Love Me With Fury (7 page)

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Authors: Janelle Taylor

BOOK: Love Me With Fury
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Spencer had delivered many women into the throes of frenzied passion, but none had ever engulfed him completely as this girl did. As his fingers gently rubbed her nipples, she arched forward to press her heated body to his. When his hand slipped below to seek out her womanhood, she moaned and writhed in his arms. He stroked her gently and masterfully, creating a greater need within her.

When he had stimulated her to the point where she cried out in urgency and clung tightly to him, he gingerly parted her thighs and eased within her receptive body. He moved slowly and provocatively, not wishing to alarm her until she was totally past the last instant of resistance and awareness. His rhythmic movements created a rapid build-up of fire. Noting the
depth of her passion, he threw all caution to the wind. He plundered her body, gathering memories which would forever remain with him.

There was no turning back for either of them. Alex writhed against him. Waves of desire stormed her senses. Those instinctive, smoldering flames cried out for appeasement. Her body and her will belonged to him. Her breathing was erratic; her entire world careened wildly, then receded to leave her floating in a wondrously entrancing state. All tautness and resistance vanished in the flames and heat of shared passion.

Even in her innocence, she reached out to him and claimed him as no other female had ever claimed him before. He took her with an intensity and hunger which was new and exciting in slow, tantalizing tenderness which soon erupted into turbulent, wild fervor.

They scaled the heights of desire until they could no longer bear their shared need. His thrusts increased in speed and in titillation. Suddenly, wave after wave of ecstasy crashed in upon them. They clung to each other and willingly went with the raging tide which was helplessly carrying them away. The release was so powerful and stunning that Alex nearly fainted from the sheer force of it. Never had they known such feelings were possible. Never had they even dreamed love could be this consuming and potent. A blissful aftermath settled over them. Their bodies and passions had joined to forge a bond which could not be easily broken or endlessly denied…

Spencer pressed lingering kisses upon her lips and closed eyes, each more possessive and tender than the one before it. He gently stroked her satiny cheek and silky shoulder as a strange sense of serenity and affection washed over him. It was his resonant voice which promptly returned her to the present, “Ah, my love, didn’t I promise it wouldn’t hurt again? A most rewarding experience, is it not? See what magic and pleasure you would have denied us both?” he murmured fondly, perplexed by this acute craving to possess her yet again! What mystical spell had this siren cast upon him?

Her sea-green eyes opened and gazed up at him. The languid, adoring look was instantly replaced by one of intermingled shame and utter astonishment. Within moments, racking sobs were uncontrollably torn from her throat and lips. Spencer was at a complete loss. Nothing he said could calm her down until her weeping was spent. Normally, this was the time he would wisely desert a woman. Yet, this woman was not one to be nonchalantly cast aside or forced to suffer without solace. Why, he couldn’t fathom.

Yet, her torment and vulnerability touched him. Spencer tried to comfort her, but she would not permit it. Her eyes blazed with unconcealed fury and shame as she accused, “You tricked me again! Do your words and honor mean nothing to you?”

Ignoring her challenge, he mischievously taunted, “Did I, love? I recall promising to let you go ‘afterwards.’ Can I be blamed for your misunderstanding me?”

Shocked by his deception, anger flooded her. “You beast! You knew what I meant! You claimed kisses and my name were all you wanted! How dare you make my own body traitor to me! Get off of me!” she defiantly stormed at him. “Surely even your vile and cunning bargain is met! You not only have my name and kisses, but you have also twice taken me against my will!” she panted, terrified by the raging fires which had consumed her mind and body.

Spencer actually laughed at her dismay. She beat against his hard chest, frantically trying to shove him away. Tears of frustration and helplessness poured from her green eyes, dancing with fury and hatred. “If it salves your guilty conscience to call what we just shared rape, then by all means do so. But I did not force you, either time,” he said. “Perhaps I did seduce you the first time, but neither time did I brutally ravish you. Never have I known a woman with so much fire or stubbornness. Why can’t you admit you enjoyed our encounter? Face it, Angelique, you made love to me. You have only yourself to blame for being so delectable and available,” he arrogantly declared.

“You black-hearted bastard! You rutting beast! You lying, conniving rogue! Get off of me! If you value your miserable life, you’d best get as far away from here as possible!” she shouted with renewed fury and false bravery. “My family will have you arrested and flogged to death, if they do not cut out your evil heart and mutilate you first!” she boldly threatened, still trapped in the iron confines of his embrace. She used the words “family” with the hopes it would stir up
intimidating images of many avenging brothers and an irate father.

His eyes grew piercing and chilling. His tone was withering as he gritted out a glacial warning of his own, “If you wish to leave here at all, my spiteful Angel, don’t threaten me. Such foolhardy rantings are dangerous and annoying. Get washed off, then we’ll talk,” he sternly ordered the startled girl. “If there’s one thing I can’t tolerate, it’s a two-faced, spiteful bitch! First, you blow hot; then, you wax cold. Make up your mind, woman!” he harshly rebuked her, irritated by her anger and obstinance.

While Alex was fearfully wondering if Stephen planned to silence her tongue with death, he was speculating upon how he could salvage this enticing opportunity when she was so clearly set against him. It was the haunting thought of losing her which had unknowingly inspired his volatile fury, that and the idea of her family hindering his mission. What a tempestuous and passionate wildcat to tame and to enjoy!

“Talk?” she tremulously echoed. “You wouldn’t…kill me…if I promised not to…tell anyone, including my father…would you, Stephen?” she hesitantly asked, wide eyes searching his stormy face for a favorable answer.

“Kill you?” he growled incredulously. “Whyever would I do such a terrible thing to the most beautiful and satisfying woman alive?” Yet, he realized she was serious.

“But you looked so angry. I…” she faltered.

“Furious because you threatened me, love. But enough so to harm you? Never, Angelique. Does that ease your worries?” he asked, smiling tenderly.

Knowing it was wise to comply with his demands for the present, she controlled her impetuous temper and sharp tongue. It had been dangerously stupid to say such rash things to this treacherous rogue. She summoned her courage and forced back her tears.

How dare he make her grovel and plead with him! No man had ever forced her into being a whining weakling. He was actually making her feel the villain rather than the victim! She would punish him yet! No man degraded or abused her in this selfish manner. She was not a female to be taken lightly, then cast aside like some cheap harlot. But Spencer realized this too late.

He would pay dearly and heavily when the right time presented itself, and it would; she would make certain of it! Soon, Stephen, she vowed…


“For Fate with jealous eyes does see
Two perfect loves; nor lets them close…And
therefore her decrees of steel…Us
as the distant poles have placed.”
—“Definition of Love,” Andrew Marvell


Observing the smug look upon his face, Alex could not resist one last stab at him, “Can I trust you to honor your word this time, Stephen? After we talk, will you let me go home immediately?” This time, she left no room for deception.

He chuckled, then sighed in reluctant resignation. He agreed. Still skeptical, she stared at him in doubt. Noting her expression of mistrust, he dramatically placed his hand on his bare chest near his heart. He vowed, “I swear it upon my life and honor. Stay a while to talk, then I’ll see you safely home.”

She bit her tongue to hold back her stinging insults about that proclaimed honor and safety, He unexpectedly rolled aside, exposing her nakedness with its sheen of perspiration to the brilliant sun and to his igneous blue eyes which instantly scorched her flesh with their sweltering heat.

Mortified, she hastily flipped into the protective covering of the water. Annoyed by his chuckles of
amusement, she placed her slender back to him. She then sought to remove the accusing traces of his prior lovemaking without the aid of soap and a soft cloth. By now, her mind was ensnared in a more distressing and violent maelstrom than when she had arrived in her now tarnished paradise.

Never had she been so ashamed in her entire life. A total stranger had ravished her, viewed her naked, and was presently humorously watching her bathe! Those transgressions were unforgivable; yet, there was an even greater offense leveled against him: he had persuaded her to let him seduce her! She scolded her traitorous body which had made his vile deed so easy for him. She raged at the wanton emotions which she had experienced for the first time ever. How dare this man teach her such intimate things! How dare her body actually enjoy them…

She recklessly turned around and glared at him. The heat and force of his still smoldering gaze unnerved her, provoked her. “Stop staring at me!” she shouted at him. “Haven’t you shamed me enough already! Must you embarrass me further? Damn you, Stephen! If you cannot turn around, at least close your eyes!” she commanded, unintentionally revealing his power over her. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she vainly tried to conceal her breasts from his leering gaze.

Her cries of protest and outrage simply drew lusty laughter from him. He observed the way she attempted to shield her bosom from his intense stare with those small, ineffective hands. He enviously watched the
sky-blue water as it played around her slender waist and lapped at her silky flesh. At his piercing scrutiny of her, she fused that lovely shade of crimson. “You are far too modest, my lovely Angelique. Where is that plucky, venturous streak which caused you to brazenly discard your clothes and to lie naked in the warm sunlight?” he teased cheerfully. What a stunning, fascinating combination of fire and ice, of passion and promise all wrapped up in the same beautiful package!

“I was alone then! And I told you I’ve never done this before. It was a stupid impulse. I was angry and upset. Just because you have no morals or conscience doesn’t mean I do not!” she indignantly snapped, vexed by his noticeable indifference to her humiliation and anguish.

He grinned, thoroughly enjoying this stimulating duel of wills. So, she did have spunk and mettle after all. “Do I make you nervous and shy, Angel? Or do you merely feel threatened by my unchivalrous revelation of that fiery, passionate soul of yours? Are you afraid of my great prowess and power over you? Most women would give their right arms to experience what you just did,” he arrogantly boasted.

“Oh-h-h! Well, I’m not most women! In fact, I’m not your type at all! I wouldn’t give a pence for anything you have to offer! Besides, you cannot take credit for Mother Nature; you did tell me such feelings and responses were as old as time itself! But since I know nothing of such intimate situations, I cannot be blamed for falling prey to your cunning seduction!”

“So you do find me and our encounter delightful,” he teased.

“You overrate yourself, sir! I found neither enjoyable!” she blurted out, her guilty expression belying her denials. What good did protests and taunts make? The conceited knave! She would like nothing better than to claw that mocking smile off his laughing face.

Cautioning herself to patience and wisdom, she timidly wheedled, “Please, Stephen, must you strip away all my pride? Surely a valiant man such as yourself understands pride? Would you meekly permit a total stranger to make you feel degraded and defeated? Would you allow a female to treat you as you are treating me? I daresay you would rebel and resist with every ounce of strength and daring which you so vividly possess. You seem to forget something very important, my swash-buckling rogue; I am not a willing strumpet whom you’ve paid to accept these cruelties. Is it truly necessary to treat me as a highly paid harlot or some cheap doxy? After all, I am at your mercy.” Her emerald eyes welled with tears; her dainty chin quivered. She lowered her head, her silvery gold hair falling forward to conceal her expression which might unwittingly give away her crafty deceit.

Her wily scheme had the desired effect upon him. She had shrewdly selected arguments which he could readily comprehend and accept. Her vulnerability and sadness touched him deeply. As she sniffled, he was sorely tempted to go to her and to comfort her, but
decided that would be unwise. She was like a fragile budding flower who was frightened and confused by the torrid rays of the sun, enticing her to unfold her delicate petals and present her beauty and freshness to him.

“You’re right, Angel. I need not wither such a lovely flower with my blazing eyes. Wash off; then we’ll talk, love,” he crooned in that husky voice which stirred her.

He grinned at her fetching sight before his gaze. He lay down upon the grass which still boasted of her shapely impression. His body was temporarily sated, although stirrings of new desire were lapping at his mind. This place was tranquil and the sun was relaxing. A feeling of contented drowsiness and total peacefulness came over him. He shut out the azure sky and white clouds above him. The twittering of birds, the droning of bees, the singing of other busy insects relaxed his taut body and soothed his battle-weary brain. Thoughts of other matters entered his mind, that critical mission which had deserted his attention in favor of enticing plans for this alluring angel whom he had fortuitously discovered. She was beautiful and intriguing and he definitely planned to savor her. Dispatches, Spain, and Madison could wait just a wee bit longer…

Alex chanced a quick glance at him. Watching the steady rise and fall of his manly chest, she hoped he was not deceiving her with feigned slumber. Had he given in to her too easily to be trusted? Did he think her too mesmerized by him or too faint-hearted to
attempt escape? The ruthless tyrant! The arrogant nincompoop! He had just demolished her world of beauty and innocence; and now, he was calmly taking a snooze! Fury consumed her.

She held her breath and dipped beneath the surface of the water to lift a heavy rock with her two hands, the weapon which she had been gingerly seeking out with her toes, that device to better the odds between them. Terrified, but determined, she slowly and carefully eased over to the edge of the pond to carry out her daring assault upon him. He was resting close enough to the bank for her to strike him senseless with a properly placed blow upon his handsome head. She struggled to silence her noisy respiration and to still her shaking hands. Her heart was racing wildly; shivers washed over her. As she forced her shaky legs to move forward, she held the rock beneath the surface of the water, ready to drop it if discovered. One wrong move…

Lulled into a delusive sense of security and power, Spencer’s keen instincts were not at full alert; they failed him for the first time ever. Nearly asleep, he did not detect his angel’s stealthy approach or his imminent danger until it was too late to react. He dreamily opened his eyes just as the rock was about to land upon his forehead. A last minute attempt to quickly roll aside only served to bring the stone down upon one temple. There had been no time to seize her wrists or to avoid the stunning impact. A groan of pain escaped his lips as instant blackness claimed him, carrying him to an empty void.

In her panic at discovery by those dark sapphire eyes, Alex had struck him harder than intended. The heavy thud of the rock against his skull tormented her gentle nature. The sight of his crimson blood which steadily flowed into his sable hair nearly caused her to faint. She hurriedly cast the offensive stone aside and splashed cool water upon her ashen face to clear her head and to hopefully control her churning stomach. Violence was new to her.

She stared at the motionless man, witnessing the green grass as it grew red and wet beneath his dark head. Had she killed him? Was his crime against her worthy of such a fatal punishment? Her wide eyes riveted to his chest. She exhaled loudly in relief; he was still breathing. She hastily left the water and nervously pulled on her clothes, ignoring the water which made them cling to her trembling body.

Just as she was about to flee, Alex couldn’t help but glance back at him. Some mystical, overpowering force tugged at her tender heart as she eyed him. He had not moved. He was bleeding badly. What to do…

She timidly edged her way over to his prone body. She wondered if he would be all right. He suddenly appeared so vulnerable, eliciting her guilt. She instantly scolded herself for her inexplicable and ridiculous concern for him. Still, her heart demanded that she do something for him. Spying his white linen shirt, she picked it up and tore a long strip from its tail, piqued by the wealth and station to which his rich garments attested. She knelt by the water and dipped the makeshift bandage into the pond. She
hesitantly turned to him, praying her action would not awaken him.

She sat upon the ground and struggled to bind his wound. Completing this generous task, her eyes helplessly slipped over the full length of his virile physique. She flushed in modesty; yet, she boldly scanned him from raven-black head to bare feet. His body was lean and hard; his muscles were smooth and flexible. His brute strength and leashed power permeated her senses. She was astonished to find herself admiring his manly frame rather than being repulsed by her first view of a nude male.

To be honest, he was magnificent; he was undeniably perfect in all but manners. Her hand tested the vitality of his sable hair, relishing the sleek fullness of it. From the dark mat upon his chest, she playfully curled wisps of shiny hair around her fingers. She lifted his right hand to study the fingers which had the ability to incite such pleasure and to bring such delight to her once pure body.

Despite her daring perusal, she defensively withdrew her bold gaze from the lower portion of his stalwart frame, that secret area which had stormed her womanhood and rashly rewarded it with both pleasure and pain, that provocative area which even now sent shivers of forbidden and strange yearnings over her. Her gaze lingered upon his face, visually tracing and memorizing every inch of the handsome features emblazoned there. She ran a quivering finger over his sensual lips, then, for some unknown reason, placed a fleeting kiss upon them.

Her fingers moved over his clean-shaven, strong jawline and toyed with his cleft chin. She captured his head between her trembling hands and positioned it to gain a better look at him. Why did he have to be so devastatingly attractive and so utterly irresistible? The Fates had certainly smiled generously upon this valiant creature! Her hands travelled down his neck, aware of the strength represented there. Unable to stop herself, she ventured over his broad shoulders and leisurely migrated down his brawny arms. A strange sadness plagued her.

She softly whispered, “Why must you be such a villain, Stephen? If only we had met under different circumstances, for no man has ever made my heart and body sing this dangerous melody. If father would present a man such as you, I would marry him this very day! But alas, arranged betrothals do not permit such blissful miracles…”

Abruptly noting her shocking actions, wanton thoughts, and absurd statements, Alex ordered herself to cease these foolish and wicked notions. But he was so splendid. His body was the pinnacle of masculinity and vitality. His face could send sparks of envy through Apollo himself! She could envision the pile of broken hearts which he had surely left behind. She speculated upon his attraction to her. Had it simply been inspired by her availability and sensuous allure? Had he merely viewed her naked body as a new conquest?

“Who are you, Stephen? Where did you come from? If you lived nearby, your reputation and name
would be widely known to all women. What cruel fate brought you here today?”

She cursed him for teaching her to feel and to ponder such wishful things. She cursed fate for defensively tearing her from his side after cruelly binding her soul to his. To discover such a tempting dream and then to lose it was sheer agony. “Be gone from my sight and mind, Sir Demon, for we shall never meet again! What madness assails me that I should grieve at your loss? What vicious spell have you cast upon me that I should wantonly desire you after what you have done to me? What power and magic do you possess that tempts me to remain at your side, to crave another union with you? What strange and wicked feelings you instill within me. Damn you, Stephen! Damn you…”

Tears of frustration and guilt pooled in those sea-green depths. She slowly and reluctantly stood up, taking one last long look at him. She turned and hurried through the dense line of trees. She whistled for her beloved Ivory; he came galloping to her. Alex gripped his flowing mane and pulled her light weight upon his broad back. She gently kneed him and raced for home and safety, never expecting to ever see the dream lover whom she was leaving behind.

When she reached the stables, she hastily dismounted and called for Jim to give Ivory his rub-down and feeding. As if pursued by some unseen evil, Alex ran to her room. She promptly summoned her maid to prepare a hot bath for her while she angrily stripped off the clothes she was wearing, her intention to
discard them immediately. Never would she ride in such a get-up again. If she had been properly attired in a velvet riding habit and had placed the uncomfortable English saddle upon Ivory’s back, her meeting with Stephen might have begun and ended quite differently. Never would she venture into that lovely paradise which had changed her life and heart forever. Never could she risk meeting that intoxicating creature again. She vowed that no man would ever gain such a frightening, powerful control over her body and will. “Never again, Stephen…”

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