Love Sneaked In (Montgomery Family Trilogy) (3 page)

BOOK: Love Sneaked In (Montgomery Family Trilogy)
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“Oh Kathryn, you’re wrong. The duke is a fine upstanding gentleman. He would never do anything to hurt me. You just wait and see. He’ll be asking me to marry him very soon, because I’m sure he returns my feelings.” Helen had finished her breakfast by this time so she stood up. “Well, I need to leave. I’m meeting Susan at the orphanage at ten o’clock. Are you interested in coming with me?”

Kathryn rolled her eyes and retorted with an exasperated tone, “
, I’m going to Lord Walling’s house this morning with Aunt Miriam. I’ll go with you next time. Enjoy your drive with the duke, but…be careful.”

Helen hurried up to her room to get her pelisse, and then she left for St. Mark’s. She took Sally and the footman, Charles, with her for propriety’s sake. Finding it to be such a lovely day, she decided to walk.

Susan was already waiting for her when she arrived at the orphanage, and Helen rushed over to her. “Sorry if I’m a little late. I misjudged the time. Since the weather was so pleasant today, I decided to walk. I hope you haven’t been waiting long. Did you have a nice evening last night?”

With her usual enthusiasm, Susan replied, “I just got here, so no, I haven’t been waiting long. I had an excellent time last night. I enjoyed seeing several of my friends, and the food was exceptional. I saw you dancing with the Duke of Somerset last night, and the supper dance at that! It’s not often that he dances the supper dance. What’s going on between the two of you?”

“Oh Susan, it was so exciting. He’s such a wonderful dancer, and I think I’m falling in love with him. We went for a walk on the terrace after supper, and I…let him kiss me,” Helen answered with a dreamy look in her eyes.

“My goodness, Helen. Where were you when he kissed you? That was certainly very bold of him. If someone had stumbled across you, you would have been compromised. Is that the first time he’s kissed you, or did he kiss you last year too?”

“No one saw us. You sound just like Kathryn! He did kiss me once last year at the end of the season, but this kiss was quite different, much more exciting! It made me feel tingly all over, and I can’t wait for him to do it again!”

“Helen, you need to be very careful. I don’t want to see you get hurt. The duke has avoided marriage for many years, so he could be toying with you. Please protect yourself. I would hate it if you got your hopes up only to have them dashed.”

Helen didn’t want to hear any more talk like this. “Well, I believe he’s serious in his intentions towards me. He would never toy with my affections, because he just isn’t that type of man. I don’t understand why you and Kathryn can’t just be happy for me!” Helen looked up and saw the children coming out. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore, and the children are coming anyway.”

They had a pleasant time playing with the children, and as they were leaving, they agreed to meet again in three days. After a pleasurable walk back, Helen arrived home just in time for luncheon. Aunt Miriam and Kathryn had returned from Lord Walling’s, and Kathryn was raving about all the incredible objets d’ art in his collection. Helen knew she was also getting very excited about starting the Art Institute on Monday, but Helen felt that Kathryn was getting entirely too obsessed about it.

Helen was happy for Kathryn, because she knew her art meant a great deal to her, but it did seem that Kathryn didn’t want to do or think about anything else. Helen just hoped she’d still take time to enjoy the season.

After luncheon, Bradford handed her a letter from Melody. She wrote that she missed them, but that she hoped they were having a wonderful time in London. The children were all healthy and growing bigger each day. Henry was getting nervous about the baby. The waiting was extremely difficult for him, and there were still six weeks before the child was due to make its appearance.

The duke arrived promptly at four o’clock for their drive. Hanford looked so handsome today in his deep gray dress coat and light gray embroidered waistcoat, which made his unusual silver eyes sparkle. His snowy white cravat was tied in an intricate pattern, and he had on black breeches and black tasseled Hessian boots. As usual, Hanford was dressed in the height of fashion, which was one of the things Helen liked best about him.

While driving in his high perch phaeton through Hyde Park, they talked and laughed the entire time. As Helen glanced around, just enjoying this time with Hanford, she couldn’t help noticing all the gorgeous flowers scattered throughout the gardens. The scent from all these flowers was quite intoxicating.

Hanford pulled back on the reins to slow down the horses. “Lady Helen, thank you for coming with me today. You look very pretty today. The sun is shining so brightly, it brings out the gold in your beautiful hair.”

“Why, thank you, Your Grace.” Helen was so pleased he had noticed her appearance and awarded him a brilliant smile.

Hanford looked over at Helen and asked, “How are you enjoying the season?”

“I’ve enjoyed it quite a bit so far. We went to Drury Lane the other night and saw
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
, and it was wonderful. We’ve also gone to the opera. I’ve always loved music ever since I was a small child. I play the pianoforte, but I don’t sing. I leave the singing to my sister-in-law, the duchess. She has an amazing voice. I always think of angels whenever I hear her.”

“I must hear the duchess some time. I play the pianoforte as well. I find it very relaxing after a difficult day in Parliament. I’ve been working on getting a bill passed, and I’m getting quite a bit of opposition from the Whigs. I don’t want to bore you, so enough about that. Let’s just enjoy the rest of our drive.”

The only problem with the drive was that it was over much too quickly for Helen. When they returned to Lady Helton’s house, he helped her down out of the phaeton, and he held her hand longer than was necessary. Every time Hanford touched her, she felt such a strong connection to him. She just knew…she was falling in love with him.

Over the next fortnight, Hanford and Helen saw each other almost every day. Either at one of the parties they both attended, or he would take her driving. They even went riding a few times, which Helen particularly enjoyed. He hadn’t tried to kiss her again. Helen was disappointed, but she just knew he would ask her to marry him soon. They had so much to talk about when they were together. Today they were going on a picnic, and she hoped he would say something about how he felt then.

Hanford picked her up at eleven o’clock, and he already had a picnic lunch with him that his chef had prepared for them. When they arrived at Hyde Park, they found a nice spot by the Serpentine and spread out a blanket. He unpacked the basket, and there was roasted quail, several kinds of cheeses, and a bottle of champagne. There were also some luscious looking strawberries with clotted cream for dessert.

While they ate their food, Hanford’s silver eyes were staring intensely at her, and it sent shivers up her spine. He took a juicy red strawberry, which he had dipped in the clotted cream, and fed it to her. When she took a bite, a drop of the cream fell on her chin, and he wiped it off. He slowly licked the cream off his finger while staring deeply into her eyes. Helen felt a tingling sensation rush to her belly, and her hands were trembling. She just knew she would die if he didn’t kiss her today.

After they finished the strawberries, he stood up and reached for her hand. “Why don’t we take a walk?” While they were walking along the bank of the Serpentine, he continued their conversation. “Lady Helen, I’m glad we’ve been spending time together, and I feel as if we’ve gotten to know each other much better, don’t you?” Then, looking deeply into her eyes, he murmured, “You’re looking incredibly beautiful today. You quite take…my breath away.”

They walked by a secluded area with plenty of bushes and trees. He pulled her behind a huge oak tree so no one could see them, and he kissed her. He ran his tongue across her lips, and when she sighed and parted her lips, he slipped his tongue inside, deepening the kiss. Slowly, he rubbed her breast through the silk of her gown, and her nipple grew taut. Her breathing became shallow, and her heart was beating rapidly. Slipping his hand inside the neckline of her dress, he gently squeezed her nipple. Then he tugged her bodice down, lowered his head and flicked his tongue over her nipple, then sucked it into his mouth. The most incredible sensations began to run through her body.

Before Helen could take in what he was doing, Hanford pulled up the hem of her gown and ran his hand up her thigh. Even though fear rushed through her body, scared that they would be discovered and knowing she shouldn’t be allowing such liberties, Helen couldn’t seem to make herself say anything that would stop him. He touched her red-gold curls, dipped a finger in them, and touched a magical spot between her legs. Her knees trembled so badly that she felt as if they couldn’t hold her up. Running his finger around this sensitive spot, he brushed the tip of his finger across it.

Heat snaked through Helen, spreading deeply in her belly. He started to rub himself up against her, and she felt something hard against her belly. Their tongues twining as they kissed, something was building inside her, winding tighter and tighter. He started groaning and panting as he began to unbutton his pantaloons. Helen’s heart felt as if it would jump out of her chest, but then when she realized what he was doing, she pushed him away, even though part of her didn’t want him to stop. Mortified over what had almost happened, she bowed her head in embarrassment and shame, crying out, “Stop…Stop!”

Pulling her back into his arms, Hanford said, “Come on, Helen. Please let me make love to you. I promise you’ll like it even more than what you just experienced.”

“No! I can’t let you do that. It wouldn’t be right,” she said, feeling tears pool in her eyes, but determined not to cry, she continued, “I should have made you stop…before I did. I won’t deny that what you did felt wonderful…but I can’t allow it to go any further, not until you’ve declared yourself…Hanford.”

Hanford released her, looked into her limpid blue eyes and sighed. “You’re right. That was inexcusable. I shouldn’t have taken advantage of your innocence, but you’re so sweet, I couldn’t resist the temptation. I do hold you in very high esteem and respect you tremendously. I just let my desire overcome me. We’ll talk again soon about everything…very soon.”

Helen and Hanford silently walked back to the blanket, packed up the basket, and got back into his phaeton. When he returned her to the house, he lifted her down from his phaeton, holding onto her waist as he slowly lowered her to the ground, the whole time staring intently into her eyes.

“Thank you for coming on the picnic today. We’ll talk soon, I promise. Helen, I have to go out of town for a few days, but I’ll be calling on you as soon as I return. Think about me while I’m gone, as I’ll be thinking of you, my dear.” Then with a piercing look in his silver eyes, he raised her hand to his lips and kissed her delicate fingers, then escorted her into the house and left.

A week went by and Helen didn’t hear from Hanford. She knew he was back in town, because she read about the bill he was pushing through Parliament in the paper. She couldn’t understand why he hadn’t contacted her when he returned to town. They hadn’t attended any of the same parties either. She was beginning to feel he was avoiding her, and it was making her very apprehensive. She wished he’d said more about his intentions. She shouldn’t have let him take such liberties with her person. It was driving her mad wondering if something was wrong.

Even though Helen was keeping herself busy between volunteering at the orphanage and all the parties she had been going to, it was difficult when she loved him so much. Each day her feelings grew stronger, but a lump of cold fear lay in her belly when she thought about what she’d allowed him to do to her.

Oh, why had she let her emotions run away with her?

Hanford must think she was fast, and that was why she hadn’t heard from him. Tears pooled in her eyes as she wondered if she had ruined any chance that he would ask her to marry him.

What gentleman wanted a woman too free with her favors?

Hanford had a very self-gratifying smile on his face after his meeting with Lord Stanton. Stanton had heard that Hanford had been squiring Lady Helen around London and had rushed to town. Not only was he now ready to accept Hanford’s demands, Stanton had even added to the marriage contract. Now Hanford wouldn’t even have to wait until the old man died to enjoy his property. Upon his marriage to Lady Penelope, Stanton would immediately turn over the estate in Surrey to Hanford. Of course, he would have to put up with Lady Penelope, but Hanford was confident that he’d be able to control her shrewish ways. After all, there had never been a woman he hadn’t been able to control.

Hanford still regretted that he hadn’t been able to get Lady Helen in his bed. The silly little fool had grown scared. Even though Helen had been greatly aroused, her prudishness had made her stop him when he’d been so close to having her delectable body. Her luscious breasts had filled his hands to overflowing, and though it was more than a week since he’d touched her, he could still smell her scent on his hands where he’d stroked her sweet little quim.

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