Love Rules (4 page)

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Authors: Freya North

Tags: #Romance, #Chick-Lit, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Fiction, #Love Stories, #Women's Fiction

BOOK: Love Rules
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And yet it made sense. Since breaking up with Bill, Alice had indeed had a quiet, sometimes pensive few months. Maybe she had made a conscientious decision to practise what she published. Perhaps it really was as easy as reassessing her wish list. Blinking and seeing that the man to marry was standing right in front of her. Learning it's not who you love, it's how.

‘But how long have you been seeing him? I mean, how come I didn't know you've even been seeing him?’

‘Two weeks. Don't shout at me, Thea!’

? And now you're

‘Be happy for me – or you can't be bridesmaid.’

‘Of course I'm happy for you, idiot. Ecstatic. I'm just shocked. Two weeks?’

‘He's perfect. What was the point of waiting? Kind, considerate, calm – there are no safer hands in the world for handling me.’

‘Are you madly in love with him? With Mark Sinclair?’

Alice looked at Thea. ‘You do know that feeling of “madly in love” is merely phenylethylamine, Thea?’ Alice said with a sigh. ‘It's just a natural amphetamine – which is why it's addictive. It's the same hormone that's released during high-risk sports and eating chocolate.’

‘Whatever,’ said Thea, ‘but you need to be in love with someone to actually marry them.’

‘So fiction and films would have us believe,’ Alice said. ‘There's more to marriage than being head over heels. In fact, my feet are firmly rooted and my head is now out of the
clouds and firmly on my shoulders – that's why I know it's going to work. I'm ready for this.’

‘And you do love him,’ Thea said.

‘Everyone loves Mark,’ Alice smiled, ‘he's one of life's good guys.’

‘And you love him,’ said Thea.

‘I'm the love of his life. And he's my love for life. That's why we're marrying. What more could I ask for?’

Now, contemplating quietly in the conducive early hours, Thea likened it to Alice having a good tidy-up and coming across something she'd forgotten all about. Like something never worn, bought on impulse, never even tried on, pushed to the back of a cupboard, then rediscovered. A perfect fit, it transpired. A delightful surprise. What disconcerted Thea was that she hadn't ever thought that when Alice did her tidy-up, she'd find Mark. What unnerved her most – and she could now admit it in the silence and privacy of her space – was that she was actually slightly taken aback. Alice had brought Thea the best news in the world. But for the first time in their friendship, she'd done so without the need to ask Thea's advice or seek her opinion first.

Mark Sinclair

Mark Sinclair had an aptitude for diplomacy and an instinct for manners. They hadn't been drilled into him at home, he hadn't learnt them at school or been trained in them after university. They were simply part of his personality and throughout his thirty-two years they had won him friends and influence. These qualities, combined with a head for figures and a heart with a strong work ethic, saw his rapid promotion through the hierarchies at ADS Internationale for whom he worked as an investment analyst. He was invaluable to them. He could speak languages, keep calm under the pressure of City finance, didn't get drunk over business lunches, never fell out with colleagues or associates, travelled uncomplainingly and trained his immediate team into an efficient, likeable unit. The company had no need to incentivize him and every reason to reward him which they did, handsomely.

Whoever met Mark, wished to befriend him. It helped that he was fluent in Spanish and French, passable in German and Italian, and that his work took him abroad frequently. A full Filofax and a packed Palm Pilot kept track of his worldwide friendships. He was a terrific host when people
came to London. He'd stock the fridge for them, tailor a list of sights to see, and provide his membership cards for a variety of museums. He'd meet them after work, having secured great seats at theatres or enviable tables in top restaurants. Mark was also a wonderful guest – as comfortable sleeping on the bottom bunk of his godson's bed in Didsbury as he was staying in palatial grandeur in a suite at the Peninsula, Hong Kong. He loved hiking hard in Skye with his old friends the McLeods and he enjoyed putting the world to rights in French with his new friend at the Paris office, Pierre. He went on safari by himself in Kenya and made Jeep-loads of new friends there. He was a Friend of the Royal Academy of Arts and soon made friends at the Royal Academy. He had friends who'd invite him to Glyndebourne and others he'd accompany to Glastonbury. Mark Sinclair was open-minded, kind-hearted and plain good company. He hated confrontations and far preferred to bite his tongue than fall out with anyone he cared for. An even keel was what he aimed for. Which is why he had so many friends but not actually one best one.

Alice looked at Mark expectantly. She smoothed her white shirt, flicked her hair back, cocked her head and regarded him again.

‘Are you ready?’ he asked, while patting his pockets to double-check on keys, wallet, mobile phone. ‘Shall we go?’

‘But how do I
?’ Alice said, standing her ground a little petulantly. ‘Will they approve? Do you think I should wear a skirt instead?’

‘You look gorgeous,’ Mark assured her, congratulating himself on the earrings he'd bought her. ‘You look – brown?’

‘Thea did my fake tan,’ Alice said, with no embarrassment. ‘I felt a bit pale and peaky from my cold last week – I don't want your mum to think you're not looking after me. Do you think your parents will approve? Do you think they'll
like me? I hope your mum is a good cook – I'm

‘Of course they will,’ said Mark, ‘who wouldn't. Come on. Mum's Sunday Roast is legendary – but don't touch the white wine. They only do Liebfraumilch.’

Gail Sinclair busied off to the kitchen to prepare the dessert, turning down Alice's keen offer to help. Gail was delighted. Better still, she was charmed.

‘Charmed, absolutely charmed,’ she practised quietly to herself in the kitchen whilst decanting Marks & Spencer custard into a jug and carefully transferring their cherry Bakewell onto her best cake dish.
, she continued in a whisper,
Alice is delightful, Hazel. Absolutely winning to look at. A magazine person. She brought us copies – a real variety, Mary. She dotes on Mark, Carole – absolutely dotes on him. Chris and I couldn't be more happy.

‘She's a cracker,’ Chris Sinclair, who'd never mastered the art of the whisper, told his son; while Alice sat to his right and tried to look as though she wasn't eavesdropping. Gail heard, even though she was at a clatter changing their everyday crockery for the best china.
Chris thinks she's a cracker, Joyce, and I know you'll agree once you've met her.

Alice reckoned Chris to be in his mid-sixties, dapper despite the patterned sweater and corduroy slippers. Thinning silvery hair cut neatly, bright eyes, elegant hands and a healthy complexion due to his love of golf and gardening. She reckoned Gail to be five years younger, her hair cut into a short, neat style appropriate for her age, any grey expensively masked by an overall coppery sheen. While Mark talked to his father about PELS and Gail poured Marks & Spencer's coulis into another jug, Alice thought how best to describe Mark's parents and his childhood home to Thea. ‘Refreshingly nice,’ she would probably say, ‘just normal, nice people.’ She stifled giggles into her serviette, predicting
how she and Thea would then analyse the mothers of boyfriends past. Callum's mother who wore the same Whistles jeans as her own but a size smaller, Finlay's mother who'd insisted Alice call her Mrs Jones despite allowing them to sleep together. Tom's mother who was insanely jealous of his affection for Alice and would thus drape herself over him quite alarmingly for the duration of their visits. But Mark's parents seemed to be simply nice, ordinary people.

‘You look like your dad,’ Alice suddenly announced though it momentarily halted conversation and fixed Gail's cake slice mid-air. Alice was happy to predict that in thirty years or so, the man seated opposite her, whom she was soon to marry, would look a little like the gentleman currently seated to her left.

, Gail thought to herself again,

Chris and Mark browsed the Sunday papers while Gail poured coffee and Alice effervesced over the beauty of their garden.

‘God, I completely love your verbena.’

‘Viburnum,’ Gail corrected lightly. ‘Have you a garden?’

‘Well, at the moment, I'm restricted to what the lifestyle mags call
patio living
,’ Alice said. ‘It's basically a small, glorified back yard covered with cream gravel and pots with plants that die on me on an annual basis. And twisty wire furniture that looks amazing, cost a bloody fortune and is bloody uncomfortable.’

Gail looked at Alice without expression at much the same time that Alice thought to herself shit! Is ‘bloody’ swearing? And Mark jerked up from the
Sunday Times
thinking oh shit, she bloody swore.

‘Perhaps once you're married, you'll find a house with a garden,’ Gail said diplomatically. ‘Herbaceous borders pretty much look after themselves and perennials do just what they're meant to do.’ She took a thoughtful sip of coffee.
‘They needn't be expensive either.’ See, no need for ‘bloody’.

‘Lovely idea,’ said Alice warmly, helping herself to another chocolate because she noted that Gail was on her third.

‘Now, I want to hear all about the proposal,’ Gail said expectantly, ‘all the romantic details.’

‘Mum –’ Mark remonstrated, raising his eyebrow at his father for sympathy and assistance.

‘Did he get down on bended knee?’ Gail asked. ‘Did he take you to a restaurant and have the
maître d'
present you with a diamond ring?’ Mark groaned but Alice giggled. She thought Gail probably had the makings of a rather good mother-in-law. ‘Perhaps he whisked you off to Venice for the weekend and popped the question aboard a gondola?’

‘Last week,’ Alice grinned over to Mark who was attempting to disappear behind the
Sunday Times
, ‘at Mark's flat. He was cooking that amazing chorizo and butterbean casserole thing with the six cloves of garlic. We had a glass of Rioja. I was eating a carrot.’

Gail had never been a fan of garlic, let alone Spanish peasant fare, but she tried to look enthusiastic.

‘It struck me, it simply struck me that it was the best idea ever,’ Alice said dreamily.

‘Yes, but how was the question itself
?’ Gail persisted. ‘Mark's father whisked
to Paris expressly to propose.’

Alice grinned. ‘It was quite matter of fact, actually,’ she said, ‘I had to turn down the radio to be heard. It all made such perfect sense. Even though I had a mouth full of carrot, I just looked at Mark and said “Marry me, Mark, marry me.” He looked at me as if he was having difficulty understanding my language. So I swallowed the carrot, repeated the question and added “please”. Still he stared. And then he said yes.’

Gail stared at Alice as if she had difficulty understanding
her language. Chris just stared. ‘What's that on your shirt?’ Gail exclaimed, looking horrified. ‘On the collar and cuffs? It's brown.’

‘What?’ Alice looked at her collar and cuffs. ‘Oh bugger!’ she declared. ‘It's fake tan. I'll bloody kill Thea.’

‘Do you think they liked me?’ Alice asked Mark as they drove away.

‘Of course,’ Mark assured her, concentrating on the road, biting his tongue on being cut up by a man with a sharp haircut driving a car that was obviously meant to look like a Porsche but was glaringly not. Alice gazed out of the car. She pressed her cheek against the passenger window. She needn't have had the fake tan – the wine at lunchtime, the effort of being on best behaviour had made her feel quite warm. She looked at the trees, some bursting into leaf, others in full blossom. She'd learn the names of lots of plants by the time she next met Mark's parents. And she'd try not to swear.

Saul Mundy

Saul Mundy had assumed he'd buy a sensible two-bedroom house in a popular postcode, take out a mortgage with Emma and have a leg-up onto the London property ladder. He had been thinking about Brondesbury or Tufnell Park or Ealing as safe bets. But then he hadn't been thinking about breaking up with Emma. Twelve hours after the relationship ended, Saul signed a short let on a top-floor space in central London, a location he'd previously never considered as residential. It was uncompromisingly open plan, and he reckoned the land-lord had probably marketed it variously as office space, storage space, apartment or studio according to the potential tenant's requirements. Saul chanced upon it en route to a meeting in Baker Street and rented it because it was available that afternoon and had a view he knew he'd never tire of, a privileged panorama of the city from a vantage point available to few. He need never elbow his way onto a crowded Tube again. And with upmarket delicatessens such as Villandry on his doorstep, he need never resort to frozen meals again.

When the short let expired six months later, Saul bought the place, having unexpectedly fallen for the charms of city-centre
living and having learnt to cook at an evening course run by Divertimenti a stroll away. Twelve months on, Saul has become a dab hand at property improvement and is quite the house-proud DIY-er. He partitioned the expansive area with a curved wall of opalescent glass blocks, dividing the space by a sinuous line into attractive and practical zones. Privacy in an arc for sleeping; an ample and quirkily curved section in which to relax and a clever paisley-shaped bud concealing his home office. He'd mosaiced the bathroom, laid funky rubber flooring in the kitchen, and given great thought to lighting. He loved it.

And he loved the location. He hadn't stepped on the Northern Line for eighteen months. He swiftly attained an enviable knowledge of the capital's hidden secrets and the added advantage of living so centrally was that soon enough he was known and warmly welcomed at them all. Consequently, he was never ripped off at a convenience store. He had no need for a car and therefore never had parking fines or the Congestion Charge hanging over him. Marco, who owned the sandwich shop and deli, let Saul park his scooter under cover for free. He was always guaranteed a table for breakfast at Bernard's Café, usually with the day's papers presented to him too. At lunchtime, Marco always over-filled Saul's sandwich and if it was Maria serving, she'd slip in a chocolate brownie for free. He never suffered a lousy curry. Or a dodgy Thai. Or disappointing sushi. Even if he was out of change, Dave on the corner would still have Saul's
Evening Standard
for him, ready folded. He was able to secure just what he wanted, at the best possible price, during the sales, before crowd-swamping made shopping unbearable. He never had to resort to an All Bar One. He'd never been in a Pitcher & Piano. He didn't have to fight his way through bars thronging with over-excited and over-made-up office girls, or over-indulged and over-the-limit City smart
arses. He could have the liveliest and latest of nights out without ever being ripped off by a minicab, he could just stroll home. So, when Saul's friend Ian Ashford called and suggested a night out, Saul was able to say that he knew a great little place to meet.

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