Love M.D. (6 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Rohman

Tags: #new

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It’s a little chilly when I get out
of bed. Unfortunately, because of Morgan’s presence, I’ll have to skip my piano
routine for now. I suppose Pixie and Peaches will just have to be entertained
with an extended edition tomorrow.

I follow up on emails and look over
some new figures sent to me by the designers in Greece. I’ll need to head over
there soon; especially now that my brother decided to make promises to Jada.

With a second cup of coffee in hand,
I meander through the property and spend a little time at the creek nearby.
Morgan is awake and dressed by my return. We enjoy a delicious breakfast

Returning to Morgan’s house, I’m a
little nervous. Usually my clients are part of the decision-making process, but
this was a different scenario. He left everything up to me.

As he opens the doors, he instantly
cases the space.

“Zoë, this is great. The floors
look incredible.”

He walks straight through and opens
the glass pocket doors that lead to the patio and the pool. The smile that
beams over his face is priceless, and I relax a little.

“I can’t believe all that you’ve
done. This is impressive.” We walk through the house and finish in his library.

“God, my books never looked this

The doorbell rings.

“I’ll get that,” I say. “Maybe the
furniture got here early. They told me they’d try to get it here today, but
they weren’t certain.”

“Sure. I’m going to enjoy this
amazing room you’ve created.”

I answer the door, and I’m a little
stunned when I immediately recognize the blonde I saw with Morgan online…

Chapter 3

Audrey, the soon-to-be ex-wife,
stands before me.

“Yes. Hello. May I help you?” I ask

“Hi. Who are you?”

Before I even get a chance to
answer, Morgan walks in behind me and says, “You don’t have to answer that.
Audrey, what are you doing here? More importantly, how did you find out where I

“I have my ways. I’m sorry to show
up like this, but it’s urgent that I speak to you,” she says, walking into the

“Look, you two obviously need to
talk. I’ll come back another time. Doctor Drake, you know how to reach me when
you’re done.” I grab my purse off the side table nearby and head out the door.

He follows closely behind. “Please
don’t leave. I don’t know why she’s here. I don’t even know how she got this

“It’s fine,” I say, getting into my
car. “You don’t owe me an explanation.”

“Please stay.”

“You have other
deal with right now. I’m going to give you your privacy. The crew and I will be
back on Monday morning. I’ll call the furniture delivery and let them know they
should come on Monday.”

“May I call you later?”

“Let’s not forget you’re my client.
I’m available to discuss your project when you’re ready. You have all my

He steps away from the vehicle. In
the rear view mirror I see him watching as I drive away.

Why was she there anyway? It’s a
good thing I followed my instincts. I wouldn’t be surprised if, when I arrived
on Monday, the two of them were back together again. The way he misses that
child, he’d probably do anything for her, even if it meant working things out
with her mother. It’s a good reminder that Morgan Drake is a client, and I have
no business getting involved with him.

He is off limits.


The next day,
I’m preparing breakfast in the kitchen
when I hear Zach’s SUV pull up to the house. Moments later, he walks in.

“Hey, sis,” he says with a gentle
hug. “I got some of your favorite
pain au chocolats

“Thanks, Zach. I know you had to drive
out of your way to get them. Where’s Megan? ”

“At her condo.”

“You could have brought her, you
know. I’m starting to prepare myself. Pretty soon I’ll have to share you.”

“Well, I wanted to talk for a
minute. Just the two of us.”

“I know where this is going.”

“You do?”


“What do you think?”

“I think if you love her and she
loves you and you make each other happy you should go for it.”

“You don’t think it’s too soon?”

“I was with Todd for two years
before we got married, and look how that turned out. I saw the way you two were
with each other. I knew this was coming. I’m so happy and proud of you.”

“I wish you’d let down your guard.
I wish you could experience what I have with Megan.”

“Maybe all of us aren’t meant to
fall in love and live happily ever after. Very few people share that kind of
love, and if you’ve found it, I’m happy for you.”

“Promise me that you will open up a
little. I never knew it was possible to love a woman the way I love Megan. She
means the world to me. I want you to have that.”

“I don’t know. I took that chance,
and he betrayed me,” I say sadly.

Zach pulls me close and kisses my
forehead. “Zoë, if anyone knows how you feel it’s me. Just try. Maybe go on a
date with Doctor You Know Who. If I deserve this, you do, too. You’re the
better half of us.”

I chuckle at his response, and
after a tight squeeze, I pull away. “Somehow I don’t think so. For all I know,
he and his ex might be rekindling the flame right now.”

“I don’t think so. A guy doesn’t go
all out trying to impress a woman unless he’s seriously interested, and I think
he’s made his feelings pretty clear. If
I usually get what I want
clear, I don’t know what is.”

“Maybe what he really
is a quick lay.”

“A quick lay doesn’t send you long
stem roses and gifts. Is this about him or you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking

“Is that right? I think you know
how he feels. As usual, I think you’re avoiding acknowledging this because you
like him—a lot. You don’t want to get hurt again, so you won’t admit how you
really feel.”

Laughing carelessly, I reply, “I
emphatically disagree with that statement.”

“You can emphatically disagree all
you want, but it’s the truth.”

At the same moment, Peaches runs
into the kitchen with something in her mouth.

“What’s that you’ve got there
girl?” Zach asks, scratching her ears.

I turn my back to pull some quiche
from the oven.

“Zoë Baylee Jenkins, what is this?”

I turn to see him holding a Ralph
Lauren sock in his hand. I know that could only belong to Morgan. I guess I
forgot to mention to him that he should be careful about leaving socks around
when he was here. Peaches has a sock fetish.

“Are you blind? It’s a sock.”

“Yes, but whose is it?”

“I don’t know. She must have found
that somewhere outside.”

Inspecting it, he responds. “You
are such a liar. He was here wasn’t he? You’ve been holding out on me.”

I try with all my might to not
break out into a smile and keep my secret safe. “Maybe.”

… getting regular

I try, I really do but I can’t keep
a straight face, and I break out in laughter. “It wasn’t like that.”

“Exactly how

“He came home early and the guys
had just refinished the floors so he couldn’t stay at the house. We tried to
find him a hotel, but they were all booked for the weekend because of some
major conference, and his sister and dad were out of town for the weekend. I
offered him a bed for the night.”

“Your bed?”

“No. He slept in the guest room,
thank you very much.”

“You didn’t sleep too well that
night, did you?” With a naughty grin, he rubs his palms together. “Any

“There was not.”

“Why don’t you just admit it? You
like him.”

I smile but don’t respond.

“You barely even give out your
address, much less let anyone come to your home. Let’s see in two years who’s
been here: Jada, Jonathan, Megan, Sheila, Lisa, Leo and Trevor… oh and Gail and,
might I add, out of all those five are our staff members. Out of the two or
three guys you had
with after Todd, not one of them made it to
your doorstep, and I’m supposed to believe that this is not a big deal.”

“You’re entitled to your thoughts
and opinions.”

“Say whatever you want, but I know
you better than you know yourself. Better stock up on those batteries, because
if nothing happened between you two, as you claimed last night, you’re going to
need them.”

“Why don’t you just take out the
coffee and the juice,” I laugh. “Breakfast is ready.”


The rest of
the weekend passes, and I hear nothing
further from Morgan. I’m a bit nervous as I take the drive to Belvedere on
Monday morning. However, when I arrive he doesn’t appear to be home. His car is

Over the next few days, I work overtime
with my team to get the project completed as soon as possible.

Zach stops by Morgan’s house to
bring me breakfast a few days later. My phone rings shortly after he leaves and
the number on the screen surprises me.

“Doctor Drake?”

“Zoë, how are you?”

“Making progress.”

“I’m calling to apologize for
running out on you like that and not being in touch. I’m out of town.”

“There’s no need for you to apologize.
I told you, you don’t owe me any explanations. In fact, you’ll be happy to know
that I’m ahead of schedule. Downstairs is finished, including your gym. I’ll be
working on the guest suites next.”

“If you haven’t figured it out by
now, that woman was my ex-wife,” he says, completely and intentionally ignoring
my statement. “She was in town for a conference when she found out that Abby
was involved in a car accident.”

“Oh my God, is she okay?”

“She’s fine. Abby was crying hysterically
and asking for me afterwards. Audrey tried calling, but because I was travelling,
my phone was on airplane mode and I didn’t hear the call. Since she was in town,
she found me, and we traveled back to Seattle together.”

“Sad that it’s under these
circumstances, but you must be happy. You got to see Abby. I’m happy for you.”

“I would have taken not seeing her
so she wouldn’t be in any pain. Part of her hand was crushed, and it had to be
rebuilt. I wanted to stay for her surgery.”

“I’m sorry. Will she be able to use

“Eventually, with some therapy.”

I find myself sighing in relief, “That’s
good news then.”

“Yes. Anyway, I’ve had very little
privacy, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to call sooner.”

“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.
Your priorities were where they should have been.”

“I have good news, though,” he says
with much excitement.

“What’s that?”

“From now on, I get visits.” He’s
calm at the other end, but I sense his excitement.

“That’s wonderful. Sometimes it
takes something like this for adults to open their eyes. I’m happy it worked

“Listen, I’ll be back this weekend.
Can I see you then?”

I hesitate.

“Please…” he continues.

“I’ll be at the house. I intend to work
through the weekend, anyway. I have to head to Greece soon, and I need to
finish your house before I leave.”

“Great. I’m really looking forward
to seeing you.”

His words bring some warmth to my
face, and I’m thankful he’s not there to see it. “Have a safe trip back. I’ll
see you then.”

As I drive
from the hotel to what used to be my old
home to pick up Abby, my mind drifts back to my conversation with Zoë a few
days ago. I’m thankful that she didn’t sound pissed. After the way Audrey
barged into the house, I wasn’t sure what to expect from Zoë. I’m hoping Audrey’s
grand appearance didn’t make her rethink any thoughts she had of going out with
me. Before Audrey showed up, I felt like I had made some progress with her. I’m
just hoping that progress was not completely obliterated.

Still, I am yet to make headway in
Dr. Drake
department. The moment she calls me by my first name will
be an indication that she has gotten beyond seeing me as her client. Perhaps
she can start seeing me as a friend, and that will be a step in the right

I arrive at my old home. As I scan the
place, it doesn’t look like too much has changed in the last eleven months. I
promised Abby that I would spend the day with her, of course with the blessing
of her parents. While I can’t get Zoë Jenkins out of my mind, I look forward to
making up for the months that I have not seen my daughter.

When I arrive
at Belvedere on Sunday morning, it
appears that Morgan is home. His car is parked in the driveway. Despite having
keys, I don’t want to just walk into the house. I ring the doorbell several times
and still no answer. I enter.

“Doctor Drake?” I call out.


The patio doors are wide open, and
as I look through, I see him swimming in the turquoise waters of his pool. It
looks like he might be wearing earplugs, hence the reason he didn’t hear me. I
am distracted at the sight of his tanned, muscular form, arms outstretched,
popping above then sinking below the blue waters. His butterfly strokes ease
him through the water, and in the few moments that I’m here, he’s gone the
length of the pool five times. He nears the end of the pool and as he takes a
U-turn head first below the water’s surface, I see the rush of water flowing
over his ass.

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