Read Love Tap Online

Authors: M.N. Forgy

Tags: #Romance

Love Tap (32 page)

BOOK: Love Tap
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“Everything okay?” I question, looking between Tate and Debs.

Tate looks at Debs, then down at her feet before nodding.

Striding toward her I pull on her elbow, making her look me in the eye.

“Are you sure?”

Her eyes flutter before a weak attempt of a smile crosses her face. “Nothing, I’m just really tired. The high of the fight is gone and I’m starting to feel everything.”

Suddenly feeling like an ass for thinking she’s not telling me the truth, I let her go and rub at my chin.

“Lets get you to the hotel, has the medic looked her over?” I question Debs, ready to take Tate back to our room and pamper her.

“Yeah, she’s fine.” Debs waves me off.

“Tate, that was some fight my girl!” Tate’s father Nick cheers with amusement as he pushes his way through the room.

Tate lights up, and I can’t help but smile for her. “I knew you had it in you kid. Look, your sister wasn’t feeling so well so she’s outside in the car but I wanted to come tell you how proud I am.” He gives her chin a love tap with his hand. “You got that south paw from your old man.”

Her eyes fill with tears, and I want so bad to comfort her but I don’t. I let her have her moment.

“We should get going,” Debs states after Nick leaves the room.

“Yeah, lets go. I’m exhausted,” Tate mutters, grabbing her gym bag.

“Let me get that,” I insist, grabbing her bag, because Debs is fucking worthless when it comes to compassion.

Chapter Twenty-Five




Standing in front of the hotel window I stare out at the night with a bed sheet wrapped tightly around my body. The city continues to move and live even at the late hour. A couple crosses the highway, holding each other’s hands as they race and laugh across the busy streets. I smirk, wondering what is going on their lives. What secrets they’re holding, what problems they’re trying to overcome. Maybe they have none. Maybe they’re completely happy and stupid.

I press my sore hand against the cold glass, the heat from my palm fogging the window.

My heart is telling me not to take the fight, but my head is telling me to take it. My parents’ house comes into mind and my heart aches. This is my only chance at keeping the house. Even if I lose, it’ll be enough to help. My whole life I’ve been told how I need to act like a lady, and girls don’t fight.

I can’t give up now, not when I have a lot more motherfuckers to prove wrong.

She said I can’t tell Camden.

I roll my eyes, I know that’ll never work. Once I get the money he’ll ask how I got it, and I can’t lie to him again. Lies breed more lies.

My head falls, unsure of what to do. If I tell him about the fight, he won’t let me do it. He’ll tell me it’s too dangerous, or unprofessional. I wonder if this was like the fight he was in when he was stabbed.

Warm arms wrap around my waist, startling me.

“I can hear you thinking, why aren’t you sleeping? Are you hurting?” His voice husky and tickling my ear I can tell he wants me.

I turn in his hold, and cup his face with my hands, the sheets still around my body.

“I’m a little sore, but I just can’t sleep in hotels.” I don’t completely lie.

He kisses my nose. “Come on, let’s get back to bed, we have an early flight back home.”

Climbing into bed with him, I lay on his chest like he likes. He quickly falls asleep, and I grab my phone off the end table and find Debs’ contact info. My fingers hesitating over the keys for just a second before finally typing:

I’m in.

If anyone can do this, why not me?

Chapter Twenty-Six




Looking over the NDA my head spins. Party A, and provisions all sounding the same.

“Do I get a copy of this?” I ask, thumbing the pages that seem to go on forever.

“Yes.” Debs huffs giving me more papers to read and sign. “Just make sure you keep it in a vault or locked up. Silvia is not joking around when it comes to disclosure.”

Sitting back in the gym’s chair I exhale looking over the papers again.

“This seems sketchy, illegal even. Does the MFC know about it?” I look up at Debs who is biting her nails.

“I don’t know, who cares. It gets you to the top and us rich,” she quips.

I hate her outlook. There is more to the game than getting rich.

“What about respect?” I ask.

She eyes me like I’m crazy, and that’s how I know we are of a different breed. After this fight, I think I need to find another coach.

The doors to the gym open, blowing posters along the wall everywhere.

Someone’s here.

Quickly I push my copy of the NDA and rules in my gym bag and stand.

“When is the fight?” I whisper, my body temperature rising that we might get caught talking about it.

“Three weeks. We’ll catch a flight to Nashville, TN.”

“Three weeks! That is not enough time for me to heal in between fights.” I can’t help but raise my voice. Debs glances out the office door, noticing Cate sorting her vegetables for her morning smoothie. Debs shuts the door and arches a brow.

“Look, I know just about as much as you do. Luckily for you you’re not too banged up so three weeks should be fine. My guess is they make it quick between signing the NDA and the fight so you don’t over think it and back out, and less time for you to open your mouth,” she informs, her hand still on the office door.

I rub at my forehead anxiously. Why am I not backing out of this? So many red flags are waving, but for some reason it’s not enough for me to back out.

I want the money to help my dad and sister, but I’ve never been one to back down from a challenge either.

“I know of fighters that have done this Tate. It’s an honor to even be asked to participate, take the opportunity and seize the moment. She wouldn’t have asked you if she didn’t think you were ready.”

Anger rushes through me to where spots appear in my vision. “It’s not that I don’t think I can do this, it’s just a lot of secrets I don’t feel comfortable with.”

“If this is about you not telling Camden, just know that we all have a story we never tell.” She taps her nail on the door before leaving.

I sink back into my chair as my fingers fumble with my bottom lip.

I remember when I was little my dad telling a local newspaper that fighters have three lives: a public life, a private life, and a secret life. I used to wonder what secrets my father held, but as I’m stepping into his shoes I think I’m starting to find out.




Sitting on the bench I watch Tate as she jump ropes, I told her to take a few days off to heal but she insists that she keeps training.

She’s wearing some blue work out shorts, and a large yellow shirt with the arms cut off. Her blonde hair falling from her loose ponytail with every jump. I don’t know how she can make the simplest of clothes look like she took hours to perfect, but she does.

“Will you stop staring at my tits like that?” she asks between jumps.

I cock a smirk.

“When you have tits like you do, it’s like a vortex baby. They just suck me right in.” Raising my arms I display how my sight zeros in on her delectable chest, and she laughs.

She stops jumping, dropping the rope to the ground. She seems off today, in fact she’s seemed off the last few days. I feel like she isn’t telling me something, but I can’t keep asking. I’ll look like a pussy.

“You want to eat?” I ask.

“No, I’m good.” I raise a brow. “I was thinking about getting pizza, when is the last time you had deep dish?”

“Uh, been awhile, but I’m good.” She shrugs.

Tilting my head to the side I eye her. Tate never backs down from pizza.

“Are you sick?”

“Do what?” She looks up me, her tone of voice indicating she has no idea what we are talking about. She hasn’t been the same and it’s starting to piss me off.

Grabbing her hand roughly I pull her into me, her eyes flashing with surprise.

“Do you need a good fucking? Is that what has you so unfocused and on edge? Do you need my cock?” Her cheeks warm as she looks around to see if anyone heard. Sliding my hand up her back, I fist her hair making her look me in the eyes.

“Screw them, I’ll fuck you right here and let them watch if it means I can bring you back to earth.”

“I think your ego is growing faster than your dick,” she smarts, and I strengthen my hold on her hair.

“Maybe you should test that out, tell me if my cock is bigger than my ego or not?”

Not giving her a chance to respond I walk her backwards before opening a door that leads into a storage closet.

“What are you doing?” she whispers frantically.

Ignoring her I shove her inside the dark closet and pull the door shut. Light from the gym skirts under the door giving barely enough light.

The room is small, filled with an old punching bag, a mop and bucket, and the broom. It smells of lemon and bleach, but it’ll do.

“Camden what—” I shove her against the punching bag and her eyes flash with anger.

“I see a lot of anger dwelling in those eyes baby.” Her throat bobs as she looks anywhere but at me. I grab her chin roughly making her look me in the eyes. “Look at me when I’m talking to you,” I demand. Gritting her teeth her hand collides with my cheek, a burning sensation spreading across my jaw. My cock instantly goes hard.

Rubbing my cheek I slowly take my eyes from the floor to her. Silently asking her if she’s ready for a round of rough sex.

“Do it,” she seethes. Verbally telling me she wants me to get rough.

Not one to disappoint I fist her hair, strands snapping from the root. I smash my lips to hers, and her tongue finds mine. We kiss, suck, and nip. It’s not a slow sensual kiss, it’s wet, warm, and rough. Teeth clash, the taste of metallic filling our mouths. I can’t get enough.

Her nails scratch at my back, hot breaths, and gasps the only thing to be heard in the small dark space.

The handle to the mop falls hitting me in the head and I shove it behind me, not wanting to stop the fighting desire that is sparking between us.

Picking her up by the thighs I slam her back against the old torn punching bag. Using my hips I pin her there and shove her shirt and bra up so her sweaty tits are at my disposal. Her hands snake up my back and fist my hair, my neck straining as she tugs it back hard.

Pulling from her grip I drop my head and sink my teeth into the soft tissue of her tit. She moans, her body gyrating against my torso.

Kissing the pain away, her hands push my gym shorts down just enough that my cock frees. Her small hands gliding up and down it sensually slow. The foreign feel of her hands on my length feels amazing, but I’m greedy, I want that smart mouth of hers on my cock.

“Suck it,” my voice husky.

Her eyes cut to mine, flashing with desire.

“I want to feel your warm mouth around me.” Gripping her chin I rub circles along it before slightly pulling so her mouth parts.

Her eyes never leave mine as she slowly drops to her knees. Her small hand cupping the shaft of my cock.

It feels so good a hiss slips through my teeth.

On her knees her hooded eyes meet mine as she flicks the tip of my dick with her soft tongue. My balls clench as the wetness coats the head.

Opening her mouth wide she sucks me inside and I hiss, the feeling of her sweet little mouth wrapped around my cock feeling like a second heaven.

She bobs before gagging and I nearly blow my load. Grabbing her shoulders I pull myself from her mouth.

“Jesus Christ.”

She wipes her mouth, her brows furrowing as if she’s worried she did something wrong and stands.

“You’re so good at that I’m about to cum, and the only thing I’m blowing my load in is your sweet cunt, baby.”

Her lips turn into a shy smile.

Grabbing her by the thighs I pick her up and waddle the few steps it takes to get her back against the punching bag. My shorts now around my ankles making the task much harder.

Pulling her shorts to the side I swipe a finger through her lips finding her wet and ready.

Positioning my cock where my finger was, I push into her, her body swelling as I fill her.

Pumping my hips I don’t hold back. The mop bucket tips over, the broom falls against the door. Shit is going everywhere as I pound into her.

She fingers my hair, her head lolling back in ecstasy as I take her to the brink of pleasure.

She moans and I instantly cup her mouth. My ass muscles straining while I thrust into her as hard as her body can take.

“Shh,” I whisper as sweat drips down my forehead.

Using my free hand I slide it in between us and thumb her clit.

Boom. Her eyes roll in the back of her head and her body trembles.

She clamps down on my dick, and that warmth builds into an inferno as I come seconds after.

BOOK: Love Tap
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