Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3 (53 page)

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Authors: Michelle Mankin

Tags: #The Brutal Strength Shakespeare Inspired Series

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“I know. I saw JR when he left.” He was silent for a moment. “I’m not sure, Sara, but I do know it’s a decision only the two of them can make.”



BACK IN THE hotel suite at Sutton Place, Sara quietly closed the door to Sam’s room. She walked down the hall into the living room. Chris glanced up at her. Neither spoke, but something hot instantly flared to life between them. He immediately reached for the remote and flicked off the TV. Rising from the couch, he moved across the room until he was even with her. His brown eyes were molten, his intent crystal clear.

“I look terrible,” she said, putting a hand up to cover her bruised face.

“No. You’re beautiful,” Chris said, gently cradling her face in his hands. He kissed her forehead, her eyebrows, and her uninjured cheek before leaning back to look into her eyes.

She blushed under his smoldering stare.

“I love you,” he said in a serious tone. “Nothing in the world is more precious to me than you.”

“You know just the right things to say to a girl.” Her lips curved up into a flirtatious smile. “Where have you been all my life?”

His gaze locked on her mouth. “Never mind that. I’m here now, babe.” His lips touched hers softly, a light brushing of the lips back and forth one time. Then he started nibbling his way across her bottom lip, stopping only to briefly taste each corner with a flick of his tongue.

Breathless, Sara pulled back and raised a brow. “That feels real good, but I’m not made of glass. Kiss me like you mean it. Like you did in Whistler before I screwed everything up.”

“Bossy little thing, aren’t you?” Chris muttered with a grin before leaning down to fulfill her request. He grabbed her by the hips and pulled her body flush with his. She let out a sharp breath that quickly turned into a moan as their tongues touched and tangled together. She reached up and threaded her fingers into his hair, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. She heard the unmistakable needy sound of his deep masculine groan.

His hands slid beneath her shirt. The feel of his heated fingertips caressing her skin was an incredible turn on. She bowed her body toward his, pressing impossibly close. Lips molded to his, she reveled in the frantic devouring way his tongue explored her. It sent a fire blazing through her veins. Somehow, she got her fingers to the buttons of his shirt and began unfastening them from the top down. Reaching the last one, she placed her palms directly onto the bared skin that was revealed. Chris tightened his grip on her hips. A hot tremor went down her spine. Greedy for more, she spread slender fingers through the silky hair covering his taut abdomen, taking measure of the defined ridges underneath. Skimming her hands up and across his rock hard pecs, she peeled the shirt off of his shoulders and without stopping to look knew that it fluttered unhindered to the floor.

Chris pulled out of the kiss, chest heaving and captured her hands in his. Sara was just as breathless, a fact she didn’t even bother to hide. With a smile of satisfaction, she found Chris’ brown eyes black with a desire that matched her own.

“Let’s take it to the bedroom, Daniels,” he said with a masculine growl. “This is gonna take a while.”

Sara took his hand and led him down the short hall to her bedroom. He closed and locked the door before turning back to face her. Slowly, she lifted the pale blue scrub top up and over her head, revealing perfectly shaped breasts covered only by a lacy demi bra

Chris hissed his appreciation as he looked at her. “Damn, woman.” He reached for her hand and laid it over his heart. “It’s yours,” he declared like a vow, his expression intense.

Her throat tightened with a myriad of complex emotions. She stepped closer, taking his hand and laying it over her left breast where her heart began beating wildly beneath his warm palm. “And I’m yours, Chris.”

He lowered his head and kissed her slowly savoring the taste and texture of her lips. When he straightened, his eyes held hers as he skimmed his hand over the curve of her breast and down across the valley of her waist. Reaching the ruched material of the scrub pants, he deftly untied the bow holding them up. They slid off her hips and to the carpeted floor. His heated gaze traveled the entire length of her, attention riveted by the Brazilian cut panties that accentuated her long legs.

“I’ve never seen a sexier woman than you. You are beautiful in every way. Perfect for me.”

She smiled and moved to pull back the fluffy white down comforter and climbed into the bed. One leg crooked with the foot underneath the other knee, she lay back provocatively on one elbow and held out her other hand to him. He took and turned it over, watching her face as he bit lightly on the fleshy part of her palm before kissing it.

Releasing her hand, he sat on the edge of the bed and tugged off his boots and socks. Standing with his back to her, he made quick work of removing his jeans and boxers. When he turned back around, it was her turn to suck in a breath at the blatant evidence of his desire.

Chris looked at her and smiled. “Yeah, babe. It’s pretty much been like this for me since the day I met you.” The mattress dipped as he knelt down beside her. He reached out and hooked a finger just underneath the top edge of her panties, running his knuckles lightly across her skin from one hipbone to the other. She felt a tingle run up her legs. As he pulled the scrap of lace slowly down her body, his calloused fingertips glided softly over her smooth legs. The tingle turned into a shiver.

He gave her a brief hot look before kissing his way up her body the same path his hands had traveled. She reached for him wanting to bury her fingers in the silky hair of his chest.

“No babe,” he said, taking both of her wrists in his hand and straddling her body. He pulled her hands over her head and held them there. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear, “This first time, I want it to be just me touching you, cherishing you, loving you.”

Her eyes closed briefly and when she opened them they glittered with emotion.

He lowered his head and covered her mouth with his own. He nipped her bottom lip lightly with his teeth then stroked it with his tongue.

She sighed and his tongue slipped inside gently exploring the inner recesses of her mouth. She writhed restlessly beneath him, moaning hungrily deep in her throat.

He laid a hand over her abdomen just above the apex of her thighs and splayed his fingers out. “Shh. Be still,” he breathed against her lips. “Not yet.”

He lowered his head and his mouth closed around the peak of one lace covered breast. Heated lips and wet tongue moistened the material. Her nipple puckered beneath the tender assault.

He lifted his head and her breath caught when he blew softly across the already sensitized tip. In no way did the gesture cool her down. Instead her body flamed into an even hotter blaze.

“Chris,” she sighed.

“Stay with me, babe” he said with a seductive grin. He lovingly bathed the other breast with his tongue and drew the tip into his mouth.

She didn’t think she could take much more. Her body was already soft and pliant and ready.

“Don’t move,” he ordered releasing her hands. “Let me just get this off you.” Skillfully, he unclasped and removed her bra, touching and caressing bare skin.

Unable and unwilling to comply with his request, she grabbed his shoulders reveling in the heat and strength of this man as her fingers dug into his skin. “Chris,” she breathed in a low moan as her body sought his.

He looked deeply into her eyes. “I love you, Sara,” he said in a voice roughened by passion bringing their two bodies together.

Now experiencing in one soul searing sensation after another the vast difference between mere sex and the profound sweetness of making love, Sara knew what she had found with Chris. Tears slid out of the corners of her eyes. “I love you too.”




SAM ROSE EARLY the next morning. Her headache had subsided to a dull manageable throb. For a moment, she was content to lie in bed and let the early morning traffic sounds wash over her. The familiarity was comforting and helped to keep her from dwelling on the horror of the past few days.

Without warning JR’s face flashed into her mind, robbing her of all semblance of peace. Closing her eyes, Sam sat up in the bed and dropped her face into her hands.

, she told herself, driving away the mental image.
No more crying. It’s a new day. You’re lucky to be alive.
You have a sister and a grandmother who love you. You have the job of your dreams. You don’t need him.
Her inner pep talk complete, JR’s face immediately popped right back into her thoughts.

“Bother and Shoot,” she said out loud. This wasn’t going to work. She was going to have to keep busy. Throwing back the covers, she headed to the shower to get dressed for work. There was a lot to do and even though she knew that it was inevitable that she would run into JR, it was best to get it over and done with, like pulling off a Band-Aid…from a mortal wound.

Sam entered the short hallway to leave the apartment when she saw Sara stumble out of the other bedroom. Her sister had on Chris’ shirt and her hair was a mess at the back of her head. Taking it all in, Sam’s eyes widened.

Sara saw her and tried ineffectually to smooth down her hair. Sam started to chuckle and blushing, Sara smiled back.

“Don’t bother on my account, big sis.” She raised a brow. “I assume by your thoroughly ravished look this morning that things are going well with you and Chris.”

Sara’s twinkling eyes and the answering smile she gave Sam lit up her entire face. “You have no idea,” she replied bawdily. “Hey.” Her smile faltered. “Where are you going?”

“To work, where else?”

“Don’t you think it’s a little too soon? I know Beth and the rest expect you to have some down time.”

“That’s just it, Sara.” Sam clutched her messenger bag to her chest. “The last thing I need is more
time. Please understand. I can’t just sit around. I need to stay busy.”

After a brief pause, Sara nodded. “Alright.” She crossed the space between them and kissed her sister lightly on the cheek. “But I’m going to take you out for lunch. Chris and I are coming in later to finish our song. Then it’s sister time, ok?”



SARA HAD HER hands wrapped around her second cup of coffee when Chris finally woke up and padded into the kitchen. She bit her lip as she stared at him. The man enticed her like no other. He wore only his black boxers, his hairy chest on glorious display. She now could confirm from personal experience just how surprisingly soft to the touch it was and how good it felt against her naked breasts.

“Take a picture, it lasts longer Daniels.” Chris smirked.

Her grey eyes rose to meet his brown which sparkled with amusement. “I had more of an interactive experience in mind, Alex.” She sauntered across the room with a saucy sway to her hips and a flirty grin on her face.

Chris groaned.

“Come on, old man,” she teased, tugged on his hand and leading him back to the bedroom.


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