He was about to climb on the bed, but she stopped him.

“Just this once.”

He chuckled. “My wife. What am I going to do with you?”

“Love me and feed me. That’s all I can do in this condition.”

“I’ll take the job, and you know, if there’s over time…”

“Man, you never get enough!”

“I’m not ashamed.”

When he left the room, Charmaine felt an odd twinge in her side. She decided to go to the bathroom to clean up a bit and climbed off the bed. If she waited for Elliot, he would probably try showering together, and there just wasn’t enough for him, her, and the twins.

She stood in the doorway to the bathroom and rubbed her belly, grinning. He was so happy, and to be honest, so was she. The fears weren’t all gone, and meeting his massive family had been something else. Charmaine saw the relationship there as a work in progress, but they were good people even if they wondered about this black chick being the first woman their precious Elliot had brought home.

Her heart swelled some more, and she almost cried.

“Hey, there,” Elliot whispered behind her. “What is that look for?”

She glanced over her shoulder at him. “For me and for you.”

“I like it. Let’s keep it.”

“Elliot, you know what you mean to me, don’t you?”

“I do, baby. And believe me, I don’t just love you for the kids.”

“But you’re jumping for joy, aren’t you?” She eyed him and pointed to her belly. His expression changed to one she had seen many times before, as if he had just solved world peace.

“We’re halfway there,” he said, rubbing her belly. The babies always knew when their daddy was nearby. The kicking began, and she winced.

“Halfway where?”


That was all he said, and the next thing Charmaine knew she was in labor. Much later, she blamed her crazy husband for sending her to the hospital two weeks early. After a day and a half of labor, she gave birth to Evan Cray and Eric Caden, baby two and baby three from Elliot and Amaya’s master plan to steal her heart and never give it back.



The End

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