Love Love (15 page)

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Authors: Beth Michele

Tags: #romance, #adult contemporary, #romance adult, #steamy adult, #adult contemporary romance, #steamy contemporary romance, #steamy new adult romance, #romance adult contemporary

BOOK: Love Love
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Dane pushes me against the wall,
tearing at my soaked panties, while he exposes the silky hardness
waiting for me. “You’re so damn wet,” he groans.

His head and tongue move lower until I
realize where he’s headed, and I fist my hands in his hair and
bring his mouth back to mine. That level of intimacy isn’t
something I’m willing to share with him. His lips make their way
back down to my nipples, sucking and licking the hardened

You taste so fucking

My head falls back and loud moans pour
out of me as he brings me close to the edge. He leans up and enters
me with one powerful thrust and I gasp at the intense contact. His
large hands palm my breasts as he glides in and out, causing more
hungry sounds to leave my berry- stained lips, the smell of
champagne flowing out of my mouth.

The smooth, hard wall is pressing
against my back, cooling the raw heat we’re creating with our
scorching bodies.

I love to fuck you,
Gabby!” is accompanied by loud grunting noises.

Puffs of breath blow on my searing
skin, making my body tremble uncontrollably. He pushes inside me
harder and harder and I long to arch my back, to absorb the
intensity of his thrusts into that deep space between my quivering
thighs. I feel the pressure building and a sudden need for release,
my mouth letting out loud cries of pleasure. Our breathing
accelerates and our bodies are wound to the brink.

God, Gabby, my cock is so
hard, I’m gonna come.”

We finally climax together and sink to
the floor, exhausted and breathless, each of us seeking the calm
after our sensual storm.

That was amazing,

Barely having the strength to speak, I
just nod my head, my eyes requesting permission to close for a much
needed rest. A few minutes go by and I’m finally able to pull
myself together long enough to mumble, “I should get

Don’t go, Gabby. I’d
really like you to stay.”

I’d love to, but I have an
early meeting tomorrow morning.” Gathering my clothes off the
floor, I make my way to the bathroom to dress. Digging around the
cabinets, I’ve opened five before I actually find a washcloth. As
my hand is cleaning between my thighs, I’m reminded of when Clark
did this for me in his gentle, sweet way. This couldn’t be more
different. My knees start to give out and I suddenly feel faint,
needing to lean against the shower door to try to hold myself

After several minutes I hear Dane
calling. “Gabby, you okay in there?”

Yeah. I’ll be out in a
minute.” I latch onto the sink and look in the mirror, staring
blankly. Blank is exactly how I feel. Putting myself back into my
pre-sex state, I walk out to find Dane waiting for me by the

He eyes me like a tiger. “Thanks for
tonight, Gabby. I had a really nice time.”

Thanks for the wall sex, you mean. “So
did I, Dane. Thank you.”




Why do
Mondays always suck? I feel like I never catch a break. This
particular Monday happens to be the morning after my wall sex, and
I wake up to a stomach that feels like it’s being stabbed with an
ice pick. I hold onto it and run to the bathroom. My best guess is
the brown butter scallops. Thanks, Dane. Standing over the toilet,
heaving and freezing cold is not the way I pictured today. After my
stomach is completely emptied and I feel a bit better, I manage to
call and let Robby know I won’t be coming to work today. Then I
slide back under the fabric of my sky blue comforter and drift

Hours later, I awaken to the buzz of
my phone. In my sleepy haze, I almost knock it off the nightstand.
It’s Brad.

Hey, Gabby.”

Half-asleep, I try to sit myself up on
the bed. My throat is hoarse and extremely sore from all the
vomiting. “Hey, Brad.”

You don’t sound so good,
are you okay?” He seems concerned.

I lie back down. “I’m not feeling

What’s wrong?” He sounds a
bit anxious actually.

I’ve got a stomachache and
chills and I’ve been throwing up all morning.”

How about some chicken
noodle soup?”

What?” The thought of
eating anything right now doesn’t appeal to me.

He speaks softly. “I’ll bring you some

Really, Brad, you don’t
have to do that.” I know I won’t be able to eat it, but I don’t
want to offend him.

I want to. Is there
anything else you need? Crackers? Ginger ale?”

No, I’m good,

Okay, I’ll see you in a

Let me guess, superhero

He laughs. “Nah, my cape’s at the
cleaners. See you soon.”

I slowly sit up again and try to
breathe. My hair is stuck to my face with a mix of sweat and vomit.
I stumble out of bed and head for the bathroom. Looking in the
mirror, I’m greeted by a pale face and droopy eyes. How attractive.
I take a quick shower to wash all the nastiness off, then dry
myself, put some deodorant on, and run a brush through my wet hair.
What’s the matter with me? It’s Brad, for heaven’s sake. Yes, it’s
Brad. Better brush my teeth, too.

I replace my bathrobe with a pair of
sweatpants and a t-shirt. And a bra. The least I can do is not look
like a granny when he gets here. Forty-five minutes later, the
doorbell rings and there he is, adorable sunken dimple and all. His
hair is messy and he’s breathing heavy. He’s holding a brown paper
bag and a two liter bottle of ginger ale.

Hi,” I stammer.

Hey. How are you feeling?”
he asks breathlessly.

A little better, thanks.
Did you run a marathon to get here? You look exhausted.”

He bends over and places his hands on
his knees to try and catch his breath. “I was just concerned about
you. You sounded pretty awful on the phone.” He sets the bag and
ginger ale down on the kitchen counter.

Thanks. I really
appreciate it. I’d ask you to stay, but I don’t want to infect
you.” Oh no. My stomach starts rolling and I hear the toilet
calling me like a scrubbing bubbles commercial.

Gabby, you’re pale. Are
you okay?” His eyes are full of worry.

I…feel…” I make it to the
bathroom just in time. Brad follows after me and the next thing I
know, he’s holding my hair back as the remainder of my stomach ends
up in the toilet. So much for brushing my teeth. Now I’ve thrown up
in front of him. Way to go, Gabby. I cover my mouth so I don’t
offend him even more. “This could top the Tom Cruise incident. I’m
really sorry, Brad.”

He laughs and tucks my hair behind my
ear, rubbing small, calming circles around my back. “There’s
nothing to be sorry for. It’s all part of the job description,

You know Brad, you’ve got
a serious superhero obsession. Have you thought about getting help
for that?”

He smirks. “Tread lightly, Gabby.
Remember who’s holding your hair back.”

When I open my mouth to laugh, the
smell is offensive and I close it quickly.

Brad helps me up and over to the sofa,
then wraps me in a blanket. Running back to the bathroom, followed
by the kitchen, he gets me a cold washcloth for my head and some
ginger ale. He sits by my side and presses the cool washcloth to my
head. It feels good.

With heavy eyelids, I begin to drift.
The last thing I think I remember is a warm kiss being pressed to
my forehead.




It’s a
beautiful morning in New York City and I’m not nauseous. What a
difference a day makes. I forgot to close the curtains last night,
and the sun is filtering through them. Wait a minute. How did I get
to my bed? The last thing I remember is being on the sofa. Brad
must have carried me in here. Oh my God, he’s been in my bedroom! I
look around, suddenly thankful that I didn’t leave any bras on the
floor. As I hop out of bed, I’m also extremely grateful for a
settled stomach and feeling like myself again. All is right with
the world. Fran left a note to meet her at the coffee shop, so I
hit the shower. I try to get the image of Brad in my messy bedroom
out of my mind, letting my thoughts drift to Dane and those eyes. I
can’t wait to screw…I mean
him again tonight. Well, if nothing else I’ll be
able to add him to my list. Wow, that sounds bad. Crazy,
mind-blowing, no strings sex with a hot guy. Okay, maybe not

On the way to the shop I pass by a
couple of corner markets with flowers outside. One in particular
catches my eye. They have pink lilies. I pick up a bouquet for Fran
and run inside to pay for them. I notice small packages of Swedish
Fish at the register, so I get a couple of those, too. For

Fran beats me to The Brew House by a
few minutes, and when I get there she is chatting up Brad behind
the counter. No surprise there. He’s cute and she’s like a moth to
a flame. For some reason the idea of Fran and Brad doesn’t sit well
with me, regardless of her relationship with Kyle. Brad’s eyes meet
mine and he flashes those pearly whites. Shake it off, Gabby. There
are more important things to think about, like green eyes and a

I hand Fran the flowers and her mouth
drops open in surprise.

What’s the

I smile sweetly. “You’re the

She grabs me and hugs me
hard. “Best friend

I eye the glass display case for
something sweet. A chocolate chip muffin will do the trick. “Brad,
can I also have a chocolate chip muffin?” I look over at Fran. “Do
you want anything else?”

No, I’m good.”

We grab a booth and plop down. I’m
waiting for Fran to say something, which takes all of about three
seconds. “Gabby, every time I see him, he gets cuter and cuter, and
that dimple is simply luscious. Can you set us up?”

What about Kyle?” I say
with a raised eyebrow.

Fran looks around the shop. “Kyle

Very funny. I don’t even
know whether he has a girlfriend or not.”

Girlfriend? I highly doubt
that, with the amount of time he spends with you.” My face feels a
bit tingly at the thought. “Anyway, who cares about that. I just
want one night.”

With a look of feigned revulsion, I
knee her under the table. “Jesus, Fran, keep it in your pants, will
you!” I pause for a second with teasing eyes. “So, guess who had
her first wall sex ever?”

A loud cackle escapes her mouth; I
know it’s not as novel to her as it is to me. “So, which do you
prefer, wall or bed?” she asks excitedly.

Well, wall was
interesting, but a little too hard for my liking. I choose

Fran snickers. “Oh, I’m sure it was a
lot hard.”

In mid-laugh, I notice something on
her wrist. It’s gold and very sparkly. Grabbing her wrist, my
curious eyes meet hers. “What’s this?”

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