Love Life & Circumstance (9 page)

Read Love Life & Circumstance Online

Authors: V. L. Moon,J. T. Cheyanne

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: Love Life & Circumstance
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“Sounds like Rocky is glad you’re home.” Elijah’s voice snapped him out of his lusty thoughts. Loud barking sounded from inside the white clapboard house.

“He doesn’t recognize your engine. He’ll bark his fool head off, but if you ran up to the door and yelled at him, he’d run and hide.” Seth forced a laugh and popped the door open. “Come on inside. It’s not as nice as your place, but it’s home.”

Approaching the house, Seth tried to ignore the peeling paint, sagging eaves and broken supports on the porch. He thought about warning Elijah about the rotten boards near the swing, but there wasn’t a reason the man would be venturing around out there. The screen door screeched when he swung it open. No ignoring that sound.

“Sorry, I’m not much of a handyman.” He muttered then raised his voice. “Hush Rocky, it’s me.” Immediately, the barking subsided and the excited scrabble of claws on hardwood replaced it. He unlocked the door and stepped directly into the living area. Rocky barked in greeting and stood, tail wagging, in the doorway leading to the kitchen. His ears perked up, and his tail went tornado speed when Elijah walked in behind him.

“Get your leash.” As the dog bounded away, Seth turned to Elijah. “There’s beer and Coke in the fridge, just have a seat, I’ll be right back in as soon as he does his business.”

Impatiently, Seth traversed the yard as Rocky sniffed out the perfect spot. Through the un-curtained windows, he watched Elijah re-enter the living room a Coke in his hand. He tried in vain to remember if he’d put everything away. A neat freak himself, he’d struggled to get used to Bethany’s penchant to leave her clothes scattered from one end of the house to the other. Elijah stepped out of view, increasing his anxiety.

The pictures, he must be looking at the array of pictures on the wall, Seth and Beth from childhood to only a few weeks ago. The dull ache in Seth’s chest throbbed painfully. There would be no more pictures to add to the wall; Bethany was gone. To shove away the hurt, he concentrated on what Elijah would see in the photos. In addition to the opposite genders, he and Bethany differed in coloring. With strawberry blond curls and bright blue eyes, Bethany was light to his dark. Hope already sported a thatch of red fluff, and if her eyes didn’t change, she’d be a mini version of Bethany.

Elijah’s eyes are blue.
The stray thought winged through his mind causing him to flush. Should he know what color the man’s eyes were? Surely not, Elijah had just lost his father, found out he was a dad, and most importantly, he was taken. No to mention, the man had slept with Seth’s sister. That thought drew a half smile. He and Bethany had always shared the same taste in men. The leash in his hand tightened. While Seth had been woolgathering, Rocky had done his business and strained to get back to the house to greet their visitor.

 “You be nice, Rock. If you’re wild, he’ll never let Hope come and visit.” The lab yipped once as if in agreement. Seth swung the door open and released the hook from the collar. True to his nature, Rocky ambled in the direction of the living room. Elijah’s low voice rumbled. With a deep inhalation, Seth followed Rocky. His pet sat at Elijah’s feet, back leg thumping rhythmically as the man scratched and rubbed his back. Briefly, he thought about trading places with the dog, to have those hands on him.
Taken Seth. Get it through your head.
He cleared his throat.

“So, I have questions. I’m sure you do, too. Where should we start?”

Elijah glanced up, blue eyes serious. “I didn’t know anything about the baby.” Seth pursed his lips.

“Yeah, I got that back at the funeral home, and again at the hospital. My question is…what do you plan to do about her?”

“She’s mine.” The possessiveness and finality in the tone punched Seth in the gut. Usually slow to ignite, his temper sparked. He realized in an instant he would fight to be a part of Hope’s life.

“I won’t let you shove me out of her life. She’s the only part of Bethany I have left.” He shoved to his feet and ran an absent hand through his hair. “I’ve been the one making sure her mother went to the doctor’s appointments. I’ve been feeding her and keeping her healthy.”

“And, you’re the one who let her run wild, get drunk and high, then get herself killed. Some guardian you’d make.”

Seth paled at Elijah’s words. They sliced through him like a razor, draining the fight from him. The same thoughts he’d had himself; it was his fault. He’d stood on the sidelines and done nothing to stop Bethany’s downward spiral. Now, she was dead, along with Pastor Deacon. His knees gave out and he sank into a chair his arms wrapped around his middle. He prayed he didn’t throw up in front of the other man as his stomach rolled threateningly.

“Fuck. Seth, I didn’t mean that.” Elijah dropped his head in his hands and took a deep breath. “I’m tired, overwhelmed and confused and tomorrow is going to suck, but that’s no excuse.”

“No, you’re right. I didn’t do anything to stop this from happening. I’m sorry for your loss, and I’d appreciate whatever time you allow me with Hope, but I need to be alone right now.” Seth rose, his body on autopilot and turned toward his bedroom. “I’m sure you can see yourself out.”

A frustrated growl throbbed in the room. Large hands grasped his shoulders and spun him around. “I’m not leaving you alone, because despite the shit spiralling out of control around us, the funerals, the wreck, Hope, all I can think about when I’m near you is this.”

Seth’s knees nearly buckled when firm lips claimed his own. Massive arms slid around him and held him tight against a broad chest. Stunned, he reached out to steady himself, his hands landing on Elijah’s hips. As it did that morning, his body responded instantly to the large man. For a few seconds, he let the kiss happen, savoring Elijah’s bold spicy, flavor. But, reality kicked in, and he pushed at the hips under his palms.

“No. You shouldn’t…we shouldn’t.” Seth stepped back, fighting the urge to lick his tingling lips.

“Shit.” He glanced up to see Elijah scrape a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry. I must have read your signals wrong. I could’ve sworn you were checking me out. I haven’t fucked up this bad since college.”

An involuntary step forward closed the short distance Seth had managed to put between them. “You didn’t read anything wrong, Mr., umm, Elijah. I was admiring the view, so to speak, but, I don’t interfere in relationships.”

Amusement sparkled in the other man’s brilliant blue eyes. “And just who am I in a relationship with, Mr., umm, Seth?” The words were accompanied by a strong, broad thumb trailing across Seth’s cheekbone. “Because, I fancy getting to know you better.”

Seth swallowed hard and tilted his head up, and up further, to hold Elijah’s gaze as he crowded closer. His strangled voice barely registered. “Rhett.” The humor fled and confusion stole across Elijah’s face.

“Rhett’s my best friend, not my boyfriend.” Fingers joined the game as Elijah’s hand slid around to cup Seth’s head. The other hand took possession of his ass cheek and brought Seth flush against him.

“I promised him,” Seth tried desperately to protest, but the bigger man overwhelmed his senses. Because he was taller, the hard bulge of Elijah’s engorged cock hit Seth in his midsection. His mouth watered. He wanted to taste, to see if Elijah’s flavor was spicy and hot there as well.

“I’m a free man, Seth. Rhett and I have screwed our way through a few threesomes, all with females. I’ve never fucked him and never wanted to, but you,” Elijah’s mouth closed over his and his teasing tongue flicked along the seam of his lips before he raised his head. “I want to fuck you right now, slow and easy, take my time and learn what you like.” Another searing swipe of his tongue made Seth clutch at Elijah’s hips. “But, I want you so much, I don’t know if I can wait. “ The hand on his ass slid around to cup the prominent bulge in his slacks. Seth moaned. Somewhere in his fogged mind, he knew he should be protesting, but holy fuck, Elijah was burning him alive.

“Please.”  He didn’t know if he was asking to be let go or fucked. Elijah’s dark chuckle told him what the other man heard.

“Bedroom?” Forcing his mind and body to function, Seth stepped away and turned for the doorway on the right. Elijah followed close on his heels as if worried Seth would change his mind. Despite the million reasons why they shouldn’t, Seth wasn’t about to deny the man. He wanted Elijah, needed the comfort of another’s touch. In the bedroom, he left the light off and circled the bed. Dim moonlight lit the room as they both undressed. Seth slid into the bed first. The mattress dipped with Elijah’s weight, and then warm skin rubbed along Seth’s side.

“Don’t go shy on me now.” Elijah’s deep voice soothed Seth’s jumpy nerves. How did he know Seth was nervous? It was uncanny the way he seemed to know exactly what Seth was thinking.

As he had that morning, Elijah rolled sliding first an arm and leg across Seth before shifting his full weight on top of him. Pressed into the mattress chest to cock with legs entwined and his mouth once again claimed by Elijah, Seth’s senses reeled. Elijah surrounded him. A tactile person by nature, Seth’s hands roamed over hard packed muscle. The man’s sheer size astounded him, and he explored every ridge of sinew and bone he could reach. Satin smooth, warm skin rippled under his fingertips as Elijah curved into his touch.

“Feels good, don’t stop.” He murmured against Seth’s throat. His wicked tongue danced over Seth’s collar bones and throat distracting him from his exploration. Elijah pushed up on his elbows and twisted so his seeking tongue could go lower. He circled Seth’s nipple leaving a wet trail which he then blew on. A shiver raced down Seth’s spine. His back arched off the bed and Elijah’s mouth was there to meet him. Teeth and tongue worried his distended nipple.

“Eli, I need,” he gasped as the other man bit his tender flesh again.

“I know what you need, and I’m right here.”

Seth gave himself up to Elijah, mind and body. The grief disappeared, the worry about Hope vanished. Pleasure spiralled through him as Elijah kept his word and searched out what pleased him most. His body trembled from the onslaught of stimulation, and still Elijah’s hands and mouth traversed his skin. When a tight fist finally closed around his straining cock, Seth barely managed to stop the orgasm seething in his balls. Elijah’s warm lips seared his ear as he simultaneously stroked Seth’s dick from base to tip.

“I’m going to fuck you now and watch you come as I fill you.” Seth wanted that more than his next breath.

“Condom, top drawer on the left. Hurry.” Wood scraped against wood as Elijah pulled the drawer out. Soft shuffling echoed in the room followed by a curse.

“The box is empty.”

Seth’s eyes shot open. “No fucking way.” He forced limp muscles to cooperate and re-searched the small space. “Bethany.” He groaned. “She had to have taken them. It was full.”  He fell back on the bed frustrated and angry. “Guess I should have checked them before.” Elijah large frame covered him again. Seth spread his legs wide to accommodate Elijah’s size.  Their cocks brushed against each other, the friction drying Seth’s mouth and fuelling his need to taste.

“Not like either of us was thinking straight.” Elijah shifted, one hand sliding between their bodies. “I’ll be taking a rain check on the main event, but until then, a little pre-show jazz.” The man’s wide flat palm closed around Seth’s cock, trapping it in his grip with Elijah’s own engorged shaft. He worked them both with strong sure strokes, taking extra care to roll the mushroom shaped heads on the up stroke. Seth came first and came hard. Arms and legs wrapped around Eli and anchored him tightly to the other man. His body shook with the force of his release as stream after stream of come coated their stomachs.

“Don’t let go of me.” Elijah’s order snapped into Seth’s mind, and he tightened his hold on the man. Elijah’s hand disappeared from around his cock and landed beside his ear. Elijah dry humped him driving his cock hard against Seth’s spent cock and abs. The mattress shifted again, and a thick arm circled his waist drawing him even closer to fast pistoning hips. Hot breath washed over his face.

Seth’s gaze roved over Elijah’s face. Lost in the throes of passion, Eli was a glorious sight. Sweat broke out over his sun kissed skin giving it a light sheen. Muscles bunched and flexed as he moved. Beautiful blue eyes locked on Seth’s face; pupils blown with passion.

“Mother of God, I want my cock in you, fucking you hard. I know you’re tight, I can almost feel your ass clenching my dick, begging for my come.” Elijah’s thrusts grew more frantic as his body writhed against him. Seth clung to him, straining to get closer to give the man what he so obviously needed. “You want me to fuck you don’t you, Seth.”

“Oh hell yes.” The answer came instantaneously. He didn’t think he’d ever wanted anything more than to have that considerable cock buried balls deep in his ass. Elijah’s arm tightened; Seth struggled to draw air into his lungs. Elijah radiated power and heat and Seth sought him out desperate to get closer. Air didn’t matter, just the feel of Elijah against him.

“Gunna come…oh fuck…Seth.” Elijah’s back bowed as he ground his hips hard into the vee of Seth’s legs. Liquid heat coated Seth’s cock and ran in rivulets down his ass. Seth held on, arms and legs locked around the straining man. When Elijah collapsed against his chest, Seth finally loosened his hold, cradling the large man against him. Harsh panting filled the room, but neither of them spoke. Seth lay content despite the wet spot under his ass and the sticky mess on their abs. After a few minutes, Elijah stirred.

“Need to get cleaned up,” he mumbled, his voice thickened with sleep. Seth’s heart twitched at the intimate tone.

“Let me up, and I’ll get a wet cloth and towel.” Reluctantly, Seth rolled out of the bed when Elijah moved and dashed for the bathroom. He suffered through a cold rinse and cursed the temperamental hot water heater that took several minutes to warm up.  Back in the bedroom with a towel and warm cloth, he found Elijah sprawled on his back, gloriously naked and fast asleep. Carefully, he washed Elijah’s six pack abs marveling at the show of brawn in the wide chest and broad shoulders. His ministrations moved lower to the semi-erect cock. The desire to taste almost undid him. He loved to give head, to suck a large cock down his throat and swallow the hot load of come as a reward for his efforts.

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