Love Renewed (Entwined Hearts #3) (5 page)

BOOK: Love Renewed (Entwined Hearts #3)
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“You did?
Nova?” she asks, her eyes wide. I just nod at her.

“Wow, what happened?”

“She doesn’t remember me.”

“Bullshit!” she shouts jumping out of bed and pacing. “There’s no way that when someone meets you they would forget. Honestly, I’ve been trying to forget you for years!” She stops pacing and looks over at me with a wink and continues, “Trust me, I wish my body didn’t remember yours weeks after you’ve fucked it good and proper. Nobody fucks like you. And if I were the type of woman that wanted long term, I have no doubt that my mind would find it hard to forget you too. I can’t believe that—”

I cut her off. “She had an accident, lost her memory. Now she doesn’t know me.”

“Fuck,” she says sitting back down on the bed. “What are you gonna do?”

Looking down at my bare feet and rubbing the back of my neck, I answer, “Honestly, I don’t know. My family want me to go and see her when I’m in Las Vegas next week. You’re the only other person I’ve ever told about her. What do you think?” I hate being vulnerable. I hate asking people’s advice. I rarely need help with decisions, that this makes me feel slightly uncomfortable. But feeling like some fresh advice may help me set my course, I wait for her answer.

Cass stares at me for a moment. “You still love her?”


“Then you have to try, right? What have you got to lose?”

“My sanity?” I say with a chuckle.

Cass’s face changes, she looks out the window over the London skyline for a moment before bringing her eyes back to me.

“Sometimes you have to take that chance. If you love her like I think you do, then you can’t not at least try. If you didn’t try, and then you woke up one day to find out that the ability to try had been taken away forever…well, just think about that for a second. You lost that ability once, you’re one of the
lucky few who have that chance we all dream about.” She looks down at her hands then whispers, “Most of us
get that second chance.” I feel like she’s punched me in the gut. The pain radiates from her. I’ve never actually seen her vulnerability before. The pain she’s in, it matches mine. I walk over to her and do something completely out of character, I sit and wrap my arms around her. She then does something she’s never done before—at least not with me—she sobs, in my arms.

I let her get everything out. The whole time I think about my situation and whether she’s right. Cass obviously had something traumatic happen in her past. I know she won’t tell me, but it sounds like she lost someone and she feels pretty fucking strong about not giving up. I don’t want to lose my chance, I don’t want to turn into Cass.

When the tears subside, she looks up at me. “Sorry. You know this isn’t me. It’s not how I work. We’ve become too close. We can’t fuck anymore.” I nod my agreement. She’s right. Too much has happened for us to fuck. If we carried it on, feelings would become involved.

“Maybe I will text you from time to time. As a friend. After all, I want to see if you get your Nova,” she tells me patting my chest.

“Anytime Cass, I’ll always be here if you need me,” I reply, even though I know it’s unlikely she’ll ever ask for help. She leans up and softly touches her lips to mine. The next second her heat is gone and she’s walked into the bathroom shutting the door. That’s my cue to leave. I grab the rest of my things, pulling my boots on and open her door.

As I leave the building and get into my car, I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial.

“Dex, tell Jenson to set up the New York meet this Thursday. I’m flying out early as I need to sort out some other business.”

“Yes, sir,” he replies.

“Have the details emailed to me.”

“Of course.”

I cut the line and close my eyes, taking a second to go over everything in my mind. To pull my wayward thoughts back together.

Now to go home and rearrange my travel plans. I turn the car on and James Bay sings
from the speakers.

“Fuck,” I tell the air as I listen to the words of the song.


My heels click as I walk across the foyer of the old building. Reaching reception, I pop my belongings under the desk and fire up my computer. Glancing around me, I realise that Mel isn’t here.

Strange. She’s usually here before me.

“Good morning Miss Burchall,” I hear and smile as Mr. Sully approaches the reception desk. He’s the only company partner who speaks to me.

“Good morning Mr. Sully, how are you today?” I politely reply. He’s a nice man. Mid-fifties, slightly rounded frame, dark hair which is thinning on top, and a genuine, friendly face.

“Good, good. Busy as usual. Still, I wouldn’t want to stay at home. I’d drive Mrs. Sully to distraction.” I smile in reply. He’s a lovely old man, but his wife is a witch. He probably tries to stay away from her as much as is humanly possible. “Right, better get going, I have a nine o’clock.” He tips his Fedora hat and makes his way to the bank of elevators.

My gaze travels from Mr. Sully’s retreating back to the revolving doors at the entrance of our building. A dishevelled Mel quickly makes her way to me, her feet move so fast that the click of her heels is almost a continual noise.

“Shit, sorry, you did cover for me with that old fat ass, didn’t you Lib?” she asks while stashing her things under the desk and patting her hair down. I frown at her words and glance back at the elevator which has already shut its doors with Mr. Sully inside.

“He’s not an ass Mel. Anyway, he didn’t even mention that you weren’t here,” I reply, annoyed.

“Figures. He probably doesn’t even know my name. You’re his favourite, even though I’ve worked here for longer,” she mumbles distractedly while re-applying her foundation.

“Maybe if you actually did your job and answered the phone once in a know, do some work, something that might mean you have to interact with Mr. Sully, he might actually know who you are!” I snap

“Wow, someone has her panties in a bunch. Maybe you need some sex, is Davy not giving you any?” she asks with a sly grin and a mocking tone.

“He gives me plenty, don’t worry about that.” I cross my arms.

The grin drops from her face and she narrows her eyes. “Yeah, well, I bet you didn’t get any this morning.” Her words are a statement, not a question.

“No, I was at work.”

“You see, that’s where you and I differ, hon. I would rather be late, dishevelled, Mr. Sully have no idea who I am and come to work thoroughly fucked.” She smirks at her words and looks me up and down. Sometimes I’m sure she doesn’t actually want to be my friend.

Shaking my head and turning back to the computer I mumble, “Well, I’m glad you’re feeling content because I’m leaving early today. I’ve already agreed it with management.” My own smile slithers across my face now.

“Oh, why?” she asks, trying to act like she doesn’t care.

“Davy is taking me out tonight.”

“But…it’s not your date night,” she squawks.

“Yeah, I know. He said he wanted to step up our nights together,” I reply. Feeling the grin that’s spreading across my face from ear to ear.

If my smile is so big, why is there a hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach? Dread.

“Don’t forget to meet me at Bloomingdales tomorrow,” I remind her turning back to work.

“Yeah, I’ll be there with bells on,” she answers, her voice suddenly flat.

I decide to ignore her. Mel can be dramatic and I just can’t be bothered with it today.



When nine PM rolls around, I figure Davy has forgotten about me. I’ve called him three times and that was once more than I would ever normally call. I take one more look out my window, like a fucking dog. Shaking my head, I walk to the bathroom and take my makeup off, deciding to have a shower. As the shower runs over me I close my eyes, warm water cascades down my body, massaging my skin, and one face comes into my mind. A face with captivating eyes, that makes me slide my hand down my stomach until I reach between my legs. That face, the one I can’t seem to stop thinking about. The one that makes me ache makes me want more.

“Dane,” I whisper as I throw my head back with ecstasy.



“So how have you been?” Soph asks. She’s referring to the Dane situation, without actually saying it. We don’t talk about Dane, I’m not sure why.

“I’ve been getting by. What? Do you think that I sit at home crying?” I reply with a smirk

“It’s not that at all—” Pea starts to answer but gets cut off when baby Eleanor pushes her bottle up Pea’s nose and both Soph and I giggle.

I love getting to know these women. Having regular Skype calls has made a massive difference to my friendship circle. Which previously consisted of Lewis—not that I’ve seen him in a while—Mel and Davy, not including his friends…most of whom are douches. Since I came back to New York, the ladies have kept our chats regular. When they told me before I came back that they wanted to keep in contact, I thought it was all talk. That they were just being polite, and then when I got home they wouldn’t stick to it. I was shocked when they kept the contact going. I liked these women as I got to know them in England, but since then I feel like they’re special and I wish there were more people like them in my day to day life. Sometimes I feel kind of on the back foot with Mel. She’s my friend, but she drains me. Mel takes a lot and I always give, and it feels like she never allows the roles to be reversed.

“What Pea was trying to say is that we worry and want to know that you’re okay? I mean you’re across the pond. But it’s all good, we’ll see you in just over a week!” Soph tells me clapping her hands together with glee.

Yeah, these women rock!



I’ve felt excited since coming off the Skype call with the girls last night. Soph and Saul’s wedding is only seven days away and I need to find a dress. I’ve enlisted Mel to help me, and although I’m outside Bloomingdales she hasn’t yet arrived. This is where I’ll get my dress, of that I have no doubt. Having already seen a few nice dresses—since coming back from England and receiving the invite to the wedding—but not yet trying any on, today is the day. I’ve opted instead to wait until I had a friend to help me decide. She’s annoying me now that she’s late, though.

Sighing and checking my watch again I realise that she should have been here over twenty minutes ago. I only have a few hours until class and I still have to go home, shower, change and pack a bag. Twisting around to enter the shop alone, I spot her walking toward me. There’s no haste about her, she just ambles as though she’s early instead of late.

“Libby.” She smiles, fake air kissing me on either cheek. I hate that. She knows I hate it yet she still does it.

“You’re late,” I complain with my hands on my hips.

“Oh, calm down, it’s only shopping. It wasn’t my fault I was late, if you know what I mean,” she tells me wiggling her eyebrows.

Mel never sticks with one guy, she often has a man in her bed, but I stopped asking about them a while ago as she never sticks with one. Shaking my head and rolling my eyes, I walk into Bloomingdales.

Thirty minutes later and I’ve found
dress. I’ve tried it on, put it back on the hanger, and am now holding it like a precious gem. It’s strapless with a notched neckline. The skirt is A-line and stops just above my knee with the back hanging down slightly lower. It sounds pretty standard, but what sets this dress apart is the colour. It starts off as black and it fades as you run down the dress, finally ending up in a baby pink colour. It reminds me of spray paint. It wouldn’t be everyone’s first choice, but I love it. The only problem is that Mel doesn’t. I brought her here to help me choose, and although I love the dress I still have to take her opinion into consideration. Otherwise, I shouldn’t have asked her in the first place.

“But I love it. I think it’s just right. Not too formal but not too slutty, and it’s a pretty colour combination for a wedding too. It looks nice.” I find myself explaining,

“Tsk,” she says shaking her head. “If you wear that you’ll look like a wannabe fashionista, like you’re trying too hard. But hey, if looking like a tramp is what you’re aiming for then go ahead. If you’re not going to listen to your friends, then you probably should’ve told me and I could’ve stayed in bed.” She crosses her arms over her chest.

“It’s not that I don’t hear what you’re saying. I just like it…I’ve kind of fallen in love with the dress actually.” I smile holding it in front of me in the mirror and gazing at it.

“Well, get it then, it’s not like you have to impress anyone. Davy’s not coming with you, so if the dress makes you look like you have a fat ass…which you totally don’t normally…then it won’t matter.” She smirks and I’m quite sure she’s loving putting me down. I wonder how I’ve managed to ignore this behaviour before. It’s only since forming a closer bond with Soph and Pea that I’ve realised how girlfriends should behave with each other. Holding each other up, not bringing one another down. I narrow my eyes at her, then look back into the mirror once again.

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