Read Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3 Online

Authors: Michelle Mankin

Tags: #The Brutal Strength Shakespeare Inspired Series

Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3 (66 page)

BOOK: Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3
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She shook her head. “I’m too tired.”

“Come on, Ace. You’ll feel better, and…” He tried to inject a little levity to lighten her mood. “You’re hair’s all scary and shit from the plane.”

It worked. Her lips turned up a bit and she peered up at him from beneath the thick fringe of her auburn lashes. “Only if you’ll join me.”

“I’d love to, but if I go in there with you it’s gonna be a good while before we get out.” He framed her face with his hands, running his thumbs across the bruised shadows under her eyes. “And you look so tired.”

She closed her eyes briefly. “I’m not
tired, though,” she said, smiling seductively. “I don’t think I could ever be that tired.”

You will be,
he thought but swept her up in his arms anyway and strode quickly down the hall to the master suite.



AVERY PEELED OFF the cotton t-shirt she’d changed into on the plane while Marcus watched her in the mirror. Her lips curved as she unfastened her jeans and slowly slid them down her legs. He made her feel so sexy, especially when he watched her like that. When she straightened back up he’d moved right behind her.

“Let me,” he said voice rumbling against her back as he kissed her shoulder and deftly unhooked the clasp of her bra. “This new lingerie of yours is gonna kill me.” Peeling the straps off, his darkened eyes met hers in the mirror. He gave her a smoldering smile with those sculpted lips of his curled up ever so slightly before he moved her hair to the side. He bent over and grazed his teeth against the base of her neck.

She moaned. He knew her so well.

“Avery,” he groaned, large hands covering her breasts and plucking at her nipples as they stared at each other in the mirror.

She smiled, eyes glittering with passion, and turned around in his arms. His hands moved to cup her bottom, shaping the naked flesh that her thong left bare. He pulled her forward even closer and rocked, pressing the hard evidence of his desire against her. “Marcus,” she moaned, eyes drifting shut as he fitted his lips to hers. His mouth feasted on hers, tongue advancing and retreating, over and over again, mimicking the rhythm of the deeper joining soon to come.

Her body flushed with pleasure. Her knees went weak.

He drew back. His passion glazed eyes focused on her. She melted even further when she felt him slide a warm finger beneath the thin lace material of the thong, and shivered as he slid it off. “Hey,” she whispered, running her fingers underneath his shirt and over the flat ridges of his abdomen. “Why do
still have so many clothes on?”

“Not for long,” he said in a rough voice. “Go ahead and get in the shower.”

Avery turned on the water and climbed in as soon as she felt the temperature running warm across her outstretched fingers. When she turned, Marcus slid his naked body against hers. Hard masculine flesh brushed against her soft feminine skin. She reached out for him, but he stopped her.

“Uh-uh. Let’s get you washed up first.” He reached for the shampoo. “Wet your hair, Ace.”

Avery leaned her head back, hot water sluicing over her face, and steam filling the enclosed space of the marble shower stall.

“Turn back around.”

She slowly turned, intentionally brushing her body across his, the roughness of the hair on his thighs and the blunt edge of him outlining the elemental differences between them in a sensual way that made her flutter with anticipation.

Marcus worked the lather through her hair, massaging her scalp with circular motions with his fingertips. She leaned her head back and rested it against the firm planes of his chest.

“Rinse,” he ordered, passion making his voice rough and demanding.

While she did as he ordered, he stepped back to shampoo and wash off himself. As soon as the water ran clear of bubbles, he drew her out of the direct stream of water, switched places with her, and crushed her to his chest. Her breasts hardened into tight velvety points against the taut skin of his muscular chest. The water rushed over them in a warm stream. He molded his mouth to hers, taking possession of the interior with his tongue. When he eventually lifted his head, his blue eyes were dark with desire. He reached for the soap with hands that shook with a fine tremor. She watched him with heavy lidded eyes not knowing how much more of this sensual torture she would be able to take.

He lathered his hands several times and began soaping her body, worshiping it as he washed. His hands shaped her shoulders first before lingering over the perfectly rounded globes of her breasts. Her breath starting seesawing in and out in short bursts. Then he dipped his hands into the hollow of her waist and traced each leg before gently lathering the heated center of her.

She moaned deep in her throat.

He smiled darkly before reaching behind her and sliding his soaped palm between the twin spheres of her ass. “Rinse,” he ordered again.

“Marcus,” she sobbed. “Please.”

“Avery, you know I can’t hold out when you say my name like that. Turn around.
.” His low command vibrated across her skin making her body throb with need. “I’m ready.”

She immediately complied, placing her hands on the cool tile, gulping for air when she felt his warm skilled hands massaging her bottom.

“Avery,” he whispered biting down lightly on her neck.

She sighed in a long moan, and he breathed her name again and completed the union between them. It was only moments before they unraveled together.




SHE WAS HALF asleep by the time Marcus deposited her in the king sized bed.

He pulled the heavy brocade curtains tightly closed before climbing into bed behind her. He dragged her body back into the cradle of his thighs. “Mine,” he said, dropping a kiss on the top of her damp hair and draping a possessive arm around her.

She pulled his hand up to her lips, and kissed it before settling it back in place against the center of her chest. She fell asleep to the soothing rhythm of his warm steady breathing against her neck, a dream taking her back to a time she had long forgotten.

“Go. Play.” Her beautiful mom with her long straight red hair and easy smile swatted her on the rear and settled back against her dad on the wooden park bench they shared. Avery took one last furtive glance at them and caught her parents kissing, locked together in a lover’s embrace. Her mother had turned in the opposite direction, but when they separated she saw the expression on her dad’s face. He was gazing at her mom as if she was the most precious thing in the world.

Embarrassed, she looked for her brother. Justin was half way across the park now. Rapidly swinging her thin arms and pumping her legs, she tried desperately to catch up to him. He was climbing the rungs to the tallest slide when she finally reached him.

This slide terrified her.

Frustrated, she watched Justin enter the chute of the covered slide and shoot out the bottom. He continued on to the swings without looking back. She turned back to her parents, wanting the reassuring comfort of her mother’s arms, but she was gone.

It was only her father on the park bench now. She called out to him, but he didn’t hear her. She walked toward him, but instead of getting closer he just seemed to get further and further away. She started running but no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t reach him.

She woke up with her pulse pounding in her ears and her heart aching from the pain of the past.

Knowing there was absolutely no way she could sleep anymore; she slid silently out of bed, grabbed a robe from the armoire, and padded into the main living area.

The hotel suite was the biggest she’d ever been in, almost as big as Marcus’ apartment. Way too extravagant for two people really. A large formal seating area with an off white damask sofa and matching high backed chairs dominated one glass framed corner. Her guitar case and Marcus’ rested on the marble floor in the middle of the room next to an ebony baby grand piano. Its glossy surface gleamed in the midday sun streaming through the wall of windows.

She felt like an outsider in the sterile space. She moved closer to the windows and sat down in a patch of warm sunlight. Drawing her legs to her chest, she let the heat sink into her skin as she stared out at the view of Puget Sound. The sea was flat and a couple of large cargo ships floated on its deep blue glassy surface.

The dream had really unsettled her. She remembered their weekly childhood visits to that park and why that slide had terrified her. Her hair had gotten caught once in the top cover. Her father had come rushing over, quieting her crying with his gentle voice. He had tried to loosen it without success. After telling her what he’d have to do, he wiped her tears and used his pocket knife to cut her free. Equally troubling to her was remembering how her father had looked at her mom. It was the same expression she often found Marcus wearing when he looked at her. How would she have reacted in his place, if it had been Marcus who had been ripped out of her life for good? She didn’t know, and she didn’t like thinking about it. She didn’t want to feel sympathetic toward her father. It was so much easier to hold onto the familiar anger she harbored inside.

“Ace,” Marcus sighed.

Avery swiveled her head around to look up at him. He’d donned one of the white hotel robes as well.

“You didn’t sleep very long,” he chastened.

“I’m sorry. I tried.” She turned away, looking back at the view. “I couldn’t anymore. You should go back to sleep though.”

“I can’t. Not without you.” He came and stood beside her and studied her with a sidelong glance. “What’s wrong, Avery?”


“Uh-uh.” He crooked a dark brow. “This is me you’re talking to. Try again.”

“I had a dream about my mom and dad,” she sighed.

“A good one or a bad one?”

“A little of both I guess.” She swallowed. “It reminded me how much he loved my mom.”

“I imagine he did, especially if she was anything like you.” He studied her for a moment before suddenly disappearing down the hall. He returned quickly, holding her old worn leather journal.

Her brow rose.

“Write,” he ordered quietly. “It’ll make you feel better.” He went and got his guitar case and brought it over, taking a seat on the floor beside her.

She opened the journal and smoothed out a blank page. Before she could even look around for a pencil, Marcus tapped her on the shoulder and handed one to her. She stared out at the water. Hearing the sequential clacking of guitar case latches, she turned her head to watch him draw out his guitar before settling his back against hers. Avery put the eraser to her lips, thought for a moment, and then set the pencil to the page. Behind her Marcus began strumming softly on his acoustic. Back to back they sat together, physically connected. But she felt the touch of his spirit even more. She sighed as serenity washed over her.




SO MUCH FOR serenity. Avery wandered restlessly through the rooms of the suite trying not to watch the clock. Marcus had gone downstairs to run on the treadmill. She scrolled through the songs on her iPod. Usually listening to music helped her unwind, but even the Foo Fighters couldn’t do that for her right now. She yanked out her ear buds, sighed, and slammed the music device down on the coffee table. She felt trapped inside the walls of the hotel.

BOOK: Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3
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